
Real Name: Arcanna Jones (maiden name unrevealed)

Identity/ClassAlternate Reality (Earth-712/"Earth-S") human magic-user;
    citizen of the United States of America with no criminal record;
    her identity as Arcanna the Squadron member was publicly known, although it is unrevealed whether it is public knowledge that she is/was Moonglow

Occupation: Warrior, crime-fighter;
    former government agent, medium

Group MembershipSquadron Supreme (Amphibian/Kingsley Rice, Doctor Spectrum/Joseph Ledger, Hyperion/"Mark Milton," Nighthawk/Neal, Power Princess/Zarda Shelton, Shape, Skylark/Linda Lewis, Shape/Raleigh Lund, Skymax Skymax/Sk'ym'x, Whizzer/Stanley Stewart; formerly Ape X/Xina, Blue Eagle/James Dore Jr., Doctor Anton Decibel, Foxfire/Olivia Underwood, Golden Archer/Wyatt McDonald Haywire/Harold Danforth, Inertia/Edith Freiberg, Moonglow/Melissa Hanover, Nuke/Albert Gaines, Quagmire/Jerome Michaels, Redstone/Michael Redstone, Thermite/Sam Yurimoto, Tom Thumb/Thomas Thompson; );
    formerly the Ex-Squadron (a temporary re-naming of the Squadron supreme)

Affiliations: AIDA, Mrs. BrennanMrs. Brennan, Crowley (pet cat), Adrienne Dore, Gaea/Mother Nature, Warden Hurst, Professor Imam, Calvin Maroney, Howard Shelton, Madeline, Overmind (Grom) from the Scarlet Centurion's future, Stanley (Whizzer), and Tina Stewart; unidentified pet fish;
    Earth-616: Aquarian (Wundarr), Avengers (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Firestar/Angelica Jones, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Justice/Vance Astrovik, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Thor Odinson, Vision/Victor Shade), Kayla Ballantine,
Chorus (Al Gentle, Theodore Kroeber, Philip le Guin, Georgia Orr, Ursula Richards, Mindy Williams), Darkhawk (Chris Powell), Dr. Mortimer Dauoi, Deathlok (Michael Collins), Defenders (Doctor Stephen Strange, Gargoyle/Isaac Christians, Hulk/Bruce Banner, Namor the Sub-Mariner, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd, Son of Satan/Daimon Hellstrom, Valkyrie/Brunnhilde, Vision/"Victor Shade"), Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid), Gaea, Her/Kismet, Jack of Hearts (Jack Hart), Magdalene, Makkari, August Master, Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) and likely the rest of the Fantastic Four, Moon Knight (Marc Spector), Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Roma, Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen), Sleepwalker (the being who used Rich Sheridan as his host), Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen); various support staff at Project: PEGASUS of Earth-616 (including Dr. Lipton and agent Sheldon); moonglow-arcanna-712-otmuu89
    loosely Arcanna Jones and the rest of the Squadron Supreme of Earth-31916 (Dr. Spectrum/Joe Ledger, Hyperion/Mark Milton, Power Princess/Zarda);
    loosely Scarlet Witch/Wanda Lensherr and the rest of the Ultimates (Iron Man/Tony Stark, Quicksilver/Pietro Lensherr, Thor), Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/Sue Storm, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards (later the Maker), Thing/Ben Grimm), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), and X-Men
(Cyclops/Scott Summers, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Wolverine/James Howlett) of Earth-1610
    presumably Mysterium (Thomas Lightner; originally of Earth-616, although latterly residing on Earth-712);
    she at least invoked Hecate (presumably the Earth-712 version);
Master Menace (Emil Burbank), Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond), Scarlet Centurion (Nathaniel Richards);
    former pawn of the Imus Champion of Earth-616, Corruptor (Jackson Day) of Earth-616,
Null the Living Darkness of Reality-616, the Over-Mind (Gromm) of Reality-616, and the Kyle Richmond android

Enemies: General Alexander of Earth-31916, Angler (Kevin Brackett), Emil Burbank of Earth-31916, Captive (Threkker) and other prisoners on the Stranger's Laboratory world, Deathurge of Earth-616, Hugh Jones of Earth-616, the New World Order, Hyperion construct of Reality-616 (aka Zhib-Ran), Maelstrom of Earth-616, New World Order, Nick Fury of Earth-1610, Null the Living Darkness, Kyle Richmond artificial construct, Nelson Rockefeller, Serpent Cartel (Gregory Gideon, Justin Hammer, Leland Owsley, Kyle Richmond, Sebastian Shaw), Set of Reality-616, Silver Dagger of Earth-616, Thanos of Reality-616;
Avengers (Captain America, Firestar, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Justice, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Vision), Blue Shield (Joe Cartelli) of Earth-616, General Chapman and his forces at Fort Largo (including Mike), Defenders of Earth-616 (Doctor Strange, Gargoyle, Hulk, Namor, Scarlet Witch, Silver Surfer, Son of Satan, Valkyrie, Vision), Hulk (Bruce Banner) of Earth-1610, Institute of Evil (Ape X, Doctor Decibel, Foxfire, Lamprey, Quagmire, Shape), Redeemers (Black Archer/Wyatt McDonald, Foxfire, Haywire, Inertia, Mink/Julie Steel, Moonglow, Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond, Pinball/Chester Freeman, RedstoneRemnant/Frank Edwards, Shape, Thermite), Scarlet Centurion; various groups opposing the Utopia Program
    at least formerly
Master Menace, Mysterium (Thomas Lightner, as the Nth Man), Scarlet Centurion;
    indirectly the Stranger and Quasar (while under the Over-Mind's control)

Known RelativesPhilip Jones (husband); Drusilla Jones, Katrina Jones (daughters); Andrew Jones, Benjamin Thomas Jones (son)

Aliases: Moonglow, Mistress of the Mystic Arts;
    "Arcky" (from Foxfire), "Jonesy-Baby" (from Quagmire), "Witch" (from a rioter), "Witch Hazel" (from Mink)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    possibly at least formerly Utopia Isle, Southern Sea, Earth-712;
    at least formerly 
Pommerschen, New Troy, USA, Earth-712;
    formerly Project: PEGASUS, Mount Athena, upstate New York, Earth-616;
    formerly Squadron City, Great American Desert, USA, Earth-712;
    formerly the temporary Squadron headquarters, Rangeley Mountains, Moreland, USA, Earth-712;
    formerly Moonbase One, Earth-712's moon;

    formerly Rocket Central, in Earth-712's orbit;
    formerly Kyle Richmond's mansion, Cosmopolis, New Troy, Earth-712;
    place of birth unrevealed

First AppearanceDefenders I#112 (October, 1982);
    (posing as Moonglow/Melissa Hanover) Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (1989; Graphic Novel);
    (noted to have adopted codename of Moonglow) Quasar I#14 (September, 1990)

Powers/Abilities: Arcanna is an expert in magic. She can magically control natural/terrestrial substances, forces and phenomena, particularly wood, wind and moving water. She could generate winds sufficient to carry her (and several others) through the air or to scatter a crowd of thirty-some people. She can even form miniature wind tunnels/cyclones sufficient to deflect bullets from an automatic weapon.

    Her powers are less effective against metal and even less so against synthetic products. However, she could generate winds, with which she could move metal objects (even focusing them to pull a weapon from someone's hands).
She was unable to affect Quagmire's otherworldly muck or Eon's alien tissue.moonglow-712-arcanna-nwo-psiprobe

    Infiltrating air and water with man-made chemicals rendered them resistant to Arcanna's manipulation.

    She can fly through the air by generating winds strong enough to support her weight and carry her aloft. She has at least reportedly flown by standing upon a wooden pole that she levitates.

    Arcanna can magically create illusions, possibly via manipulating light, altering her appearance to disguise a pregnancy, to make herself appear to be in costume while wearing normal clothing, or even to appear to be someone else entirely. With effort, she established a long-term illusion that surrounded Squadron City, showing only the natural terrain from a distance and only allowing it to be fully seen once a being penetrated its illusory hemisphere.

    She can communicate with animals and use them to send messages to others.

    Arcanna can project magical force bolts and form mystic fields/shields or rings of force.

    She can disrupt/dispel other forms of magic or psychic control, although she frequently did so with assistance from other mystics.

     Arcanna has enhanced mystic perceptions, allowing her to sense various forms of energy, detect whether she is on her native world or an alternate Earth, and to sense whether significant changes have occurred in the power structure, etc. of her world.

    At least initially, her powers involved her speaking the words in her commands backwards -- such as "Sgnir fo ecrof -- dnuorrus ym ymene!" ("Rings of force -- surround my enemy!")

    While typically avoiding physical conflict, Arcanna has some fighting experience and training, sufficient to allow her to deliver a punch able to knock another woman out.

    She is a skilled, experienced and loving mother and wife. She also has some knowledge of herbal medicine.

    She is experienced at and enjoys a game of poker.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs. (she was listed as 115 lbs. in both the original handbook sub-profile and the Master Edition, but her full profile in th Update'89 handbook listed her as 130 lbs. At 5'8", 115 lbs. would be really lean, and Arcanna was certainly more curvaceous)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Silvery blonde (silver/white in first appearance; consistently blonde in subsequent appearances)

moonglow-712-arcanna-otmui(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Squadron Supreme entry: Arcanna sub-profile) - Arcanna was born with a natural aptitude for the supernatural as well as certain psychic powers, which developed as she matured.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Arcanna bonded with the cat Crowley, who apparently served as her familiar and had some psychic powers of his own.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna worked as a psychic medium.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Before she began dating her future husband, Philip, Arcanna had a relationship that she eventually had to end; she felt that she did not handle it "all so great" herself.

(Squadron Supreme I#10 (fb)) - Arcanna aggressively pursued a relationship with Philip Jones. She almost resorted to magic to get him to fall for her.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna married Philip Jones.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Philip and Arcanna had two children: Drusilla and Katrina.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - Drusilla and Katrina were both colicky. 

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#10: Squadron Supreme entry: Arcanna sub-profile) - At some point after being married, Arcanna decided to support their family as a professional crime fighter. Phil stayed at home to raise their children.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Arcanna established a spell of camouflage to hide her family's home in the forests of Pommerschen, New Troy.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#12: Squadron Supreme entry / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89: Arcanna) - Arcanna's success as a crimefighter came to the attention of the Squadron Supreme who made her their fifth recruit.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition: Arcanna) - At some point, Arcanna was trained in hand-to-hand combat by Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) and Power Princess.

