the german spiesKLUGG

Real Name: Klugg (presumed surname; first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Normal Human;
    German citizenship (WWII Era)

Occupation: Soldier, saboteur, spy

Group Membership: German Army

Affiliations: His comrades, the German Army, the spy butcher

Enemies: The Patriot (Jeff Mace), the U.S. Army, the Police, Jack Casey and Mary Walker, Murphy

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The butcher shop, NY

First Appearance: Marvel Mystery Comics#42/6 (April, 1943)

Powers/Abilities: Klugg had the training of a soldier.

    He knew how to use firearms and did not hesitate to fight hand-to-hand or using improvised weapons.

Height: 5'8" (approximately)
Weight: approximately 200 lbs.
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Dark (possibly black, brown, or dark gray; only atop head; shaved or bald on sides and back)

head shotHistory: (Marvel Mystery Comics#42/6) - Klugg and other two German saboteurs were left on a raft by a Nazi submarine, not far from Long Island, by night.

    They were spotted by an American soldier whom Klugg shot. The three landed, but the wounded soldier managed to shoot one of Klugg's comrades. The three hid in the dunes, and the American soldier managed to give the alarm, so the police mobilized for a search.

    The news spread, and Mary Walker, Jeff Mace and Jack Casey heard it and run to the beach, seeking to help the hunt.

    Actually the three journalists found a Nazi hidden in a trash can, but they were captured by Klugg, who was armed. Klugg forced Mace to bring the press car and ro hide the spies inside, in order to escape the Police encirclement cordon.

    The policeman Murphy was about to halt the car, but his colleague let it pass.
    The spies disappeared, for the Police.

    The saboteurs and the journalists reached a butcher shop, where another spy was waiting for them. Klugg ordered his men to lock the three journalists in the ice-boxes.

    Revising their plans, Klugg scheduled the attack on the Moha Power Plant for the day after, but the
Patriot succeeded in breaking the door lock and assaulted them. Klugg tried to chop him with a butcher's cleaver, but he was soon neutralized. The other three Nazis were easily roughed up and vanquished.

Comments: Created by Syd Shores and Allen Bellman.

    Klugg used a butcher cleaver to attack the Patriot: Klugg (GER) ~ Klug (GER) = Clever (ENG) ~ Cleaver (ENG).

Profile by Spidermay.


Klugg has no known connections to:

Murphy has no known connections to:

Murphy was almost halting the car with the spyMurphy

    Murphy was part of the Police Department.

    Murphy and other policemen arrived to the beach after the sentinel sent the alarm about the Nazi infiltrators.

    Murphy was one of the guards that delimited the area of the research.

    His colleague and he had already seen some press cars passing there. Even Jeff Mace had passed few minutes before, driving to the beach. Thus the two policemen didn't have any reason to suspect the evasion. 


--Marvel Mystery Comics#42/6

Marvel Mystery Comics#42/6, p2, pan1 (the disappearing spies)
Marvel Mystery Comics#42/6, p2, pan2 (Klugg)
Marvel Mystery Comics#42/6, p4, pan3 (Murphy)

Marvel Mystery Comics#42/6 (April, 1943) - Syd Shores (writer and pencils), Alan Bellman (inks)

First posted: 05/13/2024
Last updated

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