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Real Name: Ted Koppel

Identity/Class: Human, citizen of the United States of America

Occupation: Journalist and news broadcaster

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Elton Cayer, Jonathan Chambers, Senator William Contana, Dr. Peter Corbeau, Graydon Creed, Dirk Keefmeyer, Sidney Wallach, unidentified camera crew

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist I#123 (February, 1986)

Powers/Abilities: Ted Koppel is a normal human being without any superhuman abilities. As a highly esteemed journalist and television broadcaster, Koppel was renowned for his incisive reporting and anchoring skills. As the long-time anchor of ABC's "Nightline," Koppel demonstrated exceptional abilities in investigative journalism, in-depth analysis, and articulate presentation. His interviewing prowess is marked by an ability to elicit critical insights and challenge interviewees with probing questions, earning him a reputation for thoroughness and integrity. Koppel's expertise extends to moderating complex discussions, synthesizing diverse viewpoints, and delivering clear, balanced narratives on pressing global issues.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'9")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 170 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Greyish brown


(Power Man and Iron Fist I#123) - American journalist and news broadcaster Ted Koppel hosted his popular late-night program Nightline where he introduced a special report on Luke Cage. Koppel then turned to New York reporter Sidney Wallach who provided the story involving the superhuman Glowworm who'd murdered several black people.

(X-Men vs Avengers I#4) - Koppel appeared in Paris, France to report that former mutant terrorist Magneto would appear before a special tribune of the International Court of Justice. Koppel introduced the viewers to the respective judges from France, England and Switzerland after which footage was shown of the Avengers escorting several of the X-Men to the court.

(Captain America I#351) - When Captain America's successor John Walker was seemingly slain by the Watchdogs, Koppel devoted an entire episode on the tragic event titled Death of a Hero. During the news report, Koppel interviewed the original Captain America.

(West Coast Avengers Annual I#5/2) - Koppel hosted another late night Nightline news show to discuss the growing threat of Terminus. His guests included Dr. Peter Corbeau of the Starcore space observatory, Senator William Contana of the vice-president's task force on extraterrestrial events and the founder and operator of the UFO hostel, Dirk Keefmeyer. However, none of Koppel's experts really had any clue on what Terminus actually was.

(Iron Man I#288 - BTS) - When eco-terrorist Atom Smasher threatened to blow up a Stark nuclear plant, a camera crew working for Ted Koppel's news broadcast was sent to report on the crisis. However, they were forcibly removed from the scene by the US army so their covert operative Firepower (David Roberts) could take on Atom Smasher discreetly. When the soldiers cut the feed, the reporter protested and warned them Ted Koppel would hear about this.

(Uncanny X-Men I#299 - BTS) - With the current state of mutant and human relations in a rapid state of decay, Professor Charles Xavier agreed to appear on Koppel's Nightline for a televised debate on mutant rights. Absent due to unrevealed reasons, Nightline's episode Mutants the Genetic Timebomb was hosted by Elton Cayer who conducted the debate between Xavier, Senator Robert Kelly and Friends of Humanity founder Grayson Creed who joined via satellite.

(X-Men Unlimited I#2) - On Nightline, Koppel interviewed mutant book author Jonathan Chambers about the state of mutantkind and the possibility of coexistence with mankind. The writer of Fatal Attractions: Mutants & Men was then pitted against Friends of Humanity founder Grayson Creed which lead to a heated debate. The program was watched by Adrian Eiskalt who planned on murdering Magneto.

Comments: Adapted by Jim Owsley, Mark Bright, and Jerry Acerno.

Ted Koppel (born February 8, 1940, Lancashire, England) is a British-born American journalist and news broadcaster who is best known for his 25-year career as the anchor of the popular late-night television news program Nightline.