(Web of Spider-Man Annual#5/6 (fb)) - Plotting to take control of the country, Serpent Cartel members Sebastian Shaw (wearing the Earth-712 Serpent Crown), Leland Owsley, and Gregory Gideon ambushed and took out their world's two most powerful mystics, Professor Imam and Arcanna. Imam was trapped in another dimension, while Arcanna was imprisoned in a steel cell at the cartel base, where even her air and water were filled with man-made chemicals that prevented her from using her powers to escape.
    Arcanna was further considered as a potential future bride to Set-616 when he was brought to Earth-712.

(Web of Spider-Man Annual#5/6 (fb) - BTS) - When Squadron Supreme members Amphibian, Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion, Tom Thumb, and the Whizzer investigated her disappearance, the Serpent Crown-wearing Gregory Gideon placed each of the heroes under his control, after which they came to serve the Serpent Cartel. 

(Avenges I#148-149) - Arcanna remained in prison as the Set-controlled Squadron Supreme engaged the Avengers on both Earth-616 and Earth-712.

(Avengers West Coast Annual#4/5) - The Earth goddess Gaea appeared in Arcanna's cell, telling her that Nighthawk and Power Princess were in the building, intent on her rescue, and that her world would soon be delivered from the grasp of Set. Gaea revealed how the Avengers had reclaimed that crown and how both Power Princess and Nighthawk had been able to resist the Serpent Crown's control. 

    Having posed as Kyle's assistant, Ms. DeBussy, Power Princess subsequently freed Arcanna from her cell, allowing her to regain her costume form and powers. The two women swiftly took out the Serpent Cartel's security, while Nighthawk took out the other Cartel members, after which Arcanna liberated Professor Imam from the dimension in which he had been trapped. 

    Aided by Gaea, Arcanna and Imam then jointly cast a spell that freed everyone in America from Set's control. With the Avengers possessing the Serpent Crown, Set could not resist the spell. 

(Avengers West Coast Annual#4/5 - BTS) - Arcanna stood with her teammates by Hyperion's side as he denounced the Serpent Cartel and its puppet president, Nelson Rockefeller.

(Avengers West Coast Annual#4/5) - Arcanna was joyfully reunited with Philip.

(Squadron Supreme I#8 (fb) - BTS) - During Arcanna's third pregnancy (with Andy), her Squadron teammates were very protective of her, much to her frustration.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - Andrew was colicky, just like his older siblings were.

moonglow-712-arcanna-def112-upper(Defenders I#112 (fb) - BTS) - A virtual golden age was achieved on Earth-712 during the presidency of Kyle Richmond, who had been a former Squadron member as Nighthawk.

moonglow-712-arcanna-def112-rear-blast(Defenders I#112 (fb) - BTS) - After president Kyle Richmond fell under the influence of Reality-616's Over-Mind (who was secretly possessed by the demon Null the Living Darkness), martial law was invoked, and the national guard began rounding up "superversives," of which there were allegedly thousands.

(Defenders I#112 (fb)) - Arcanna joined most past and present members of the Squadron -- Amphibian, Cap'n Hawk, Doctor Spectrum, Golden Archer, Hyperion, Lady Lark, Nuke, Power Princess, Tom Thumb, Whizzer -- in meeting aboard Rocket Central to discuss this threat. 

    They were soon joined by the Over-Mind and Kyle Richmond (actually an android duplicate), who soon revealed that he was under the Over-Mind's control (as was anyone who had opposed the Over-Mind). The Squadron attacked the Over-Mind, with Arcanna combining her sorcery with Spectrum's power prism's energy to wrap him in a cocoon on great force; however, the Over-Mind shrugged off the cocoon, ripped up a piece of flooring, and flattened the pair. 

    After the Over-Mind took out the rest of the team, "Richmond" used a piece of Argonite to weaken Hyperion. Via the satellite's teleporter, Hyperion fled to Earth

(Defenders I#112 (fb) - BTS) - The Over-Mind took over the minds of the rest of the Squadron Supreme, and they abandoned Rocket Central.

(Defenders I#112 (fb) - BTS) - After the Over-Mind had other satellites blanket Earth in Argonite radiation, Hyperion dismantled Rocket Central and used its lead-lined walls to construct an underground base. Unable to travel to Earth-616, he instead sent an interdimensional distress call.

(Defenders I#112 (fb)) - Arcanna and the rest of the Squadron stood beside President Richmond, vowing to help him stamp out the so-called enemies of democracy. Soon the Squadron joined the US Army in attacking those nations whose leaders could not be lured to the White House for psychic assimilation. The Over-Mind thusly conquered Earth-712.moonglow-712-arcanna-def113-rings

(Defenders I#112 (fb) - BTS) - Under the Over-Mind's guidance, the Squadron helped build a moon base and an armada of spaceships, intending to fulfill the Over-Mind's prophecy of crushing the universe.moonglow-712-arcanna-def113-blasted

(Defenders I#112 - BTS) - With Dr. Strange, the Hulk, Namor, and the Son of Satan having previously been summoned to Earth-712 (in the process of having tried to return to Earth from the Wastelands dimension) and joined by Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond-712, believing himself to be Kyle Richmond-616), Dr. Strange summoned Beast, Gargoyle, Scarlet Witch, the Silver Surfer, Valkyrie, and the Vision to Hyperion's subterranean base. 

(Defenders I#113) - At Moon Base One, Arcanna joined the rest of the mind-controlled Squadron in using their powers to accelerate the completion of Moon Base One.

    After the Silver Surfer and Vision arrived at Moon Base One and defeated Dr. Spectrum and Nuke, Arcanna and the rest of the mind-controlled Squadron rushed to stop them, at which point the Defenders and Hyperion arrived, transported there via the psychic composite being later known as Chorus using its powers to augment the damaged teleporter.  

    Arcanna engaged the Scarlet Witch, casting a spell to surround her with rings of force, but -- her mental acuity and willpower sapped by months of mind-control -- she instead fell victim to the Scarlet Witch's most potent hex bolt. 

(Defenders I#113 - BTS) - August Masters -- unwittingly transported to Earth-712 by Chorus -- shot President Richmond (the artificial construct) in the head, causing the Over-Mind to collapse, after which Null the Living Darkness emerged.

(Defenders I#114 (fb) - BTS) - With Null's emergence, Arcanna and the other Squadron members controlled by the Null-controlled Over-Mind regained their wills. 

(Defenders I#114) - Null unleashed a wave of evil that dropped the Defenders and Squadron members. To protect themselves from further such assaults, Arcanna joined with Dr. Strange, the Scarlet Witch, and "Chorus" to form a mystic barrier/seraphic shield that would take even the powerful Null minutes to shatter. 

    Arcanna listened as "Chorus" explained that the Masters' assassination of Richmond had forced Null out into the open before it had reached the final stage of its evolution, and that by uniting into psycho-spiritual union they had a chance to stop Null. Arcanna joined the others in merging with "Chorus," who assaulted Null, although the various personalities made such a union complicated, and their final strike shattered the union without destroying Null. However, "Chorus" then inhabited the Over-Mind's form, and when Null tried to drain Over-Mind's remaining power to complete its evolution, the collective was apparently able to destroy Null. 

    Seeing the breakdown of the artificial "President Kyle Richmond," Nighthawk realized that he was Kyle Richmond-712.

(Defenders I#115 (fb) - BTS) - Hyperion and Nighthawk accompanied the Defenders and Over-Mind/Chorus to Hyperion's subterranean base.

(Defenders I#115 - BTS) - With Tom Thumb having fixed the Squadron's damaged teleporter, Hyperion sent the Defenders back toward Earth-616; however, a cockroach slightly disrupted the transmission, and Beast, Gargoyle, Namor, and Valkyrie were instead sent to the realm known as Here and There.moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup1-raggedfrontal

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) <Three days before the main story> - After the Squadron Supreme returned from the moon, they split up into teams in a reconnaissance mission to evaluate the fate of America and the world.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS / Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - The Squadron set up a temporary headquarters in headquarters in a cavern within the Rangeley Mountains, Moreland,

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna sent ravens to tell Phil where she was and what was happening.moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup1-raggedlateral

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb)- BTS) - Partnered with Cap'n Hawk in investigating in the north, Arcanna presumably found the region to be disheartening. 

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb)- BTS) - Planning to meet up with Nuke and Power Princess in Niagara, Arcanna convinced Cap'n Hawk to take a side-trip past the Falls, feeling that she needed to see something beautiful for a change.

(Squadron Supreme I#1) - Alongside Cap'n Hawk, Arcanna met up with Nuke and Power Princess in Niagara, apologizing and explaining why she was to blame for being late.

    They came upon a group of people taking food products from a truck, intending to force them to depart, until they learned that the people had been raided by city gangs and had not eaten a decent meal in a week.

    As the Squadron members prepared to leave the people in peace, they encountered soldiers (or men dressed as soldiers) claiming to be the local law who fired on the looters (and the Squadron members by proximity). As Arcanna weaved a spell to make the wind into a protective screen around the truck, Power Princess confronted the men. When the men fanned out and fired again, Nuke blew up their jeep and melted the men's guns, exposing them to heavy doses of radiation; he was stopped and lightly chastised by Power Princess. Arcanna and the others soon departed.moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup1-face

    Arcanna soon met up at the Squadron's temporary base (possibly Hyperion's subterranean base), and they reviewed the events that had brought the world to its current state. After Nighthawk discussed the Squadron's role in bring them to this low point, Arcanna countered that they had stopped the Over-Mind and his demon-master Null and prevented attacks on other world. When Hyperion and the Whizzer related just how bad things were in the US and Europe,  Arcanna sympathetically placed a hand on his Whizzer's shoulder as he was overwhelmed by the horror and magnitude of what he had seen.

    As the others discussed what they could do and their loss of credibility, Arcanna argued that if they did not clear their reputations that no one would ever accept their help again.

    When even leaders Hyperion and Nighthawk seemed to despair and suggested disbanding, Power Princess discussed her people's life on Utopia Isle -- bereft of crime, poverty, injustice, sexual discrimination, or war -- and she encouraged the others to believe that such utopia was attainable.

    After further discussion, Arcanna was in the majority vote to pursue such a program to abolish war and crime, eliminate poverty and hunger, establish equality among all peoples, clean up the environment, and cure disease and even death. Of the two dissenters, Amphibian agreed to accept this policy and continue working with the others, while Nighthawk refused and quit the team.

    After Dr. Spectrum suggested that they public unmask while announcing their plans to the world, Hyperion suggested everyone go home and inform their families of this plan before reconvening at 5pm the next day. Arcanna suggested that everyone repair their uniforms to try to look more presentable.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna traveled to Pommerschen to visit her family. Sensing Arcanna's presence, Crowley told Philip he felt her to be nearby.

