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Real Name: Doctor Gabrielle Haller

Identity/Class: Human, naturalized citizen of Israel, former Dutch citizen

Occupation: Former UN ambassador, former Israeli foreign minister, former Israeli ambassador to Great Britain

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Avengers (Black Knight/Dane Whitman, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel/Monica Rambeau, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Thor, Triathlon/Delroy Garrett, Warbird/Carol Danvers, Wasp/Janet van Dyne), Banshee (Sean Cassidy), Cable (Nathan Dayspring Summers), Valerie Cooper, Tom Corsi, Michelle Devereaux, Domino (Neena Thurman), Adrian Eiskalt, Ferris, Sharon Friedlander, Ambassador Grigorev, Henry Peter Gyrich, Doctor Hessen, Doctor Alda Huxley, Sir James Jaspers, Robert Kelly, Magneto (Erik Magnus Lensher), Alexandre Gilbert Du Motier, Doctor Moira MacTaggert, Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox), Lilandra Neramani, New Mutants (Mirage/Dani Moonstar, Doug Ramsey, Warlock, Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair), Walter Rosen, Sabra, Lady Janet Grace Southerland, Gregory Mihailovitch Suvorov, Gustave Roch Uderzo, Pete Wisdom, Alexi Vazhin, Ambassador Wychek, X-Factor (Forge, Havok/Alex Summers, Polaris/Lorna Dane, Strong Guy/Guido Carosella, Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair), X-Men (Bishop, Colossus/Peter Rasputin, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Dazzler/Alison Blaire, Jean Grey, Rachel Grey, Havok/Alex Summers, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Psylocke/Betsy Braddock, Rogue/Anna Marie, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett)

Enemies: Black Gold (Al-Thahab Al-Aswad), Fenris, Hydra (Rudolf Kranz, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, unidentified others), Jemail Karami, Mystique (Raven Darkholme)

Known Relatives: Daniel Shomron (partner, deceased), David Haller (son), unidentified relatives (mother, father, grandmother all deceased)

Aliases: "Gaby" (nickname used by Charles Xavier), "Mummy Haller" (nickname used by Pete Wisdom)

Base of Operations: United Nations Building, New York City, New York;
    formerly Jerusalem, Israel;
    formerly London, United Kingdom;
    formerly Paris, France;
    formerly Haifa, Israel;
    formerly Dachau, Germany;
    formerly Bergen-Belsen, Germany;
    formerly The Netherlands

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men I#161 (September, 1982)

Powers/Abilities: Gabrielle Haller has been described as a latent mutant, though she never displayed superhuman abilities. A skilled diplomat with pragmatic sensibilities, Haller was tough and determined. Gabrielle Haller, like all citizens of Israel, received two years of basic military training. As a result she is proficient in the use of conventional firearms. Gabrielle was a heavy smoker.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (graying)


(Uncanny X-Men I#161 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle Haller was born into a Jewish family in The Netherlands. After the Nazi invasion in 1941, all Jews were ordered to relocate to "work camps". Gabrielle was ten years old at the time (see comments).

(Uncanny X-Men I#161 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle, her family and dozens of other Jews were packed so tightly in a cattle car headed for the camps that nobody could sit. Haller watched her grandmother die and was forced to stand next to her corpse until the trains were unloaded.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200 (fb) - BTS) - The Hallers were put in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Gabrielle watched her parents die there.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161 (fb) - BTS) -  Gabrielle was eventually moved to the extermination camp Dachau. Because she was young and pretty, the guards took a liking to her. Haller got to live while everyone she cared for died. She contemplated suicide, but couldn't go through with it.

(Excalibur III#14 (fb) - BTS) - While at the camp, Haller encountered an albino doctor (a disguised Mr. Sinister) who constantly played the music of Franz Schubert while he experimented on the prisoners.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161 (fb) - BTS) - Realizing the Third Reich was doomed, several top level Nazis had Hitler's personal gold reserves moved out of Germany in the final days of the war. The gold was stored in a vault hidden in a cave near Kenya's Lake Rudolf. The officers planned to use the bullion to finance a Fourth Reich and came up with the idea of hiding the location inside Gabrielle Haller's mind. However, an error in the conditioning process shattered her psyche. Gabrielle retreated within herself, becoming a catatonic schizophrenic.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161 (fb) - BTS) - After the liberation of Dachau, the still unresponsive Gabrielle was eventually transferred to a psychiatric hospital in Haifa, Israel. There, she was cared for by doctor Daniel Shomron and a young orderly called Magnus. When Shomron ran out of traditional treatment methods, he reached out to his old friend Charles Xavier who he considered the best instinctive psychologist he'd ever seen.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161) - Charles Xavier came to Haifa. After meeting with Shomron and Magnus and a quick examination of Gabrielle, he sent his astral self into her mind. Xavier soon encountered a thick, brick wall she had erected to protect herself. She then manifested monstrous defenders that Xavier had to fight off before forcibly blasting through the wall. He mentally relived Gabrielle's experiences in the camps, including a warped representation of the conditioning process that looked like she was being turned into a gold statue. Seconds later, Gabrielle awoke from her fugue state, crying and calling for her momma and poppa. She was put to bed by Xavier, Shomron and Magnus who went to celebrate this breakthrough.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161 - BTS) - News of Gabrielle's recovery reached HYDRA leader Baron Strucker who planned to kidnap the girl so she could lead him to the treasure.

