

Classification: Alternate reality (Earth-54136) extraterrestrial race (fauna);
    circa 2223 A.D.

Location/Base of Operations: Mars, fourth from the sun in the Sol system, Milky Way Galaxy

Known Members: None identified

Affiliations: None known

Enemies: Unidentified hunter and assistant; unidentified being they hunted while in captivity prior to their evolution

First Appearance: Astonishing I#35/5 (October, 1954)



martian_apes-54136-ngblast-unaffectedPowers/Abilities: Martian Apes originally appeared very similar in form, intelligence and abilities to terrestrial apes in the 21st century, although they were considered the cleverest and most aggressive of the animals in the Sol system in the 23rd century. They appeared to use sticks as weapons, at least.

    After being sent into the future, the developed a greater intelligence and cunning, as well as a lust to hunt and kill.

    Additionally, they evolved immunity to the normally lethal neutron gun (at least to single blast or two, although perhaps a sustained blast might do some damage).

    They also possessed the manual dexterity to push the buttons to fire the neutron gun.

    They presumably possessed the great strength of an ape, as well as enlarged and sharp canine teeth)

Traits: Initially bestial, although more clever and aggressive than other animals in the Sol system in the 23rd century, after being sent into the future, they developed a greater level of cunning, as well as a lust to hunt and kill.

Type: Bilaterally symmetric simian bipeds (their more primitive form typically walked on four legs, although they could stand and use their pectoral limbs as arms as desired)
: Two (on head; dark (possibly broth) color seen)
: Four (plus opposing thumb)
: Five
Skin color: Presumably dark, although their hands had more of a "pink" (Caucasian) color
Average height: Perhaps 7-8' tall


Astonishing I#35/5 - BTS) - By 2223 A.D., Martian Apes were considered the cleverest and most aggressive of the animals in the Sol system in the 23rd century.

(Astonishing I#35/5 - BTS) <2223 A.D.> - An unidentified inventor, having profited so much from inventions, spent much of his time as a sportsman, hunting big game with his neutron gun on the planets of Earth's solar system.

(Astonishing I#35/5) - Having successfully hunted all of the game on the various planets and seeking a challenge, the inventor watched some Martian Apes apparently hunting another being while in captivity.

    The scientist resolved to hasten the evolution of the Martian Apes. He hoped to transform these already cunning hunters to become the dangerous quarry of his dreams.

    To this end, the scientist and his assistant prodded and forced a pair of Martian Apes into the inventor's time machine, after which the inventor sent them "into the distant future."

martian_apes-54136-timetravel-return(Astonishing I#35/5 (fb) - BTS) - Mutated and evolved in the future, the Martian Apes apparently hunted various quarry before resolving to travel back in time and hunt a human.

(Astonishing I#35/5) - After the cabinet shook from the "time-atom bombardment," the inventor opened the cabinet and the Martian Apes stalked out, obviously of greater intelligence, a future cunning and a fully-developed lust to hunt and kill.

(Astonishing I#35/5 - BTS) - Armed with their neutron guns, the inventor and his assistant released the Martian Apes into their hunting preserve. The Apes' cunning was swiftly demonstrated as they had split up, forcing the scientist and his assistant to split up and hunt them separately. As he tracked one of the Apes, the scientist became excited that he had indeed found a quarry worthy of his skill.

(Astonishing I#35/5 (fb) - BTS) - One or both of the Apes confronted or was confronted by the assistant, who fired his neutron gun; the blast either missed the Ape or it was minimally affected by the blast. Regardless, the Ape strangled and killed the assistant, who only had time to scream before dying.martian_apes-54136-huntinghunter

(Astonishing I#35/5 - BTS) - Hearing the shriek, the scientist rushed to the site and found his assistant dead. Picking up his assistant's neutron gun, the scientist appreciated that it had been fired, but he assumed that his assistant had missed, and he was confident that he was a much better shot and would not miss. Putting down the weapon, he continued to track the Apes' trail, excited by the fear he felt, which made the hunt that much more exciting.

(Astonishing I#35/5) - Unseen by the scientist, the Apes returned to the site of their kill. Proving their immunity, one of the Apes blasted the other with the neutron gun (that had been left behind), to no effect. Smiling, the Apes appreciated that their trip to the future had rendered them immune to at least a single blast or two from the weapon.

    The one Ape told the other, "Track the man. At last, we have found the perfect quarry by going back in time! He'll provide the right element of danger, but in the end, we will win! Follow him!"

    As the Apes located the scientist and targeted him with the neutron gun, the scientist realized, too late, that the hunter had become the hunted.

Comments: Created by Mannie Banks and unidentified writer.

    The time machine was described as sending the Martian Apes into the future and evolving them. It seems that they were sent into the future rather than actually being evolved by the time machine, but apparently their travel into the future -- how far into the future is unrevealed, as is how long they existed in that time period -- mutated them somewhat..perhaps into what Martian Apes of that time period had evolved.

    The lush woodlands seen were part of the hunting preserve, which would likely be part of a contained habitat. Mars in the 21st century could not support such plant-life, nor does it have a breathable atmosphere.
   While there is not evidence to support this, but it seems likely that in Reality-54136's 23rd century, either humanity colonized/terraformed all of the planets in Earth's solar system or else there was pre-existing lifeforms on each of those planets.
    Or, perhaps these worlds are actually hospitable and life-bearing in Reality-54136.

    The story was told in the second person, so YOU were the inventor and hunter...that's great, but the main character remains unidentified...

    I personally think it would be REALLY cool if the Ape Masters of Apeslayer's Reality-7481 were revealed to have been the Martian Apes from Reality-54136. They were already lived on Mars, were evolved enough to become a conquering empire, and they already had the capacity for time travel...they could have traveled back in time and ended up in Reality-7481. I don't believe the date of the invasion of Apeslayer's world is ever specified, but as everything so closely paralleled Killraven's history on Earth-691, that seems most likely around 2001 A.D.

    Thanks to Loki for supplying the images to me!
    These lower-resolution scans are the best available. Hopefully the stories are digitally remastered someday and we can replace them with high-resolution images.

    This profile was completed 12/12/2024 , but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.

Profile by Snood.

The Martian Apes should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Astonishing I#35/5, pg. 2, panel 6-7 (pre-evolution; assaulting another being in captivity);
       pg. 3, panel 2-3 (within and exiting time cabinet);
       pg. 5, panel 4-5 (Ape blasting the other and confirming resistance);
          panel 6-7 (with neutron gun, hunting and confronting scientist)

Astonishing I#35/5 (October, 1954) - Mannie Banks (artist), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 12/08/2024
Last updated: 12/12/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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