Classification: Terrestrial mutant housing facility

Creator: Unrevealed

User/Possessors: Alpha Flight (Aurora/Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Fang/Akihiro, Guardian/James Hudson, Northstar/Jean-Paul Beaubier, Puck/Eugene Judd, Shaman/Michael Twoyoungmen, Snowbird/Narya), Argent (Laurent Bavota), Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu, Bubs, Spencer, Tasha, nineteen other unidentified mutants and possibly some of their families

First Appearance: Alpha Flight V#1 (October, 2023)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Krakoa North functioned as a facility meant for long-term living and was equipped with supplies such as food, bedding and entertainment items like video games and some sports equipment like balls. The facility also had numerous bedrooms, a medical office, an advanced communications array capable of send communications through outer space, and a public cafeteria.

    While used as a base of operations for Alpha Flight, the facility was protected by a magical force-field generated by Nemesis that prevented the facility and those inside it from being seen from the outside.

(Alpha Flight V#1 (fb) - BTS) - Krakoa North was established in Manitoba, Canada as a mutant housing facility. When Canada outlawed mutants and ordered them to leave the country, Alpha Flight began secretly using the facility to house rescued mutants.

(Alpha Flight V#2 (fb) - BTS) - While using Krakoa North as a secret base of operations, Alpha Flight had Nemesis generate a mystic protective force-field around Krakoa North, preventing anyone from seeing it or anyone inside.

(Alpha Flight V#1 (fb) - BTS) - Over time, Alpha Flight rescued twenty-two mutants and brought them to Krakoa North.

(Alpha Flight V#1) - After former Alpha Flight members secretly rescued their twenty-third mutant, Argent, Northstar visited Argent in Krakoa North's cafeteria to see how Argent was doing. When Argent admitted he had been scared and asked if it were true that Mars housed only mutants, Northstar admitted that Mars was not currently safe and that the mutants in Krakoa North would eventually be taken to the Shi'ar planet of Chandilar until Mars was safe to live on. He then explained how the Krakoan gates were all closed so the mutants in Krakoa North would have to bide their time until more mutants could be rescued and sent to Chandilar in one haul via spaceship. As Northstar was stating that he didn't know when exactly they would sent to Chandilar, he was interrupted by the arrival of the core Alpha Flight team, who was publicly working with the government's Department H while secretly aiding mutants. Alpha Flight's Shaman informed Northstar that Department H was about to roll out their Box Sentinel program so the mutants of Krakoa North would need to be moved sooner rather than later.

(Alpha Flight V#2) - Within Krakoa North, Northstar, his husband Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu and Guardian discussed how their time was running out to get the mutants of Krakoa North to safety now that Department H was unveiling their Box Sentinels. As they discussed how many mutants would need transport to Chandilar, children Bubs, Tasha and Spencer ran past them, only to be stopped by Aurora. Spencer informed Aurora that he was bored in Krakoa North but Aurora explained how it was not safe to leave Krakoa North, as it was protected by a magical force-field and once someone left the facility, they would no longer be protected by the force-field. She then suggested the kids go play some video games instead as Northstar, Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu and Guardian continued their discussion. While the conversation continued, Shaman checked out Argent in the medical area of Krakoa North, where Argent admitted his fear and desire to return to a normal life. Shaman expressed sympathy and assured Argent that he would be safe at Krakoa North as they left the office. Shortly after, Fang and Puck used Krakoa North's communications array to reach out to Shi'ar Empress Xandra to ensure Chandilar held a place for the rescued mutants in Krakoa North and Snowbird spoke Nemesis in her quarters about Nemesis' growing weakness.

(Alpha Flight V#3) - Argent met with Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu within Krakoa North to discuss whether there was somewhere closer to move the mutants of Krakoa North than the planet Chandilar. When Argent asked if there could be moved somewhere on Earth instead of space or perhaps even stay in Krakoa North, Kyle expressed wishes that they could stay at Krakoa North but noted that while the mutants were safe in Krakoa North for the time being, that would soon not be the case. Kyle then assured Argent that the move to Chandilar was for the mutants' safety and expressed hope that the move would only be temporary but a grumbling Argent replied that he just wanted to go home and get away from other mutants and the chaos that followed them. He then commented that he felt as if he were being held captive at Krakoa North and Kyle assured Argent that they were only there for their own safety, admitting that he also hated that the mutants were being forced to stay there by various anti-mutant organizations who would seek to harm them. Again trying to assure Argent that the mutants would be safe, Kyle suggested talking with the rest of Alpha Flight when they returned about possible other options but an annoyed Argent remarked that he didn't want to discuss anything, only go home. Argent then stormed off and Kyle prepared an email to Northstar expressing concern for Argent's restlessness and how he might influence other mutants within Krakoa North.

(Alpha Flight V#4 (fb) - BTS) - Argent wrote a letter from Krakoa North informing his mother of his decision to leave Krakoa North.

(Alpha Flight V#4) - Argent packed a backpack and looked out longingly into the wilderness outside Krakoa North. Grabbing the backpack, Argent ventured into Krakoa North's kitchen, where a concerned Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu noticed him and asked if he was okay. Claiming he was only out to get a snack, Argent grabbed an apple and bit into it, remarking to Kyle that everything was good now. A few minutes later, Argent walked past the children Bubs, Spencer and Tasha and, briefly looking back at them, used his powers to open the door to Krakoa North, exiting the facility and leaving the door open for any others who wished to follow suit. His exit nullified the protective spell around Krakoa North, revealing its location to Department H. Upon seeing the door to the outside open, Spencer ran outside and Bubs and Tasha followed and a short time later, Kyle noticed the open door and the children were quickly rounded up. Kyle then contacted Northstar to inform him of the situation, revealing that Argent was still unaccounted for. Northstar informed Kyle that they would need to relocate the mutants from Krakoa North as soon as Alpha Flight returned but the communication was interrupted when Department H's Box Sentinels arrived on the scene. As Argent walked further into the nearby woods, he looked back and saw explosions at Krakoa North, fearing his actions had caused the attack.