(Squadron Supreme I#1) - As Arcanna magically opened the door to their home, Philip and the kids greeted her, with Philip noting that Crowley had told him he felt her to be nearby. Arcanna replied, "That darn cat! I wanted it to be a surprise."

    As soon as Arcanna was inside the house, Drusilla demonstrated how she had learned to levitate her doll, and Arcanna told her, "That's wonderful!"moonglow-712-arcanna-otmude

    Arcanna subsequently had Drusilla take Katrina and Andrew to the playroom, and twenty minutes later, Arcanna told Philip how glad she was to be home, and he assured her he would give her a chance to show him. After confirming that he had received the messages she had sent via ravens, Philip asked how long she would be back. When she told him she had to leave by tomorrow afternoon, he suggested they not waste a moment. As the two embraced, one of the kids (presumably Drusilla) shouted that Katrina wanted a cookie.

    The next day, at Capitol City, Magelland, at 8pm, Arcanna and the rest of the Squadron stood behind Hyperion at a massive press conference as he announced the Utopia Program and its goals, and Arcanna and the rest of the Squadron unmasked to the public.

(Squadron Supreme I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Due to space being at a premium in the Squadron headquarters, all teammates were forced to share co-ed sleeping quarters. 

(Squadron Supreme I#2 (fb) - BTS) - During the first month of the Utopia Program, Arcanna and the other Squadron members spent their time taking on missions to deal with the most urgent of problems. Arcanna may have joined Power Princess in assessing the food processing plants in the Northeast.

(Squadron Supreme I#2) - Arcanna attended the Squadron's daily meeting, listening as Hyperion, Power Princess, Whizzer, and Tom Thumb reported their progress thus far. After Dr. Spectrum related a conflict with the disgruntled Freedom Force, the meeting was interrupted by the threat of an impending invasion by the Scarlet Centurion. However, after Hyperion swore to slay him if he attacked them at this critical stage of recovery, the Centurion backed down and departed. 

    At the subsequent poker game (also attended by Jim (Blue Eagle), Joe (Dr. Spectrum), Kingsley (Amphibian), Linda (Lady Lark), Stan (Whizzer), and Wyatt (Golden Archer)), Arcanna warned Joe that she was watching him and warned him against any fancy shuffles aided by his power prism. He feigned innocence but also noted that her "hocus-pocus" could undercut him anyway.

(Squadron Supreme I#2 (flash-forward) - BTS) - The day after the above meeting, Power Princess and Arcanna were at least scheduled to assess the status of (presumably at least the food processing plants) of the West Coast. 

(Squadron Supreme I#2) - Arcanna attended the Squadron meeting the next evening when Hyperion reported that the president had given his regards to them.

(Squadron Supreme I#3) - Arcanna attended a Squadron meeting discussing their anti-gun law as well as plans to investigate the 28 day absence of their teammate Nuke.

    Later that evening, Arcanna, Amphibian, and Whizzer were called to respond to an emergency assault on the Westinger Gun Factory -- which Hyperion had closed down the day before -- by hundreds, rioting and looting. Stan (Whizzer) advised the likely nude-sleeping (but fully-covered) Arcanna that he would be done changing swiftly, for which she thanked him. After Tom Thumb detailed the issue, the three on-call heroes departed.

    En route, Arcanna discussed her lack of desire to do riot control at that hour; when Amphibian noted that he thought it would all be over by the time they got there, she considered that, if so, then their work assignments for the next week would be tracking down and confiscating all of the stolen guns. She further wondered why Stan (Whizzer) got so "stony" when he didn't get a good night's sleep (it was due to his need to balance his day's hyper-metabolic activity with an equal amount of time in a hypo-metabolic trance).

    As they approached and found the rioters still out in full force, Amphibian landed their craft while Arcanna manipulated the winds to guide herself and Whizzer down safely, although she advised him to stay close to make it easier for her to control his descent. She watched Whizzer blurringly knock the bullets fired at them out of the air and then hit the ground and safely pulled the weapons out of many rioter's hands. Limited in her ability to directly affect metal, Arcanna used gale-force winds to rip the weapons from others' hands.

    After scattering a crowd of thirty-some, Arcanna pinned one of the rioters against a fence with mystic bolt and politely asked him the point of all this. When he expressed his concerns that they were ultimately confiscating all weapons, leaving the people no defense in case the Squadron and the government went crazy again, Arcanna assured him that the Squadron intended the best for everyone. The man told her that he would only believe that with a gun in his hand, and she released him and thanked him for the discussion. As Whizzer piled together the confiscated weapons, Arcanna considered that all those present likely had similar motivations and she wondered if the Squadron had fully thought through what they had done. Regardless, she considered that she personally detested guns.

(Squadron Supreme I#3 - BTS) - A dangerously out-of-control Nuke perished when Dr. Spectrum tried to contain him.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Phil and Arcanna conceived another child.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna learned she was pregnant again.

(Squadron Supreme I#4) - Arcanna joined Golden Archer, Amphibian, Blue Eagle, Lady Lark, Power Princess, and the Whizzer in assaulting Fort Largo, a military base led by General Chapman who had decided to make a stand against the Squadron's Utopia Program's policy of destroying all firearms and other lethal weapons. Arcanna piloted their aircar until a soldier named Mike, armed with a bazooka, blew up their vessel. Mentally calling out to Mother Nature, Arcanna protected herself with a 120 mph updraft but she was only able to partially break the Golden Archer's fall; his force-field saved him from fatal injury. She retaliated against the shooter by setting his clothes on fire, forcing him to drop his weapon.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 - BTS) - After the Archer's force field shut down completely, one of the soldiers fired on him, but the Whizzer caught the bullets, saving his life and allowing him to punch out his would-be killer.

    Ultimately, Hyperion showed up and brought the conflict to a rapid resolution.

(Squadron Supreme I#4) - Arcanna stood atop a truck as the troops -- who had by now surrendered -- were loaded into vehicles for transport.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 - BTS) - Arcanna stayed at the base for the remaining clean-up efforts.

(Squadron Supreme I#4) - At the meeting that night, Arcanna listened as others discussed that Fort Largo had been the last military base from which they had impounded weapons and then discussed plans to do the same with the police departments. After Tom Thumb introduced his Behavior-Modification device, able to alter a subject's thoughts to prevent or assure certain activities, Arcanna agreed with Amphibian's objection to altering free will, noting that she thought that it was unnatural, subverting the fact that people were the way they were for a reason. When it came to vote, the eight other members voted in favor, with Arcanna and Amphibian abstaining.

    Later that night, Arcanna was awakened by her teammate Lady Lark, who told her that the Archer had proposed to her, but that she did not feel the way about him that she used to. Admitting her own previous less-than-perfect handing of a break-up, Arcanna advised Linda to tell Wyatt how she really felt, to be gentle but firm and to tell him sooner rather than later. Seeking someone with whom she could share her own exciting news, Arcanna considered telling Linda she was pregnant but realized that it would be a distraction for her at that time.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 - BTS) - After Linda turned him down, Wyatt learned how to use the B-Mod device from Tom Thumb and then used it to make Linda love him.

(Squadron Supreme I#4) - The next morning, Arcanna watched in shock as Lark passionately greeted the Archer, apologized for her behavior the night before, and agreed to marry him.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Suspecting that Wyatt had used the B-Mod on Linda, Tom Thumb reprogrammed the B-Mod to recognize the Squadron members' brain patterns and reject any alterations to them.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - As the Squadron became busy with their Utopia program, intended to solve America's woes within a year, Arcanna was only able to see her family less than once a week.

moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup5-shield(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - The Institute of Evil captured Golden Archer. 

(Squadron Supreme I#5) - At a federal penitentiary in upstate Vesperia, Arcanna and Hyperion supervised the B-Mod treatment of inmate Calvin Maroney, who had volunteered for the process in exchange for a full pardon (as well as a job and relocation program); Arcanna provided the specific instructions for his behavior modification. After the process was completed, Maroney noted how he felt like a great burden had been lifted from his mind, and Arcanna wished him to have a good life. When Warden Hurst told them that they had 67 prisoners left to treat, Arcanna considered that at 5 minutes per treatment, they would never finish, and she suggested they call it a day and start again tomorrow. As she mystically disassembled the B-Mod and packed it away, Arcanna considered that, despite her initial reservations, her mystic perceptions had detected no lasting psychic trauma.

    Arcanna sat atop the container as Hyperion flew her back to Squadron HQ, and she asked Hyperion what they would do when they had to deal with prisoners who were not willing to cooperate; he told her they would cross that bridge when they came to it. 

    Arcanna was present at the Squadron meeting when they discussed Golden Archer's disappearance and the increasing workload, and she, Stanley, and Amphibian spoke out against Hyperion's proposal to cancel all leaves, and he agreed not to impose that policy.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - As part of a plan to use the Squadron's families to force the heroes to surrender, Ape X sent Lamprey to abduct Phil and the Jones children (see comments); the other Institute of Evil members were sent to abduct Power Princess' husband, Howard Shelton; Whizzer's wife, Madeline, and daughter, Tina; and Blue Eagle's mother, Adrienne Dore.
    Phil and the kids were imprisoned in a fenced in area with barbed wire at the top inside the Institute's base alongside the other family members and the previously captured Golden Archer.

moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup5-windtunnel(Squadron Supreme I#5 - BTS) - With Doctor Decibel having forced the Golden Archer to tell them how to operate the Squadron's B-Mod, the Institute captured Tom Thumb and took over the Squadron's base. As they planned, Tom's computer AIDA broadcast a pre-programmed emergency signal to the Squadron.

(Squadron Supreme I#5) - Arcanna was at the New Babylon state penitentiary with Blue Eagle when they received the call and headed back to Squadron base.

(Squadron Supreme I#5) - Arcanna and Blue Eagle arrived at the same time as Lady Lark and Dr. Spectrum, and they engaged the Institute members. Initially firing mystic bolts at an unidentified target, Arcanna soon found herself on the defensive against Quagmire, using a shield to protect herself as his extradimensional muck (apparently a manifestation of the Darkforce) proved beyond her control.

    Feigning haven fallen under the Institute's control via the B-Mod, Tom then showed the Squadron members footage of their hostages, forcing the heroes to surrender. Hyperion and the Whizzer then arrived, with the former being incapacitated by Lamprey and the latter fleeing upon learning of his family's capture.

