Real Name: Klaue (first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Human (19th century);
   citizen of South African Republic;
   originally from Belgium

Occupation: Soldier

Group Membership: Boers

Affiliations: Jensen, many others

Enemies: Black Panther (unidentified), Wakanda;
presumably the British Empire

Known Relatives: Unidentified wife, unidentified son, Fritz Klaue (great-great grandson), Ulysses Klaw (great-great-great grandson), Julia Klaw (great-great-great granddaughter) (see comments)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Belgium;
   formerly South African Republic

First Appearance: Black Panther IV#1 (February, 2005)

Powers/Abilities: He was a cold-blooded and extremely racist man. He had survivalist skills, but at the same time held on to items he considered important accomplishments of civilizations that differentiated him and his men from what he considered to be savages. He was a highly skilled gunman that used a revolver, rifle and Gatling gun.

He presumably spoke Dutch. (see comments)

Height: Unrevealed (5'10; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed (180 lbs.; by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

(Black Panther IV#1 (fb)) - Klaue led soldiers and a contingent of native slaves in a South African campaign.

(Black Panther IV#3 (fb) - BTS) - Klaue was one of the founders of South Africa. (see comments)

(Black Panther IV#1 (fb)) - At some point during the 19th century Klaue led a military campaign to Wakanda. Their native servants, who had worked well with Klaue before during the South African campaign, eventually refused to go any further. Klaue ordered to flog them, but was informed that this was already tried without success because the natives were too scared of the Wakandans. Klaue didn't have time for their superstitions and ordered to shoot them if they didn't continue. When the natives ran away Klaue had them all shot.

   Without their servants Klaue and his soldiers were forced to carry all their supplies and weapons themselves. At one points Jensen suggested to at least leave some things like their plates, but Klaue was not willing to lose their grip on civilization just because their servants had betrayed them. Making their way up a mountain two soldiers were crushed by a runaway cannon they had tried pushing up a hill. Jensen begged Klaue to share some inspiring words with his soldiers and Klaue swore on his child's life that as soon as they returned to Pretoria they would slaughter every native on their land for the betrayal of their servants, but before that they would teach Wakandans the meaning of fear.

   Inspired by Klaue's words they eventually made it to Wakanda where Klaue used his telescope to see the nation's buildings, gold trinkets and many women he was sure his men would enjoy that night. Before they could get any closer the current Black Panther confronted them and Klaue ordered his men to prepare for battle. Black Panther activated a Wakandan device and offered them mercy if they left or die if they attacked. Klaue ordered his gunmen to fire at Black Panther, but affected by the Wakandan device all their weapons misfired and killed them. Klaue ordered to use the Gatling gun against Black Panther, but nobody was willing to fire it after what had just happened. Klaue took control of the Gatling gun himself and while his men backed away in fear used it only to see it explode in his face and kill him. Klaue's remaining soldiers cowardly asked for mercy and pointed out that Klaue was the only one still firing at Black Panther.

(Black Panther IV#3 (fb)) - The Wakandan army and Black Panther showed mercy and allowed Klaue's soldiers to leave. A boot with Klaue's foot inside was the only remains they could return to camp. It was handed over to Klaue's wife and son, who returned home to Belgium soon after.

Comments: Created by Reginald Hudlin, John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson.

He was possibly one of the founders of the South African Republic (Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek), which was founded in 1852 during the Boer's Great Trek.

The South African Republic is today part of what is known as South Africa, but not the same.

Pretoria was founded in 1855 by Marthinus Pretorius, who named it after his father Andries Petorius. It became the capital of the South African Republic.

The Gatling gun used in the story was invented in 1861 by Richard Jordan Gatling.

During issue #3 Ulysses calls this man his great-great-great grandfather first and later his great grandfather. The latter actually makes more sense considering Fritz's involvement as an adult in World War II a mere 80 years later at best! The former would make sense if Fritz was not Ulysses' father and actually at least another generation or two removed, but that is not the way it is.

This ancestor of Ulysses Klaw was presumably a Dutch-speaking (called the Flemish) Belgian, considering his leading position with the Boer.

BTW he was never identified as Klaue in the story, but it was very likeley his surname.

Thanks to Quiof Thrul for inspiring me to write this profile.

Profile by Markus Raymond.

Klaue should not be confused with:

Black Panther IV#3 p3, pan4 (main)
Black Panther IV#1, p8, pan4 (head shot)
Black Panther IV#1, p17, pan3 (death)

Black Panther IV#1 (February, 2005) - Reginald Hudlin (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
Black Panther IV#3 (June, 2005) - Reginald Hudlin (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)

First Posted: 02/28/2025
Last updated: 02/28/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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