
Real Name: J'onn J'onzz

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-9602/Amalgam) extraterrestrial (Skrull)

Occupation: Adventurer;
    former crimelord, master crook, power broker

Group Membership: JLX (Amazon/Ororo, Apollo/Ray Summers, Chaos/Joshua Summers, Iceberg, Nightcreeper/Kurt "Jack" Ryder, Runaway)

Affiliations: The Cadmus Project, JLX, Magneto (Erik Magnus), Mariner (Arthur McKenzie), Mercury (Pietro Allen of Earth-96446), Wraith (Todd LeBeau);
    formerly Firebird (Beatriz Grey)

Enemies: Fin Fang Flame, Judgment League Avengers (Angelhawk/Warren Hall, Canary/Dinah Barton, Captain Marvel/Billy Mar-Vell, Dark Claw/Logan Wayne, Goliath/Oliver Queen, Hawkeye/Clint Archer, Super-Soldier/Clark Kent), Will Magnus, Sentinels (Jocasta, others)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Marco Xavier, the Skrullian Manhunter, "X;"
    possibly John Jones: Vampire Hunter (see comments)

Base of Operations: The JLX Wavecruiser;
    formerly Mars

First Appearance: (fictional, in Amalgam continuity) Sleuth Comics #225
    (actual) JLX I#1 (April, 1996)

Powers/Abilities: Mister X is an extraterrestrial Skrull capable of changing his shape at will, at the very least from his true form into that of a human being. He also possesses vast telepathic powers.

    In his true Skrull form, Mister X has superhuman strength sufficient at least to hold up the falling rubble of a collapsed stone tower.

    After his legs were crippled, Mister X relied on either a traditional wheelchair or a sophisticated floating hoverchair for mobility.

Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eyes: Red
Hair: Bald

(JLX I#1 (fb) - BTS) - When the extraterrestrial rebel race known as the Skrull were driven from the planet Mars by the Kree, J'onn J'onzz, the last surviving Skrull, fled to Earth and used his shapeshifting abilities to pose as a human. Under the alias of Marco Xavier, J'onzz became a crimelord and lived for years, using his telepathy to stay one step ahead of the law.

(Sleuth Comics - BTS) - Dubbed Mr. X, J'onzz became known as a ruthless power broker and master crook.

(Amalgam trading card#19: Mister X (Marco Xavier) - BTS) - Mr. X was secretly active as the Skrullian Manhunter.

(JLX I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Upon hearing of the persecution suffered by Earth's mutants and knowing what it was like to be an outcast, J'onzz felt he could right the wrong of mutant persecution and thought perhaps he might find a community in which he could belong.

(JLX Unleashed I#1 (fb) - BTS) - J'onn J'onzz learned of the young mutant Joshua Summers, whose dangerous powers had manifested at an early age and led to the destruction of his orphanage. As Marco Xavier, J'onzz traveled to the orphanage and sent Joshua's brother Ray to school elsewhere, away from Joshua, for Ray's own safety. He then arranged for Joshua to be taken to Aim-Star Labs, where Joshua was cryogenically frozen due to his lack of control over his powers.

(Amalgam trading card#19: Marco Xavier (Marco Xavier) - BTS) - Learning of the lost mutant city of Atlantis, Mr. X sought it out in hopes that it may hold more beings like himself. Hoping that perhaps the scientists would find Atlantis for him, Mr. X secretly provided funding to start the Cadmus Project but the scientists ultimately focused on trying to replicate the heroic Super-Soldier instead.

(Amalgam trading card#9: Wonder Woman (fb) - BTS) - In his identity of Marco Xavier, J'onn J'onzz approached the weather-manipulating mutant Ororo to help found a group of mutant heroes but the Amazon-raised Ororo refused, wanting nothing to do with any group founded by a man.

(JLX I#1 (fb) - BTS) - While still using the guise of Mister X, J'onzz ultimately united the mutant members of the heroic Judgment League Avengers, forging them into the group called JLX to free the mutant Mariner, who had been framed for torching Roxxon tankers.

(Amalgam trading card#19: Mister X (Marco Xavier) - BTS) - Mister X became the brains and the billions behind the JLX.

(JLX I#1 (fb) - BTS) - After the JLX betrayed their former teammates by successfully freeing Mariner, whom the JLA had intended to turn over to mutant haters, Mr. X secretly made an arrangement with JLA member Angelhawk, whom Mr. X had learned was secretly a mutant. Per the deal with Mr. X, Angelhawk would act as a secret trump card to be used in an emergency in exchange for Mr. X keeping the secret of Angelhawk's mutant nature.

(JLX I#1) - Attempting to escape the Judgment League Avengers via their Wavecruiser vehicle, Mr. X and the JLX were pursued and during the battle with the JLA, Dark Claw attempted to ambush JLX member Apollo but Mr. X telepathically warned Apollo to watch his back and Apollo was able to turn around and blast Dark Claw. When Apollo thanked Mr. X for the assist, Mr. X suggested the entire JLX owed Mariner and telepathically announced that they had to make a dive and lose the Judgment League Avengers before the JLA could guess the JLX's true destination: Atlantis.