    The Institute then forced the Squadron members to submit to the B-Mod, taking steps to prevent their resistance, such as Shape's binding Arcanna's hands and Foxfire blinding her with her bioluminescence (with Foxfire noting her regret that the blindness would not be permanent).

(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - The Squadron members were forced to submit to the B-Mod. Although they had not known they would be immune, Tom winked at them as he placed the helmet on them, and Arcanna and the other Squadron members had the sense to play along so they would be brought to the hostages.

(Squadron Supreme I#5) - Whizzer returned with a machine gun and fired on the Institute, but Arcanna formed a wind tunnel/miniature cyclone to deflect the bullets from Shape, and the other Squadron members similarly protected the other Institute members and then took out Whizzer.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Whizzer was similarly treated with the B-Mod and similarly played along.

(Squadron Supreme I#5) - When the Squadron members were brought back to the Institute's base. Phil called out to Arcanna, after which Ape X noted the Squadron's defeat. However, the Squadron then swiftly defeated the Institute members -- with Arcanna blasting Foxfire through the air -- and freed their hostages. Arcanna asked Phil if he had been worried, and he admitted, "A bit."moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup6-full-spellcast

(Squadron Supreme I#6 (fb) - BTS) - The Squadron pardoned Whizzer for having run out upon learning his wife and daughter were in danger.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 (fb) - BTS) - The B-Mod was used on the Institute of Evil Members.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 (fb) - BTS) - Squadron City was constructed in the Great American Desert. The former Institute members helped in the construction.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 (fb) - BTS) - For three weeks, the Squadron met in the dining pavilion.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 (fb) - BTS) <A week before the main story> - Arcanna, Philip, and their family moved their home into Squadron City.

(Squadron Supreme I#6) - As her family, Hyperion, and Tom Thumb watched, Arcanna mystically camouflaged Squadron City, after which she levitated, towing her family like a daisy chain and bringing them into the city, explaining how they could see it as soon as they penetrated its illusory hemisphere. Therein, Arcanna introduced Phil to Madeline Stuart, but Phil noted that they had already met.

    Madeline confided her concerns about Stan (Whizzer)'s guilt over having run out on the Squadron before, and Arcanna assured her he would recover over time, but she also suggested that he might speak to the staff psychologist; further discussion was interrupted as she had to stop her daughters from playing with a water hose.

(Squadron Supreme I#6) - That evening, Arcanna attended the Squadron's first meeting in their completed Assembly Chamber. She remained silent as they discussed Warden Daniel Yates' refusal to let them use their B-Mod on his prisoners. When the matter was brought up regarding making the Institute members full Squadron members, Arcanna spoke up in favor of this, noting that they needed help due to Nuke's death, Archer's injuries, etc., at which point she announced her pregnancy to the rest of the Squadron; the motion passed.

    Blue Eagle subsequently accused the Golden Archer of using the B-Mod to make to Lady Lark fall in love with him, and Wyatt confessed to having done this. Arcanna voted to expel Wyatt, stating that she considered what he had done to be no different than a physical assault; even though he was repentant, she felt she could not stand to have him walk amongst them. This motion passed to expel Wyatt, and Lady Lark chose to leave with him.

(Squadron Supreme I#7 - BTS) - Hyperion was replaced by his Reality-616 Grandmaster-created duplicate who then feigned amnesia and eventually faked a natural death of Howard Shelton so he might be able to romance Power Princess,

(Squadron Supreme I#7) - Phil and Arcanna had Stan (Whizzer) and Maddy Stewart (the only other married couple associated with the Squadron) over to their home. Arcanna noted that she imagined that Zarda and Howard's love had been platonic for as long as she had known them, but that Zarda had certainly seemed devoted to him. She listened as Maddy commented that Zarda had been working with Hyperion (none of them knew of the deception) to help him get his memory back and that she had always thought that they would make a great couple.

    The next day, Arcanna attended Howard Shelton's funeral, and she proposed that the hill under which Howard was buried be named in his honor.

(Squadron Supreme I#8 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna cast an illusion to conceal how far along was her pregnancy.

(Squadron Supreme I#8) - At a check-up with Dr. Decibel, Arcanna neutralized her illusion, explaining that she had been using it so that the Squadron would need "treat her like glass (coddle/be protective of her) like they did during her last pregnancy.

(Squadron Supreme I#8 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna made Decibel promise not to tell the rest of the Squadron how far along she was.moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup8-pregilluision

(Squadron Supreme I#8) - Following the uncomplicated examination and after Arcanna had restored her illusion, Decibel noted that he was not sure she should be concealing her pregnancy like this, but she assured him that she was an old hand at this as this was her fourth pregnancy.
    As she departed, Decibel considered that because of the Behavior Modification that he had underwent, he must obey her, against his better judgment.

    Arcanna was later present at a meeting where Ape X and Tom Thumb discussed Quagmire's comatose state after overdosing on the Pacifier chemical while saving others from a leakage at the factory. The meeting was then interrupted when Hyperion-712, having escaped his extradimensional banishment, smashed through their headquarters and attacked the impostor. At Princess Power's instruction, Arcanna and the others followed the battle, with Zarda holding Arcanna's hand and pulling her behind her. After Arcanna pointed out the glow from the two Hyperions' battle near Mt. Rushmore, Zarda asked her if she could stir up a tailwind to hasten their arrival.

    After they arrived at the site of the battle, Arcanna could only watch as Hyperion-712 defeated the impostor, who liquefied in Zarda's arms after confessing his actions.

(Squadron Supreme I#9) - At the tennis courts in Squadron City's Richmond Field, Phil and Arcanna and Phil watched alongside Maddy as Stan played tennis against Lamprey, whom he had allowed to siphon off some of his speed to make it an even competition. Arcanna commented that it was a good thing that Lamprey could only siphon off power and not skill, as it would be really tedious to watch two perfectly equal players.

(Squadron Supreme I#9 - BTS) - Meanwhile, Shape entertained the Jones and Stewart children.

(Squadron Supreme I#9 - BTS) - Tom Thumb died of cancer.

(Squadron Supreme I#10) - Arcanna attended the funeral/ceremony of Tom Thumb as he was placed in one of the hibernacles he had designed.

    At the next morning Squadron meeting, Power Princess announced that she and Arcanna would be going to Herculanea for a meeting with the American Medical Association. As Hyperion waited for Ape X to repair a defect in his image simulator goggles (which he wore following being rendered blind from over-using his eyeblasts against the Hyperion impostor), Arcanna offered him some of her famous hibiscus tea. En route to Herculanea, Arcanna and Zarda discussed Hyperion's struggling with his blindness as well as his and Zarda's romance. Zarda voiced concern that she had to practically force herself on him, and Arcanna shared that she nearly resorted to magic to get Phil to tumble for her. Noting her lack of technical knowledge of the hibernacles, Arcanna asked why they had not brought Ape X along to provide the information. Zarda explained that she didn't think a genius ape would be a good spokesperson while the two of them could lay on the charm if needed and that the questions would not be that technical.

    Later, at the 9 o'clock assembly, Arcanna seconded Whizzer's motion to make new recruits Moonglow and Redstone trial members but she noted that they should run thorough background checks before granting them full membership. Blue Eagle proposed using the B-mod to ensure their loyalty, but the the Squadron members voted against this (Arcanna's vote was not seen, but I would think she voted against it). The Squadron subsequently voted to initiate a recruitment program (knowing she would be on maternity leave soon, Arcanna presumably voted in favor of this). The meeting was subsequently interrupted by a distress call from Dr. Decibel at the hospital, and Arcanna and her teammates flew there to find it overflowing with Quagmire's muck. As her magicks only held sway over natural substances, Arcanna was unable to affect the muck, and Blue Eagle flew her out of the way of a geyser of the material.

(Squadron Supreme I#10 - BTS) - As the muck raged out of control with no end in sight, Power Princess ordered that Quagmire be disconnected from his life support, and Hyperion carried this out. The muck and Quagmire instantly vanished back into the dimension from which the muck arose. Having suffocated in the muck, Decibel's body was recovered.

(Squadron Supreme I#11 - BTS) - Haywire, Inertia, and Thermite also joined the Squadron as probationary members.

(Squadron Supreme I#12 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna kept her pregnancy on the downlow with regards to the newest members, although they at least heard rumors of her being pregnant.moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup12-labor

(Squadron Supreme I#11) - Alongside the rest of the Squadron, Arcanna was present as the new probationary members -- Haywire, Inertia, Moonglow, Redstone and Thermite -- were granted full membership; none of the Squadron members were aware that the new inductees were all secret agents for Nighthawk's Redeemers.

(Squadron Supreme I#11 - BTS) - Moonglow transferred the specifications on the B-mod to Master Menace, who swiftly developed a means to reverse the B-mod process, which the Redeemers used on Lamprey and Shape.

    Additionally, although Moonglow had used her illusion powers to prevent anyone from seeing her in the lab, Tom Thumb's computer program AIDA, had recorded this and informed Ape X. Having been B-mod programmed both to report actions against the Squadron and not to ever act against a Squadron member, Ape X collapsed into a comatose state due to the conflicting programming. Based on Ape X's response, AIDA resolved not to tell anyone else what had happened.

(Squadron Supreme I#12 - BTS) - Foxfire was de-programmed as well.

(Squadron Supreme I#12) - Arcanna had an exam by her midwife Mrs. Brennan, who noted that she could go into labor any time within the next week. As their kids were stressing out Mrs. Brennan's nurse, Phil suggested Arcanna get Andrew and he would handle the girls. 

(Squadron Supreme I#12) - Arcanna was present at the ceremony as Power Princess announced the success of the Utopia program and that they would be returning power to the branches of the US government, as well as the dedication of the first Hibernacle, of which Tom Thumb was the first resident.moonglow-712-arcanna-sqsup12-punch

    When they returned to Squadron City, however, they were confronted by Nighthawk and his Redeemers, after which the Squadron infiltrators revealed their true loyalties, leaving Arcanna, Blue Eagle, Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion, Power Princess, and the Whizzer greatly outnumbered by thirteen opponents.

    About to go into labor, Arcanna thought about how to get away safely, but when Dr. Spectrum bound Nighthawk's group's wrists, a conflict erupted.

    Arcanna fled from the clawed Mink, and although Foxfire (who still felt love for Dr. Spectrum) was trying to save her, Arcanna -- appreciating the risk to her unborn child but feeling she needed to protect them both -- generated a wind gust that blew back Foxfire and Mink.

    When Moonglow confronted her, Arcanna futilely projected a mystic bolt through her illusory form, after which Moonglow seemed to increase the effects of gravity on Arcanna five-fold. Convinced of the illusion and feeling the pain that would have resulted, Arcanna collapsed, dropping her own illusion, going into and announcing her labor.

