Membership: Unrevealed

Purpose: Military force

Aliases: None

Affiliations: Martians

Enemies: United Nations of Earth (Beef Turner, others)

Base of Operations: Mars, fourth planet from the sun in the Sol system, Milky Way Galaxy, Reality-41115

First Appearance: Marvel Mystery Comics#15/4 (text story) "Dreadnaught from Mars" (January, 1941)

Abilities: These Martians were colorblind, but they had access to spectrum goggles to compensate for this.

    They had the ability to create and utilize spacecraft such as their super-dreadnaughts.

Traits: The Martians were willing to wage war against humanity, although the circumstances that led to that are unrevealed.

(Marvel Mystery Comics#15/4 (fb) - BTS) - The Martian Imperialistic army was at war with the United Nations of Earth.

(Marvel Mystery Comics#15/4 (fb) - BTS) - The Martians started bringing into battle the so-called super-dreadnaughts with superior quality armor.

(Marvel Mystery Comics#15/4) - While flying through space, Beef Turner, a pilot from Earth who had patrolled for the last three weeks assisted by the automatic pilot "Iron Mike," came across one of the Martian dreadnaughts on his patrol. After activating his variable camouflage, Turner approached the drednaught in his fighter and opened fire at its side, figuring that it would be least protected there. The drednaught was completely unmarked and returned fire, though its martian crewmembers had trouble spotting Turner's fighter due to their color-blindness.

    With a second blast, Turner had given away his position, and the drednaught changed its course to go after him. His fighter being faster and more maneuverable, Turner positioned it behind the drednaught's stern and fired his disintegrator at the rocket room in its aft. It lacked the same reinforced armor as the rest of the vessel, and the explosion tore a gaping hole in drednaught's hull, causing it to stop completely.

    As he headed home, Beef reasoned that an emergency call would pick the Martians up.

Comments: Created by David C. Cooke

    As a massive weakness in an otherwise impregnable weapon of war, the drednaught's unprotected "rocket room" is a predecessor to the famed Death Star exhaust port.

This profile was completed 01/16/2025, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.

Profile by HBK123.

Martian Imperialistic army should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Marvel Mystery Comics#15/text story "Dreadnaught from Mars", p1, pan1 (main image)

Marvel Mystery Comics#15/text story "Dreadnaught from Mars" (January, 1941) - David C. Cooke (writer), unknown artist

First Posted: 03/22/2025
Last updated: 03/22/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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