Official Name: Gullish Yar
Nature: Extraterrestrial planet, unidentified star system, unidentified galaxy
Environment: Life-sustaining biosphere
Gravity: Unrevealed (but presumably possessed a gravitational field in which it was
comfortable for humanoids to function)
Atmosphere: An unspecified combination of
gases (presumably mostly nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen as it
could be used for respiration by plants and humanoids
Natural Satellites: At least one moon was seen
Artificial Satellites: None none
Natives: Covered with plant-life (purple trees were most commonly seen);
it would seem likely that some
form of insect, at least, is present to facilitate pollination, etc.,
but no animal forms were seen or mentioned;
microorganisms also seem likely, but none were seen or mentioned;
there is not evidence to confirm whether any of the
humanoids encountered by the Obliterator were native to Gullish Yar
Population: Unrevealed;
trillions of plant lifeforms seems likely;
an unrevealed number of humanoids exist
Capital City: Apparently inapplicable
Government: None
Languages: Mantis could communicate with the plants, and it is likely they could communicate with each other in some form;
the humanoid residents communicated in either some common language or had functional translators
Monetary Unit: "Cosmic credits," at least
National Defense: None
Major Resources: Lush plant life
Planetary Defense: None
Places of Interest: Intergalactic Army-Navy Store, Sam's Used Ship Lot, unidentified bar - all possibly within a focal spaceport
Prominent Residents: Samuel J. Samuels (possibly this guy),
unidentified bartender and patrons at the bar (one of whom looked to be
Sagittarian and one of whom looked to be , unidentified owners of the
Intergalactic Army-Navy Store
Unidentified plants
Visitors: Mantis (Brandt), Obliterator (Maht Pacle), Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd);
the Contemplator impostor visited via astral projection
First Appearance: Silver Surfer III#5 (November, 1987);
(identified) Silver Surfer III#6 (December, 1987)
(Silver Surfer III#5) - After
being assaulted by the Elder of the Universe known as the Obliterator,
the Silver Surfer and Mantis relocated to the lush planet Gullish Yar
so that Mantis could use her plant powers to aid in the combat.
pair became distracted in a discussion about their relationship, during
which time the Obliterator arrived and ambushed them.
Mantis used her control of plants and her martial arts skills in a series of assaults on the Obliterator until he stunned her with a defoliant spray and then incinerated her form.
(Silver Surfer III#5 (fb) - BTS) - Just before her destruction, Mantis transferred her essence into the vegetation on Gullish Yar, which she then used to grow a new body.
(Silver Surfer III#5) - After some struggle, the Surfer transformed the
Obliterator's weapons so that they could only project harmless light.
Lacking energy manipulative powers of his own, the Obliterator was
effectively defeated.
(Silver Surfer III#5 (fb) -
BTS) - The Obliterator's shuttlecraft was destroyed in the battle with
Mantis, and his ship was left orbiting the planet.
(Silver Surfer III#5) - After Mantis revealed her reformed body, the Obliterator agreed to help them against the other Elders, as the Grandmaster's plot had led to his inability to obliterate.
(Silver Surfer III#6) - The
Obliterator detailed his origins and some of the Elders' and then
detailed their plot against Galactus, after which the Surfer and Mantis
left him stranded on Gullish Yar.
(Silver Surfer III#21 (fb) - BTS) - Wandering across the planet of Gullish Yar, Maht Pacle eventually found a bar and -- using some cosmic credits he had stored in his boots -- began drowning his sorrow in drink.
(Silver Surfer III#9 (fb) -
BTS) - After the rest of the Elders of the Universe had been pulled
into a black hole during the confrontation with Galactus, the
Contemplator impostor (believed to be the real Contemplator at the time) sought the Obliterator's aid.
(Silver Surfer III#21 (fb)) - The Contemplator
impostor astrally-projected to Gullish Yar and conversed with the
Obliterator, advising him that he could simply build new weapons and
being obliterating anew.
The impostor further advised the Obliterator that he would send him a replacement shuttlecraft to allow the Obliterator to return to his orbiting ship.
Traveling to the Intergalactic Army-Navy Store, the Obliterator obtained all of the equipment he needed to not only replace but to upgrade his weaponry.
(Silver Surfer III#12 (fb) - BTS) - The Contemplator impostor was devoured by Reptyl, temporarily incapacitating him.
(Silver Surfer III#21 (fb)) - When the Contemplator impostor failed to return, the Obliterator resolved to get off-planet on his own and disregarded their previous plans.
Intimidating a salesman (possibly Sam) at Sam's Used Ship Lot, the Obliterator obtained a ship on credit and departed Gullish Yar.
Comments: Created by Steve Englehart, Marshall Rogers and Joe Rubinstein.
After I found the name "Gullish Yar" in Silver Surfer III#5, I misinterpreted the surrounding text in the narrative "elsewhere in the still-untroubled abyss -- on the world called Gullish Yar" (specifically the word "abyss") as meaning Gullish Yar was desolate, barren and uninhabitable, and I added it to the Master List. In fact, it is lush with vegetation. That's why they went there, so Mantis -- who then existed in a plant form -- could help in the conflict. Oopsy-daisy...
