Real Name: Unrevealed; possibly Mishon
Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Reality-55237) extraterrestrial race (Martian)
Occupation: Espionage agent
Group Membership: Martians
Affiliations: Formerly an unidentified groups of 50 scientists
Enemies: An unidentified group of 50 scientists
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mars, fourth planet from the sun in the Sol(ar) system, Milky Way Galaxy, Reality-11344;
formerly an unspecified location in the USA, likely Manhattan, New York
First Appearance: Astonishing#37/3 "And Then Mars" (February, 1955)
Powers/Abilities: Mishon did not demonstrate any superhuman powers (although perhaps he was something of a metamorph).
He, at least, appeared on Earth as a short, stocky human.
Via unspecified means, he had
access to unlimited amounts of cash, sufficient for him to finance the
construction of a rocket to Mars (untold millions, presumably in the
(Astonishing#37/3 (fb) - BTS) - A resident of
Mars, Mishon was tasked with making sure no Earthman would be able to
reach Mars for the next hundred years.
To this end, Mishon covertly traveled to Earth and adopted the identity of the wealthy Mr. Mishon.
(Astonishing#37/3) - Under unrevealed circumstances, Mr. Mishon arranged a press conference, announcing that mankind was technologically ready for space travel and that there must be fifty men who, given the facilities and unlimited funding, could make a spaceship. He confirmed that he had unlimited funds.
Filtering through the crackpots and would-be inventors, Mishon provided a high salary to any with genuine genius and ability.
Abroad, agents carefully screened foreign applicants, who were then sent to Mishon for final approval.
After three months, Mishon declared the search to be concluded, and he had the gathered men assembled in his rented building and advised them that their sole mission would be reaching Mars and that he could handle any problems they had financially.
(Astonishing#37/3 - BTS) - At a modern facility outside of the city, the fifty men went to work on designing the rocket. Meanwhile, reporters seeking to learn more aboutMr. Mishon came up empty.
(Astonishing#37/3) - After reviewing his blueprints and plans, Mishon kept them stored in his personal safe to which only he knew the combination.
(Astonishing#37/3 - BTS) - After months of careful planning, the rocket's assembly began.
(Astonishing#37/3) - Mishon
excitedly viewed the nearly complete rocket. Questioned about his own
history, Mishon told reporters that he was not important, only the
rocket was. When asked for his reasons, he simply insisted that the
question was too personal.
He next told all of the rocket scientists that he could offer them virtually immortality, by having them accompany him and be the first men on Mars. When his assistant expressed concerns that if the rocket crashed and all of the experts died, humanity would suffer a great loss, Mishon insisted that they accompany him as a show of confidence in his work or that no one would go.
(Astonishing#37/3 (fb) - BTS) - Mishon emptied his safe, taking all of his plans and notes with him.
(Astonishing#37/3) - The next day, all of the scientists joined Mishon in space suits and boarded the rocket, and the ship soon departed.
(Astonishing#37/3 - BTS) - Mishon's secretary found the empty safe, and all realized they would not be able to use any of the blueprints or notes.
(Astonishing#37/3) - When the ship finally reached Mars, Mishon proclaimed, "It's great to be home!"
As Martians opened the door, Mishon smashed the
controls and revealed his true nature and mission, which he had
accomplished by stripping humanity of their top 50 rocket scientists.
Comments: Created by Bill Everett and an unidentified writer.
These five page stories were fairly simplistic, but they often leave some unanswered questions:
This profile was completed 01/11/2025, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the March, 2025 Mars event.
Profile by Snood.
Mishon should be distinguished from:
![]() ![]() --Astonishing#37/3 |
![]() (Astonishing#37/3) - When the ship finally reached Mars, Mishon proclaimed, "It's great to be home!" As Martians opened the door, Mishon smashed the controls and revealed his true nature and mission, which he had accomplished by stripping humanity of their top 50 rocket scientists. --Astonishing#37/3The Martians entering the rocket only had their hands seen, and they didn't appear to be quite human...they had four fingers and a thumb, but the skin appeared more yellow and the nails to be more like claws. What was Mishon's true appearance? Was he a shape-shifter, or did he use technology to cast an illusion? See the main comments section for more questions. |
First posted: 03/11/2026
Last updated: 03/11/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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