Classification: Alternate Reality (Reality-8116) extraterrestrial starship
Creator: Unrevealed
First Appearance: "The Price," Eclipse
Graphic Album Series#5 (1981) - see comments
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Lightcutter II
could presumably travel at faster-than-light speed and/or utilize warp
drive in order to travel interstellar distances in a timely fashion.
It could travel from Altarix,
which was one of the galaxy's inner planets, deep within the
Instrumentality's domain, to Caldor, which was a frontier planet for
the Instrumentality, apparently toward the outer portions of the galaxy
in a few days.
It had life support capacities and an undefined cargo carrying capacity.
(The Price) - Seeking to meet the destiny for which he had prepared
himself, Syzygy Darklock purchased a spaceship, which he renamed
Lightcutter II. He had robot crews pack that which he needed, and he
gave the rest of his belongings to the poor. After bidding his nephew,
Ravol, farewell, Syzygy flew the Lightcutter II from the planet Altarix to the frontier planet Caldor over a few days.
(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar) - The Lightcutter II arrived on Caldor, as observed by Vanth and the People.
(The Price - BTS) - After setting up camp, Syzygy was greeted by Vanth (aka Dreadstar), and the two gradually formed teacher-student and friendship roles.
(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - Vanth, Oedi, Syzygy presumably used the Lightcutter II to depart Caldor after the Monarchy had slaughtered the People.
(Epic Illustrated#15/4:
Dreadstar (fb)) <A week before the main story> - Aboard the
Lightcutter II, Syzygy, Vanth and Oedi encountered the twisted shell of
a Monarchy space fortress, which had once been the realm's mightiest
weapon, and Syzygy concluded that
the Instrumentality had finally gained the hand in the war between the
two empires.
At Vanth's query, he advised that they abandon the
Monarchy to its own resources and hope it survived long enough for them
to put Plan M into operation.
(Epic Illustrated#15/4:
Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - Syzygy presumably used the Lightcutter II to drop Vanth and Oedi off on Tortorelzor (aka the Rock) so they could procure a giant cargo ship that they would need for Plan M.
Vanth and Oedi ultimately stole a ship, which they renamed "Big Bundle," after which they allowed Syzygy to dock the Lightcutter II within the cargo ship,
and they began making steps for the next step in Plan M.
Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.
Dreadstar / Reality-8116 primer
The Light Cutter was a ship Vanth had used a million years ago before it was destroyed (along with the entire Milky Way galaxy) by the Infinity Horn. Obviously, Syzygy's mystic power would have allowed him to know the name of the former ship of the man whom he felt fated to join.
I will continue to update this
profile with any additional appearances as I start to review the
Dreadstar series.
Profile by Snood.
The Lightcutter II should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads):
"The Price," story pg. 1, panel 1 (population and symbolic picture with Instrumentality and Monarchy symbols);
Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three:
Dreadstar, pg. 12, panel 5 (arriving on Caldor) - I actually scanned
the image from the reprint in Dreadstar: The seemed to
be a superior image, with a little better coloring
Epic Illustrated#15/4: Dreadstar
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 08/06/2023
Last updated: 11/01/2024
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