    Having heard rumors of Arcanna's pregnancy but with Arcanna not looking pregnant, Moonglow was uncertain whether Arcanna was just trying to trick her.

    Certain that Arcanna was a good person because he was friends with her children, Shape questioned Moonglow about what she was doing to her and why. Using the distraction, Arcanna formed her own illusion to allow her real body to crawl out of Moonglow's "gravity field," and then -- between contractions -- sneaked up behind her, tapped Moonglow on the shoulder and punched her out.

    Arcanna then had Shape take her to the hospital.

(Squadron Supreme I#12 - BTS) - Many combatants on both sides perished: Black Archer, Blue Eagle, Foxfire, Lamprey, Nighthawk, and Pinball, with Thermite in critical condition...


(Squadron Supreme I#12 (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna gave birth to Benjamin Thomas Jones in Squadron City's Hospital Complex under the care of Mrs. Brennan.

(Squadron Supreme I#12) - Arcanna smiled and held Benjamin while Phil announced to her children and Shape that the baby was a boy.moonglow-712-arcanna-ssdoau-seatedwbenj

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - Over the next week, the only noises Benjamin exhibited were contented sighs.

Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) - As Arcanna breastfed Benjamin in in their home in Squadron City while Shape entertained Andrew, Katrina, and Drusilla, Phil noted how Benjamin was so different than their other kids, who had been so colicky. Arcanna replied that all children were different and that they deserved one who was a perfect angel.

    Philip further wondered what Benjamin's magical aptitude would be, as it seemed to vary in each of their kids, and Arcanna noted that she had a feeling about this little guy, that he was going to be a real toughie.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) - Professor Imam informed Hyperion and Zarda of an as-yet-undetermined-threat (the invading Nth Man (Thomas Lightner) from Earth-616) that would destroy Earth in less than twelve hours.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - At Zarda's direction, the Whizzer swiftly instructed Arcanna and the rest of the Squadron to gather in Squadron City's Hangar C.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) - Arcanna was present as Professor Imam revealed the massive threat on the other side of the sun.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) - Hyperion met with Master Menace and the Scarlet Centurion and acquired their aid against the undetermined threat, including Menace providing a ship to carry the Squadron into space.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) - Despite Arcanna's argument that they may have need of her magicks, Power Princess refused to allow Arcanna to go, instructing her to stay home with Benjamin. Even when Arcanna argued that if the Squadron failed on this mission, not just her newborn, but her husband and family would cease to exist, Zarda refused her, arguing that with Professor Imam coming along, they would have all the magical might they may need.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (fb) - BTS) - With Moonglow afraid of traveling into space, she agreed to allow Arcanna to impersonate her and accompany the Squadron in their mission against the immense invader.

    Carrying Benjamin on her chest in a Baby Bjorn-sort-of-deal, Arcanna impersonated Moonglow and participated in the mission.

    Although Imam sensed the truth, Arcanna swore him to secrecy.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) - Riding in an small Squadron aircraft with Whizzer and Redstone, the new (or the old) Moonglow made an illusion of Arcanna watching them depart alongside Phil and her kids. As the group traveled to Menace's castle, Moonglow appreciated that none of the others suspected the truth.
moonglow-712-arcanna-ssdoau-flicker     When it was appreciated that the entity would engulf the sun before Menace's device to banish the entity could be activated, Moonglow joined with Professor Imam to augment Inertia's stamina and range so that Inertia could slow its expansion; they also created a statis cocoon to brace Inertia. Zarda considered that she had thought Moonglow manipulated light and gravity, not magic, and that something was off; however, she was distracted by the urgency of the mission and Inertia's subsequent death. moonglow-712-arcanna-ssdoau-imam

    The force Inertia attempted to manipulate turned Inertia into red mist that was then propelled through the ship's hull, which Shape covered. Realizing she might reveal her true identity, Moonglow cast a spell to seal the hull, and the momentary flicker in her illusion was noted by the Scarlet Centurion.

    When Menace's device failed to banish the immense being, Moonglow warned Zarda that Menace was going to teleport away and abandon them, but it was too late for Zarda to stop him.

    Moonglow then joined with Imam, levitating in a lotus-like position but with arms extended and touching. While she could not keep up with Imam on the astral plane, Imam ultimately learned the true nature and origins of the
Nth Man and revealed it to the others before dying.

    When Zarda despaired with Imam's death, Arcanna dropped her illusion, revealing her true identity and deception. Comforted by her presence, Zarda noted that at least she would be dying next to someone she really liked (as Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion, Lady Lark and Whizzer had flown out to disperse the components of Menace's weapon). Arcanna urged Zarda that it was not over until it was over.

    After the Scarlet Centurion's plot to use the Overmind to force the
Lightner back resulted in the Overmind's head exploding, the Centurion prepared to head back to his future realm. Arcanna tried to convince him to take her one-week-old son, back to his realm, as he didn't deserve to perish. Briefly looking into the infant's eyes, the Centurion turned away, retrieving the Overmind's body and telling Arcanna he would make a very poor babysitter, before departing back to his realm.

    The Squadron's ship headed back to Earth, but only had time to achieve a low orbit. Holding Benjamin, Arcanna sat with Zarda and Shape. Although she bade Benjamin goodbye and told him she was sorry his life was so short, he telepathically told her not to worry. She was shocked, after which Lightner's form engulfed them.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe - BTS) - Benjamin --
who had been destined to succeed Imam as Earth-712’s new wizard supreme -- saved the universe, mystically trading destinies with Lightner.
    Benjamin became the new 
Nth Man, dedicating himself to retracing Lightner’s path and restoring the universes Lightner had consumed. Lightner regained human form, inheriting Professor Imam’s wizard supreme title and the magical powers that came with it.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe) - Benjamin explained to his mother what had happened, after which he exited their reality and heading back to the last one to which Lightner had traveled. Arcanna lamented that while the universe had been saved, her son was lost to her.

moonglow-712-arcanna-q13-ss(Quasar I#13 (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion, Whizzer, and Lady Lark returned to the Squadron's ship.

(Quasar I#13 - BTS / Squadron Supreme: New World Order - BTS) - As the Squadron flew their spaceship back to Earth, Master Menace exiled the Squadron to Earth-616 (plotting to take over without their interference); because of a crisis elsewhere in the Omniverse, Lightner blocked their initial attempts to return for their own safety.

(Quasar I#13) - Unaware that they had been transported to another reality, the Squadron prepared for a rough landing as their ship lacked telemetry. Seeking to return to Squadron City, Dr. Spectrum, who was piloting, asked Arcanna to drop the invisibility field around Squadron City so he could see the landing strip. She told him that she was trying but that something was really wrong, as she could not feel the city at all.

    Having detected the Squadron's ship penetrating the energy lattice he had placed around Earth due to a warning about a cosmic menace threatening Earth, Quasar returned to Earth just as the Squadron's ship crashed to Earth. They introduced themselves as the Ex-Squadron Supreme, but a conflict of mistaken identities and intentions resulted, but Arcanna sensed that the mystical matrices were very out of alignment, and she considered that she may have seen this Quasar before. Eventually, Arcanna called to her comrades to stop fighting, and she explained to them she had checked her calibrations three times and that they were on the wrong Earth.

    After Quasar's explanation allowed them to appreciate that they were on the world of the Avengers they had previously encountered, Arcanna related their recent encounter with the Nth Man. Rather than take them to the Avengers, as Hyperion requested (due to the Avengers' facilities being under reconstruction and due to the team lacking any current dimension travel experts), Quasar recommended bringing them to Project: PEGASUS, which studied various energy forms and had a surplus of housing.

(Quasar I#13 - BTS / Quasar I#16 (fb) - BTS) - The Squadron Supreme's presence on Earth-616 was sensed by the Over-Mind. The Eternal minds with him were reawakened: The minds of Chorus were consumed by the Eternian minds, and Over-Mind's true personality returned.

(Quasar I#13) - Quasar brought the Squadron to Project PEGASUS and then departed, seeking to get help from Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four on how to help the Squadron get back to their reality.

Quasar I#13 (fb) - BTS) - With Hyperion having left the Squadron to go sight-seeing with Quasar's ally Makkari, Over-Mind took mental control of Arcanna, Dr. Spectrum, Haywire, Lady Lark, Power Princess, Shape, and the Whizzer.

(Quasar I#13 (fb) - BTS) - As Over-Mind departed with the Ex-Squadron members in his own ship, Quasar's Quantum Bands detected the cosmic energies and alerted him.

(Quasar I#13 - BTS) - As Quasar approached the ship, the Over-Mind dispatched Haywire and Shape, who occupied Quasar while the ship departed Earth. Hyperion subsequently convinced Quasar and Makkari to help rescue his teammates.

(Quasar I#19 (fb) - BTS) - Stranded in this dimension and separated from her family, Arcanna decided to adopt the name Moonglow.

(Quasar I#14) - As the Over-Mind's ship emerged from warp space and approached the laboratory world of his ancient enemy the Stranger, Moonglow reported that the sensors indicated a vast network of exospheric defenses. The Over-Mind told her to let him worry about that; he initially addressed her as Arcanna but then called her Moonglow, as she now wished to be known.

    Having bypassed or neutralized the Stranger's defenses and determined that the Stranger was off-world, Over-Mind instructed his crew to land his ship down in a certain quadrangle. Over-Mind then sent Dr. Spectrum, Lady Lark, Moonglow, and Whizzer to secure the citadel in front of them, from which the Stranger monitored the world's various denizens, while Zarda accompanied him...somewhere.

    Later, in the Stranger's Command Citadel, Moonglow sat silently as Over-Mind noted the arrival of Hyperion, Quasar, and Makkari, none of whom he could mentally control; however, he considered that they were all engaged in skirmishes with is enemy's laboratory specimens and were unlikely to locate him. Regardless,
Over-Mind deactivated the force barriers containing each subject within his or her controlled environment, with the goals of disrupting his enemy's experiments and providing him with a vast army of Stranger-hating mind slaves.

(Quasar I#15) - After announcing that he had mentally commanded a battalion of the most powerful released subjects to come to him and they would join the Squadron as his elite strikeforce. He further advised some of the Squadron members to assist them in finding his abode.

(Quasar I#15 - BTS) - After Quasar arrived at the Over-Mind's base and proved immune to Over-Mind's mind-control, the Over-Mind coerced Quasar to find the Stranger and bring him back to the control center or he would cause all of the Squadron members to suffer instantaneous brain death. When the Stranger eventually returned, he fell into a psychic trap set by the Over-Mind that caused him a crippling headache.

