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Real Name: Linda Lawson

Identity/Class: Normal human (1950s era)

Occupation: Television presenter

Group Membership: TV station

Affiliations: James Willard, Mrs. Willard (James' mother)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed, likely a city in the USA

First Appearance: Girl Confessions#30/5 (January, 1954)

Powers/Abilities: Linda Lawson was an amiable television presenter of new devices. She lacked cooking skills, but desired to impress men and learned quickly.

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown


(Girl Confessions#30/5 (fb) - BTS) - The lithe Linda Lawson secured a job as a TV presenter of household appliances, particularly kitchenware like stove tops and ovens. However, the cooked food shown had already been prepared in advance. She became popular with television audiences and caught the eye of wealthy (but conservative) bachelor James Willard.

(Girl Confessions#30/5) - After another successful broadcast, Lawson was surprised and excited to hear that Willard wished to meet her personally. At the studio, he tried the food and believed it had been cooked by her. Lawson did not admit she hadn't cooked it herself. A whirlwind romance followed and Willard proposed, declaring he wanted a housewife who matched his mother, especially her cooking skills. Smitten by love, Lawson accepted. They soon bought a house and a week later, Willard brought his boss over for dinner and expected Lawson to cook, but she created kitchen chaos and burned the food. Lawson finally admitted she couldn't cook, so Willard broke off the engagement, thinking there could be other lies. Lawson cried alone and blamed herself. But then she secretly took cooking lessons from Willard's mother, learning his favorite dishes. Soon after, she cooked Willard's favorite meal live on TV. Willard had watched this and rushed to the studio. The couple embraced; Lawson trying hard to be the perfect housewife and Willard finding the perfect housewife.



Ugh, what a story. Thankfully, female characters have progressed considerably.

These romance stories often had the flavor of the time in which they were written, and nothing else to tie them into Marvel's sliding timescale. As such, it's likely that the stories took place at the time of publication rather than being part of the sliding timescale.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Linda Lawson has no known connections to:

James Willard

James Willard was a conservative and wealthy man who wished for a wife similar to his mother, i.e., a housewife who was especially capable of cooking. When Willard saw TV presenter Linda Lawson showcase kitchen appliances like ovens and stove tops, he thought she had prepared the elaborate dishes shown. He secured a personal meeting with Lawson and a whirlwind romance led to a marriage proposal, which Lawson quickly accepted. Soon, the couple found a house and Willard invited his boss over for dinner, expecting Lawson to cook a fancy meal, but Lawson's lack of cooking skills resulted in kitchen chaos. Feeling fooled and thinking other lies would follow, Willard broke off the engagement. However, Lawson secretly took cooking lessons from Willard's mother and a week later, cooked live on air. Willard saw this and quickly rushed to the studio and embraced Lawson, whom he realized was indeed his perfect housewife.









--Girl Confessions#30/5

images: (without ads)
Girl Confessions#30/5, p1, pan1 (main image)
   p4, pan5 (headshot)
   p3, pan1 (Willard - at least he's honest, I guess)

Girl Confessions#30/5 (January, 1954) - Paul S. Newman (writer), Jay Scott Pike (pencils & inks), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 03/09/2024

Last updated: 03/09/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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