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Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human, citizen of Taiwan

Occupation: Chief of the Puyuama aborigines

Group Membership: Puyuama aborigines

Affiliations: Anaconda (Blanche Sitznski), Cat (Shen Kuei), Puma (Thomas Fireheart), Razor-Fist (Douglas Scott), Zaran (Maximillian Zaran)

Enemies: Blok, Deadpool ("Wade Wilson"), Mister X

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Puyuama territories, Taiwan

First Appearance: Deadpool Team-Up II#891 (July, 2010)

Powers/Abilities: Headhunter apparently possesses no superhuman abilities, he uses a large knife while fighting. Headhunter's large physique would presumably grant him more strength than the average human.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'7")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 400 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed


(Deadpool Team-Up II#891 - BTS) - This man was part of the Puyuma aborigines in Taiwan that still practice headhunting.

(Deadpool Team-Up II#891 - BTS) - When the chief of the Puyuma aborigines was decapitated during Madripoor's Bloodsport competition by Mister X, this man became his successor.

(Deadpool Team-Up II#891 - BTS) - Determined to avenge the original Headhunter's death, his successor sought out several former participants of the Bloodsport competition such as Anaconda, Razor-Fist and Zaran to help him avenge his death.

(Deadpool Team-Up II#891) - Learning Mister X had been sighted in Madripoor's Princess Bar, Headhunter and the others bursted though the bar's walls and attacked both Mister X and Deadpool, who'd been hired to assassinate X as well. However, both Headhunter and the other former participants of the Bloodsport competition were easily defeated by the collective force of Deadpool and Mister X.

Comments: Created by Frank Tieri, Chris Staggs, and Rob Campanella.

After his defeat, Headhunter presumably returned to his people in Taiwan.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Headhunter has no known connections to

Images: (without ads)
Deadpool Team-Up II#891, p17, pan2 (main image)

Deadpool Team-Up II#891 (July, 2010) - Frank Tieri (writer), Chris Staggs (pencils), Rob Campanella (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)

First Posted: 12/26/2023
Last Updated: 12/26/2023

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