Membership: None identified

Purpose: To serve Laomedon

Aliases: The Trojan Hippoi

Affiliations: Erikhthonios, Laomedon, possibly Tros (see comments)

Enemies: Hercules (Heracles) (indirectly)

Base of Operations: Troy

First Appearance: (mentioned in Marvel Comics) Incredible Hercules I#114 (March, 2008)

(Greek/Roman myth) - Twelve magical horses were sired by Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind and winter, by the horses belonging to King Erikhthonios of Troy. Each of the magical horses were capable of moving so fast that they could run on water. When King Laomedon of Troy's son was kidnapped by the Greek god Zeus, Zeus saw how Laomedon grieved for his son and sent Hermes to present Laomedon with the gift of two of the magical horses as compensation (see comments).

(Greek/Roman myth/Incredible Hercules I#114 (fb) - BTS) - When Laomedon's daughter was captured by the monster of Poseidon, Laomedon hired the demigod Hercules to rescue his daughter, promising his magical horses as payment. Laomedon subsequently neglected to turn over the horses and a maddened Hercules laid waste to all of Troy circa 1264 B.C., killing Laemedon and all but one of his sons.

Comments: Adapted into Marvel Comics by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Khoi Pham and Paul Neary.

    Some accounts vary as to which King of Troy originally received the magical horses, as some accounts state Laomedon received them as compensation for the capture of his son Ganymede but other state it was Tros, Laomedon's grandfather and an earlier king. Since other myths state that the magic horses were born to horses belonging to King Erikhthonios of Troy by way of the Greek god Boreas, it stands to be possible that perhaps the horses were born to Erikthonios' horses and possibly passed down to Tros and eventually gifted to Laomedon by Zeus himself. The Marvel Comics version only mentions the horses belonging to Laomedon.

    I couldn't easily find images of the magical horses by searching the internet and they do not directly appear in the flashback in Incredible Hercules I#114. Incredible Hercules I#114 does show some of Laomedon's guards with horses but I don't believe those are meant to be the magical horses but rather, just normal horses. I found an illustration online of Hercules forcibly acquiring Laomedon's magical horses but it was horribly obscured by stock photography watermarks and not exactly ideal for an image in this profile.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Laomedon's magical horses have no known connections to:

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Incredible Hercules I#114 (March, 2008) - Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente (writers), Khoi Pham (pencils), Paul Neary (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)

First Posted: 07/14/2023
Last updated: 07/14/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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