(Quasar I#16) - In order to focus his concentration against the Stranger, Over-Mind withdrew his influence from those he had been controlling, liberating the minds of Moonglow and the rest of the Squadron. She and her teammates then aided Quasar and Makkari against the rampaging escaped former inmates of the Labworld. When the Captive (Threkker) charged her, Moonglow generated a powerful wind that sent him flying and left him stunned on the ground. Encountering the Marvanite Nygorn, aka the Last Monitor, she appreciated that his energies were tearing the very bio-sphere asunder, and she wondered how powerful the Stranger had to be to be able to imprison such a being.

    Later, after the Stranger had defeated Over-Mind, the Squadron, Quasar, and Makkari all flew back to Earth on the Over-Mind's ship.

(Quasar I#17) - Aboard the Over-Mind's ship and alongside the rest of the Ex-Squadron Supreme, Moonglow returned to Earth with Quasar and Makkari. After they arrived at Project PEGASUS, Quasar departed with Makkari, telling Hyperion he would let him know as soon as he got hold of Reed Richards or Dr. Strange.

(Quasar I#17 - BTS) - Quasar later called to inform Dr. Spectrum that he had reached Richards and made an appointment to use his space-time machine that Saturday at 10 A.M.moonglow-712-arcanna-q19moonglow-712-arcanna-q19-halfface

(Quasar I#19 (fb) - BTS) <A few days before the main story> - Reed Richards tried to use his time machine to return the Ex-Squadron to their world, but he was unable to send them to the right reality line.

(Quasar I#19 (fb) - BTS) - Having sensed an extraterrestrial menace on Earth, Dr. Strange traveled to Project PEGASUS.

(Quasar I#19) - Disinterested as Quasar and Dr. Spectrum arm wrestled via energy constructs, Moonglow sensed and then announced the arrival of Dr. Strange. The Ex-Squadron accompanied Quasar to greet Strange, and when he sensed Arcanna's aura, she briefly returned to her uncostumed form to confirm her true identity. Strange noted that the Ex-Squadron was not the presence he had sought, which was instead something evil. Moonglow interrupted the subsequent discussion, explaining her group's desire to return home and noting the recent failure by Reed Richards.

    After Strange agreed to attempt this, Moonglow and the others said their goodbyes, but a spell in place by Lightner interfered. Half of the Ex-Squadron's bodies were sent into interdimensional space while their other halves remained in Project PEGASUS. With Strange unable to move from his location as it would risk the Squadron losing their touchstone with this Earth-616's reality, he sent Quasar into the void, and he extended a series of quantum energy lines that the other halves Ex-Squadron grabbed, pulling them back to re-merge their halves.

    Having sensed that Lightner did not want them to return and had set a trap for them around their world, Moonglow shared this information with the others. Strange noted that he could try to communicate with Lightner, but as Lightner was the Wizard Supreme of his reality, he would have to ultimately respect his proprietorship over his dimension. While the Whizzer was furious at this resolution, Moonglow advised him that she was similarly frustrated at not being able to return to her husband and children, but that when Benjamin finished retracing the Nth Man's steps and returned to Project: PEGASUS that he would be able to take them home.

    Quasar advised the Ex-Squadron that Project: PEGASUS would allow them to stay there as long as they wanted.

(Quasar I#23) - As Maelstrom began to use his immense power to halt all motion in the universe, starting with the Earth, Moonglow was amongst the beings with enhanced psychic senses to appreciate the threat.

(Quasar I#24) - After sorcerer supreme Dr. Strange summoned the Earth mother Gaea in an effort to solve the problem of Earth's rotation, Gaea suggested Strange combine his mystic might with other mystics, and Strange soon summoned the astral forms of Moonglow and other mystics, including the Aquarian, Dr. Druid, Roma, Shaman and Talisman, at least. Led by Strange, they combined their powers to protect Earth from catastrophic global damage caused by the halting of its rotation.moonglow-712-arcanna-q25-protectearth

(Quasar I#25) - Although feeling the strain of the effort, Moonglow's astral form, as well as the astral forms of other sorcerers such as Dr. Druid, Talisman, Shaman, Aquarian and Roma continued to lend their powers to Strange to protect Earth.

    When Maelstrom's minion Deathurge attacked Dr. Strange, disrupting the spell, Arcanna and the other sorcerers sensed something wrong and appreciated that they needed Strange to maintain their effort. Moonglow summoned the Squadron Supreme (notably Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion and the Whizzer) to draw away and defeat Deathurge. Moonglow and the others maintained their efforts, and as they began to falter, Quasar, having overcome Maelstrom, broke down the anti-kinesis rings Maelstrom had placed around Earth.

Marvel Zombies Supreme#1 (fb)) - At some point during their time time at Project: PEGASUS, Dr. Mortimer Dauoi -- influenced by a terminal illness -- convinced the Squadron members that knowing their DNA codes might lead to great leaps in medical science. Dr. Spectrum used his power prism to create hard-light constructs of his teammates' individual helixes; although she wore her original Moonglow costume at that time period, she was pictured in her classic webbed-stockings Arcanna garb in that flashback.
(Quasar I#27) - After Thanos had caused the corpse of the massive cosmic entity Eon to spill out through an interdimensional portal and threaten to submerge Manhattan, Moonglow and the rest of the Ex-Squadron (Dr. Spectrum, Haywire, Hyperion, Power Princess, Shape, Skylark, Whizzer)  joined other heroes -- including Darkhawk, Deathlok, Her, Jack of Hearts, Makkari, Moon Knight, Sleepwalker -- in rescuing civilians.

    Moonglow was frustrated that her mystical energies had little effect against Eon's alien tissue. Quasar eventually plugged the leak, and the heroes gradually cleaned up Eon's matter to be cremated.

(Quasar#50) - Moonglow was amongst the mystics on Earth who sensed the energies of the Nexus of Realities in the Citrusville swamplands, presumably due to the impending cosmic battle as Ereshkigal gained the Star Brand power from Kayla Ballantine.

(Quasar#50 (fb) - BTS) - Knowing he could arrive there most rapidly on his own, Moonglow sent the Whizzer to investigate. He joined Quasar and Jennifer Kale in assembling the body parts of the Man-Thing (who had been blown apart by Ereshkigel).

    Quasar managed to foil Ereshkigal's plot, during which time Moonglow arrived, as did the Aquarian, Kayla Ballantine, Dr. Strange, Human Torch, Modred the Mystic, Moondragon, Shaman, Shock Troop (Blazing Skull, Dr. Druid, Living Mummy/N'Kantu, Shadowoman), other members of the Squadron Supreme (Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion, Power Princess, Skylark), Talisman, the Thing, Adam Warlock. Those present greeted Quasar on his return.

(Quasar I#51 (fb) - BTS) - Back at Project: PEGASUS, Moonglow consulted with the medical staff on the nature of the Angler.

(Quasar#51) - After Quasar dropped off an injured/cocooned Kismet at Project: PEGASUS, Moonstone waved to him and Hyperion as they passed by. As the Vault had been unable to remove the Angler's costume, Moonglow did so, exposing his partially crystalline form. She was surprised that he could exist in what she thought would be an unstable form, and she asked Dr. Lipton what he was composed of, and he told her he would let her know as soon as he could figure it out.

(Quasar I#51 (fb) - BTS) - Moonglow learned the Angler's origins. Her and Lipton's probes subsequently somehow triggered changes in the Angler, transforming him into fully crystalline form, after which he slashed Moonglow with his sharp "finger"-tips and then escaped.

(Quasar I#51) - Hyperion instructed Shape to find Moonglow, and he located her fallen form and called for help. Quasar brought Moonglow to the infirmary, during which she mentioned how he had changed and then touched his face, sharing the knowledge she had learned of the Angler's origins.

(Quasar I#52 - BTS) - Moonglow was presumably still in the infirmary when the Geometer -- who had originally mutated the Angler and who had been summoned to the site when Quasar used an Nth Projector to banish the Angler extradimensionally -- rampaged at the Project until Quasar convinced him to depart.

(Quasar I#53) - After Quasar's girlfriend, Kayla Ballantine, who had been infused with Reality-148611's Star Brand power, rebelled against testing, Moonglow offered to mystically suppress her phobias, Quasar declined, not wanting to mess with Kayla's mind any further. Quasar subsequently bade the Ex-Squadron Members goodbye as he departed the Project with Kayla.

Starblast#1) - After the Starblasters planted a Moonthruster on Earth's moon. Arcanna was present as Zarda noted that the moon had moved several feet out of orbit. Arcanna stated that this sort of threat was not strictly within their purview and that they would have to get official clearance from Project: officials. Hyperion departed to investigate, instructing Zarda and Arcanna to fill out the paperwork and to have the rest of the Squadron stand by.

(Starblast#4 - BTS) - While Hyperion joined Quasar's forces in investigating and battling the Starblasters and was subsequently mentally controlled by the Stranger, it was the Stranger who ultimately thwarted the Starblasters, trapping their leader Skeletron within the Earth-148611 universe.moonglow-712-arcanna-ote2-stabby

(Over the Edge#2 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to slay Earth's magicians, Silver Dagger employed a number of assassins, sending them around the world to kill other sorcerers with special silver daggers that were apparently intended to transfer his sins/guilt into his victims so that he could eventually go to Heaven.

(Over the Edge#2) - Project agent Sheldon advised Arcanna that congress was slashing the budget for Project: PEGASUS and that extradimensional research was likely to suffer. Wondering where that would leave the Squadron, Arcanna thanked Sheldon for the information, but he reminded her that the information was confidential and that if anyone asked, she had not heard it from him. moonglow-arcanna-712-avsqsup-full

    Arcanna greeted a seeming staff member that she had not seen before (actually one of Silver Dagger's assassins).

(Over the Edge#2 (fb) - BTS) - Apparently appreciating the danger, Arcanna generated an illusory version of herself while he real form slipped away invisibly; alternatively, Arcanna may have consistently generated an illusory form to protect her real form.

(Over the Edge#2) - Silver Dagger's agent leapt forward and seemingly stabbed Arcanna. Seeking to thwart Silver Dagger, Dr. Strange's astral self showed up seconds later, believing he had been too late to save Arcanna. After Arcanna revealed that only an illusion had been stabbed, Dr. Strange commanded Silver Dagger's servant to knock himself out, after which Strange asked Arcanna to have someone take the dagger outside so he could levitate it away. He subsequently departed toward Silver Dagger's next target, Shaman.

