Real Name: Charles Lensherr
Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-295), human mutant, citizen of the United States
Occupation: Student (grade school)
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Bishop, Theresa Cassidy, Destiny (Irene Adler), Nanny, Illyana Rasputin, X-Ternals (Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Jubilee/Jubilation Lee, Lila Cheney), X-Man (Nate Grey), X-Men (Beak/Barnell Bohusk, Banshee/Sean Cassidy, Blink/Clarice Ferguson, Dazzler/Alison Blaire, Jean Grey, Exodus/Bennett du Paris, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Magneto/Erik Magnus Lensherr, Morph/Kevin Sidney, Nightcrawler/Kurt Darkholme, Psylocke/Betsy Braddock, Rogue/Anna Marie Lensherr, Sabretooth/Victor Creed, Silver Samurai/Kenuicho Harada, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida, Weapon X/Logan, Wild Child/Kyle Gibney, Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff-Lensherr, X-23/Kirika Yashida, Xorn/Paige Guthrie)
Enemies: Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), Black Legion (Beta Red, Demon-Ock, Grimm Chamber, Iron Ghost, Orange Hulk, Zombie Sentry/Robert Reynolds), The Guthries (Amazon/Elizabeth Guthrie, Cannonball/Samuel "Sam" Guthrie, Husk/Paige Guthrie, Icarus/Josh Guthrie), Holocaust (Nemesis), Mudir Rictor (Julian Richter), Strong Guy (Guido Carosella), Vanisher (Telford Porter), Weapon Omega (Logan)
Known Relatives: Erik Magnus Lensherr (father, deceased), Anna-Marie Lensherr (mother, deceased), Pietro Maximoff Lensherr (stepbrother, deceased), Wanda Maximoff-Lensherr (stepsister, deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: formerly New Atlantis, Atlantic
formerly the Xavier Institute, Washington D.C.;
formerly the Xavier estate, the Dead Zone (formerly known
as Westchester, New York)
First Appearance: X-Men Alpha I#1(February, 1995)
Powers/Abilities: Despite his promising mutagenic potential, Charles Lensherr displayed no discernible superhuman abilities at his young age. He did seem capable of sensing psionic presences. He was a bright, technologically minded child who remained hopeful even though he was born into a world that had very little hope left.
Height: 4'0"
Weight: 90 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
(Official Handbook of the Marvel
Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse I#1) - Charles Lensherr was the
first child of X-Men leaders Magneto and Rogue. He was born on the
ruined Xavier Estate in the Dead Zone surrounding Apocalypse Island.
The boy was named after his father's long dead friend Charles Xavier,
who also grew up on the estate.
Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse I#1) - To
make sure his son could live a relatively normal life despite the
fact his parents were mutant resistance fighters, Magneto
constructed a robotic, fully armed bodyguard for him. Calling the
automaton Nanny, he made sure it was programmed to keep Charles safe
at all costs while also making sure his every need was tended to (see
(X-Men Alpha I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Charles grew close to Nanny who was
able to hug, cuddle and play him unlike his mother Rogue whose
mutant powers prevented her from even touching her own child's face.
(X-Men Alpha I#1) - When the X-Men returned home from a
mission to Seattle with the mysterious Bishop, Rogue and Magneto
parents immediately went to check on Charles. He was being cared
for by Nanny, who was singing him a lullabye. The boy was
wideawake when he spotted his parents and Magneto happily hugged
his son. This hurt Rogue who also longed to hold her child and she
feared Nanny was a better mother to him than she was. Magneto
assured her they would find a way for her to hold him.
X-Men I#1) - While Nanny was being upgraded, Blink offered to
look after Charles but the young teleporter had an ulterior
motive. She immediately brought the boy to Rogue who was getting
a little too intimate with her old flame Gambit. Charles broke
the romantic tension and Blink contently watched Rogue walk away
with her son to see to his needs.
