main image


Real Name: Ricky Martin (full first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Actor

Group Membership: Cast of the television show "As the Cookie Crumbles"

Affiliations: Billy Active, Misty Collins, Anton DeCarlo, Darlene Dunderbeck, Lake Lovelock, R.J. Rittenhouse

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Lance (TV role character)

Base of Operations: W.O.W. Television Studios, (near) Shady Hollow, New York State, USA

First Appearance: Misty#1 (December, 1985)

Powers/Abilities: Ricky Martin is a handsome and fashion-conscious young man who is an actor capable enough of being the male lead of a popular television drama show for the younger audience.

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Light green
Hair: Rusty brown


(Misty#1) - Ricky Martin had the lead male role of Lance in the TV drama "As the Cookie Crumbles".

(Misty#4 letters pages (fb) - BTS) - The part of Lance's fiancee Loretta was built up over six months, and each week Lance would read out a scripted letter from Loretta.

(Misty#1) - Ricky joined the judging panel (alongside TV show director Anton DeCarlo, producer R.J. Rittenhouse and teen magazine editor Jane Fisher) for a talent contest panel at the local Shady Hollow High School to find the someone for the role of Loretta. Ricky endorsed the selection of Misty Collins but subsequent manipulations saw Misty's rival Darlene Dunderbeck slotted in and Misty sidelined into a minor role. Misty initially berated Ricky, thinking him responsible, but he insisted Darlene's father, the show's major advertiser, had forced the change. Ricky believed in Misty's acting abilities and encouraged she show that spark. Later, during filming, Darlene's attempt at sabotage backfired and Misty's role was increased. Ricky was happy for her.

(Misty#2/1) - Ricky brought script changes directly to the high school to pass to Misty and they collided in a corridor by accident as Misty was rushing to class. With Misty's books scattered, Ricky spotted Misty had a copy the special Ricky Martin issue of Teen Scene magazine (unbeknown to him, she also had a poster of him in her bedroom). Ricky specially pointed out that, despite what the magazines claimed, he was single and looked forward to seeing her soon.

(Misty#3/1) - A secret scene between Ricky and high profile teenage actress Lake Lovelock had both Misty and especially Darlene concerned. Darlene made various nasty attempts to oust Lake, but Ricky and soon Misty made Lake feel welcome. After that day's filming, Lake left with her beau, rock star Billy Active. Weeks later, watching the episode with her father and aunt Millie, Misty saw how trivial the scene was.

(Misty#4/1) - Ricky spoke to Misty on the phone, encouraging her to come to the cast party already underway and which was also attended by Lake and Billy, but Misty had to decline as she had committed to babysitting Miny and Mo. Misty told the children a made-up fairytale where she was the scullery maid rescued by Prince Charming (Ricky), whom she herself had freed from a curse from a witch (Darlene). Ricky left the party with a food hamper and they spent the evening together that way.

(Misty#6/1) - The TV show writers decided it was time for Ricky's character to get married, but the plotline called for the newlywed wife to be lost in the Amazon rainforest. Both Misty and Darlene pushed to have the other marry Ricky's character so that they could stay on the TV show with him, but the writers decided to make Lake Lovelock's character return to be the bride, with Misty's and Darlene's characters as bridesmaids at the TV wedding.





Comments: Created by Trina Robbins.

As with the classic Millie the Model and similar comics, the issues included full pages of paper dolls that could be cut out and preprinted clothes attached; the clothing designs were usually submissions (really in Misty's case, in case you were skeptical like me). And even Ricky Martin scored one (see right) on the last page of #5 (even though he doesn't otherwise appear in that issue). Let's Hear It For the Boy!

Creator Trina Robbins had much admiration for the original Millie the Model comics, which became quite successful under artist Dan DeCarlo and whose artwork included other Marvel comedy comics with female leads. It's very likely she named Anton DeCarlo after the artist. Rock star Billy Active is a clear reference to superstar rocker Billy Idol, going by his face and the short "Rebel Yell" lyrics cited in one issue.

Real-life singer Ricky Martin, who initially began acting in Puerto Rican commercials as a child, joined popular teen band Menudo in late 1984, a year before Misty#1 was released. I've found no evidence he was the name inspiration for this character.

