Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human technology user (fringe character)

Occupation: Criminal

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Enemies: Iron Man (Jim Rhodes) (see comments)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York, USA

First Appearance: Summer Fun with the Marvel Super Heroes coloring book (1985)

Powers/Abilities: Meltor has no inherent superhuman powers but he wears a costume equipped with a belt capable of projecting an intense beam of heat from its belt buckle.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'11")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 160 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (see comments)
Hair: Unrevealed (see comments)

History: (Summer Fun with the Marvel Super Heroes coloring book (fb) - BTS) - Having become the enemy of the heroic Iron Man, Meltor was at some point incarcerated. He eventually escaped jail and went after Iron Man.

(Summer Fun with the Marvel Super Heroes coloring book) - During a particular hot summer in the city, Meltor battled Iron Man, hitting him in the back with his belt-mounted heat beam. Iron Man eventually got the jump on Meltor and defeated the criminal, flying him through a maze of clouds to return the criminal to jail.

Comments: Created by Suzanne Weyn, Steve Geiger and Phil Lord.

    As a coloring book character, there is nothing to say the coloring book story occurred on Earth-616...but there's also nothing to say it didn't and there's not really anything that contradicts it.

    One might argue that the Meltor in the Summer Fun coloring book was simply a misspelled Melter since the costumes and powers were identical but Melter (Bruno Horgan) was dead at the time the coloring book was published and no other Melters had shown up at the time. With that in mind and the spelling of the character's name as "Meltor," I'm leaning towards (and making the ASSumption) the character being an entirely new character who based his motif on the original Melter. Certainly if something ever comes along to discredit that assumption, this profile will be updated, or even removed if necessary, to reflect that information.

    The Iron Man in the Summer Fun with the Marvel Super Heroes coloring book was likely Jim Rhodes even though his true identity is not mentioned at all in the book. The coloring book was published in 1985, which was the year that Rhodes ultimately stepped down as Iron Man and Tony Stark stepped back into the role (Iron Man I#200, November, 1985). Given that the armor in the coloring book is the classic red & gold, it stands to reason that this was Jim Rhodes still, as even though by summer 1985, Stark had been slowly stepping back into the role, he was wearing his old gray armor until fully returning in #200 with the Silver Centurion armor. Rhodes was wearing the classic red & gold armor at the time. Since the coloring book story takes place in summer 1985, it would have occurred during the time where Rhodes was still in the armor but suffering headaches that ultimately led to him stepping down...

Profile by Proto-Man.

should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Summer Fun with the Marvel Super Heroes coloring book, p5, splash page (Meltor using his heat belt, main image)
Summer Fun with the Marvel Super Heroes coloring book, p6, splash page (Meltor being carted off to jail by Iron Man)

Summer Fun with the Marvel Super Heroes coloring book (1985) - Suzanne Weyn (writer), Steve Geiger, Phil Lord (art), uncredited editor

First posted05/27/2024
Last updated: 05/28/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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