(Uncanny X-Men I#309 (fb) ) - Xavier continued to work with Gabrielle, taking a personal interest in her physical and mental rehabilitation.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321 (fb) - BTS) - During their time together, Xavier found himself in a moral quandary when he realized he was starting to develop feelings for her. He was plagued by the ethical dilemma this posed: doctors are not supposed to fall in love with their patients.

(Uncanny X-Men I#320/X-Men II#40 (fb) - BTS) - Charles Xavier's mentally unstable son Legion decided he had to help his father by going back in time to kill his greatest enemy: Magneto. Though the X-Men tried to stop him, Legion managed to travel two decades into the past, inadvertently taking some of the X-Men with them. As a result of Legion's unorthodox temporal transfer, everyone was rendered amnesiac upon arrival. Legion was later spotted wandering the Haifa docks and taken to the local clinic.

(X-Men II#40) - Gabrielle met up with Charles to spend the afternoon with him. Their time together was cut short when a frantic Magnus approached them because he had just been mentally probed by "John Doe" (the hospital's name for the amnesiac Legion). The men left Gabrielle behind to check on their patient.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321 - BTS) - Charles was discussing his problematic feelings for Gabrielle with Erik who would hear nothing of it. In his opinion, Gabrielle was far more than merely a patient. She was a young woman, vibrant and alive. In his opinion, Charles would be a fool if he let Haller slip away.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321) - David Haller remembered who he was and left his hospital room to complete his mission. He encountered his mother Gabrielle and telepathically made her believe he was Charles. He then forced himself on the unsuspecting woman who eventually realized she was being violated and psychically called out for help (see comments).

(Uncanny X-Men I#321) - When Charles Xavier picked up Gabrielle's mental distress, he and Erik hurried to her side where they found a furious, powered up Legion hovering over her unconscious body. As soon as Legion spotted Erik, he announced that he had come to kill him before he could become the greatest villain the world has ever known.

(X-Men II#41) - Legion's attack briefly knocked out Xavier. He was revived by a very confused Gabrielle Haller who wondered if Legion's claims that he was her son could be true. Xavier confirmed her suspicions and then watched as Erik and Legion fought each other in the skies over Haifa. Xavier told Haller they were watching the dawn of homo superior, calling it "a genetic atomic bomb exploding over our heads." When Xavier received a mental summons from Earth-616's Psylocke, he used a mind probe to gently put Gabrielle to sleep for her own safety. 

(X-Men Omega I#1) - The intervention of the reality hopping Bishop prevented Legion from killing either Magneto or Xavier. Instead, Bishop forced the boy to use his powers on himself. Fatally wounded, Legion died in Bishop's arms. Upon his death, the timeline began to correct itself. However, Gabrielle Haller retained her memories of that strange encounter with the young man who claimed she was his mother. As a result, she was left with an inexplicable, almost maternal loss.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161 (fb) - In the weeks that followed Gabrielle grew even closer to Charles and Magnus who both helped her bridge the gulf between child- and adulthood. They toured Israel from Galilee to Jerusalem and the Negev desert.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161) - Returning to the hospital after a night out, Gabrielle tried to kiss Charles who initially hesitated because he mentally sensed she wasn't truly in love with him. She only believed she did because of her great need to be loved. He allowed himself to give into his own desires and they shared a passionate kiss before HYDRA forces attacked the hospital looking for Gabrielle. A stray bullet grazed Xavier's  temple, taking him out of the fight and making Gabrielle an easy target. She was abducted and taken away before Magnus could intervene.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle was brought before Baron von Strucker who mercilessly tortured her for the better part of a day until she broke down and told him the coordinates to the vault in Kenya. Haller was brought along by Strucker and his men. They were unaware Charles and Erik were hiding among them after Xavier telepathically interrogated the captured HYDRA officer Rudolf Kranz.