X-Men I#1) - Bishop carried Charles while he, Magneto and Nanny observed
Quicksilver's X-Men prepare for their upcoming mission to Maine. Though
the situation was dire, Charles contributed a brief moment of levity
when he cheerfully pinched Bishop's nose.
(X-Man I#2) - Magneto was tending to Charles when
the boy picked up the psionic presence of X-Man and Theresa Cassidy.
Magneto didn't see anything, but trusted his child enough to immediately
take an imposing defensive stance. The two teen mutants were so
intimidated, they immediately left.
(Astonishing X-Men I#2) - Much to Bishop's dismay,
Magneto took the time to enjoy a quiet moment with Charles, holding the
helpless boy in his arms while he slept. When Magneto told Bishop that
he wasn't sure he could sacrifice his son's life to restore a world in
which he might not exist, Bishop repeated his earlier claims about this
reality being a kind of cosmic accident. None of this mattered to
Magneto: in his eyes, all Charles was is love and love is never an
accident. He asked Bishop to give him tonight to say goodbye to his
(Amazing X-Men I#2 - BTS) - Apocalypse, having
learned the location of the X-Men's base, ordered his troops to prepare
for an assault which he intended to lead himself.
(Astonishing X-Men I#3) - Charles and Nanny were in the room while
Magneto was preparing Bishop for his upcoming mission. The master of
magnetism wanted to make sure Bishop could pull the trigger and kill
Legion once he made it to the past. Their training was cut short when
Nanny's sensors picked up a
security perimeter breach. Immediately switching to Defcon:
Armageddon, the robotic nursemaid wrapped Charles in an omnium shell
made of her own body. Now safely sealed away in a nigh impenetrable
cocoon, Charles was instantly evacuated into the labyrithine sewers
below the mansion. With his son relatively safe and secure, Magneto
and Bishop decided they'd best prepare for the coming attack.
X-Men I#3) - In the sewers, Nanny reformed herself: the robot's
mid-riff was now a see-through shell that allowed Charles to keep
track of what was going on. They were suddenly confronted by the
teleporting Infinite Vanisher who was sent by Apocalypse to capture
Magneto's son. Nanny instantly activated her defensive array and
slaughtered her opponent with a barrage of close range precision
plasma fire. Vanisher perished on the spot, but none of this
mattered to Nanny who had resumed her trek through the tunnels with
her young charge.
(Gambit & the X-Ternals I#4 - BTS) - On the run from Mudir Rictor in the sewers, X-Ternals Jubilee and Strong Guy bumped into Charles and Nanny. Strong Guy, actually forced to work for Apocalypse, realized that the robot would lead them straight to Magneto in which case he could never deliver the M'Kraan shard they'd stolen to his master. To prevent this, he smashed Nanny to bits.
(Gambit & the X-Ternals I#4) -
Terrified and furious, Jubilee grabbed Charles and made a run for
it. But she got herself lost in the massive tunnel network, only
to inevitably run into Strong Guy again. He very
calmly forced his teammate to hand over both Charles and the
crystal. Jubilee could do nothing but watch him disappear into the
(Gambit and the X-Ternals I#4) - A little later, Strong Guy
personally delivered both Charles and the M'Kraan shard to
Apocalypse in his citadel. Apocalypse cradled Charles in his massive
hand during Rictor's debriefing. Apocalypse confronted his terrified
subject with all his mistakes and errors in judgement before
presenting him with both the son of Magneto and the crystal.
Apocalypse allowed Charles to watch as he finished Rictor's
debriefing by snapping his neck.
