Classification: Terrestrial gift shop

Creator: Unrevealed

User/Possessors: The general public

First Appearance: Damage Control IV#1 (October, 2022)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Kitschworks Gifts and Gewgaws functioned as a typical gift shop, selling various gift items like plush dolls.

(Damage Control IV#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - The gift shop Kitschworks Gifts and Gewgaws opened on the lower level of the Flatiron Building in New York City, renting the retail space from Damage Control, who operated out of the majority of the building.

(Damage Control IV#1/2) - As Damage Control's Albert Cleary gave a report on Damage Control's expenses and passive income to CEO Anne Marie Hoag, noting that their passive income had increased since the Flatirion Building was rezoned for mixed use, a shopper was exiting Kitschworks Gifts and Gewgaws with a Spider-Ham plush doll and several other patrons were visiting Kitschworks' neighbor business, the Starkroast coffee shop.

Comments: Created by Charlotte (Fullerton) McDuffie and Jay Fosgitt.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Kitschworks Gifts and Gewgaws has no known connections to:


Starkroast was an Iron Man-themed coffee shop that rented part of the bottom floors of New York's Flatiron Building from the Damage Control company. It had a table outside for patrons to enjoy coffee and was the neighbor to the Kitschworks business.

--Damage Control IV#1/2

images: (without ads)
Damage Control IV#1, p23, pan3 (all images in this profile)

Damage Control IV#1 (October, 2022) - "Zapped & the Mother of Invention" story - Charlotte (Fullerton) McDuffie (writer), Jay Fosgitt (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)

First Posted: 08/06/2024
Last updated: 08/06/2024

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