Real Name: Lester

Identity/Class: Terrestrial canine

Occupation: Pet

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Howard the Duck, Beverly Switzler

Enemies: Ducks in general

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Beverly Switzler's home, Maine, USA

First Appearance: Howard the Duck V#5 (May, 2016)

Powers/Abilities: Lester does not possess any super-canine abilities but he is a very playful dog and enjoys chasing ducks. He is also known to bark at almost anything and is easily distracted by things such as grass and his own tail.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 2'0" at shoulder)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 70 lbs.)
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Light brown

(Howard the Duck V#5 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Beverly Switzler acquired a small brown dog that she named Lester and took in as a pet. Lester became known for chasing ducks.

(Howard the Duck V#5) - Following a cosmic conflagration, Howard the Duck used the last of his cosmic abilities to will himself "home" and he appeared on a cliff near Beverly Switzler's home while Lester was laying in the yard. Upon seeing Howard, Lester ran over and started barking at the new person, drawing Beverly's attention. Thinking Lester was simply chasing ducks again, Beverly emerged from the house to find Howard.

(Howard the Duck V#8) - Lester sniffed at Howard as Beverly asked if Lester wanted to go inside. Barking, Lester went inside, only to whine when Beverly remained outside to talk with Howard. Once Beverly and Howard both came inside as well, Lester ran off into another room of the house as the two discussed their past together. When Beverly mentioned being in veterinary school and Howard asked how long she had wanted to be a veterinarian, an angry Beverly stormed back outside and Lester followed. As Beverly accused Howard of never listening to here, Lester rolled around in the grass and subsequently chased his tail. Lester then playfully followed the two around as they continued their discussion.

Comments: Created by Chip Zdarsky, Joe Quinones, Joe Rivera and Goran Sudzuka.

    Given Lester's name and Beverly Switzler's past history, it's very possible Lester was named after Lester Verde, better known as the Howard the Duck foe Dr. Bong.

    Lester was referred to as a "mutt" but there seems to be some Golden Retriever in him, given his fur color and size (on all fours, he was more than half the size of the 2'7" Howard the Duck!).

Profile by Proto-Man.

should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Howard the Duck V#5, p19, pan4 (Lester barking, main image)
Howard the Duck V#5, p20, splash page (Lester, headshot)
Howard the Duck V#8, p2, pan1 (Lester sniffing)

Howard the Duck V#5 (May, 2016) - Chip Zdarsky (writer), Joe Quinones (pencils), Joe Rivera, Goran Sudzuka (inks), Wil Moss (editor)
Howard the Duck V#8 (August, 2016) - Chip Zdarsky (writer), Joe Quinones (pencils, inks), Joe Rivera (inks), Wil Moss (editor)
Howard the Duck V#11 (December, 2016) - Chip Zdarsky (writer), Joe Quinones (pencils, inks), Joe Rivera, Marc Deering (inks), Wil Moss (editor)

First posted07/15/2023
Last updated: 07/15/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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