I had completely forgotten the
people on Gullish Yar from Silver Surfer III#21. I figured I would
check the Obliterator's next appearance, which would be likely to
detail his departure from Gullish Yar, and...there you have it...
All of the people seen were from when Marshall
Rogers both plotted and drew the issue; Michael Higgins did the script.
And, although it was a retcon, it seems like a
terribly bad choice to leave the Obliterator on a planet where he could
find weapons and/or a spaceship. They should have just towed him to a
moon or something...
My impression in re-reviewing the
stories is that the planet was primarily covered in lush vegetation but
that there was a spaceport that had a small town and/or multiple
businesses associated with it. But maybe the Surfer and Mantis just
traveled to a particularly heavily vegetated region and that there were
numerous cities and/or even nations, etc.
I guess we need a Return to Gullish Yar: The Whole Story series...
Further comments by Donald Campbell:
First, based on the fact that it was implied to
be the only settlement on the planet, I had assumed that the people living
there were either all non-native aliens or the descendants of aliens who had
colonized the planet. I had never considered the other possibilities that you
mentioned, that the settlement was a small town and/or multiple businesses that
had sprung up around a spaceport, or that the planet might have been much more
heavily-populated outside of the quite limited areas that the Silver Surfer,
Mantis and the Obliterator visited.
Second, if there was no native population, then
it would make sense that the planet didn't have its own Monetary Unit. However,
as you mentioned in your profile, the bar did accept "cosmic credits"
as payment. If the settlement was not part of a larger population, then their
income would have to have come from aliens who visited the planet, so it would
make sense that they used some form of interstellar currency.
Third, regarding the possibility that not all of
the aliens seen in the bar were new creations of Marshall Rogers, I
agree that two of them looked like a Sagittarian and a Lanlaki? Anyway,
aside from those two,
most of the occupants of the bar seemed to be your standard,
aliens who could have passed as Earth humans. Of course, there was that
one who looked like a bald human with blue skin and the green-skinned
with the receding hairline who was drinking at the bar, and then there
was that
short, bald purple-skinned individual with the really large (and
circular) ears...
Profile by Snood.
Gullish Yar has no known connections to
![]() (Silver Surfer III#21 (fb)) - After wandering Gullish Yar for an undefined period of time, Maht Pacle (aka the Obliterator) found a bar. Depressed over having his weapons neutralized and no longer being able to obliterate things, Pacle used his cosmic credits to drown his sorrows in drink. (Silver Surfer III#21 (fb)) - A bar fight occurred between an unidentified tall blue male humanoid and a shorter, pink (Caucasian-hued) male humanoid. The scuffle ended up knocking Pacle's face into his foamy beverage, but his depression prevented him from responding. ![]() The Contemplator impostor's astral form then appeared to Pacle, advising him to build new weapons, after which he departed the bar to do so. --Silver Surfer III#21 Note: I don't recognize the races of the two man figures in the conflict, but, in re-scrutinizing the images, I'm convinced the two of the characters watching the bar fight are a Lanlaki and a Sagittarian. |
![]() --Silver Surfer III#21 |
![]() When the Obliterator identified the ship he wanted, the salesman agreed that it was a beauty but that it had already been sold. In response, the Obliterator replied, "Yeah, to me! An' if you know what's good for you, you'll keep your trap shut!" Appreciating the danger, the salesman complimented his choice on the vehicle and asked if he would like it delivered. Obliterator replied that he would take it now as he was in a hurry, and the salesman complied. ![]() The salesman assured the Obliterator that this ship would take him any place in the universe. Grabbing the salesman by the neck, the Obliterator advised him that it had better do so...and that the salesman would be extending him some credit. (Silver Surfer III#21 (fb) - BTS) - The Obliterator flew the ship to Zenn-La and began his effort to slaughter its people for vengeance against the Silver Surfer. --Silver Surfer III#21 |
images: (without ads) - was giving me issues, so these are scans...
Surfer III#5, pg. 10, panel 2 (Surfer & Mantis arriving);
panel 3 (Mantis reclining in leaf)
pg. 13, panel 1 (Obliterator flying in, plants in periphery);
panel 2 (plant slapping Obliterator);
pg. 22, panel 1 (Mantis in newly formed body);
#6, pg. 5, panel 7 (landscape and sky);
pg. 6, panel 1-4 (with division panels for no clear reason...)
Surfer III#5-6 (November-December, 1987) - Steve Englehart (writer),
Marshall Rogers (penciler), Joe Rubinstein (inker), Michael Higgins
Silver Surfer III#21 (March, 19819) - Marshall Rogers (plot/penciler), Michael Higgins (script), Craig Anderson (editor)
First posted: 10/20/2024
Last updated: 11/08/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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