grendel-brother-tb169-upperGRENDEL's SIBLING

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Magical creature, possibly associated with the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim (part of the Asgardian Cosmos)

Occupation: Unrevealed;
    warrior in his apparently final adventure

Group Membership: Monsters of the Dungeon of Camelot

Affiliations: Thunderbolts B-Team-ish (Boomerang/Fred Myers, Centurius/Noah Black, Ghost, Fixer/Norbert Ebersol, Mr. Hyde/Calvin Zabo, Moonstone/Karla Sofen, Satana Hellstrom, Troll/Gunna; indirectly the Man-Thing/Ted Sallis);
Merlin secretly considered Grendel's sibling and the other monsters in Camelot's dungeon to be his hidden allies

Enemies: Black Knight (Sir Percy), Beowulf (indirectly), Knights of the Round Table (notably Sir Galahad, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay & Sir Lancelot), Arthur Pendragon;
     Merlin intended
Grendel's sibling and the other monsters in Camelot's dungeon to oppose Mordred and his forces, but they apparently perished before ever encountering him;
Grendel's sibling and the other monsters in Camelot's dungeon considered Merlin to be their enemy

Known Relatives: Big Mother (presumed mother), Grendel(l) (brother);
    Cain (ancestor), Adam & Eve (ancestors), Abel & Seth (common ancestry); other distant relatives +/- descendants, allegedly including Ted Sallis, Job Burke and the Men of Lineage

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly Camelot's dungeon, Camelot, England in the 6th Century (perished a short distance from the dungeon circa 537 A.D.);
    likely formerly Geatland (ancient Sweden);

First Appearance: Thunderbolts I#169 (March, 2012)

Powers/Abilities: Giant in size and of supernatural origin, Grendel's sibling likely possessed superhuman strength +/- durability +/ enhanced senses +/- enhanced healing +/- enhanced longevity (reduced aging) +/- enhanced olfactory senses and/or nocturnal vision.

    He possessed large teeth with pronounced canine teeth and marked prognathism. He could likely crush the bones of an Englishman (or other humans) in his jaws.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately perhaps 10' tall)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 1200 lbs.)
Eyes: Solid red
Hair: Gray-brown

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Aware that Mordred and his forces would assault the undefended Camelot while the the Knights of Round Table had spread across the world in search of the Holy Grail (the chalice from which Jesus had supped at the last supper and which had caught Jesus' blood during his crucifixion, Merlin was magically limited in influencing mankind. Able to influence his "own kind" (as he is allegedly the son of a demon), Merlin plotted to gather an army of monsters to serve as a defense against Mordred. Knowing that invading forces typically went to their foes' dungeons to recruit allies, Merlin had the Knights of Camelot not slay monsters they encountered but rather imprison them in Camelot's Dungeon; by doing so, Mordred's men would unlock their own doom.

(Thunderbolts I#169 (fb) - BTS) - After his brother, Grendel, and his mother were seeming killed by the same man (presumably Beowulf), the otherwise unidentified creature stayed away from mankind.

    However, one day the creature came against two knights (presumably of Camelot) who wounded him and brought him to the dungeon of Camelot and imprisoned alongside similar monsters. 

    Merlin healed the creature but then left him in the dungeon.

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Those within the dungeon were bound in shackles created by Merlin that nullified their abilities; or as described by another inmate, "Whatever ye do best, will do ye no good withall."

(Thunderbolts I#169 (fb) - BTS) - When Merlin needed a piece of horn or a snag of fur for his spells, the creatures in the dungeon sat on the shelf, ready to provide.

    No one outside ever heard of this dungeon, as none imprisoned within ever escaped. Those brought there were forgotten, believing they were only being kept alive to provide Merlin with his rare ingredients.

(Thunderbolts I#169 (fb) - BTS) - Imprisoned for an undetermined duration, Grendel's sibling (see comments) forgot his own name.

(Thunderbolts I#167 - BTS / Dark Avengers#176 (fb) - BTS) - The Thunderbolts' tower was pulled back progressively pulled back in time beyond their control -- it was later revealed to be due to the Man-Thing's trying to reach the beginning where the potential of life was most abundant to assist in his reformation/evolution -- bringing the Thunderbolts back in time, eventually arriving circa 537 AD...near Camelot.

(Thunderbolts I#169 - BTS) - Merlin defeated the Thunderbolts and had them imprisoned in his dungeon.

(Thunderbolts I#169) - Although chained, Grendel's sibling approached the Thunderbolts, noting that they were not just in a prison but in the dungeon of Camelot. When asked his identity, the monstrous creature revealed that the could not recall his own name but that his brother, Grendel, and his dam (mother) had been slain by the same man (at least as far as he knew). He related his capture and the fate of he and the others in the dungeon, referring to their role as "Hell's Apothecary."

