Classification: Extraterrestrial race (Martians)
Location/Base of Operations: Apparently Mars
Known Members: None identified
Affiliations: Kalahians (notably the Chief of Elders and perhaps Olalla)
Enemies: None known
First Appearance: Mystic Comics#4 (August, 1940)
Powers/Abilities: The one Martian observed was something of a cephalopod, with a central discoid body that mainly encompassed its face.
On the face/body were a pair of
eyes and a mouth with at least three tooth-like projections extending
from the upper jaw.
A left-sided wing-like structure was likely matched on the right side, perhaps facilitating flight.
A pair of tentacles appeared to
extend out from the mouth and hang down below the head. Whether these
were mobile and/or assisted in alimentation or were used for sensing is
Three apparently mechanical appendages (with at least three joints) were distributed asymmetrically, perhaps originating from the caudal aspect; one extended from above the left wing, another from below the left wing, and a third from apparently somewhere just to the right of the lower midline.
The Martians had sufficient
technology to communicate with the inhabitants of the "sub-dimensional"
realm Kalahia.
They apparently could create
prosthetic limbs, presumably before any of them had limbs that could
function to facilitate such constructions.
Traits: The Martians were open to regular communications with the Kalahians, who considered them to be very interesting.
Type: Bilaterally symmetric humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; light blue color seen)
Fingers: None (two pincer digits on prosthetic limbs observed)
Toes: None
Skin color: Unrevealed; covered with green fur +/- feathers
Average height: Unrevealed (scale cannot be determined from the single image without anything to provide perspective(
(Mystic Comics#4 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the
Martians established communications with the being of the
"sub-dimensional" realm Kalahia; the date and circumstances of this
arrangement as well as who initiated it is unrevealed.
(Mystic Comics#4) <1940
A.D.> - After the human Bruce Dixon traveled to Kalahia, Olalla, the
daughter of the Chief of Elders showed him how they regularly signaled
each other and exchanged their scientific knowledge.
Comments: Created by Klaus Nordling.
Obviously, explanations are lacking for all of the Martians existing in Reality-616 when Mars was apparently uninhabited in the modern era, prior to the terraforming of Mars as Arrako.
An easy explanation for these Martians would be that Kalahia was an alien dimension, and they could have been accessing the Mars of another reality.
While many Martian stories are
clearly alternate reality stories, I would really like to see a story
that explains all of the Reality-616 Martian encounters.
Thanks to Loki for providing digital images for this profile.
This profile was completed 02/09/2025, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.
Profile by Snood.
The Martians should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Mystic Comics#4/3, pg. 3, panel 3 (Martian communications)
Mystic Comics#4/3 "Thin Man" (August, 1940) - Klaus Nordling (artist)
First posted: 03/27/2025
Last updated: 03/27/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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