Real Name: Kendall Kulto

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Author, lecturer, scientist

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Earth's scientific community

Enemies: Captain America (Jeff Mace), Golden Girl (Betsy Ross), Martian creatures

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: His own private laboratory, USA

First Appearance: Captain America Comics I#70 (January, 1949)

Powers/Abilities: Prof. Kendall Kulto had no superhuman powers but he was an extremely knowledgeable and skilled scientist, author and lecturer.

    Kulto had access to a private laboratory equipped with advanced machinery of his own design including the Atomic Powered Planet Mover and a large Televised Viewer device that allowed him to view events occurring elsewhere on a video screen.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'9")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 165 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (balding)

(Captain America Comics I#70 (fb) - BTS) - Professor Kendall Kulto made a name for himself as one of the world's greatest scientists. He ultimately discovered proof of destructive creatures living on Mars that were unable to traverse the interstellar distance between Earth and Mars, writing about his findings in a series of books that were purchased by Jeff Mace. Years later, Kulto embarked on a series of lectures scientific lectures, some of which were attended by Jeff Mace. When Kulto scheduled a lecture on his theories about the future of the world, Mace (in his guise as teacher Steve Rogers) and Betsy Ross were able to acquire tickets.

(Captain America Comics I#70) - Prof. Kulto gave his lecture and Jeff Mace and Betsy Ross, as well as the other patrons, waited eagerly for Kulto's predictions for the future. Saving his predictions for the end of his lecture, Prof. Kulto predicted that the entire planet would be destroyed should there ever be another war and suggested that the only thing that could prevent such a war would be some sort of calamity to unite the world's nations against a single enemy. With the lecture over, Mace and Ross discussed what sort of calamity Kulto thought would unite the nations and hours later that night, Prof. Kulto completed work in his private laboratory on his Atomic Powered Planet Mover machine, a device he monologued might make him the most hated man on Earth instead of its greatest scientist. Flipping a switch to activate his Planet Mover, the fanatical Prof. Kulto used the device to pull the planet Mars closer to Earth, hoping to aid the Martian creatures in attacking Earth so that Earth's nations would unite against the creatures and save itself from potential future destruction. He then rested, secure in his knowledge that his horrible actions would lead to the uniting of the world.

    The next day, Jeff Mace noticed that the planet Mars was visible in the sky in broad daylight and he pulled Betsy Ross aside to inform her of suspicions he had regarding Prof. Kulto's involvement based on Kulto's book that had been published years earlier. When a fleet of Martian creatures attacked Earth, Mace and Ross quickly donned their Captain America and Golden Girl costumes and made their way to Kulto's private laboratory. Hours later, Captain America and Golden Girl arrived at the laboratory to confront Prof. Kulto and when Captain America demanded to know why Kulto had done such a terrible thing. Fanatically asking how Captain America had deduced his involvement in the Martian attack, Cap explained how he had read Kulto's books and heard Kulto's lectures. Cap then announced that, based on Kulto's documented theories, there was no one else who could be responsible and Prof. Kulto admitted that he had drawn Mars closer to Earth, raving that his name would someday be honored for his actions. Further ranting that his actions were the only way to bring Earth's nations together against a common enemy, Prof. Kulto was deemed mad by Golden Girl and the two heroes swiftly left Kulto's lab, feeling as if there was nothing more for them to do there.

    As time passed, Kulto's plan seemed to be working, as the world's nations did indeed unite together against the Martian creatures but unfortunately, not even the combined might of the allied nations proved capable of defeating the creatures led by War-Lord Oog. After Captain America was captured by Oog, who accompanied Cap on orders to deliver an ultimatum of surrender, Cap led Oog to Prof. Kulto's laboratory, where Golden Girl informed him that Kulto had been killed in the war against the Martians. Captain America then tricked Oog into thinking he was contacting Earth's leaders but he instead used Prof. Kulto's Planet Mover to restore Mars to its proper location in space before defeating Oog.

Comments: Created by an uncredited writer, Ken Bald and Vince Alascia.

    Professor Kendall Kulto was only ever identified in Captain America Comics I#70 as "Professor Kulto." His first name was first revealed in the Patriot entry seen in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 8 (2009). In that same entry, the story involving Prof. Kulto in Captain America Comics I#70 is strangely listed as occurring in Fall 1948 despite the issue having a January 1949 cover date...perhaps it was listed as occurring in Fall 1948 because that's when the issue would've been on newsstands? I'd think the events would've still occurred in real time based on publication date not shipping date though...

Profile by Proto-Man.

Prof. Kendall Kulto
should be distinguished from:

Atomic Powered Planet Mover

The Atomic Powered Planet Mover was a large device designed by Professor Kendall Kulto that was capable of projecting rays of atomic energy strong enough to pull an entire planet out of orbit. It essentially acted as an immensely powerful tractor beam. In an effort to force Earth's nations to band together against a common enemy to prevent what he thought would be the complete destruction of Earth, Prof. Kulto used the Atomic Powered Planet Mover to pull the planet Mars closer to Earth, giving Martian creatures led by the War-Lord Oog the opportunity to attack. In the ensuing war between Earth and Oog's creatures, Prof. Kulto was killed and the captured Captain America led Oog back to Kulto's lab, where he tricked Oog into thinking he was communicating with Earth's leaders and used the Atomic Powered Planet Mover to restore Mars to its proper location in space. With Oog's creatures cut off from their home planet, Captain America battled Oog one-on-one and Cap knocked the tall Oog into the Atomic Powered Planet Mover, destroying it.

--Captain America Comics I#70d

images: (without ads)
Captain America Comics I#70, p8, pan2 (Prof. Kendall Kulto, main image)
Captain America Comics I#70, p2, pan3 (Prof. Kendall Kulto, headshot)
Captain America Comics I#70, p8, pan1 (Prof. Kulto sitting)
Captain America Comics I#70, p2, pan6 (Atomic Powered Planet Mover)

Captain America Comics I#70 (January, 1949) - "Worlds at War!" story - uncredited writer, Ken Bald (pencils), Vince Alascia (inks), uncredited editor

First posted09/02/2024
Last updated: 09/02/2024

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