Classification: Terrestrial restaurant

Creator: Unrevealed (presumably someone named Lenny)

User/Possessors: Feedback (Albert Louis)

First Appearance: Alpha Flight V#2 (November, 2023)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Lenny's functions as a typical "greasy spoon"-type restaurant for dining.

(Alpha Flight V#2 (fb) - BTS) - Lenny's restaurant opened in Bend, Oregon.

(Alpha Flight V#2) - On the run from the anti-mutant Orchis organization, the mutant Feedback visited Lenny's for coffee. While there, one of the waitresses recognized him and whispered to the manager, prompting Feedback to ask for the check. As Feedback was about to leave Lenny's, the manager confronted him and attempted to stall him. The manager was successfully able to keep Feedback inside Lenny's until the police arrived, prompting Feedback to order everyone in the restaurant to get out for their own safety. Soon after, a squadron of Department H Box Sentinels descended onto Lenny's and ordered Feedback to surrender but Feedback responded by plowing through the front of Lenny's surrounded by electrical energy and smashing one of the Box Sentinels into the ground. A battle quickly ensued between Feedback and the Box Sentinels outside Lenny's and eventually, former members of Alpha Flight arrived on the scene to rescue Feedback.

(Alpha Flight V#3) - The battle continued in front of the partially destroyed Lenny's restaurant until Nemesis teleported Feedback and the former Alpha Flight members from the scene.

Comments: Created by Ed Brisson and Scott Godlewski.

    While the manager of Lenny's is never identified, we can possibly assume the restaurant was founded by someone named Lenny...Then again, the founder could have named the restaurant after someone he knew. Just look at Wendy's. Dave Thomas named the restaurant after his daughter Wendy.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Lenny's has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Alpha Flight V#2, p7, pan1 (Lenny's exterior, main image)
Alpha Flight V#2, p7, pan2 (Lenny's interior)
Alpha Flight V#2, p9, pan1 (Feedback looking outside from the entrance to Lenny's)

Alpha Flight V#2 (November, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#3 (December, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)

First Posted: 08/29/2024
Last updated: 08/29/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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