martians-11344-lizard-people-approachLIZARD MEN of MARS
of Reality-11344

Classification: Alternate Reality (Reality-11344) Reptilian extraterrestrial race 

Location/Base of Operations: Mars, fourth planet from the sun in the Sol(ar) system, Milky Way Galaxy, Reality-11344

Known Members: None identified

Affiliations: None known

Enemies: Jan Calso

Aliases: Martians

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales#29/1: "The Immortal" (January, 1954)

Powers/Abilities: Reptilian, the lizard people possessed long, sharp claws on each of the digits of their hands, able to easily rend flesh and an atmospheric spacesuit, and perhaps even bone.

    Their claws may or may not have been coated with some sort of venom; regardless, they could inflict damage severe enough to devascularize tissue, potentially forcing an amputation to avoid gangrene.

    They possess large tails, likely used for balance, but possibly also useful as a weapon.

    They may or may not have been poikilothermic, with their body temperature significantly dependent on the ambient temperature (see comments).

    Their scaled skin may have granted them some degree of enhanced durability, but blasts from some sort of energy pistol were able to at least hold them off.

    Their beak-like mouths could also likely be used as weapons.

    They did not appear to possess weaponry or use other technology.martians-11344-lizard-people-attack

Traits: They appeared to be savage, immediately attacking and seeking to kill those who landed on Mars.

   On the framing/intro panel, the lizard men wore so type of briefs to cover their pelvic region. In-story, only their upper bodies were seen, so it is unconfirmed whether they wear clothing.

Type: Bilaterally symmetric reptilian bipeds
: Two (on head; color not clearly seen)
: Three (plus opposing thumb)
: Unrevealed
Skin color: Green scales
Average height: Unrevealed (perhaps 5'2"- 5'6" (they looked maybe a little smaller than the human Jan Calso)
Distinguishing Features: Green lizard people, they possess a dorsal, serrated superior-to-posterior ridge, extending from the tops of their heads and running down the length of their backs and tails.


(Astonishing Tales#29/1 - BTS) - Human Jan Calso possessed rocket ships to fly to Mars, but was frustrated as current technology meant that murdered Dr. Henry and claimed his immortality serum to allow him to survive 350 year trip round trip to Mars.

    When a Dr. Henry proposed using his "immortality serum," which prevented aging, to make the trip feasible, Calso murdered Henry -- before he could state its limitation (the need for a will to live) -- and took the serum for himself.

(Astonishing Tales#29/1) -  Having survived the virtually maddening 175-year trip to Mars, Calso exited his rocket to collect rock, soil, and vegetation samples to document his trip.

    Sensing Calso, a group of at least three lizard people swiftly approached and moved to attack him. martians-11344-lizard-people-escape

    Hearing the "slither of sand" behind him, Calso swiftly turned are fired his blaster pistol on his attackers, avoiding a fatal assault but suffering a devastating slash to his left wrist.

    Making his way back into his ship, Calso used his blaster to hold off the lizard people until he could close the hatch and take off in his ship.

(Astonishing Tales#29/1 - BTS) - Calso was forced to amputate his left hand to avoid gangrene from the wounds inflected by the lizard person on Mars.

(Astonishing Tales#29/1 (fb) - BTS) <25 years after Calso departed Mars; 200 years after his departure from Earth> - Humanity discovered a way to use time warps to reach Mars in a month's time.

(Astonishing Tales#29/1 (fb) - BTS) - Thousands of humans traveled to and from Mars (see comments).

(Astonishing Tales#29/1 - BTS) <175 years after Calso departed Mars; 350 years after Calso departed Earth> - Calso returned to Earth, expecting to be hailed as a hero.

`Upon learning that thousands of humans had traveled to and from Mars via the more advanced technology developed since his departure, Calso lost his will to live, which prevented the "immortality serum" from maintaining his life.

    As a result, Calso swiftly disintegrated into dust.

Comments: Created by Geno Colan and an unidentified writer.

    Presumably, Mars-11344 was warm enough (and had more of an atmosphere) to support a race of lizard people, who would be even more sensitive to cold than humans, who can better thermoregulate their bodies rather than relying on ambient heat.
    Alternatively, the lizard people of Mars-11344 may have been adapted to the extreme cold and may not have needed much of an atmosphere.

    As few of three lizard people may have been seen in the story (compared to the six shown in the framing panel, which may or may not have been in-continuity). So, maybe the ones who attacked Calso were savage, but there were others who were more peaceful?

    The story has a Vance Astro (of the Guardians of the Galaxy of Reality-691), as he spent a millennium flying to Alpha Centauri, only to find that faster-than-light technology developed centuries after his departure had allowed mankind to arrive there much earlier than he had.

    These four page stories were fairly simplistic, but they often leave some unanswered questions:

When did the story take place?

What happened when the next group of humans arrived on Mars?

    Jan Calso, Dr. Henry and Earth-11344 could each receive their own profiles at some point.

    This profile was completed 01/11/2025 , but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.

Profile by Snood.

The lizard people of Mars-11344 should be distinguished from:

martians-11344-lizard-people-mars1martians-11344-lizard-people-mars2     The 4th planet from the sun, Mars had shifting red sands and was home to a race of lizard people and had some vegetation (indicating it had a temperature and atmosphere sufficient to support such life, although the requirements of the lizard people are unrevealed.

--Astonishing Tales#29/1

martians-11344-lizard-people-framingimages: (without ads)
Astonishing Tales#29/1, pg. 1, framing sequence (lizard men in underwear);
        pg. 4, panel 1-2 (Calso landing on Mars);
            panel 4-6 (lizard men approaching, injuring and fought off by Jan Calso)

Astonishing Tales#29/1: "The Immortal" (January, 1954) - unidentified writer, artist and editor

First posted: 03/01/2025
Last updated: 01/11/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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