(Thunderbolts I#170) - After another imprisoned creature noted the shackles to have been forged by Merlin and to be unbreakable, Boomerang reasoned that there must be a key for them, and Ghost subsequently materialized with such a key.

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Ghost freed the Thunderbolts.

(Thunderbolts I#170) - As the Thunderbolts departed, heading up to Merlin's tower, Grendel's sibling and the others in the dungeon pleaded to be freed.

grendel-brother-tb170-mortally_woundedgrendel-brother-tb170-lanced(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Knowing that the Thunderbolts would need a distraction to evade the Knights of the Round Table, Boomerang freed Grendel's sibling and the rest of the dungeon's inhabitants; Boomerang believed that the creatures only wanted to escape.

(Thunderbolts I#170) - As the Black Knight and rest of the Knights of the Round Table confronted the Thunderbolts, Grendel's sibling and the other liberated monsters charged and attacked the knights; Grendel's siblings told them, "Now ye sons of Browulf shall feed me."

     While the Knights were originally caught off guard, and Grendel's sibling bit into at least one knight's skull, the knights' superior numbers and their fighting prowess soon turned the tides, and they slew all of the monsters.

    Grendel's sibling fell, pierced by numerous lances and arrows.

(Thunderbolts I#170 - BTS) - Meanwhile, Merlin confronted the Thunderbolts as they returned to their tower. He told them of his plan to have used the monsters to prevent Mordred's future conquest of Camelot and that their releasing of the monsters thusly had thwarted his plans. Accepting this fate, Merlin aided the Thunderbolts in traveling forward in time via their tower, after which Arthur reported to him that they had "smote the dungeon dwellers." After seeing the Thunderbolts departure, Arthur considered that Merlin had driven them off and proclaimed that Camelot would always stand with their great wizard at her side. And Merlin replied, "...her legend will live on."

Comments: Created by Jeff Parker, Kev Walker and Terry Pallot.

    Jeff Parker's run on the Thunderbolts was REALLY good, comparable in entertainment and intrigue to the original run with Fabian Nicieza and Kurt Busiek, although with a completely different flavor.

    I had assumed this creature to be Grendel's brother, but the pendulous pectorals make me question that. Maybe he was a she, or maybe he just had moobs ("M" for monster).
    So, who knows? I went with "sibling" over "brother" in most instances, but I also went with "he," because I think that is more likely. And, in the interest of being accurate over being politically correct and inaccurate, the sibling is only one being, so he is not a "they."

    So, the King in Black storyline tied Grendel and his mother into Knull and his symbiote precursors. Not a fan of that story at all. I'm fine with there being another Grendel (and his handbook identity confirms that the Dark Elf-associated "Grendell" being different than the symbiote dragon creature), but I'm not sure what to even do about Big Mother being one of those symbiotes. It doesn't really fit with established continuity.
    But, I think it's pretty clear that the brother of Grendel has nothing to do with the I'm leaving this to the comments.

Profile by Snood.

Grendell's brother
should be distinguished from:

other prisoners

grendel-brother-tb170-headbitegrendel-brother-tb170-slaughter-bkstab(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Aware that Mordred and his forces would assault the undefended Camelot while the the Knights of Round Table had spread across the world in search of the Holy Grail (the chalice from which Jesus had supped at the last supper and which had caught Jesus' blood during his crucifixion), Merlin was magically limited in influencing mankind.

      Able to influence his "own kind" (as he is allegedly the son of a demon), Merlin plotted to gather an army of monsters to serve as a defense against Mordred.

     Knowing that invading forces typically went to their foes' dungeons to recruit allies, Merlin had the Knights of Camelot not slay monsters they encountered but rather imprison them in Camelot's Dungeon; by doing so, Mordred's men would unlock their own doom.

(Thunderbolts I#169 (fb) - BTS) - "Every beast ever accused of guarding a bridge or distressing a damsel" around the 6th Century A.D. and who was captured by the Knights of the Round Table was imprisoned in the Dungeon of Camelot

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Those within the dungeon were bound in shackles created by Merlin that nullified their abilities; or as described by another inmate, "Whatever ye do best, will do ye no good withall."

(Thunderbolts I#169 (fb) - BTS) - When Merlin needed a piece of horn or a snag of fur for his spells, the creatures in the dungeon sat on the shelf, ready to provide.

    No one outside ever heard of this dungeon, as none imprisoned within ever escaped. Those brought there were forgotten, believing they were only being kept alive to provide Merlin with his rare ingredients.

(Thunderbolts I#169 - BTS) - Merlin defeated the Thunderbolts and had them imprisoned in his dungeon.

grendel-brother-tb170-slaughter-satyr & arrows(Thunderbolts I#169) - Although chained, Grendel's sibling approached the Thunderbolts, noting that they were not just in a prison but in the dungeon of Camelot.