(Uncanny X-Men I#161) - After Strucker and his men blasted open the vault, Charles and Eric tried to quietly free Gabrielle. However, she was too shell shocked to recognize them. Believing this was another cruel trick by her tormentors, she cried out. This alerted Strucker who ordered his forces to kill them. They were no match for Magnus' magnetism and Charles' telepathy, but all the excitement caused Gabrielle to revert to her previous catatonic state. Haller remained unconscious while Magnus dealt with Strucker by crushing his Satan Claw. She woke up moments after Magnus flew off with the Nazi gold which he planned to use to make sure mutantkind would survive the coming conflict.

(Excalibur III#14 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle and Charles stayed together for a while until Xavier's wanderlust got the better of him. He left Israel and Gabrielle, promising he'd come back to her. Soon afterwards, Gabrielle found out she was pregnant. She kept the news from Charles, instead choosing to pursue a relationship with Daniel Shomron.

(X-Men II#72 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle studied at the Israeli Institute of Technology Technion in Haifa.

(New Mutants I#28 (fb) -BTS) - Haller became a career diplomat with an expertise in international relations. She combined her busy work life with caring for her son, aided by Shomron who viewed the boy as his godson. The family eventually moved to Paris where Haller had accepted a posting. She was not at home when a group of Arab terrorists led by Jemail Karami invaded her house. Daniel Shomron died protecting nine year old David who was so traumatized his latent mutant abilities manifested themselves. He destroyed the minds of the attackers and accidentally absorbed Karami's essence. Being exposed to so many different minds rendered him catatonic and caused him to develop multiple personality disorder.

(New Mutants I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle tried to care for David as best she could, which wasn't easy given his unresponsive nature and his mysterious abilities that could flare up at any moment. She kept working on her career as well, eventually accepting a position as Israel's ambassador to the United Kingdom. She moved with David to London where she reached out to Scotland's premiere geneticist Moira MacTaggert.

(New Mutants I#1) - Intrigued by Haller's invitation, Moira took Illyana Rasputin to visit Ambassador Haller at her London home. After dinner, Haller told them about David and his special needs. When Moira wondered why she hadn't reached out to Charles Xavier, Gabrielle revealed to her stunned guests that he was the boy's father.

(New Mutants I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle Haller made arrangements to have David moved to the Muir Island mutant research facility. She made sure she could visit him as often as her work commitments allowed. After several months at Muir Island, David's powers flared up, causing him to draw in the minds of Sharon Friedlander and Tom Corsi. Haller had no choice but to agree to bring in Charles Xavier.

(New Mutants I#26) - Gabrielle met with Xavier and his New Mutants when they arrived on Muir the following day. She hid the fact David was his son and was present when Xavier made his first unsuccessful attempt at entering the boy's mind. Later, Haller and Xavier had a heart to heart about their shared past and her ambitions in life, even alluding to maybe one day becoming prime minister of Israel (see comments). Their focus then shifted back to finding a way to help David. The last thing Gabrielle wanted was to have her child end up like Moira's son Proteus.

(New Mutants I#27) - Haller, Xavier and the New Mutants investigated the fire bombing of Moira's lab which left her comatose like Corsi and Friedlander (the fire was caused by the pyrokinetic Cyndi aspect briefly controlling David's fractured mind). Xavier pressed Haller for more details on the boy's condition, but she still refused to tell him he was his son. Xavier learned that fact on his own when David pulled him, Haller and the New Mutants into his fractured mindscape. Haller found herself with Mirage and Doug Ramsey while they were trying to get their bearings in this odd, war-torn region. The normally reserved Gabrielle flew into a violent rage when she spotted Jemail Karami, the man responsible for Shomron's death and David's current mental state. Before she could go after him, they had to flee because the tanks roaming David's mind had found them. After reconnecting with Moira, Wolfsbane and the pyrokinetic Cyndi, Haller was finally able to admit to the mutants that David was the professor's son.

(New Mutants I#28) - Haller, Moira and the New Mutants met up with Charles Xavier and Jack Wayne, the split personality that controlled David's telekinesis. They were trying to penetrate the dome Jemail Karami had erected around Haller's inner core. With help from Dani Moonstar, Xavier managed to incapacitate Karami long enough for the group to enter the dome. Inside, they encountered all of David's memories. Gabrielle was touched when she sensed her son's love for her, but things took a turn for the worse when she was forced to experience his memories of the terrorist attack.

She was ready to kill Karami, but was restrained by Xavier before he himself was overcome by David's pain and misery that stabbed him like a dagger. Haller and the others then realized Karami had erected the dome to have a safe place where he could telepathically heal David's fractured mind.

(New Mutants I#28 - BTS) - Dani Moonstar offered to aid Karami in finishing the task, forcing Jack Wayne to cooperate. After they finished restoring order to David's inner universe as best they could, Karami returned Dani,
Haller and the others to their bodies. However, the experience proved so taxing for Charles Xavier it took him two weeks of bed rest to recover.

