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Real Name: Yuriko Oyama

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-92131) human cyborg

Occupation: Mercenary, assassin

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Reavers (Bonebreaker, Wade Cole, Prettyboy, Murray Reese, Skullbuster);
    formerly Logan

Enemies: Morlocks (Annalee, Ape, Callisto, Erg, Leech, Sunder, Tommy), Spirit Drinker, X-Men (Beast/Henry McCoy, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Jean Grey Jubilee/Jubilation Lee, Professor X/Charles Xavier, Wolverine/Logan)

Known Relatives: Professor Oyama (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly Japan

First Appearance: X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" (July 29, 1994)

Powers/Abilities: Lady Deathstrike is a cybernetically enhanced human whose primary features include adamantium-laced claws capable of slicing through nearly any substance, which retract from her fingers for deadly combat. She possesses superhuman strength, agility, and speed, all augmented by her cybernetic enhancements. Additionally, Lady Deathstrike has a healing factor that aids in her recovery from injuries, and her enhanced durability makes her resistant to physical damage. A skilled martial artist, she effectively combines her physical prowess and combat skills in battle.

Height: 5'9" (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Weight: 128 lbs. (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red fabric-like material, formerly black hair


(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" (fb)) - At some point in the past, the Japanese Yuriko met and fell in love the Canadian Logan. Ordered to return to his homeland, Logan said farewell to Yurko on a bridge. During this poignant goodbye, Yuriko shared her fears of losing him forever. Logan promised to come back, but fate had other plans. He was captured and subjected to experiments by Weapon X, a covert operation that used a process developed by Yuriko's father to bond the indestructible metal Adamantium to Logan's skeleton.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" (fb) - BTS) - Yuriko came to believe Logan was responsible for her father's dead after his escape from Weapon X. Seeking for a way to exact her revenge, Yuriko sought out the help of the cyborg Reavers. The Reavers cybernetically enhanced her body, using her father's bonding process to create adamantium-laced claws which lead her to be known as Lady Deathstrike.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" - BTS) - After escaping Weapon X, Logan returned to Japan in an effort to locate Yuriko but failed to do so.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" (fb) - BTS) - Deathstike's laboratory was infiltrated by the young mutant known as Leech to steal a special weapon. The young mutant had been send by Callisto in the hopes of unlocking an alien treasure hoping it would allow her to reinstate herself as the leader of the Morlocks. Leech's theft of the weapon hadn't gone unnoticed after which Deathstrike, joined by the Reavers set out to chase the boy.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I") - In hot pursuit of the thief, Lady Deathstrike and the Reavers followed the young mutant into the Morlock Tunnels where they were opposed by Callisto's forces. But after making quick work of the Morlocks, Lady Deathstrike grabbed Leech by the throat after which he revealed they wanted to unlock what they thought to be an alien treasure. Intrigued, Deathstrike and her Reavers took a look at the treasure which appeared to be a Shi'ar vessel. Deathstrike and even the Morlocks were unaware the Shi'ar vessel was a prison housing the dangerous Spirit Drinker.

Determined to tear the ship's hull, Deathstrike used her admantium-laced claws at the ship but received a powerful backlash from the ships defensive field interacting with her cyber-components. Eager to get his turn, the trigger-easy Cole tried to use his blaster on the ship but was halted by Deathstrike who feared it would destroy the treasure and decided to trick Wolverine into doing the dirty work for them.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" - BTS) - Deathstrike used Leech to deliver a video message to the Xavier Institute, telling Wolverine she was waiting for him in the Morlock Tunnels. Still unaware what had transpired to Yuriko all those years ago he was determined to find her.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I") - Not long after, Wolverine arrived in the tunnels while being followed by his friends Gambit and Jubilee. Wolverine immediately attacked the Reavers, believing they were responsible for Yuriko disappearance until she made her presence known, revealing she'd become the living weapon known as Lady Deathstrike. Severely shocked by her current appearance, Wolverine listened as Deathstrike revealed why she'd undergone her transformation, blaming the X-Man for her father's dead. Although urging her he had no part in her father's dead, his words fell on deaf ears. When Wolverine was unwilling to help them with the alien treasure, Deathstrike attacked the X-Man while the Reaver stood and watched the ongoing battle. But when Wolverine gained the upper hand, Prettyboy hit Wolverine with a plasma net, rendering the mutant unconscious after which the Reavers brought him to the Shi'ar vessel, unaware they were being followed by Gambit and Jubilee.