(Magneto & the Magnetic Men I#1 - BTS) - In the midst of the JLX's battle against the JLA, the heroic mutant Magneto contacted Mr. X, seeking to use Mr. X's telepathy to track down Sinistron, a new robotic foe of mutantkind. When Magneto angrily suggested that if Mr. X was truly a friend to mutants, he would help track down Sinistron, Mr. X partially shapeshifted into a silvery form (see comments) and angrily exclaimed that he had a Wavecruiser full of mutants under attack from their own foes in the JLA. Ending the communication, Magneto proclaimed Mr. X a fool for leading mutants into bloody combat and wondered aloud why Mr. X had not learned from Magneto's own tragedy.

(JLX I#1) - Deciding to play his trump card, Mr. X telepathically projected pain into Angelhawk's mind and Angelhawk fell into the nearby waters, claiming that JLX member Nightcreeper had broken Angelhawk's back. When the JLA's Captain Marvel pulled Angelhawk from the depths, Mr. X telepathically thanked Angelhawk for playing his part and Angelhawk grumbled that he played the role so well because Mr. X had projected real pain into his mind. Mr. X then reminded Angelhawk that his status as a mutant was still secure, with Mr. X the only other person knowing of it, and he suggested Angelhawk be glad that no one else knew Angelhawk was a mutant.

    When the JLA departed to get Angelhawk medical attention, the JLX members entered the Wavecruiser, where Mr. X informed them that a blow from Captain Marvel had damaged the Wavecruiser's hull and that submerging could kill them all. Firebird insisted that no risk was too great if it meant finding the ancestral home of mutantkind, prompting Mr. X to ask if Mariner was ready for another mind-probe in an attempt to learn the location of Atlantis from Mariner's mind. Mariner responded by announcing that he had been searching for the home of his people his entire adult life and that nothing would stop him. Mr. X then penetrated Mariner's mind and uncovered an image of the legendary Serpent Crown, projecting it into Mariner's mind's eye and asking if Mariner could read the encoded clues on the Crown to determine Atlantis' location. After successfully discerning the location of Atlantis, Mariner had Mr. X plot the course and questioned Mr. X's motives, as he had only ever known Mr. X to be a crimelord and he also noted that Mr. X had never claimed to be a mutant himself. Setting the Wavecruiser to dive deeper, Mr. X responded that there were other types of outcasts than mutants. Despite the Wavecruiser's hull nearly breaking apart from the pressure, the JLX ultimately made it to the ruins of Atlantis, only to find it empty. When Mariner leaped from the Wavecruiser in shock at seeing his people gone, Mr. X and the rest of the JLX exited the Wavecruiser behind him. The group was immediately attacked by the deranged, Serpent Crown-wielding Will Magnus and a small group of his Sentinel robots.

    During the ensuing battle, Will Magnus attempted to destroy the JLX by collapsing the walls of the ruined Atlantis onto the mutants. Noticing the unconscious Runaway in the path of the falling towers, Mr. X was forced to shapeshift into his super-strong alien form to save Runaway, revealing his true nature to his teammates. Equally as surprised as the JLX to see Mr. X's true form, Will Magnus had one of his Sentinels scan Mr. X and, after determining that Mr. X was no mutant, Will Magnus opted to flee rather than face the powerful Mr. X and the JLX. The JLX prepared to pursue Magnus but Mr. X ordered them to stop, announcing that Atlantis' dome had been damaged and if they hoped to find any trace of the vanished Atlanteans, it had to be that moment. Still in shock that Mr. X was not even human, the other JLX members appeared apprehensive to continue following his orders but Mariner agreed to continue on with Mr. X, feeling as if he himself appeared alien to the surface world. The other JLX members reluctantly agreed to stay together and Mr. X announced that somewhere in the ruins of Atlantis laid the secret of why the Atlanteans departed. As Mr. X insisted that if the JLX continue to follow him, he would help all he could to find the Atlanteans, Mariner promised that the JLX would remain with Mr. X for the time being.

(JLX Unleashed I#1 (fb)) - During the Armageddon Agenda, new government legislation allowed Will Magnus and his Sentinels to wage war on all mutantkind, especially Mr. X and the JLX, leading to human and mutant deaths and half of the JLX disappearing. At some point, the remaining members of the JLX were captured by the JLA and the now-crippled Mr. X was to be extradited to the Kree homeworld to stand trial. Perhaps due to his experiences during the Armageddon Agenda, Mr. X developed a pathological aversion to flame.

(JLX Unleashed I#1 - BTS) - After the demonic creature Fin Fang Flame nearly leveled New York and the JLA, Amazon suggested the JLA release the JLX but Captain Marvel argued against the idea, reminding Amazon that Mr. X was due to be extradited and that the JLX were not to be trusted.