(New Mutants I#28) - After Xavier had recovered enough to walk, he went to see Gabrielle for his first proper meeting with David. They were stunned to find that Jack Wayne, Cyndi and Jemail Karami were still alive inside their son. After the meeting, Xavier told Haller that David was much better, but not cured. They concluded that their son was a child in a man's body, feeling abandoned by both parents. He blamed Charles for never being part of his life and Gabrielle because she wasn't there to protect him during the terrorist attack. Xavier promised Haller he would help their son as best he could.

(X-Men: Legacy II#15 (fb) - BTS) - When Xavier learned that David was he son, he mentally reached out to Gabrielle to say "thank you".

(X-Factor I#109 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle continued to care for David, but she was never able to speak directly to her son. She only got to talk to either Jack, Cyndi or Jemail.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200 (fb) - BTS) - Following Magneto's voluntary surrender to the authorities, he was charged by the international Court of Justice with crimes against humanity. Gabrielle Haller and Charles Xavier went to Paris to serve as Magnus' defense counsel. News of the upcoming trial caused global unrest.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200) - During opening proceedings, Haller proposed that Magneto could not be tried for any crimes committed prior to being reduced to an infant by Mutant Alpha. She was interrupted by a protester in the crowd who called her a traitor who sold out her own kind. After the woman was removed, Haller continued to make her case, only for Jaspers to call it "the most preposterous perversion". Gabrielle calmly pointed out that "Magneto" was an adolescent in Auschwitz during the 1940s, while the man on trial was in his early 30s.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200 - BTS) - The judges found in Haller's favor and restricted the indictment to any crimes which occurred after Magneto's "resurrection'. With that, the trial began. But in the days that followed, tensions rose in and outside the courtroom. Fenris fanned the flames by posing as X-Men and engaging in a series of terrorist attacks in support of Magneto.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200) - Haller, Xavier and Kitty Pryde found themselves besieged by an angry mob outside the courthouse, with Kitty phasing them so they wouldn't be pelted by produce. Gabrielle feared for her life should Magneto be acquitted. Later, inside her temporary offices, she consoled Kitty who had a hard time dealing with the situation. Haller reminded the girl that those who survived the holocaust have a duty to make sure it never happens again to anyone: "We may be defeated, but we must never surrender."

(Uncanny X-Men I#200 - BTS) - The X-Men patrolled Paris looking for the terrorists that had been committing crimes in their name. They found them on a tourist boat on the Seine.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200) - During the trial, Haller cross-examined Admiral Gregory Mihailovitch Suvorov about Magneto's sinking of the submarine Leningrad. She had him point out that this wasn't an unprovoked action on Magneto's part: the Leningrad was a ballistic missile sub, armed with nuclear weapons that had just fired on Magneto's island. Magneto himself then took the stand to proclaim he only destroyed the Leningrad and the Siberian city of Varykino out of self-preservation. This caused another angry outburst from Jim Jaspers, but Magneto continued until the Fenris twins blasted their way into the courtroom. Haller hid underneath a table with Xavier, urging him to intervene but he admitted his psi powers were too weak.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200 - BTS) - The X-Men spotted the explosions at the court house and realized they had been lured away. Rachel Grey was sent to help out.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200) - Rachel arrived moments after Fenris caused the courtroom floor to collapse. Magneto, along with Haller, Xavier, Jaspers and judge Devereaux found themselves crashing into the basement of the courthouse. Rachel risked her life by taking a blast from Fenris, which allowed Xavier the opportunity to break the twins grasp. Haller looked after the dazed Rachel who learned that the twins were actually Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's children.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200 - BTS) - Haller took Rachel upstairs and wasn't present when Charles suffered a heart attack which allowed Fenris the chance to reconnect. They blasted the riverside wall, causing the Seine to rush in and sweep everyone into the catacombs.

(Uncanny X-Men I#200) - After the X-Men rounded up the remaining Fenris forces, Haller met up with Michelle Devereaux who admitted she had been willing to accept a plea for mitigation of sentence had Magneto been found guilty. But with him currently AWOL, she deemed it up to the court of public opinion to determine his final fate.

(X-Men versus Avengers I#4 (fb) - BTS) - After an encounter with Captain America convinced him it was possible for humans to be unbiased towards mutants, Magneto agreed to return to custody so his trial could resume. Haller was once again called on to be his defense counsel with Jim Jaspers resuming his duties as prosecutor. Judges Alexandre Gilbert du Motier, lady Janet Grace Southerland and Gustave Roch Underzo were assigned to preside over the case.

