Classification: Magic item
Creator: Unrevealed
User/Possessors: Doctor Druid (Anthony Druid), Umar
First Appearance: Strange Tales I#151/2 (September, 1966)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Lamp of Lucifer was a magic scrying item that could show visions of the past, present or future through its smoke. To use the Lamp of Lucifer it had to be lit, an incantation had to be spoken and then the user could command it to show them whatever they wanted to know.
(Strange Tales I#151/2) - Upon her return to the Dark Dimension Umar used the Lamp of Lucifer to learn everything she needed to know about recent events. She lit the lamp and used an enchantment so that the lamp's smoke showed her visions. She learned of Doctor Strange's beginnings as a sorcerer and how he defeated Baron Mordo. The lamp then showed her how Doctor Strange and Eternity banished her brother Dormammu, which freed Umar and her daughter Clea. She then learned of Doctor Strange's recent victory over Kaluu through the lamp. Umar realized that Doctor Strange was the only one that could pose a threat to her and planned to kill him. To learn his current location she commanded the lamp one last time and it showed her Doctor Strange on Earth dealing with the damage done by Kaluu to the Sanctum Sanctorum.
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SECRET WARS III HAPPENED (Amazing Spider-Man V#41 (fb)) - At some point the Lamp of Lucifer ended up in New York City and was among the mystical artifacts catalogued by Department of Records archivist Gus Mapleton. (Scarlet Witch III#9 (fb) - BTS) - The Lamp of Lucifer somehow ended up in the belly of a Sand Shark in the Endless Desert in Weirdworld. Doctor Druid learned of the lamp's whereabouts and sent the Scarlet Witch, who owed him a debt, to retrieve it for him. (Scarlet Witch III#9) - Scarlet Witch and Joseph, the clone of Magneto, went to the Endless Desert and retrieved the Lamp of Lucifer from the Sand Shark. Scarlet Witch delivered the Lamp of Lucifer to Doctor Druid in the Bar With No Doors. She called it a trinket and Druid explained that it was a scrying device that even show Scarlet Witch her future, but she was not interested. Comments: Created by Stan Lee & Bill Everett. |
That Lamp of Lucifer cameo in Amazing Spider-Man was something I did not expect while working on an update on the Tablet of Life and Time.
Profile by Markus Raymond.
The Lamp of Lucifer has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Strange Tales II#151, p19, pan3 (main)
Scarlet Witch II#9, p14, pan3 (Scarlet Witch delivers Lamp of Lucifer to Druid)
Amazing Spider-Man V#41, p7, pan3 (catalogued mystical artifacts)
Strange Tales I#151/2 (September, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Bill Everett (artist)
Amazing Spider-Man V#41 (May, 2020) - Nick Spencer (writer), Ryan Ottley (pencils), Cliff Rathburn (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Scarlet Witch II#9 (December, 2023) - Steve Orlando (writer), Lorenzo Tammetta & Sara Pichelli (artists), Alanna Smith (editor)
First Posted: 04/23/2024
Last updated: 07/03/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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