When Deathstrike and the Reavers arrived at the Shi'ar vessel they removed the plasma netting from Wolverine after which he regained consciousness. Still unwilling to help them, Wolverine attacked Deathstrike and the Reavers and was quickly joined by his friends Jubilee and Gambit. Focussing her attention on Wolverine, Deathstrike was accidentally thrown into the ship's defensive shield herself. Screaming in agony, Wolverine used his adamantium claws to free her, which also breached the ship's hull.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part II") - Wolverine's act of kindness accidentally caused the Shi'ar Spirit Drinker to be set free which immediately began feeding on the Reavers, trapping their minds within. Eager to attack the extraterrestrial, Deathstrike was pulled away by Wolverine after which the creature took Jubilee. With just Deathstrike, Wolverine and Gambit left the threesome fled deeper into the Morlock Tunnels followed by the creature. In an effort to trick Deathstrike, the Spirit Drinker showed her images of the Reavers pleading for her help. Unwilling to abandon her men she lunged at the beast only to be pushed aside by Gambit who made the ceiling collapse to save them. Deathstrike and Wolverine stood their ground realizing their adamantium claws could hurt the beast's tentacles, Deathstrike, however was grabbed by the leg and also taken by the creature.

Just as the Spirit Drinker had taken Lady Deathstrike the other X-Men (Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey and Professor X) arrived to help Wolverine deal with the creature. While the bodies of Deathstrike and Jubilee were kept save the X-Men eventually managed to defeat the creature, causing all of the drained life forces to be returned to their original bodies, thus saving Deathstrike and the Reavers. Honor-bound, Deathstrike chose to walk away, warning Wolverine she would return for her revenge nonetheless.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "The Phoenix Saga - Part II: The Dark Shroud" - BTS) - When Charles Xavier's subconscious dark side taunted the X-Men he used illusions of Yuriko Oyama, Sabretooth and Deadpool to haunt and attack Wolverine with.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Weapon X, Lies, and Video Tape" - BTS) - Searching for Wolverine, Jean Grey found a stack of photos in his room which included a photograph of Yuriko.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Lotus and the Steel" - BTS) - While staying in a Japanese village under the guidance of Master Oku, Wolverine had a fever dream about his past including his previous romance with Yuriko and her transformation into Lady Deathstrike.

(X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon - "Mutant Liberation Begins" - BTS) - When the Friends of Humanity and the X-Cutioner attacked the United Nations during the trial of Magneto, X-Man Morph used their shape shifting abilities to take on the forms of Lady Deathstrike, Colossus and Psylocke to attack the X-Cutioner.

Comments: Created by Dennis O'Neil and William Johnson;
    adapted by Michael Edens and AKOM Productions. (see Appearances list for full list of artists)

When Yuriko Oyama was introduced as Wolverine's former lover from Japan it seemed like they merged the story with Mariko Yashida, who never appeared in the animated series.

Lady Deathstrike also appears in the new opening of the X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon where she and the White Queen (Emma Frost) replaced Warpath and the guy with the big pink head.

X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon - "Remember It" (April 10, 2024) had a small reference to Lady Deathstrike's lethal nails as a large banner can be seen in Genosha sporting a model with large razor-like nails called "Sharp Beauty: Finally... For Nails, Scales, & Horns".

When, in 2015's Secret Wars, the Multiverse was destroyed following the incursions of planets it appeared as if Reality-92131 was drafted onto Battleworld as the Westchester domain. However, this has since been debunked. As such the reality seen in the two volumes of X-Men '92 (2015 and 2016-2017) now have their own reality-designation of Earth-15730. The X-Men '92: House of XCII (2022) series was inspired by both the animated series and Hickman's House of X run but is its own separate reality. The limited series X-Men '97 (2024), however, is Reality-92131 and bridges the gap between the original X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon and the new X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Lady Deathstrike has no known connections to

Professor Oyama

  Yuriko's father, Professor Oyama was responsible for inventing the Adamantium bonding process used by covert operation Weapon X to bond Logan's skeleton to the indestructible metal. Yuriko believed her father was killed by Logan, something which the Canadian mutant denies.