(X-Men versus Avengers I#4) - Despite Gabrielle's best efforts to make the court see Magneto's side of things, she was continuously overruled. Fearing he wasn't receiving a fair trial, Magneto secretly summoned one of his old helmets that contained discreet mind altering technology. He changed Du Motier's mind, resulting in an unexpected verdict. Du Motier suddenly adopted one of Haller's previously denied defenses and declared that Magneto should be accorded the same rights and privileges as any other warring state. Since he never signed the Geneva conventions, Du Motier concluded that the world court has no jurisdiction over the accused. Magneto was free to go, much to Haller's astonishment.

(X-Men Unlimited I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Haller stepped down as ambassador to Great Britain. Her son was still in a vegetative state on Muir Island.

(X-Men Unlimited I#2) - Gabrielle Haller gave a lecture on Magneto to the students of New York's Empire State University. She detailed his origins, their shared history and the events that made him the villain the world believed him to be. However, she left the students with the question whether Magneto was a demagogue or an ideologue.

(X-Men Unlimited I#2) - While in New York, she had a breakfast meeting with Adrian Eiskalt who was obsessed with taking down Magneto to avenge his older brother who was killed by Magnus on Wundagore years earlier. Though her government wanted Haller to aid him, she told Eiskalt she would only assist him if he promised he'd bring in Magneto to stand trial. Haller contacted Moira MacTaggert to discuss possible ways of neutralizing his magnetic powers. Three weeks later, she and Eiskalt visited GeneTech where Doctor Walter Rosen showed them the bio-electric armor that would allow its wearer to bypass Magneto's abilities and neutralize him.

(X-Men Unlimited I#2 - BTS) - Magneto made his presence known by unleashing an electromagnetic storm that scrambled all mechanical and electronic devices across the Eastern Seaboard. Haller and Eiskalt were summoned to Washington to meet with the Commission on Superhuman Affairs.

(X-Men Unlimited I#2) - Henry Peter Gyrich wasted no time stating the obvious: Magneto has returned. He detailed Magnus' recent schemes, including appropriating the remains of Cable's old space station to use it as the basis of his own base. Haller sat in silence and listened, smoking cigarette after cigarette, unable to stop the coming attempt on her old friend's life.

(Uncanny X-Men I#320 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle Haller became Israel's foreign minister.

(X-Factor I#108 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle Haller used her power and influence to have David transferred from Muir to a special hospital in Tel Aviv so she could be close to her now officially brain-dead child. Some time later, Valerie Cooper was presented with evidence that Mystique was planning to kill David because he had caused the death of her lover Destiny. An attack appeared imminent because Mystique had  accessed information on the hospital and Gabrielle herself.

(X-Factor I#108) - Valerie Cooper took X-Factor to Tel Aviv where they met Gabrielle Haller at the hospital. She was initially skeptical about the need for the American government's involvement, but that changed when Wolfsbane picked up Mystique's scent. Haller went into David's room and much to her own surprise she watched herself walk in. Mystique, disguised as Gabrielle, was preparing to give Haller a lethal dose of curare. X-Factor rushed in to intervene, but Mystique's hand holding the syringe was violently swung aside telekinetically. Much to everyone's surprise, David Haller was wideawake and alert.

(X-Factor I#109) - After a brief scuffle, Mystique managed to beat a hasty retreat. Gabrielle remained at David's side, delighted he finally called her "mother" as himself before he collapsed from exhaustion. Before he passed out, he assured her he was going to fix everything. A little later, Gabrielle grew concerned when David woke up again and started to talk to his father about how he would be making everything better. In the time Haller went to get Forge, David had telekinetically flown out the window.

(Uncanny X-Men I#320 (fb) - BTS) - Haller and the Israeli government tracked Legion down to the Negev desert where he had erected a massive ebony dome in which he began to amass psychic energy. Both the Israeli and Palestinian armed forces proved useless against the boy and his growing power base: his energies easily destroyed tanks, fighter jets and other mechanical devices. Haller, operating out of a forward base in the desert, decided to contact the X-Men.

(Uncanny X-Men I#320) - The X-Men Gold team responded to Haller's request. After arriving in the Negev, Haller took them to meet Doctor Hessen who filled them in on the current situation. Apparently cured of his multiple personality disorder, Legion was now more powerful than ever and in full control of his mind and powers. After the briefing, Haller and Hessen watched the X-Men go forth to confront her son who was now like a living god.

(Uncanny X-Men I#320 - BTS) - The X-Men were unable to prevent Legion from slipping into the past to try and kill Magneto. They were sucked into his temporal vortex, with only Jean Grey managing to stay behind.