(X-Men Omega I#1)
- Apocalypse told Guido to watch Charles when the X-Men attacked the
citadel to free him, his father and the M'Kraan Crystal. Apocalypse
planned to use the boy as a bargaining tool, but when he was faced
by both Magneto and Rogue, the furious mother wasted no time killing
Guido and reclaiming her child. Rogue kept the boy safe while
Magneto used his powers to magnetically tear Apocalypse apart. In
the aftermath, aware that the Eurasian Human High Council had
launched its nuclear arsenal to destroy En Sabah Nur's empire,
Magneto and Rogue held Charles while they waited for the bombs to
(X-Men: Age of
Apocalypse One-Shot I#1) - Charles was too
young to notice everyone's surprise and
relief when the bombs were dismantled at
the last possible moment. People
automatically assumed it was Magneto's
doing, though in reality it was Jean
Grey's unseen use of the Phoenix
Force. Magneto decided to allow everyone
to believe he had saved them. And, to give
everyone a new symbol of hope, he flew to
Liberty Island to rebuild the Statue of
(X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#1 (fb) - BTS)
- When Magneto was appointed deputy
director of Mutant Affairs by the recently
elected United States president Robert
Kelly, the Lensherrs moved to Washington
D.C., Now operating out of the newly
constructed Xavier Institute, the X-Men
were tasked to hunt down former servants
of Apocalypse. Young Charles had the time
of his life playing with all the new
electronic gadgets including handheld
video games and radio-controlled cars.
(X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#1 - BTS) - A
year after starting as Mutant Affairs
director, Magneto held a televised press
conference in which he showed live footage
of his X-Men taking down the Hellions
holed up at the Massachusetts Academy. The
broadcast was watched by Charles.
(X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#1) - When
Magneto returned home to the Xavier
Institute, he was enthusiastically
welcomed by his son who told him he'd
watch him on the television. However, the
boy did wonder why his father didn't fight
alongside uncle Kurt, aunt 'Roro and the
others. This was Rogue's cue to come in
and tease Magneto, telling Charles his
father had gotten too old for that. After
a good laugh, they set down to dinner with
the other X-Men.
(X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#2) - Charles
visited his father in the Xavier Institute
infirmary when he was lightly injured
during the Morlock mission. However,
Charles seemed more preoccupied with his
new radio-controlled car which he used to
chase the cat all across the room. He
barely even noticed his stepbrother
Quicksilver rushing in to take his father
away on an urgent new mission.
(X-Men: Age of
Apocalypse I#3) - The X-Men's latest
recruit Xorn turned out to be the vengeful
Paige Guthrie who had come to make the
team pay for leaving her to die in the
Seattle Core. While her siblings kept the
X-Men busy, Paige fought and defeated
Rogue at the Institute. By the time the
X-Men returned home, they found Charles
chained up at Paige's feet, flanked by the
other Guthries.
(X-Men:Age of Apocalypse I#4) - The
X-Men's leader Storm demanded Charles'
release, but the Guthries weren't
impressed: they wouldn't attack out of
fear for the child. The telepathic ninja
Psylocke took that advantage away when she
broke the boy's bonds, allowing
Nightcrawler to teleport Charles to
safety. Seconds later, Magneto and Sunfire
returned from their mission. They quickly
executed the Guthries for their
transgressions, while Kirika ended the
life of Paige Guthrie but not before she
forced Magneto to admit he had lied to the
(X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#5 - BTS) -
Charles remained at the Institute after
Magneto told the X-Men that Jean Grey was
still alive and being held by Mr.
(X-Men: Age of
Apocalypse I#6) - Freeing Jean Grey and
killing Mr. Sinister came with a price:
Charles' half-brother Pietro was killed.
Charles attended the funeral, quietly
watching his father form a metal rose and
leaving it on his older brother's grave
site. A little later, Magneto turned
himself in for lying to the world. Charles
and Rogue watched a news report of his
arrest, though Charles seemed more
enthralled by the handheld videogame he
was playing.
(Uncanny X-Force I#12 (fb) - BTS) -
Relations between humans and mutants steadily deteriorated
over the years. Everything changed with the rise of Clan
Akkaba (headed by Weapon X, possessed by the Celestial
Death Seed that once empowered Apocalypse). Now known as
Weapon Omega, he took over New York City with the help of
a fleet of modified Sentinels and the villainous Black
Legion. The X-Men continued to fight the good fight, but
they lost numerous members along the way.