--X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" - BTS

Some online sources claim that Professor Oyama and the Professor seen in the Weapon X flashbacks are the same person, this is not the case. Weapon X's Professor known for his bald head and glasses is Truett Hudson.

images: (without ads)
X-Men The Art and Making of The Animated Series book, p149 (main image, digitally colored by MarvellousLuke)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" (human form)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" (enhanced body by the Reavers)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part II" (fighting the Spirit Drinker)

X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part I" (July 29, 1994) - Michael Edens (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Darrel Bowen, Russel Chong, Mark Lewis, Steve Olds, Frank Squillace (prop design), Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Wayne Schulz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson (color key), Philip Kim, Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Sue Peters (animation director), Patrick Archibald, Francis Barrios, Romeo Francisco, Curt Geda, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, Rick Hoberg, Larry Houston, Jim Janes, Doug Murphy, Tom Nesbitt, Frank Squillace, Michael Swanigan, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Patrico Aganasin, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Andre Nieves, Phil Stapleton (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation studio), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Out of the Past - Part II" (August 5, 1994) - Michael Edens (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Darrel Bowen, Russel Chong, Mark Lewis, Steve Olds, Frank Squillace (prop design), Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Wayne Schulz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson (color key), Philip Kim, Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Sue Peters (animation director), Patrick Archibald, Francis Barrios, Romeo Francisco, Curt Geda, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, Rick Hoberg, Larry Houston, Jim Janes, Doug Murphy, Tom Nesbitt, Frank Squillace, Michael Swanigan, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Patrico Aganasin, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Andre Nieves, Phil Stapleton (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation studio), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Phoenix Saga - Part II: The Dark Shroud" (September 6, 1994) - Michael Edens (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Darrel Bowen, Russell Chong, Mark Lewis, Steve Olds, Frank Squillace (prop design), Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Wayne Schulz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson (color key), Philip Kim, Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Patrick Archibald, Francis Barrios, Romeo Francisco, Curt Geda, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, Rick Hoberg, Larry Houston, Jim Janes, Doug Murphy, Tom Nesbitt, Frank Squillace, Michael Swanigan, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Patricio Aganasin, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Andre Nieves, Phil Stapleton (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Weapon X, Lies, and Video Tape" (June 11, 1995) - Steven Melching, David McDermott (writers), Bob Harras (story consultant), Larry Houston (producer, director), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Darrel Bowen, Russell Chong, Mark Lewis, Steve Olds, Frank Squillace (prop design), Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Wayne Shulz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson (color key), Philip Kim, Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Patrick Archibald, Francisco Barrios, Romeo Francisco, Curt Geda, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, Rick Hoberg, Larry Houston, Jim Janes, Doug Murphy, Tom Nesbitt, Frank Squillace, Michael Swanigan, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Patricio Aganasin, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Andre Nieves, Phil Stapleton (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Lotus and the Steel" (February 3, 1996) - Ted Pederson, Francis Moss (writers), Bob Harras (story consultant), Larry Houston (producer, director), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Marcos Borregales, Darrel Bowen, Claude Denis, Warren Greenwood, Mark Lewis, Andre Nieves, Steve Olds, Shayne Poindexter (prop design), Patricio Agnasin, Claude Denis, Tenny Henson, Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson (color key), Yung Woo Kim, Laura Rasey Miller, Sung Woo (color backgrounds), Jerry Acerno, Troy D. Adomitis, Patrick Archibald, Dell Barras, Francisco Barrios, Armando Carrillo, Romeo Francisco, Greg Garcia, Tenny Henson, Rick Hoberg, Tom Nesbitt, David Simons, Michael Sosnowski, Frank Squillace, Keith Tucker, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Patricio Aganasin, Marcos Borregales, Gerald Forton, Ernie G. Guanlao, Tenny Henson, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Mike Sosnowski (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation), John Walts (editor)
X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon - "Mutant Liberation Begins" (March 20, 2024) - Beau DeMayo (writer), Chase Conley (director), Roger Oda (art director), David Maximo (assistant director), Naseer Pasha (animation lead), Aisling Harbert-Philllips (lead compositer), Jarret Ballard, Marisa Ledina, Anthony Martin (composite artists), Marty Walker (lead retake animator), John Berry, Fabian Corona, Allister Jones, Daisy Schofield (retake animators), Walter Kim, Derek Kosol, Mark Taihei, Adri Torres (prop designers), Jay Baker, Marvin Britt, Ibraheem Jara, Kelly Kao, Cassey Kuo, James Yang (storyboard artists), Jerry Gaylord, Jordan Willis (storyboard revisionists), Marvel Studios (animation), Beau DeMayo, Victoria Alonso, Louis D'Esposito, Kevin Feige, Brad Winderbaum (executive producer), Dana Vasquez-Eberhard (co-executive producter)

First Posted: 06/30/2024
Last Updated: 06/30/2024

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