(X-Men II#40) - Charles Xavier and the X-Men Blue Team came to Israel to help Jean and Gabrielle. A little while later Haller was on hand to help vouch for the arriving Cable and Domino, who were still on the Terrorist Watch list. Right after Gabrielle had talked down the general ready to arrest Cable, she was surprised by Shi'ar Majestrix Lilandra appearing over the desert as a giant hologram to warn them that David Haller's actions in the past were posing a dire threat to the fabric of all reality.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321 - BTS) - Gabrielle Haller watched the X-Men and the Shi'ar hastily construct a rudimentary time travel device designed to project Cable into the past to help warn the time-lost X-Men.

(X-Men II#41 - BTS) - Gabrielle Haller was by the X-Men's side when the M'Kraan crystallization wave hit Earth.

(X-Men II#86 (fb) - BTS) - Gabrielle Haller became Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.

(X-Men II#72) - Right after finishing a letter to Senator Robert Kelly to plead for the release of Charles Xavier, Gabrielle was visited by Israeli superagent Sabra. She provided Haller with evidence that Magneto had expert forger Georg Odekirk create the identity of Erik Lensherr. Realizing the implications, Haller ordered Sabra to take her to him immediately. They traveled to Romania only to find Odekirk had just been killed by Magneto to protect his true identity.

(X-Men II#86 - BTS) - When Magneto caused global destruction by switching Earth's polarities, he sent his robotic servant Ferris to the United Nations to serve as his voice.

(X-Men II#86) - Haller and her fellow ambassador Grigorev listened as Ferris addressed the UN Assembly. Ferris announced that Magneto's "anticipatory strike" would end if his demands were met. Grigorev labelled the machine's message "double-talk", but Haller cautioned her Russian colleague that there's precedent on both sides for ill-advised actions. This did not deter Grigorev who vowed that his country would take retaliatory actions.

(X-Men II#87 - BTS) - Ambassador Alda Huxley used the Magneto crisis to persuade Haller and the UN Assembly to go along with her plan to cede control of Genosha to the magnetic menace. Magneto accepted, even promising to never again launch preliminary strikes against duly recognized nations.

(X-Men II#99 - BTS) - When the High Evolutionary robbed the world's mutant population of their powers, the United Nations discussed the future of Genosha for two days straight.

(X-men II#99) - Gabrielle Haller felt the UN should seize the opportunity and proposed sending in a peace-keeping force to retake the island and bring Magneto to justice. Her plan was quickly opposed by Alda Huxley who reminded Gabrielle that this had been tried before and it resulted in numerous fatalities. Haller kept quiet, thinking to herself that the world really needed Charles Xavier and the X-Men right about now.

(Magneto Rex I#1) - In an on-camera interview from the UN, Gabrielle Haller proclaimed that with Magneto in control of Genosha, the war for dominance of the planet had begun.

(Magneto Rex I#2) - After learning Magneto was now being opposed by the Genoshan mutate Zealot, Gabrielle Haller met with members of the UN Security Council to discuss the new status quo. Just as they figured how to best benefit from the rise of Zealot, Magneto appeared before them as a hologram to announce the UN had violated the terms of their treaty by using spy planes and satellites to keep tabs on his island. He destroyed all their equipment, leaving rescue ships only 24 hours to pick up any survivors. Haller and the others were left wondering what they had done when they agreed to hand Genosha over to the master of magnetism.

(Magneto Rex I#3 - BTS) - News of Magneto's demands fueled global unrest. Israel joined several other countries who demanded the UN take action or else they would either refuse to meet their future financial obligations or withdraw from the organization altogether.

(Magneto Rex I#3) - Alda Huxley called in from Genosha to try and gain her fellow ambassadors' support. Gabrielle Haller had a simple demand: the situation on Genosha needed to be stabilized. Ambassador Wychek agreed with her, promising Huxley that if the plan fails, he would make sure she went down with the rest of them. Huxley asked for their patience, assuring them that events were transpiring that would not only stabilize Magneto's regime, but also allow them to bring about their future agenda.

(Magneto: Dark Seduction I#1 - BTS) - Haller got herself assigned to the UN committee for Mutant Affairs along with Michelle Deveraux and Admiral Gregori Mikhailovitch Suvorov. They all agreed that ambassador Alda Huxley had become too involved with Magneto to function as an impartial party in the ongoing Genoshan civil war.

(Magneto: Dark Seduction I#1) - Alda Huxley traveled to New York to chew out the UN Committee about their decision to assign her an advisor on mutant protocol. Even an appearance before the General Assembly didn't help Huxley's case. Haller and the others insisted she returned to Genosha with her new UN liaison Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch.

(Magneto: Dark Seduction I#2) - Haller and the other committee members informed the UN Assembly that the Avengers were en route to Genosha to aid the Scarlet Witch in sorting out the ongoing crisis.