(JLX Unleashed I#1) - When Fin Fang Flame arrived and attacked Super-Soldier to get at Amazon, Amazon paid a visit to Mr. X in prison, where Mr. X questioned what made Amazon think either he or his teammates would help her. Amazon pleaded to Mr. X's sense of responsibility, both to all life on Earth and his catatonic protege Apollo, prompting Mr. X to reluctantly agree to help against Fin Fang Flame. As the remaining JLX members were freed from prison, Mr. X made a side-trip to Aim-Star Labs, where he arranged to have the mutant Joshua Summers freed from stasis to join the new JLX. Immediately upon being unfrozen, Joshua expressed his hatred of Mr. X for putting him there and tried to attack X, only to be held back by Amazon. When Joshua expressed a desire to kill Mr. X, Mr. X suggested he get in line behind a large dragon then asked Joshua to help. After fully gathering together his new JLX, Mr. X revealed to them the Techno-Seed, the supposed source of Fin Fang Flame's power, and gave the team the mission of destroying it. Following the start of their mission and Iceberg being knocked unconscious by Fin Fang Flame, Mr. X placed the JLX Wavecruiser on auto pilot to venture to ground level to assist with Runaway's absorption of Iceberg's powers for use against the demonic dragon. Fin Fang Flame immediately attacked Mr. X but he fought back using his psychic powers, causing the dragon intense pain and provoking it to retaliate by knocking Mr. X from his hoverchair.

    In the ensuing chaos, Mr. X returned to his hoverchair and Joshua, now dubbed Chaos, flew into Fin Fang Flame. Runaway then successfully absorbed Iceberg's powers and froze Fin Fang Flame long enough for Nightcreeper to teleport inside the demon and retrieve the Techno-Seed, which Runaway immediately destroyed. Mr. X quickly got up close to the dragon and ordered an immediate dissection of the creature to free Chaos but, surprisingly unfazed by the destruction of the Techno-Seed, Fin Fang Flame blasted Mr. X and prepared to kill the JLX. Seconds before Fin Fang Flame had ushered up enough fire to destroy the JLX, however, Apollo overcame his catatonia and piloted the Wavecruiser into Fin Fang Flame's forehead, much to the surprise of Mr. X and the rest of the JLX. The JLX then watched as Apollo absorbed all of Fin Fang Flame's power, destroying the creature, and a newly-mutated Apollo rejoined Mr. X and his teammates.

Comments: Created by Mark Waid, Gerard Jones, Howard Porter and John Dell.

Marvel characters
are listed in regular, bold black type.
DC characters are listed in bold blue type.
Amalgam characters are listed in bold purple type.

    To clarify, Amalgam Comics didn't really exist beyond those seen in the few DC/Marvel crossovers. The titles you don't recognize are amalgams of similar Marvel & DC comics. --Snood

    In case it's not obvious, Mister X is an amalgamation of Marvel's Professor X (Charles Xavier) and DC's Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz) (with some elements of Marvel's Bishop (Lucas Bishop)).

    In the letters page of Legends of the Dark Claw#1, a "fan letter" is shown that mentions a John Jones, Vampire Hunter. Whether this "John Jones" has any connection to J'onn J'onzz, Mister X, remains to be seen. In the DC Universe, Martian Manhunter J'onn J'onzz used the Earthly alias of John Jones.

    Mr. X's appearance in Magneto & the Magnetic Men I#1 is slightly bizarre in that Mr. X appears to have silver skin and no visible irises (see above image). So either Mr. X, in his anger at Magneto, briefly lost control of emotions and began to shapeshift or he was simply miscolored. Miscoloring seems likely, as he was colored silver, not unlike some of the other Magnetic Men in the issue. Additionally, his appearance in that issue is listed as BTS above in the History section because Mr. X only appears on a video screen and not in person.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-9602's Mister X
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
JLX Unleashed I#1, p15, pan5 (Mr. X in hoverchair, main image)
JLX Unleashed I#1, p7, pan5 (Mr. X, headshot)
Amalgam trading card#19: Mister X (Marco Xavier) (J'onn J'onzz using telepathy as Marco Xavier)
Magneto & the Magnetic Men I#1, p7, pan3 (Mr. X, shapeshifted into a silvery form)
JLX I#1, p18, pans1-3 (Mr. X, shapeshifting from human to his super-strong true form)
JLX I#1, p19, pan4 (Mr. X in true form)
JLX Unleashed I#1, p7, pan4 (wheelchair-bound Mr. X)

JLX I#1 (April, 1996) - Mark Waid, Gerard Jones (writers), Howard Porter (pencils), John Dell (inks), Brian Augustyn, Ruben Diaz (editors)
Magneto & the Magnetic Men I#1 (April, 1996) - Gerard Jones (writer), Jeff Matsuda (pencils), Art Thibert (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
JLX Unleashed I#1 (June, 1997) - Priest (writer), Oscar Jiminez (pencils), Hanibal Rodriguez (inks), Ruben Diaz (editor)

First posted03/08/2025
Last updated: 03/08/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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