In a mildly amusing coincidence, the song "She Bangs" by real-life singer Ricky Martin was part of Marvel's play-list of the Spider-Man Rocks! stage show held at Universal Studios Hollywood from 2002 to 2004.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Ricky Martin has no known connections to:





Billy Active

Billy Active was an international rock star and was dating actress Lake Lovelock. Misty Collins was surprised to see her favorite rock star when he came to pick up Lake after her introductory episode. Billy later provided the live music at a cast party; Ricky Martin encouraged Misty to attend, but she was unable to, so Ricky took a food hamper and a Billy Active record to Misty's house to spend the evening with her that way instead.












--Misty#3/1 (4/1

Anton DeCarlo

Anton DeCarlo was director of the TV show "As the Cookie Crumbles starring Ricky Martin. He joined the judging panel that selected Misty Collins as the winner in a contest to star opposite Ricky and was disappointed when Misty's rival Darlene Dunderbeck bullied her way into the role instead. DeCarlo kept Misty initially for a minor role, but seeing her acting aptitude and ability to cope under pressure, DeCarlo ordered the writers Bert and Harry give Misty a larger role as Darlene's character's sister. He appeared at the cast party and later spoke to both Misty and Darlene about script changes he had made alongside the main writers regarding who would be Ricky's character's bride for the TV wedding.

He first appeared with a brown beard but finished the series with all white hair. Maybe it was stress or he got a shock from a ratings drop (or maybe he'd been colored wrong the first couple of issues?).










--Misty#1 (3/1,4/1,6/1

Lake Lovelock

Lake Lovelock was dating popular international rock star Billy Active. Lake was considered an international beauty star and had been hired to costar in a one-off episode with a secret plot that only key crew and Ricky Martin knew about and it was billed it would be a "hot episode." Concerned that they would be forgotten, the love-lost usual rivals, Darlene Dunderbeck and Misty Collins made a private pact to get rid of Lake before filming started (although Misty quickly reneged). Looking ragged from long travel, Lake took a shower, but Darlene had put green dye in Lake's shampoo; however, director DeCarlo liked that look more. Misty joined Lake and Ricky over coffee before filming, but Darlene let off a smoke bomb that damaged much of Lake's wardrobe. Feeling sorry, Misty offered her clothing. But the closed set scene actually involved Ricky's and Lake's characters trapped in a fire-ravaged building. After filming, Lake left with her beau but returned for an informal cast party. Weeks later, the TV show's writers wanted Ricky's character to get married and eventually decided on Lake's character Amelia return as the bride, although the plotline would be that she would be forever lost in the Amazon safari honeymoon. Darlene and Misty acted as bridesmaids in the TV wedding.










--Misty#3/1 (4/1,6/1

R.J. Rittenhouse

R.J. Rittenhouse was producer of the TV show "As the Cookie Crumbles starring Ricky Martin. He joined the judging panel that selected Misty Collins as the winner in a contest to star opposite Ricky. However, Misty's rival Darlene Dunderbeck was furious at missing out and had her rich father, the prime sponsor of the TV show, approach Rittenhouse and forced them to take Darlene on instead, much to everyone's chagrin.











images: (without ads)
Misty#4/1, p7, pan6 (main image)
Misty#1, p11, pan3 (headshot)
Misty#2/1, p4, pan1 (crouching)
Misty#6/1, p7, pan2 (smiling, wedding suit)
Misty#5, last page (paper doll page)
Misty#3/1, p8, pan6 (Billy Active, main)
Misty#4/1, p1, pan2 (Billy Active, headshot)
Misty#6/1, p1 (Anton DeCarlo, main)
Misty#1, p13, pan2 (Anton DeCarlo, headshot)
Misty#3/1, p8, pan5 (Lake Lovelock, main)
Misty#6/1, p7, pan2 (Lake Lovelock, headshot)
Misty#1, p11, pan4 (R.J. Rittenhouse)

Misty#1 (December, 1985) - Trina Robbins (writer, pencils, inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Misty#2/1 (February, 1986) - Trina Robbins (writer, pencils, inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Misty#3/1 (April, 1986) - Trina Robbins (writer, pencils, inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Misty#4/1 (June, 1986) - Trina Robbins (writer, pencils, inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Misty#5 (August, 1986) - Trina Robbins (writer, pencils, inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Misty#6/1 (October, 1986) - Trina Robbins (writer, pencils, inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)

First posted: 10/07/2024
Last updated: 10/07/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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