(Avengers III#5 (fb) - BTS) - Wealthy entrepreneur Imus Champion initiated Operation: Smokescreen to keep the Avengers from interfering with his plans to pilfer a spacecraft from Thanos' fleet that had crashed years before (circa Avengers I#125) from the seafloor of Northern Maine before it could be recovered by the US government.

    Champion employed the Corruptor (Jackson Day), first programming him with a post-hypnotic suggestion so he could not reveal Champion's involvement or location. Using an image inducer to pose as Project: PEGASUS administrator Andrew Kappelhof, Corruptor took control of the Squadron Supreme (Dr. Spectrum, Haywire, Hyperion, Moonglow, Power Princess, Shape, Skylark, Whizzer).

(Avengers III#5 (fb)) - The US government had Project: PEGASUS send out a recovery team, traveling by commercial airliner for security reasons. However, the plane (owned by Championair) crashed, though it remained afloat with most of its passengers alive.

(Avengers III#5) - Duane Freemen sent the Avengers (Captain America, Firestar, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Justice, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Vision) to investigate the plot. As the Avengers rescued the passengers and crew, the Corruptor sent the Squadron Supreme to confront the Avengers, accusing them of being impostors impersonating the heroes apparently lost during the battle against Onslaught.

    A fight ensued, and Moonglow engaged the Scarlet Witch, initially presuming a simple spell would take care of the impostor, but Wanda diffused the assault, noting that she could feel Moonglow's magic, as if it was alive and she could communicate with it (perhaps a part of her increased ability to manipulate magic that had begun to develop following her recent encounter with Morgan Le Fay and her altered reality, which mimicked Earth-398). Captain America manipulated Shape's form into striking Moonglow and taking her out of the fight. After Dr. Spectrum lifted the sinking airplane into the air, Power Princess recovered Moonglow, while Captain America led the Avengers to end the conflict and depart.moonglow-arcanna-712-avsqsup-face

(Avengers III#6) - Suspecting the Squadron had been mind controlled (again), the Avengers investigated Project: PEGASUS. As Kappelhof, the Corruptor summoned the Squadron (who had been testifying in Washington, DC), and Moonglow again engaged the Scarlet Witch. Although Moonglow felt her greater experience and training in magic would grant her victory, Wanda's increased magical affinity enabled her to not just deflect Arcanna's magic but to absorb it. moonglow-arcanna-712-aviii6-blastsc.jpgAdditionally, Wanda was able to touch Moonglow's mind and realized that she and the Squadron were under the influence of another.

    As the Scarlet Witch helped the Squadron escape the Corruptor's influence, "Kappelhof" took control of Project security director Blue Shield, causing him to punch her from behind and knock her out. Recognizing the something to be off with "Kappelhof," Warbird scanned him with a an Avengers tech scanner and had Hawkeye shoot the image inducer off his chest, exposing his true identity. Zarda then punched out the Corruptor.

    Moonglow attempted to read the Corruptor's mind, but Champion's post-hypnotic block prevented her from discovering for whom he had been working. She considered that the Project could at least keep him secured until the authorities were ready to take possession of him.

(Avengers III#6 - BTS) - Frustrated, Champion planned a reckoning against the Avengers and the Squadron.

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998 (fb) - BTS) - The Squadron used unspecified means to protect themselves against further mind control.

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to provoke a confrontation and a contest between himself and the the Avengers and Squadron Supreme, Champion -- via unrevealed means -- initiated an attempt to again take control of the Squadron's minds.

    Despite their precautions, Moonglow was uncertain they would be able to fend off the attack, and she sent a message to Avengers mansion, asking their help.

    After the Squadron had recovered from the thwarted mind control attempt, Dr. Spectrum was able to trace the phenomenon (as Champion intended) to its source to just outside of Sausalito, California.

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998) - When the Avengers arrived to investigate, another fight nearly ensued before Moonglow revealed that she had summoned the Avengers, diffusing the conflict. moonglow-arcanna-712-avsqsup-message

    Moonglow and the Squadron flew in a Project: PEGASUS alongside the Avengers Quinjet to the source of the transmission where they were confronted by Champion.

    Champion challenged both groups to stop him from walking to his tower and transmitting the detonation codes to his satellite, which would activate twenty explosive devices, each within a major American city, containing a sufficient payload of military-grade nerve gas to kill every living thing within a 200 mile radius.

    In addition, he covered the field with an electromagnetic dome that would also trigger the explosives if any of them tried to leave the group or contact the outside world.

    Champion vanished from sight, leading the teams to split up into smaller groups to locate him. Moonglow was paired with Scarlet Witch, within whom Arcanna noted that she sensed a natural talent for the mystic arts, a great reservoir of untapped power. She advised Wanda that she would do well to devote herself to a deeper study of the art, as it could be most fulfilling.

    Sensing a lurking presence nearby, Moonglow fired a mystic bolt at Champion, but he absorbed it via the Wand of Watoomb, with which he amplified the blast's energies and then projected them back at Moonglow, knocking her out. He subsequently flicked a small rock into Wanda's forehead, dropping her as well.moonglow-arcanna-712-avsqsup-blasted

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998 - BTS) - Firestar had ants carry a message to Giant-Man (Hank Pym) who then led other ants to destroy Champion's equipment.

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998) - His threat defused and confronted by the gathered Avengers, Champion surrendered.

    As the Squadron prepared to return to Project: PEGASUS, Iron Man revealed that he had discovered a prototype Nth Projector and proposed that they might be able to use it to return to their home dimension.

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998 (fb) - BTS) - Iron Man and Magdalene spent two days calibrating the Nth Projector to synergize with her portal opening abilities.

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998) - Enveloping their ship within the field and sending them into the void of space, where they were less likely to materialize in conflict with solid matter, Magdalene opened a portal and sent Moonglow and the rest of the Squadron -- excepting Haywire, whose did not want to be back on his own world without Inertia -- back to Earth-712.

(Squadron Supreme: New World Order (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Arcanna's family returned to Pommerschen. At some point, Crowley told Arcanna's family that Arcanna would come back to them.

Squadron Supreme: New World Order) - As their ship returned to their world, it was shot down by orbiting satellites under the control of the New World Order who had taken over Earth following the the Squadron's departure. Only Hyperion appreciated what had happened, and Arcanna speculated that it had been spatial turbulence, residual effects of the dimensional rift. As the ship broke up, Power Princess helped Arcanna to safety. Shape and Skylark were wounded in the explosion.moonglow-712-arcanna-nwo-face

    After they had landed, Arcanna mystically confirmed that they were back on their own world, but she sensed dark turbulence, massive realignments in the axes of power: The world was not as they had known it. As Dr. Spectrum took Shape and Skylark to a hospital and Hyperion and Zarda checked on that state of the former Squadron City, Arcanna and Stan (Whizzer) checked on their families.

    Arcanna returned to her family in their mystically-shielded 
Pommerschen home, thankful that the wards she had placed had held true against the passage of time.

    Katrina and Phil greeted Arcanna, after which she explained how Benjamin was lost to them, as he was restoring the existence of the universes the
Nth Man had consigned to the void, and he was now a transcendental child of pure creation. Arcanna then noted that while that had been the only way to save their universe, she asked if it was wrong of her that sometimes she felt that she would trade eternity to just hold Benjamin for one more minute. Phil told he that, as Benjy's mother, there would be something wrong with her if she did not feel that way. Arcanna told Phil that while she was the sorceress of the family, he always knew the magic words to banish the darkness for her.

    Telling Arcanna he hoped that that was a knack he could keep hold of, he prepared to tell her of how that world had gotten a lot darker. However, they were then interrupted by Mysterium (the newest alias for Thomas Lightner); although Arcanna initially raged against him, Mysterium apologized, noting that he regretted her loss and wished it could be undone, and he further referenced the price he, too, had paid, of the burdens of knowledge he must bear or the path he now walked.

    Regardless, Mysterium brought a warning and advice, informing Arcanna that the continuum had changed beyond that which she already perceived, vast alterations of the balance 'twixt the eldritch powers had occurred, and to tamper with such forces without first devoting herself to careful study of the new order would be most unwise.

     Mysterium further advised Arcanna that she was once again a novice in the mystic arts, capable of inadvertently unleashing the catastrophic until she had learned anew. He told her to let her teammates cover the road that they now walked without her, as, for the nonce, she could only bring further danger to them.

(Squadron Supreme: New World Order - BTS) - Mysterium -- while helping the Squadron escape from the New World Order -- informed the Squadron that Arcanna would be unable to rejoin them.

Squadron Supreme: New World Order (fb) - BTS) - Arcanna remained with her family for an extended period of time as she reacquainted herself with the alterations in her world's magic, allowing the Squadron to deal with the New World Order. The Squadron was rejoined by Amphibian and Skymax, and Nighthawk (Neal Richmond) joined as well.moonglow-arcanna-712-up7

Ultimate Power#7 (fb) - BTS) - On Earth-1610, seeking to gather information to cure the mutated Thing (Ben Grimm), Reed Richards prepared a number of dimensional probes. That world's Nick Fury enlisted Doctor Doom (Victor Van Damme) to modify the probes so that the information they gathered was sent first to S.H.I..E.L.D.

    On Earth-31916, Emil Burbank was employed to find a means to slay the powerful Hyperion. When Burbank's solution, an infectious organism that would emit a radiation Hyperion could not survive, was estimated to kill 10 million civilians, it was resolved to plant the extradimensional probe from Earth-1610 within the organism, to frame the probe's sender as the cause of the organism.

Ultimate Power#7 - BTS) - Seeking to defeat the powerful Squadron Supreme-31916 who had attacked their world seeking retribution for the probe, the Scarlet Witch-1610 used her reality-altering powers.

(Ultimate Power#7) - Alongside Amphibian, Dr. Spectrum, Hyperion, Nighthawk, Power Princess, Shape, Skylark, Skymax and the Whizzer, Arcanna arrived on Earth-1610 and confronted that reality's Reed Richards, seeking retribution for the probe that had destroyed their world.

(Ultimate Power#9 (fb) - BTS) - Somehow, by bringing another version of the Squadron Supreme to Reality-31916, the Scarlet Witch somehow halved both groups' powers.

(Ultimate Power#8) - As the three teams battled, the Arcannas of Earth-712 and -31916 confronted the Scarlet Witch-1610, telling her that she had much to answer for.