(Excalibur III#14) - Haller was attending a diplomatic function when she was unexpectedly drawn into the mind of Charles Xavier who, with the magical aid of Stephen Strange, was examining his past. Gabrielle helped him break free from his black bug room, the repository of all his regrets. While she was happy to see Charles, she balked at being called his greatest shame. Xavier admitted that he used his telepathy to make her care for him because he was lonely. Haller absolved her old lover, assuring him that this was for the best. Without him, she'd never have fallen in love with Daniel Shomron. Gabrielle also apologized for keeping the existence of David a secret. Before she left his mind, she made sure he understood he was her salvation and that there's nothing to regret and nothing to forgive.

(X-Force II#17) - Ambassador Haller had little patience when the newly resurrected Bolivar Trask and Stephen Lang addressed the United Nations to present their plan to deal with the mutant problem. She cut them to the quick by asking if they meant to restart the risky and untrustworthy Sentinel program again. The two men, secretly controlled by Bastion, tried to assuage any apprehension. They then introduced the Mutant Response Division, a group of top level soldiers with Sentinel technology that would police mutantkind across the world.

(X-Men: Legacy II#5) - For several weeks Legion tried to call his mother, but he always lost his nerve when he got her on the phone. It got to the point that Gabrielle Haller was familiar with his breathing, though she didn't recognize it as David's.

(X-Men: Legacy II#12) - Gabrielle Haller was among the countless viewers who watched Legion on live television as he got ready to take the San Francisco Bio-Institute's "mutant cure". Before Legion could swallow the pill that would destroy his mind, a team of X-Men arrived to liberate him as part of David's bigger plan to take out the Institute's evil mastermind: the Red Skull.

(X-Men Legacy II#15 (fb) - BTS) - Haller successfully negotiated the exchange of a captured Mossad agent for seventeen Chechen prisoners via a mobile reconditioning center in Wales. A day later she stopped a British paper from publishing what she felt was a biased report on Israeli settlers in Palestinian territories by blackmailing the editor with pictures of his recent trip to Amsterdam. A day after that she attended the opening of the Circus of Unification in London. The day after that, she relaxed in bath with wine and a bad film.

(X-Men: Legacy II#14 - BTS) - When Legion's plans to rid Great Britain of its mutantphobia caused several international incidents, including a bloodless coup in Aqiria, MI:13 agent Pete Wisdom came up with a way to deal with Haller. Correctly assuming he craved approval, Wisdom informed the Israeli government about the situation which led to Gabrielle Haller announcing she would be arriving soon.

(X-Men: Legacy II#15) - Gabrielle, barely able to hide her anxiety, met her son on Muir Island. She shuddered in the cold, empty hallways of the devastated research facility while David recounted his recent experiences in the Age of X bubble universe he created. In that actuality, his guardian and safety blanket wasn't his mother but Moira MacTaggert. It got him to thinking why Gabrielle abandoned him. She admitted that she much preferred her "real" world than the realm of superheroes that his father operated in When David asked her if she ever wondered if he didn't prefer that life as well, she rushed to hug him.

During their embrace, Legion shifted them both to his inside world. There, she met several of his personas including an evil professor Xavier who she determined was a fake because this Charles couldn't tell her what he told her after learning David was his son. Returning to the real world, Gabrielle shared his father's words with Legion as they shared another hug. Moments later, Gabrielle was accidentally shot by Aqirian assassin Black Gold. Gabrielle refused treatment and did not want to be resurrected. She quietly bled to death on the floor of Muir while Legion avenged his mother's death by killing both Black Gold and his master, deposed president Abdi.

Comments: Created by Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum, Bob Wiacek.

Gabrielle Haller's origin as a young holocaust survivor worked fine when she was introduced in 1982. But the sliding timescale makes it more than a little implausible she was still in her late 40s or early 50s by the time she was killed. Whether or not her origin story needs to be tied to World War II is beyond my pay grade.

Theoretically, she could also be a former HYDRA prisoner traumatized by her time in captivity. It's a neat solution that's easier to accept than Haller's somehow being a latent mutant with retarded aging (after all, she's also a very public figure, which makes the fact she barely aged a day in 50 years hard to hide).

Though (thankfully!) not shown on panel, Uncanny X-Men I#321 strongly suggests that Legion forced himself on his own mother. It's never been brought up again and may have been erased from the timeline altogether after the events of X-Men: Omega.

It's been suggested Haller's excessive smoking could be a reference to former Israeli premier Golda Meir (1898 - 1978) who also never met a cigarette she didn't like.

