of Reality-54129

Classification: Alternate Reality (Reality-54129) Insectoid extraterrestrial race 

Location/Base of Operations: Mars, fourth planet from the sun in the Sol(ar) system, Milky Way Galaxy, Reality-54129

Known Members: None identified

Affiliations: None known

Enemies: Humanity

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales#29/3: "They Cover the Earth" (January, 1954)

Powers/Abilities: Formic (ant-like) beings, the Martians were divided into a head, thorax and abdomen, although their configuration was somewhat humanoid.

    Standing erect on two legs, they possess a pair of arms (unlike six legs for terrestrial ants), with more humanoid feet and hands, although they wore gloves and boots, which prevented assessment of the number of digits on each limb.

    They have antennae that presumably facilitated communication, which may have been hive-like.

    They likely possess a chitinous exterior.

    They possessed ships that could fly from Mars to Earth  (and presumably back again), and they could distribute large volumes of food (and poison) to supply humanity for a few days, at least.

    They possessed a flavor-less poison that can be added to food and was lethal after two dose, over two days.

    They carried what appeared to be some sort of laser pistol.

Traits: They were willing and able to exterminate an entire race, although this may have only been in retribution (see comments).

martians-54129-ant-people-shipsType: Bilaterally symmetric insectoid bipeds
: Two (on head; color not clearly seen)
: Unrevealed
: Unrevealed
Skin color: Orange/brown
Average height: Unrevealed (they were described as giant ants, but they were not seen in relation to anything from Earth)


(Astonishing Tales#29/3 - BTS) - Completely overrun with ants that swarmed over buildings, keeping humanity contained indoors, the people of Earth made a plan to poison the ants. Due to the ants' intelligence, they first put out unpoisoned food to allay any suspicions, and then the next two doses contained the poison.

    The plan succeeded, and the ants perished en masse, leaving the people free to leave their homes. However, in the process, humanity had completely exhausted their own food stores, and the ants had eaten everything else outside.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3) - The Martians then arrived in space ships. Not identifying themselves, they simply dropped food supplies to the people.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3 (fb) - BTS) - The food was tested and found to be safe. They tried to contact the occupants of the saucers to thank them but received no response.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3 - BTS) - The government announced to its people that if their alien benefactors would provide them with food for a few days, they would be able to generate enough synthetic food to maintain humanity.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3 (fb) - BTS) -The grateful people made plans to greet their benefactors after they landed.

    The saucers continued to drop food over the next two days.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3 - BTS) - On the third day, the people became deathly ill.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3 (fb) - BTS) - Having succeeded in contacting the aliens, humanity asked who they were.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3) - The aliens announced that they were Martians.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3 (fb) - BTS) - The Martians sent a message, or else the government otherwise realized that while the first shipment of food was wholesome, the second and third days' food was poisoned, just as humanity had done to the ants.

(Astonishing Tales#29/3) - The Martian saucers then landed on Earth, and they exited their crafts, revealing them to be giant ants.

Comments: Created by Geno Colan and an unidentified writer.

    These four page stories were fairly simplistic, but they often leave some unanswered questions:

    The presumption would be that the Martian ant people saw how humanity had slain the ants and were taking revenge. Perhaps they could sense the ants' death agony, or they were otherwise viewing Earth.

    It's hard to believe that at least some of humanity would not have seen the parallels or otherwise would not have eaten the subsequent food deliveries until they had been tested as well, given how they had just done the same thing to the terrestrial ants.

    Was the initial unprecedented swarm of ants influenced by the Martians? Did the Martians send them to Earth? Or did the Martians simply respond to the extermination of the ants?

    Why couldn't the ants get into the people's households? It did not seem like a futuristic story where they could have somehow sealed their residences...the story was written in 1954, and even 70 years later, we can't stop ants from getting into our houses.

    Ah, what's the difference? It was fun anyway.

    This profile was completed 01/05/2025 , but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.

Profile by Snood.

The Martians of Reality-54129 should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Astonishing Tales#29/3, pg. 3, panel 8 (Martian saucers dropping food);
       pg. 4, panel 8 (Martians, full)

Astonishing Tales#29/3: "They Cover the Earth" (January, 1954) - Gene Colan (artist), unidentified writer and editor

First posted: 03/09/2025
Last updated: 03/09/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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