Koppel's program Nightline was called Niteline in West Coast Avengers Annual#5/2.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Ted Koppel has no known connections to

Elton Cayer

  American journalist Elton Cayer hosted Nightline's episode Mutants the Genetic Timebomb in the absence of Ted Koppel. Cayer conducted the debate between Professor Charles Xavier, Senator Robert Kelly and Friends of Humanity founder Grayson Creed who joined via satellite. At the end of Cayer's segment he also introduced former Avenger Beast to join the discussion until the mutant repeatedly poked fun at Creed after which the episode was concluded. With the camera's down, Cayer ordered the production to get Beast on the phone as he wanted an excuse for his behavior on air.

--Uncanny X-Men I#299

Senator William Contana

  Contana was an associate to the managing co-director's assistant on the vice-president's task force on extraterrestrial events.

Contana appeared on Ted Koppel's late night Nightline news show panel as a space expert following the appearance of Terminus in San Francisco. However, none of Koppel's experts really had any clue on what Terminus actually was.

--West Coast Avengers Annual#5/2

Dirk Keefmeyer

  An avid believer in all things alien, Dirk Keefmeyer founded and operated the UFO hostel where aliens would sleep for free.

Keefmeyer appeared on Ted Koppel's late night Nightline news show panel as a space expert following the appearance of Terminus in San Francisco. However, none of Koppel's experts really had any clue on what Terminus actually was.

--West Coast Avengers Annual#5/2

Sidney Wallach

  Sidney Wallach was one of Nightline's premier reporters. She was on the scene in New York City, providing in-depth coverage of the Luke Cage case connected to the murder of William Blake. Wallach reported on Blake's initial murders, the ensuing crowd riots, and the dramatic armory invasion by Luke Cage, delivering a comprehensive and gripping account of these events.

--Power Man and Iron Fist I#123

unidentified camera crew

  An unidentified camera crew working for Ted Koppel's news broadcast were present when eco-terrorist Atom Smasher threatened to blow up a Stark nuclear plant. However, they were forcibly removed from the scene by the US army so their covert operative Firepower (David Roberts) could take on Atom Smasher discreetly. When the soldiers cut the feed, the reporter protested and warned them Ted Koppel would hear about this.

--Iron Man I#288

images: (without ads)
Power Man and Iron Fist I#123, p1, pan1 (main image)
X-Men vs Avengers I#4, p17, pan1 (reporting from Paris)
Captain America I#351, p6, pan5 (interviewing Captain America)
Uncanny X-Men I#299, p8, pan3 (Elton Cayer)
West Coast Avengers Annual I#5, p27, p4 (William Contana)
West Coast Avengers Annual I#5, p27, p5 (Dirk Keefmeyer)
Power Man and Iron Fist I#123, p22, pan2 (Sidney Wallach)
Iron Man I#288, p3, pan7 (unidentified camera crew)

Power Man and Iron Fist I#123 (February, 1986) - Jim Owsley (writer), Mark Bright (pencils), Jerry Acerno (inks), Bob Harras, Don Daley (editors)
X-Men vs Avengers I#4 (July, 1987) - Tom DeFalco & Jim Shooter (writers), Keith Pollard (pencils), Josef Rubinstein, Bob McLeod, Al Williamson, Al Milgrom (inks), Mark Gruenwald & Ann Nocenti (editors)
Captain America I#351 (November, 1988) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Kieron Dwyer (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
West Coast Avengers Annual I#5/2 (July, 1990) - Rob Tokar (writer), Jim Reddington (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Iron Man I#288 (November, 1992) - Len Kaminski (writer), Kevin Hopgood (pencils), Mike DeCarlo (inks), Nelson Yomtov (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#299 (February, 1993) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Brandon Peterson (pencils), Dan Panosian (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men Unlimited I#2 (September, 1993) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Jan Duursema (pencils), Dan Panosian, Keith Williams, Jimmy Palmiotti, Joe Rubinstein (inkers), Kelly Corvese (editor)

First Posted: 08/01/2024
Last Updated: 08/01/2024

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