gregirova--1486110-sibproj-pre GREGIROVA

Real Name: Gregirova (first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-148611) human;
    citizen of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Occupation: Unrevealed; presumably some sort of psychologist or psychiatrist

Group Membership: Siberian Project (Dr. Timor Besedin, Gennadi Shepalev, Petrov Szymanski, Sergei "Serge" Vladimiroff, Anya Zotov);

Affiliations: He attempted to work with, unsuccessfully, Rodstvow

Enemies: Rodstvow

Known Relatives: None known

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Siberian Project, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, U.S.S.R.;

First Appearance: Psi-Force#17 (March, 1988)

Powers/Abilities: Gregirova's abilities were largely unrevealed.

    He was in a position to and had the courage to interview the extremely powerful and sociopathic Rodstvow who had already slain multiple members of the psychiatric staff at the Project.

Height: Unrevealed (only seen in seated position, but he seemed neither particularly large nor small, so likely somewhere between 5'6" to 6'2" )
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 140-220 lbs. )
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Red

gregirova--1486110-sibproj-smoking(Psi-Force#17 (fb)) <8 months before the main story> - The Siberian Project's subject Rodstvow awakened from his coma, after which he used his powers over time to progressively slay a number of staff members.

(Psi-Force#17 (fb) - BTS) - The Siberian Project rapidly escalated from a scientific research testing center for paranormals to military training ground. gregirova-1486110-sibproj-skeleton

(Psi-Force#17) <Shortly before October 19, 1987> - Gregirova interview with Rodstvow. After Rodstvow stated, "I am kin with what I choose," Gregirova asked, "And what do you choose now, Rodstvow?"

     Rodstvow replied, "I choose to be kin with God and the Devil." As he did so, Rodstvow caused Gregirova's body to begin to heat up, paining Gregirova.

     As Rodstvow continued, "I choose to be kin to the beginning. And the end," he caused Gregirova to combust, leaving behind only his clothes and skeleton.

(Psi-Force#17 - BTS) - The KGB's Serge Vladimiroff watched -- alongside Siberian Project members Dr. Timor Besedin, Gennadi Shepalev and Anya Zotov -- Gregirova's interview with Rodstvow.

    At Vladimiroff's instruction, Zotov played the video again, after which she morbidly joked, "It loses something in the repetition, don't you think?"

     However, watching it a second time perhaps prompted Besedin to start ranting about Rodstvow being a monster, which led Rodstvow to slay Besedin as well.

Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Ron Lim, and Romeo Tanghal.

    See the New Universe primer.
    There was no sliding timescale in the New Universe, so KGB references are not topical, nor was Soviet-Afghan warring.

    There is not evidence that Anya spoke English. All of her comments were translated from Russian in the stories.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Psi-Force#17, pg. 1 (Gregirova skeleton);
        pg. 2, panel 3-5 (Gregirova interviewing Rodstvow and then combusting);

Psi-Force#17 (March, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Ron Lim (penciler), Romeo Tanghal (inker), Bob Budiansky & Howard Mackie (editors)

First posted: 08/14/2024
Last updated: 08/14/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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