main image


Real Name: Kiza

Identity/Class: Human mutant, Citizen of Japan

Occupation: None

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: X-Man (Nate Grey);
    formerly Lord Yaru

Enemies: Lord Yaru

Known Relatives: Unidentified parents, brother

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Shinto shrine, unidentified Japanese island 150 miles east of the mainland;
    formerly Lord Yaru's containment chamber, unidentified Japanese island 150 miles east of the mainland

First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited I#31/3 (April, 2001)

Powers/Abilities: Kiza was a mutant with the ability to turn everything she touched to gold, this applies both to organic and inorganic objects. Unable to control her powers she once killed her brother by turning him to gold. Kiza's skin also burns when in contact to oxygen. While in Lord Yaru's care she lived in a special containment chamber filled with nitrogen so she wouldn't burn. The chamber was fitted with special robotic features which allowed Kiza to live without touching any objects.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'7")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 137 lbs.)
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black


(X-Men Unlimited I#31/3 (fb) - BTS) - The Japanese Kiza was but five years old when she accidentally killed her brother when she manifested her mutant ability and turned him to gold.

(X-Men Unlimited I#31/3 (fb)) - Then when her skin began to burn in contact with oxygen Kiza's parents became so desperate for help they allowed Japanese Lord Yaru to take her with him.

(X-Men Unlimited I#31/3 (fb) - BTS) - Seeing the potential in a young mutant who could turn everything she touched to gold, Yaru build a containment chamber filled with nitrogen where Kiza could live her life without endangering herself and others. Eleven years passed during which Kiza lived in the containment chamber without sunlight or human contact, forced to turn objects into gold for Lord Yaru to sell, who quickly became one of Japan's wealthiest financiers.

(X-Men Unlimited I#31/3 - BTS) - X-Man (Nate Grey) became aware of Kiza's plight and set out to rescue her.

(X-Men Unlimited I#31/3) - While in her containment chamber, Kiza reluctantly turned another object to gold for Lord Yaru after which the ceiling of the chamber partly disintegrated as Nate Grey made his way inside. Shocked by his sudden appearance, Kiza yelled to not let the world in as her skin began to burn as her skin came into contact with oxygen. Shocked by this, Nate Grey quickly used his abilities to make the burning stop after which Kiza revealed her origins to the mutant and explained she truly missed seeing the sunrise. Nate Grey's appearance hadn't gone unnoticed as Lord Yaru soon appeared on a screen in the chamber, recognizing Grey he activated the estate psionic inhibitors hoping to render Grey powerless. However, the all-powerful Grey easily disintegrated Yaru's entire estate after which he threatened Yaru to never approach another mutant after which he and Kiza took off.

  For the first time in eleven years Kiza witnessed a sunrise alongside Nate Grey who used his powers to keep the girl from letting her skin burn. And although Grey offered to bring her to people who could help her (presumably Charles Xavier), Kiza was certain she wasn't meant for this world something to which Grey agreed upon. As such, Grey brought Kiza to an old Shinto temple at a cliff side facing the sunrise where Kiza finally used her abilities to turn herself into a golden statue. Just as she'd done so two Shinto monks (Yoshi and one unidentified) appeared who were in awe of the sudden appearance of the golden statue, Grey told the monks it was a gift to their temple and keep it forever facing the rising sun and guard it.

Comments: Created by Steven Grant and Charlie Adlard.

The story of X-Man and Kiza takes place before the events of X-Man I#75.

Lord Yaru will receive his own profile.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Kiza has no known connections to

Kiza's family

  The unidentified parents and brother of Kiza.

When she was but five years old, Kiza accidentally killed her brother when she manifested her mutant ability and turned him to gold. Desperate for help, Kiza's parents handed their daughter over to Lord Yaru who was willing to help them, unaware he would only do so for personal gain.

--X-Men Unlimited I#31/3 (fb)

Shinto monks
(Yoshi and unidentified one)

  Yoshi and another unidentified monk were part of the Shinto sanctuary on the unidentified Japanese island.

The Shinto monks were surprised to find the sudden appearance of the golden statue of Kiza. Nate Grey explained the golden statue was a gift to their temple and had to keep it forever facing the rising sun and guard it.

--X-Men Unlimited I#31/3

Images: (without ads)
X-Men Unlimited I#31, p38, pan5 (mainimage)
X-Men Unlimited I#31, p32, pan4 (origin)
X-Men Unlimited I#31, p38, pan6 (golden statue)
X-Men Unlimited I#31, p32, pan4 (family)
X-Men Unlimited I#31, p32, pan3 (brother)
X-Men Unlimited I#31, p39, pan3 (Shinto monks)

X-Men Unlimited I#31/3 (April, 2001) - Steven Grant (writer), Charlie Adlard (pencils, inks), Lysa Hawkins (editor)

First Posted: 01/04/2024
Last Updated: 01/04/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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