     When asked his identity, the monstrous creature revealed that the could not recall his own name but that his brother, Grendel, and his dam (mother) had been slain by the same man (at least as far as he knew).

    Grendel's sibling related his capture and the fate of he and the others in the dungeon, referring to their role as "Hell's Apothecary."

(Thunderbolts I#170) - After another imprisoned creature noted the shackles to have been forged by Merlin and to be unbreakable, Boomerang reasoned that there must be a key for them, and Ghost subsequently materialized with such a key. grendel-brother-tb170-slaughter-otherskewered

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Ghost freed the Thunderbolts.

(Thunderbolts I#170) - As the Thunderbolts departed, heading up to Merlin's tower, Grendel's sibling and the others in the dungeon pleaded to be freed.

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Knowing that the Thunderbolts would need a distraction to evade the Knights of the Round Table, Boomerang freed Grendel's sibling and the rest of the dungeon's inhabitants.

     Boomerang believed that the creatures only wanted to escape.

(Thunderbolts I#170) - As the Black Knight and rest of the Knights of the Round Table confronted the Thunderbolts, Grendel's sibling and the other liberated monsters charged and attacked them; Grendel's siblings told the knights, "Now ye sons of Browulf shall feed me." While the Knights were originally caught off guard, and Grendel's sibling bit into at least one knight's skull, the knights' superior numbers and their fighting prowess soon turned the tides, and they slew all of the monsters.

--Thunderbolts I#169

Dungeon of Camelot

grendel-brother-tb169-dungeongrendel-brother-tb170-dungeon(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Aware that Mordred and his forces would assault the undefended Camelot while the the Knights of Round Table had spread across the world in search of the Holy Grail (the chalice from which Jesus had supped at the last supper and which had caught Jesus' blood during his crucifixion, Merlin was magically limited in influencing mankind.

      Able to influence his "own kind" (as he is allegedly the son of a demon), Merlin plotted to gather an army of monsters to serve as a defense against Mordred. Knowing that invading forces typically went to their foes' dungeons to recruit allies, Merlin had the Knights of Camelot not slay monsters they encountered but rather imprison them in Camelot's Dungeon; by doing so, Mordred's men would unlock their own doom.

(Thunderbolts I#169 (fb) - BTS) - "Every beast ever accused of guarding a bridge or distressing a damsel" around the 6th Century A.D. and who was captured by the Knights of the Round Table was imprisoned in the Dungeon of Camelot

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Those within the dungeon were bound in shackles created by Merlin that nullified their abilities; or as described by another inmate, "Whatever ye do best, will do ye no good withall."

(Thunderbolts I#169 (fb) - BTS) - When Merlin needed a piece of horn or a snag of fur for his spells, the creatures in the dungeon sat on the shelf, ready to provide.

    No one outside ever heard of this dungeon, as none imprisoned within ever escaped. Those brought there were forgotten, believing they were only being kept alive to provide Merlin with his rare ingredients.

(Thunderbolts I#169 - BTS) - Merlin defeated the Thunderbolts and had them imprisoned in his dungeon.

(Thunderbolts I#169) - Although chained, Grendel's sibling approached the Thunderbolts, noting that they were not just in a prison but in the dungeon of Camelot. When asked his identity, the monstrous creature revealed that the could not recall his own name but that his brother, Grendel, and his dam (mother) had been slain by the same man (at least as far as he knew). He related his capture and the fate of he and the others in the dungeon, referring to their role as "Hell's Apothecary."

(Thunderbolts I#170) - After another imprisoned creature noted the shackles to have been forged by Merlin and to be unbreakable, Boomerang reasoned that there must be a key for them, and Ghost subsequently materialized with such a key.

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Ghost freed the Thunderbolts.

(Thunderbolts I#170) - As the Thunderbolts departed, heading up to Merlin's tower, Grendel's sibling and the others in the dungeon pleaded to be freed.

(Thunderbolts I#170 (fb) - BTS) - Knowing that the Thunderbolts would need a distraction to evade the Knights of the Round Table, Boomerang freed Grendel's sibling and the rest of the dungeon's inhabitants; Boomerang believed that the creatures only wanted to escape.

--Thunderbolts I#169 (170

: (without ads)

Thunderbolts I#169, pg. 19, panel 3 (upper);
          panel 4 (face);
       pg. 20 (other prisoners);
    #170, pg. 1 (other prisoners);
       pg. 12 (with released prisoners, charging forces of Camelot);
       pg. 15, panel 3-4 (Knights slaying other released prisoners);
          panel 7 (Grendel's brother lanced);
       pg. 16, panel 4 (Grendel's brother defeated and dying)

Thunderbolts I#169-170 (March-April, 2012) - Jeff Parker (writer), Kev Walker (penciler), Terry Pallot (inker), Tom Brennan (editor), Tom Brevoort (executive editor)

First posted: 03/03/2025
Last updated: 03/03/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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