(Uncanny X-Force I#19.1 (fb) - BTS) - To demoralize his
main opponent, Weapon Omega sent the Black Legion against
Magneto's family. The master of magnetism was unable to
prevent Demon-Ock from crushing Charles to death.
Comments: Created by Scott Lobdell &
Mark Waid, Roger Cruz, Steve Epting, Tim Townsend & Dan
It's remarkable how normal Charles seemed given the way he grew up.
A mother who can't touch you, a robotic nanny with enough internal
weaponry to waste anyone while she sings you to sleep... Kidnapped
twice and surviving the end of the world only to get crushed by a
demonic alternate Doctor Octopus.
That's what happens when you play-act as Spider-Man, I suppose.
The writers made it a point to stress that Charles was not immune to his mother's powers. Don't be like me and lose sleep over the question how his birth went. Best explanation I can come up with: as long as the umbilical cord was attached, he was part of Rogue and she's immune to her own powers. Also, there apparently was plenty of baby formula in the Dead Zone.
Profile by Norvo
Charles Lensherr of Earth-295 should not be confused with
Images: (without ads)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#4, p3, pan1 (main)
Astonishing X-Men I#1, p14, pan3 (distracts Rogue & Gambit)
Amazing X-Men I#3, p12, pan2 (inside Nanny)
Gambit and the X-Ternals I#4, p10, pan3 (crying)
X-Men Omega I#1, p34, pan5 (saved by Rogue)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#1, p19, pans1&2 (daddy's home)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#6, p21, pan2 (Pietro's funeral)
X-Men Alpha I#1 (February, 1995) - Scott Lobdell
& Mark Waid (writers), Roger Cruz & Steve Epting (pencils),
Tim Townsend & Dan Panosian (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Astonishing X-Men I#1 (March, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Joe
Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras
Amazing X-Men I#1 (March, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy
Kubert (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Astonishing X-Men I#2 (April, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Joe
Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras
X-Man I#2 (April, 1995) - Jeph Loeb (writer), Steve Skroce
(pencils), Mike Sellers, Bud Larosa, Scott Hanna, Will Conrad
(inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Amazing X-Men I#3 (May, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert
(pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Astonishing X-Men I#3 (May, 1995)
- Scott Lobdell & Jeph Loeb (writers), Joe Madureira
(pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras
and the X-Ternals I#4 (June, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer),
Salvador Larocca (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras
X-Men Omega I#1 (June, 1995) - Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid (writers),
Roger Cruz (pencils), Bud LaRosa, Tim Townsend, Karl Kesel, Harry
Candelario, Scott Hanna, Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age
of Apocalypse 2005 (March, 2005) - Mike Raicht (writer), Jennifer
Grunwald (editor)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse One-Shot I#1 (May, 2005) - Akira Yoshida
(writer), Mark Brooks (pencils), Jaime Mendoza (inks), John Barber
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#1 (May, 2005) - Akira
Yoshida (writer), Chris Bachalo (pencils), Tim Townsend (inks), Mike
Marts (editor)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#2 (May, 2005) - Akira
Yoshida (writer), Chris Bachalo (pencils), Tim Townsend (inks), Mike
Marts (editor)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#3 (May, 2005) - Akira Yoshida (writer),
Chris Bachalo (pencils), Mark Irwin et al (inks), Mike Marts
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#4 (May, 2005) - Akira Yoshida (writer),
Chris Bachalo (pencils), Mark Irwin et al (inks), Mike Marts
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse I#6 (June, 2005) - Akira Yoshida (writer),
Chris Bachalo (pencils), Mark Irwin et al (inks), Mike Marts
Uncanny X-Force I#12 (September,
2011) - Rick Remender (writer), Mark Brooks (pencils), Mark Brooks
& Andrew Currie (pencils & inks), Jody Leheup (editor)
Uncanny X-Force I#19.1 (March, 2012) - Rick Remender
(writer), Billy Tan (pencils & inks), Jody Leheup (editor)
First Posted: 01/02/2025
Last Updated: 01/06/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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