(Alpha Flight V#5) - As explosions rocked Krakoa North, the Box Sentinels warned the mutants against any resistance, prompting Spencer to exclaim that he didn't mean for the attack to happen. Kyle quickly pulled Spencer aside and assured him that he did not cause the Box Sentinels to attack, suggesting Spencer stay close. The Box Sentinels placed Kyle under arrest and Kyle got to his knees in an effort to show compliance and spare the younger mutants such treatment. Most of the mutants were then placed in handcuffs but Argent appeared and sliced one of the Box Sentinels in half. Alpha Flight subsequently arrived at Krakoa North seconds after one of the Box Sentinels killed Argent and a massive fight ensued outside the damaged Krakoa North. During the fight, one of the mutants collected Argent's dropped backpack and passed it over to Northstar. Eventually, Alpha Flight's Nemesis was able to successfully teleport the mutants of Krakoa North to a spaceship intended to take them to Chandilar while Alpha Flight itself was taken into Department H custody.

Comments: Created by Ed Brisson and Scott Godlewski.

    The young mutant Bubs is seen chasing another kid around Krakoa North in Alpha Flight V#3 and the kid is wearing a hat, much like Tasha often wore. However, the skin color is different than Tasha's and the kid being chased in #3 also looked more like a boy than a girl. One might argue that it could be a hat-wearing Spencer but chances are, it's probably just one of the other mutants in Krakoa North or even a child of one of the mutants staying there.

    Despite the name, Krakoa North does not appear to be an extension of the mutant island Krakoa but rather, just a facility meant to house mutants in Canada. It likely got its name from the mutant island haven for mutants but other than the name, Krakoa North did not appear to be a direct extension of the island itself. While not stated, it could have potentially once held one of the Krakoa gates...

Profile by Proto-Man.

Krakoa North has no known connections to:


Bubs was a young mutant housed at Krakoa North whose powers required him to live within a bubble suit. Despite this, Bubs retained a positive nature and was often seen playing with other children around Krakoa North such as Spencer and Tasha. When Argent exited Krakoa North, Bubs' friend Spencer immediately left the facility while Bubs tentatively remained behind, curious what Spencer was doing. Spencer ultimately convinced Bubs to accompany him into the woods but Argent's exit nulled the protective spell around Krakoa North, drawing Department H's Box Sentinels to Krakoa North's location. Bubs and the other children were quickly located before the Sentinels arrived and they remained close to Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu during the subsequent battle between Alpha Flight and the Box Sentinels. During the fight, Alpha Flight's Nemesis managed to teleport Bubs and the other children onto a spaceship intended to take them to the planet Chandilar for their own safety.

Bubs is a mutant whose powers are so potentially destructive that he is forced to live inside a bubble-like exoskeleton for the protection of himself and others.

--Alpha Flight V#2 (#3-5,


Spencer was a young boy housed within Krakoa North. He was often seen playing with young mutants Bubs and Tasha and he occasionally grew bored while cooped up within Krakoa North. When the mutant Argent exited Krakoa North, unknowingly nullifying the protective spell around the facility, Spencer immediately took advantage of the situation to run outside into the woods, convincing his friends Bubs and Tasha to follow suit. The children were quickly rounded back up but Department H's Box Sentinels soon attacked Krakoa North, now able to detect it with the protective spell broken. Blaming himself for going outside and drawing the Box Sentinels there, Spencer was assured by Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu that the Sentinel attack was not his fault. During the subsequent battle between Alpha Flight and the Box Sentinels, Spencer and the other residents of Krakoa North were teleported aboard a spaceship intended to take them to the planet Chandilar for their own safety.

Spencer did not display any superhuman powers. It was unclear whether he was a mutant himself or merely the human child of a mutant on Krakoa North.

--Alpha Flight V#2 (#4-5,


Tasha was a green-skinned young mutant housed at Krakoa North. She was often seen playing with the other children Bubs and Spencer. When the mutant Argent exited Krakoa North, effectively nullifying the protective spell around the facility, Tasha's friend Spencer urged Tasha and their friend Bubs to go outside into the woods with him. The children were quickly rounded back up but the broken spell allowed Department H's Box Sentinels to detect the mutants in Krakoa North. During the subsequent Box Sentinel attack, Tasha remained close to Kyle Beaubier-Jinadu as Alpha Flight came to Krakoa North's defense. As the fight progressed, Tasha and the other mutants of Krakoa North were teleported aboard a spaceship intended to take them to the planet Chandilar for their own safety.

Tasha is a mutant with green skin.

--Alpha Flight V#2 (#4-5,

images: (without ads)
Alpha Flight V#2, p1, pan1 (Krakoa North, main image)
Alpha Flight V#1, p19, pan1 (Krakoa North as seen from the side)
Alpha Flight V#1, p19, pan2 (Krakoa North cafeteria)
Alpha Flight V#2, p5, pan3 (Krakoa North's medical wing)
Alpha Flight V#4, p9, pan1 (Bubs & Spencer)
Alpha Flight V#4, p10, pan5 (Tasha)

Alpha Flight V#1 (October, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#2 (November, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#3 (December, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#4 (January, 2024) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#5 (February, 2024) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski, David Cutler (art), Mark Basso (editor)

First Posted: 09/11/2024
Last updated: 09/11/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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