Real Name: Lycaon

Identity/Class: Human mutant,
    extraterrestrial (Arakko/Mars) citizen

Occupation: Great Ring member

Group Membership: Great Ring of Arakko (Genesis, Kobak, Lactuca, Lodus Logos, Ora Serrata, Orddon, Sobunar, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Xilo)

Affiliations: Genesis' faction (Genesis, Castor, Ora Serrata, Orddon, Pollux, Satis Exotica, Sobunar, numerous others)

Enemies: Storm's faction (Storm/Ororo Munroe, Fisher King, Jon Ironfire, Khora, Kobak, Lodus Logos, Nova/Richard Rider, Sunspot/Roberto da Costa, Xilo, numerous others), Locus Vile, Isca

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Lycaon Two Wolves, both-sided one, holder of the Seat of Stalemate, voice of cool thought and noble compromise, Lycaon the balanced one, Lycaon the Just (see comments)

Base of Operations: Arakko, Mars
   formerly Arakko, Pacific Ocean
   formerly Arakko, Amenth

First Appearance: X-Men: Red II#13 (July 19, 2023)

Powers/Abilities: Lycaon is an Omega-level mutant. His powers - or weapons as Arakki call them - have been described as similar but greater to those of Wolverine.

    He possesses a regenerative healing factor, which is presumably insurpassable.

    Lycaon's body resembles that of a centaur with lupine features and large singular bone claws protruding from his forearms.

    He has twin brains and two conjoined heads, each capable of independent speech.

    Like all Arakki mutants, he is an experienced fighter.

    Lycaon prides himself on being able to see both sides issues and to find the ideal compromise.

Height: 7'2" (approximation)
Weight: 1700 lbs. (approximation)
Eyes: Yellow (left head), red (right head)
Hair: Dark gray

(X-Men: Red II#11 (fb) - BTS) - Lycaon was a mutant from Arakko, the sentient island transported to Mars, which was terraformed and rechristened Planet Arakko. Lycaon dueled another mutant in the Circle Perilous and won the Seat of Stalemate on the ruling Great Ring of Arakko. Sunspot described Lycaon to Nova as being more imposing than his predecessor Idyll the Future Seer.

(X-Men: Red II#13) - When Lycaon pompously announced his arrival to the meeting of the Great Ring, Lodus Logos threw a knife at his head, and Storm told him to dispense with his grand entrance. Jon Ironfire, formerly of the One Hundred Champions, announced to the Great Ring that Arakko was once again threatened by the forces of Annihilation, now in the form of a staff wielded by the Mother of Arakko, Genesis. Genesis herself then appeared, and Lycaon bowed his heads and wagged his tail in reverence, seeing her as a skilled tactician and a living goddess both. Genesis spoke against the new path Arakko had taken in her absence, with the Annihilation staff subtly influencing the others in her favor. Lycaon fiercely took the side of Genesis, who had issued a challenge to Kobak Never-Held. Sobunar likewise challenged Storm, but Lodus Logos saw that both were influenced by the staff and asked Lactuca to intervene. Lactuca agreed, tipping the scales back, and teleported those who opposed Genesis away.

(X-Men: Red II#14) - Lycaon and the other who remained at Genesis' side watched as she used her mutant weapon to reach out to and reawaken the living island of Arakko. This was first act in the Genesis War between the factions of Genesis and Storm that would last for over seventy days.

(X-Men: Red II#15) - The war had reached a point where neither side could advance on land, and thus Lycaon was consulted as the holder of the Seat of Stalemate. As Genesis' forces were approaching their enemies aboard ships, Lycaon judged that Genesis should be followed in all things. Genesis proceeded to involve Sobunar's ocean-dwelling children in the war and to open an Okkara gate to Amenth, letting the army of daemons and Summoners, led by her own children, through.

(X-Men: Red II#18) - With more forces joining the fight, the two sides clashed against each other. Lycaon fought Kobak Never-Held and stabbed him through the chest, though it proved not to be fatal.

    Storm fought Genesis and managed to strike the Annihilation staff with her lightning, melting it away and removing Annihilation's influence over Genesis. Lactuca declared Genesis fallen and the war ended, but Lycaon refused to stand down. Holding Lodus Logos in his hand, he proclaimed that he would continue to fight for the rule of the strong and for Genesis, even if she herself had fallen. Ora Serrata, who had just merged with Xilo and declared the war to have been based on false law, hit Lycaon with a blast from her eye, causing him to cease to exist.

Comments: Created by Al Ewing and Jacopo Camagni.

   "Lycaon" is the name of several different characters in Greek mythology, derived from the greek word for "wolf", lukos. With many Arakki mutants confirmed to be extremely long-lived, there is a possibility that the word originated from Lycaon himself.

   Judging on how Lycaon had introduced himself the one time we saw him do that, I expect him to have possessed many, many more titles and epithets over the course of his life. Lycaon Two Wolves appears to be his main title based on its use in "The New History of Arakko".

    This profile was completed 01/12/2025 , but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.

Profile by HBK123.

Lycaon Two Wolves should not be confused with:

images: (without ads)
X-Men: Red II#13, p1, pan1 (main image)
X-Men: Red II#15, p7, pan1 (headshot, left head)
X-Men: Red II#18, p15, pan2 (Lycaon stops being)

X-Men: Red II#13 (July 19, 2023) - Al Ewing (writer), Jacopo Camagni (pencils, inks), Jordan D. White (editor)
X-Men: Red II#14 (August 16, 2023) - Al Ewing (writer), Yildiray Cinar (pencils, inks), Jordan D. White (editor)
X-Men: Red II#15 (September 13, 2023) - Al Ewing (writer), Yildiray Cinar (pencils, inks), Jordan D. White (editor)
X-Men: Red II#18 (December 13, 2023) - Al Ewing (writer), Yildiray Cinar (pencils, inks), Jordan D. White (editor)

First Posted: 03/02/2025
Last updated: 02/19/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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