Profile by Norvo

Gabrielle Haller should not be confused with

Images: (without ads)
X-Men: Legacy II#15 p10, pan2 (main image)
Uncanny X-Men I#161 p7, pan3 (catatonic state)
Uncanny X-Men I#321 p17, pans5&6 (seduced by her son)
Uncanny X-Men I#161 p15, pan4 (tortured by Strucker)
New Mutants I#1 p17, pans5,6,7 (reveals Xavier has a son)
New Mutants I#26 p11, pans3,4 (reunion with Charles)
New Mutants I#27 p17, pan6 (wanting to kill Jemail)
Uncanny X-Men I#200 p20, pan5 (comforting Kitty)
X-Men Unlimited I#2 p32, pan4&5 (discussing strategy)
X-Factor I#109 p7, pan4 (mother and child reunion)
X-Men II#86, p18 pans2&3 (at work at the UN)
X-Men: Legacy II#15 p8, pan3 (recounts her busy days)
X-Men Legacy II#15 p18, pans 2,3 (dies)

Uncanny X-Men I#161 (September, 1982) - Chris Claremont (writer), Dave Cockrum (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Louise Jones (editor)
New Mutants I#1 (March, 1983) - Chris Claremont (writer), Bob McLeod (pencils), Mike Gustovich (inks), Louise Jones (editor)
New Mutants I#26 (April, 1985) - Chris Claremont (writer), Bll Sienkiewicz (pencils & inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
New Mutants I#27 (May, 1985) - Chris Claremont (writer), Bll Sienkiewicz (pencils & inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
New Mutants I#28 (June, 1985) - Chris Claremont (writer), Bll Sienkiewicz (pencils & inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#200 (December 1985) - Chris Claremont (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
X-Men vs Avengers I#4 (July, 1987) - Tom DeFalco & Jim Shooter (writers), Keith Pollard (pencils), Josef Rubinstein, Bob McLeod, Al Williamson, Al Milgrom (inks), Mark Gruenwald & Ann Nocenti (editors)
X-Men Unlimited I#2 (September, 1993) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Jan Duursema (pencils), Dan Panosian, Keith Williams, Jimmy Palmiotti, Joe Rubinstein (inkers), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#309 (February, 1994) - Scott Lobdell (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Dan Green & John Holdredge (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor I#108 (November, 1994) - John Francis Moore & Todd DeZago (writers), Jan Duursema (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Kelly Corvese & Bob Harras (editors)
X-Factor I#109 (December, 1994) - John Francis Moore & Todd DeZago (writers), Jan Duursema (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Kelly Corvese & Bob Harras (editors)
Uncanny X-Men I#320 (January, 1995) - Scott Lobdell & Mark Waid (writers), Roger Cruz (pencils), Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men I#40 (January, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#321 (February, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Ron Garney (pencils), Tim Townsend, Joe Rubinstein, Dan Green (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men II#41 (February, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert & Ron Garney (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men Omega I#1 (June, 1995) - Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid (writers), Roger Cruz (pencils), Bud LaRosa, Tim Townsend, Karl Kesel, Harry Candelario, Scott Hanna, Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men II#71 (February, 1998) - Joe Kelly (writer), Carlos Pacheco (pencils), Art Thibert (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
X-Men II#86 (March, 1999) - Alan Davis & Fabian Nicieza (writers), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
X-Men II#87 (April, 1999) - Alan Davis & Fabian Nicieza (writers), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
X-Men II#99 (April, 2000) - Alan Davis & Terry Kavanagh (writers), Brett Booth (pencils), Sal Regla (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Magneto Rex I#1 (May, 1999) - Joe Pruett (writer), Brandon Peterson (pencils), Matt Banning (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Magneto: Dark Seduction I#1 (June, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Roger Cruz (pencils), Andy Owens (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Magneto: Dark Seduction I#2 (July, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Roger Cruz (pencils), Andy Owens (inks), Mark Powers (editor)

Excalibur III#14 (July, 2005) - Chris Claremont (writer), Aaron Lopresti (pencils), Greg Adams, Norm Rapmund, Brad Vancata (inks), Stephanie Moore (editor)
X-Force III#17 (September, 2009) - Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (writers), Mike Choi (pencils & inks), John Barber (editor)
X-Men: Legacy II#5 (March, 2013) - Simon Spurrier (writer), Jorge Molina (pencils), Norman Lee, Craig Yeung, Walden Wong (inks), Daniel Ketchum (editor)
X-Men: Legacy II#12 (August, 2013) - Simon Spurrier (writer), Paul Davidson & Jay Leisten (pencils & inks), Nick Lowe & Jennifer M. Smith (editors)
X-Men: Legacy II#14 (September, 2013) - Simon Spurrier (writer),Tan Eng Huat (pencils), Craig Yeung (inks), Jennifer M. Smith (editor)
X-Men: Legacy II#15 (October, 2013) - Simon Spurrier (writer),Tan Eng Huat (pencils), Craig Yeung (inks), Jennifer M. Smith (editor)

First Posted: 08/15/2024
Last Updated: 08/15/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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