(Ultimate Power#9) - The two Arcannas advised the Scarlet Witch-1610 that they would help her send everyone back from where they came. moonglow-arcanna-712-up9

    Working with Scarlet Witch-1610 and Arcanna-31916, Arcanna-712 sent the members of the various realities back to their native worlds, although Fury-1610 was turned over to the Squadron-31916, and Zarda-31916 chose to stay with the Ultimates-1610 to learn about their earth and make sure they made no further moves against them.

(Marvel Zombies Supreme#1 (fb) - BTS; 1-5 - BTS) - At some point after the Squadron had returned to their own world, Dr. Dauoi grafted the Squadron's DNA (specifically Dr. Spectrum's hard-light constructs of the Squadron's DNA helixes) to medical cadavers. Needing a power source in order to reanimate his test subjects, Dauoi decided to use zeta rays (negatively-charged energy thrown off by agitated atoms) that were accessible from Project PEGASUS' orbital particle collector.

    While continued exposure to cosmic rays was lethal to normal brain cells, Dauoi correctly postulated that the zeta energy would have the reverse effect on brain matter that was already dead. However, perhaps due to the refracting nature of a prism, Dr. Spectrum's DNA constructs were unstable. The cadavers, imbued with the powers of the original Squadron members, awoke with a voracious appetite for human flesh (see comments). The members of this zombie Squadron Supreme were ultimately destroyed (see the comments of that profile).

(Squadron Supreme IV#1) - Zarda-616 referenced the destruction of her world during the Secret Wars that devastated the Multiverse.

Comments: Created by J.M. DeMatteis, Don Perlin and Mike Gustovich.

    The initial premise of the Squadron Supreme was for them to be Marvel versions of DC's Justice League of America, and many subsequent characters were based on DC characters, associated with JLA or otherwise. Arcanna was patterned after Zatanna.
    The Squadron Supreme's America had different names for cities and states, more like DC's Metropolis and Gotham City than Earth-616's mirroring the real world's Manhattan and Chicago.

    Arcanna received profiles in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89#1 and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition I#19. Arcanna was included in the Squadron Supreme's entry in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#10 and II (Deluxe Edition)#12.

    Unless otherwise specified, beings referenced should be considered to be from Earth-712.

    Pommerschen, darling, Pommerschen...

Pommerschen, not Dommerschen

    On a semi-related note, I was sure their hometown was spelled Dommerschen in its first appearance and then Pommerschen in New World order, but when I checked the digital copy of Squadron Supreme I#1 on, it says I scanned and then blew up the image from my original copy of Squadron it is...
    Pommerschen is the German word for Pomeranian, the little dogs named for the Pomerania region in Central Europe.

    Per Wikipedia, Pomerania is a historical region on the southern shore of the Baltic Sea in Central Europe, split between Poland and Germany

    Dommerschen doesn't come up with anything under a search, other than Dummerchen meaning "silly-billy" or ninny...
    Regardless, to me, it makes me want to sing "Pommerschen, darling, Pommerschen" in the style of "Danke Schoen" by Wayne "Newton.

    Tom Thumb programmed the B-mod to protect the Squadron after correctly suspecting that the Golden Archer had used the device to force Lady Lark to fall hopelessly in love with him after she had broken up with him.

    Mark Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme maxi-series and Death of a Universe remain amongst the best storylines in my 46+ (as of 2025) years of comic reading and my over 40,000 comics. Prior to this series, the Squadron members were just parodies/homages to the JLA. This series had such solid characterization of so many characters. Even Arcanna's spouse and kids each gained unique personalities.
    I would love to see the likes of Kurt Busiek, Mark Waid, Peter David, Fabian Nicieza, Saladin Ahmed, or another continuity respectful writer deal with the eventual arrival of Benjamin Jones at Project: PEGASUS and then perhaps have an Arcanna-focused Squadron storyline with each of the kids having some abilities and being involved...and we could get some back-story on Arcanna, which would be sweet.

    It's a comic book trope that a doctor is an expert in all fields of medicine. Dr. Decibel performed laryngeal surgery that empowered Lady Lark, practiced obstetrics-gynecology with Arcanna, and did neurology and toxicology with Quagmire.

    She's called Arcanna in Starblast#1 and Over the Edge#2, but (especially in Starblast#1) by people familiar enough with her to call her by her first/real name.
    Consistently Moonglow in Avengers III#5-6 & the Avengers/Squadron Supreme annual.
    Other than the inside cover, she was consistently called Arcanna in Squadron Supreme: New World Order, but references were either from close friends or family, or Mysterium, who politely referred to her as Ms. Jones or Arcanna Jones.
    Ultimate Power#7-9 did not identify her in-story, but the narrative referred to her as Arcanna.
    While it made sense for the story in the Death of a Universe graphic novel, I never cared for Arcanna keeping the codename Moonglow. So, given the most recent references, I titled the profile Arcanna. Nuff said!

    Thanks to Loki for helping provide higher-quality and cleaned-up digital versions of Arcanna/Moonglow's OHotMU appearances. Speaking of which, the Master Edition image didn't seem to match the actual costume she wore, so I relegated it to the images references below.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Defenders I#112, pg.11, panel 3 (single-point headdress; white hair);
        pg. 15, panel 1 (rear view, binding Over-Mind in energy cocoon);
    #113, pg. 17, panel 7 (sending rings of force at Scarlet Witch);
            panel 8 (blasted by Scarlet Witch);
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#10: Squadron Supreme: Arcanna mini-image
Squadron Supreme I#1, pg. 5, panel 2 (ragged costume, front);
        pg. 8, panel 5 (ragged costume, side);
        pg. 16, panel 6 (face; headpiece);
    #5, pg. 14, panel 3 (firing blasts);
           panel 4 (force field against Quagmire);
       pg. 21, panel 1 (wind tunnel);
    #6, pg. 1 (full, casting illusion spell);
       pg. 4, panel 1 (levitating family);
    #7, pg. 7, panel 5-7 (Arcanna neutralizing illusion to disguise how far along her pregnancy was);
    #12, pg. 27 (in labor);
       pg. 32, panel 2 (punching out Moonglow);
       pg. 41, panel 5 (holding Benjamin);
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II (Deluxe Edition) #11: Squadron Supreme: Arcanna sub-profile;
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89#1: Arcanna entry
:Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe, pg 17, panel 5 (holding Benjamin);
       pg. 51, panel 2-3 (as Moonglow and with illusion slipping);
       pg. 59, panel 1 (levitating with Imam);
       pg. 67, panel 1-2 (illusion dropped, but still in Moonglow costume; closer and full);
Quasar I#13, pg. 5, panel 3 ("Ex-Squadron" exiting ship");
       pg. 10, panel 1 (face/helmet)
    #19, pg. 5, panel 3 (revealing uncostumed form to Dr. Strange);
       pg. 6, panel 4 (half-form);
    #25, pg. 16, panel 3 (with other mystics, protecting Earth);
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition I#15: Moonglow entry
Over the Edge#2
Avengers III#5 cover (new costume; face);
       pg. 11 (full, partial blocked by Whizzer & energy field);
    #6, pg. 14, panel 1 (vs. Scarlet Witch);
       pg. 18, panel 3 (face);

Avengers/Squadron Supreme '98, pg. 1 (face);
       pg. 6, panel 4 (garbled message);
       pg. 19, panel 1 (full, tiny);

Squadron Supreme: New World Order cover (mostly full);
       pg. 4, panel 1 (psychic probing);
       pg. 9, panel 4 (face);
Ultimate Power#7, last page (mostly full);
    #8, pg. 19, panel 4 (with Arcanna-31916, confronting Scarlet Witch-1610);
    #9, pg. 17-18 (both Arcannas and Scarlet Witch-1610 sending everyone back);

Marvel Zombies Supreme#1, pg. 17, panel 2 (Dauoi with Squadron);

Defenders I#112 (October, 1982) - JM DeMatteis (writer), Don Perlin (penciler), Mike Gustovich (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#113-114 (November-December, 1982) - JM DeMatteis (writer/scripter/co-plotter), Don Perlin (penciler/breakdowns/co-plotter), Mike Gustovich (inker/finishes), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#115 (January, 1983) - JM DeMatteis (writer), Don Perlin (penciler), Hilary Barta (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#10 (October, 1983) - Tom DeFalco, Mark Gruenwald, Mark Lerer, Peter Sanderson (writers), Squadron Supreme art by Greg LaRocque, Fred Baumann, Myra David, Peter David, Joanne Harris (research team), Josef Rubinstein (inker), Michael Carlin (associate editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)

Squadron Supreme I#1-3 (September-November, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), John Beatty (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#4 (December, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)

Squadron Supreme I#5 (January, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#6 (February, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#7 (March, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Jackson Guice (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#8 (April, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#9-12 (May-August, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II (Deluxe Edition) #11 (October, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer/producer), Steve Saffel, Peter Sanderson (writers/researchers), Squadron Supreme art by Paul Ryan, Elliot R. Brown (technical illustrator), Josef Rubinstein (inker), Marc Siry, Harry Eisenstein, David Wohl (editorial assistants), Howard Mackie (assistant editor)

Web of Spider-Man Annual#5/6: Saga of the Serpent Crown: Corporate Takeover (1989) - Peter Sanderson (writer), Mark Bagley (penciler), Keith Williams (inker), Gregory Wright (managing editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers West Coast Annual#4/5: Saga of the Serpent Crown: Crisis Management (1989) - Peter Sanderson (writer), Mark Bagley (penciler), Keith Williams (inker), Gregory Wright (managing editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89#1 (July, 1989) - Peter Sanderson (writer/researcher), Arcanna penciled by Paul Ryan, Josef Rubinstein (inker/embellisher), Sara Tutchinsky (assistant editor), Gregory Wright (editor), Mark Gruenwald (executive editor)
Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe (1989; Graphic Novel) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Al Williamson (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Quasar I#13 (August, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Dan Panosian (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Quasar I#14-15 (September-October, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Dan Panosian (inker), Len Kaminski (editor)
Quasar I#16 (November, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Keith Williams (inker), Len Kaminski (editor)
Quasar I#17 (December, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (artist), Len Kaminski (managing editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Quasar I#19 (February, 1991) -
Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (penciler), Keith Williams (inker), Len Kaminski (managing editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Quasar I#23 (June, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (penciler), Keith Williams (inker), Len Kaminski (managing editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Quasar I#24-25 (July-August, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (penciler), Keith Williams (inker), Len Kaminski (managing editor), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Quasar I#27 (October, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Greg Capullo (penciler), Keith Williams (inker), Len Kaminski (managing editor?), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition I#15 (February, 1992) - Len Kaminski, Peter Sanderson, Glenn Herdling, Murray Ward (writers), Keith Pollard (penciler), