Classification: Alternate reality (Earth-54136)
extraterrestrial race (fauna);
circa 2223 A.D.
Location/Base of Operations: Saturn, six from the sun in the Sol system
Known Members: None identified
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Unidentified hunter
First Appearance: Astonishing I#35/5 (October, 1954)
Powers/Abilities: Horned Quinipeds have a pair of horns on either side of the head, as well as a third, centrally-located horn).
Although it could not been seen
clearly from the single image available, they apparently have five
legs, walking on all legs like a quadruped.
It is unrevealed whether
the fifth limb was part of a row of three in the back of if a single
limb composed a third row of legs.
They have markedly enlarged maxillary (upper) canine teeth.
They are covered in thick brown hair or fur.
The thick limbs seems somewhat reminiscent of a pachyderm to me.
While it appeared to be large and solid, it could not survive a blast from a neutron gun.
Traits: Unrevealed.
The one observed was blasted as
the hunter stood some distance in front of it. It may have been
standing there or charging.
Their sharp maxillary teeth may
indicate that they are carnivorous (or omnivorous), but they may also
be used strictly for defensive purpose.
Type: Quiniped (otherwise bilaterally symmetric
Eyes: Two (on head; dark color seen)
Toes: Unrevealed
Skin color: Unrevealed (covered in brown hair or fur)
Average length: Unrevealed.
Seen in the foreground some distance
from a human, it is difficult to tell their length or height.
They were considered big game and a worthy challenge for
a hunter, so presumably they were at least 6-12' long or possibly significantly longer.
They may have been 4' or 8' tall at the shoulder.
(Astonishing I#35/5) -
Considered big game on Saturn, while the shadow of the planet's ring(s), a Horned Quiniped was blasted --
either while standing or charging -- and taken
down by an unidentified hunter with a neutron gun.
Comments: Created by Mannie Banks and unidentified writer.
The Horned Quiniped was the last animal on the hunter's planetary checklist.
Only one Horned Quiniped was seen, and so all information is based on that single being. Perhaps the lizard we saw was significantly larger or smaller than average.
Only a tiny portion of Saturn was seen in this single panel, but it appeared to be rocky and mountainous.
Saturn in the 21st
century is a gas giant and does not truly have a surface on which you could stand, and
certainly not an atmosphere or temperature within which humans can
assist unaided, but who
knows may have occurred 200 years in the future in this reality...
the image in this story may or may not have taken place within a
hunting preserve, perhaps floating in the upper atmosphere?
While there is not evidence to support this,
but it seems likely that in Reality-54136's 23rd century, either humanity colonized/terraformed all of
the planets in Earth's solar system (+/- genetically engineered various animal species there) or else there were pre-existing
lifeforms on each of those planets.
Or, perhaps these worlds are actually hospitable and life-bearing in Reality-54136.
The story was told in the second person, so YOU were the inventor and hunter...that's great, but the character remains unidentified...
Profile by Snood.
The Flame-Tongued Lizard should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Astonishing I#35/5, pg. 1, panel 3
Astonishing I#35/5 (October, 1954) - Mannie Banks (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
First posted: 12/25/2024
Last updated: 12/25/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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