main image


Real Name: Infra

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Reality-5106) humanoid extraterrestrial

Occupation: Guardian

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None (possibly "handmaidens" - see comments)

Enemies: Explorers to Jupiter, notably Jim Arnolds, Pete Arnolds, Jet Dixon (all Reality-5106)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Jupiter (Reality-5106)

First Appearance: Space Worlds#6/1 (April, 1952)

Powers/Abilities: Infra is the guardian of Jupiter and as an indigenous life form, she can easily survive in its fiery conditions and extremities. She is telepathic and can alter her appearance to make it appear that she can withstand the local environment that is hostile to humans. She can cast illusions to make herself appear beauteous and an environment look paradisaical to suit humans; this even works over electronic means. She may potentially be ageless and even be able to alter her physical appearance to match and seduce any species of alien explorers to Jupiter. She considers any aliens to Jupiter to be aggressors and targets them for elimination using her telepathic powers of seduction.


Height: 5'9"
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black


(Space Worlds#6/1 (fb) - BTS) - In Reality-5106 in the year 2000, space rocket travel dramatically advanced human society and saw Earth at the center of a solar system-wide Federation of Planets protected by the Space Squadron headed by Captain Jet Dixon. Exploratory missions were sent to worlds and nearby celestial objects to determine life. The signal from the third exploratory spaceship to Jupiter faded and disappeared; unbeknown to the Federation, they were victims of Infra, the feminine humanoid predatory guardian of fiery Jupiter.

(Space Worlds#6/1) - On Earth, Dixon, accompanied by Pete Arnolds (whose brother had disappeared on the latest mission to Jupiter), took his spacecraft Solar I supported by his crew (scientist LLA 38, teen-aged prodigy Rusty Blake and Martian Mxxptrm) to Jupiter to personally investigate. Due to the volatile nature of Jupiter's surface, only Dixon and Arnolds went down to explore and wore heavily protective spacesuits. Finding Jupiter's surface  incredibly inhospitable (cliffs of ice, frozen lava, geysers of lava, seas of ammonia), Dixon and Arnolds were ready to give up hope of finding life on Jupiter and rescuing anyone, but suddenly Infra calmly appeared before them with the illusion that the hostile environment did not affect her and the inferno conditions began to subside. Arnolds was immediately transfixed by her beauty and ignored Dixon's advice of caution. Infra told the pair that there was another place nearby, paradisaical where the previous explorers stayed and she asked them to remove their "ugly" spacesuits and bring their crewmates. Overwhelmed by the temptress, Arnolds wished to stay. Ordering Arnolds to stay suited up, Dixon returned to the spacecraft, aware that Arnolds would have to be taken away from Infra by force. Focusing on Arnolds, Infra thought that Dixon was going to return with more crewmates and she had offered handmaidens in her wonderland. Onboard his spacecraft, Dixon could see via radar video that she was seducing him, offering him a kiss for the removal of his helmet. Too far away, the Solar I crew watched helplessly as Arnolds removed his helmet and Infra's true flaming form was revealed, matching the fiery landscape, all illusion of paradise vanished. Arnolds' body quickly burned to ash and Infra stood triumphant against any she thought would try to "conquer" the planet. Dixon and crew fled, oddly unsure if they had imagined it all. Later, Jupiter was made off limits to exploration and a monument was erected to those lost to the "temptress of Jupiter."




Comments: Created by uncredited writer & Allen Bellman.

Infra's offer of handmaidens was likely a ruse and I'm guessing she was a lone protector of Jupiter.

Space Squadron describes space a little differently, perhaps unique to that reality; "galaxy" refers to the solar system (and nearby space objects) while "universe" relates to the galaxy.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Infra has no known connections to:

Pete Arnolds

Pete Arnolds worked in communications in Space Squadron. His brother Jim was lost in the third exploratory mission to Jupiter. When heroic Captain Jet Dixon went to personally investigate, Pete was able to join the crew to help search. Jet and Pete went to the fiercely inhospitable surface of Jupiter and found no sign of life. Ready to give up, they were suddenly approached by the calm Infra, secretly the predatory guardian of Jupiter who had seduced and destroyed the previous missions to the planet. Arnolds was instantly smitten by Infra, forgetting the reason for their mission, and wished only to stay with Infra, who cast an illusion of a paradisaical area on Jupiter. Suspicious of Infra but unable to get Pete to join him, Jet returned his spacecraft, intending to zoom in and forcefully take him, but instead helplessly watched as Pete succumbed to Infra's temptations and removed his helmet. Infra's illusions vanished and Pete was incinerated in Jupiter's fiery environment.









--Space Worlds#6/1

images: (without ads)
Space Worlds#6/1, p1, pan1 (main image)
   p4, pan2 (headshot)
   p6, pan5 (in flame form)
   p5, pan3 (Pete Arnolds)

Space Worlds#6/1 (April, 1952) - uncredited writer, Allen Bellman (pencils & inks), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 02/14/2025 - happy alluring Valentine's Day!
Last updated: 02/14/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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