of Earth-85481
Classification: Extradimensional (Earth-85481) humanoid extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Mars
Known Members: Names unrevealed
Affiliations: Heathcliff, Sonja (all
Enemies: Fish People (Earth-85481)
First Appearance: Heathcliff in Outer Space
(Marvel Books, 1985)
Powers/Abilities: The Martians of Earth-85481
are very short (by Earth standards) humanoids who have developed
advanced technology for (at least) near-light speed space travel. They
have tails that can operate as propellers to levitate them.
Communication may be telepathic, as Heathcliff the Earth cat (normally
used to English) had no trouble understanding them.
Traits: The Martians of Earth-85481
demonstrate generally cheerful and communal behavior with no
appreciable differences between their assorted "skin" colors. Some wear clothing, but
this is inconsistent, unless it is linked with clear assigned roles
(such as repairer or spaceship captain).
Type: Bilaterally symmetric bipeds
Eyes: 2 (on head)
Fingers: 4 (including opposable thumb)
Toes: None/unrevealed (see comments)
Skin color: Varied
Average height: 1'8"
(Heathcliff in Outer Space (fb) - BTS) - The small
Martians lived in fear of the spaceborne Fish People that roamed near
one of the Martian moons. The Martians were concerned the predatory
creatures would destroy them, so they sent an expedition to Earth to
seek a hero to confront the Fish People.
(Heathcliff in Outer Space) - On Earth, the Martian
expedition chanced upon the adventurer cat Heathcliff and his romance
Sonja, and invited them to visit Mars, keeping the reason a secret.
Excited about the potential fame, Heathcliff quickly agreed, but his
tampering with controls during the flight to Mars caused all sorts of
mayhem. On Mars, Heathcliff and Sonja received a rousing parade at
which point the spaceship captain revealed their mission. Initially
surprised, Heathcliff did not consider the sound of the Fish People as
a threat, as he enjoyed eating fish. While Sonja stayed on Mars,
Heathcliff went into space to confront the Fish People but was
overwhelmed by their size and ferocity. Heathcliff fled back to the
spaceship, rushed to Mars and grabbed Sonja, then escaped back to
Earth, crashing the small spaceship in a tree.
Comments: Created by Laura Rose & Dean Yeagle.
The Martians' clothes often blend in with their body, so their feet may be boots.
Profile by Grendel Prime.
Martians of Earth-85481 have no known connections to:
The Fish People were huge fish-like creatures that
lived in near-orbit around one of the Martian moons. They were about 8'
long with scales like armor and giant fangs. Aggressive and predatory,
the surface-dwelling Martians lived in fear of them. A Martian
expedition to Earth gathered the two adventuring cats Heathcliff and
Sonja, although the pair were not informed of their mission until they
arrived on Mars. Fond of eating fish back on Earth, Heathcliff the cat
did not think tackling the Fish People to be a problem--until he met
the combative creatures during a space walk in near orbit. Heathcliff
fled back to the spacecraft and escaped back to Earth with Sonja.
It's unrevealed if the space-dwelling Fish People
were indigenous or alien to the Martian
--Heathcliff in Outer Space
images: (without ads)
Heathcliff in Outer Space, p17 (main image)
p11 (single yellow Martian)
p19 (Fish People)
Heathcliff in Outer Space (Marvel Books, 1985) - Laura Rose (writer),
Dean Yeagle (art), uncredited editor
First Posted: 03/11/2025
Last updated: 03/14/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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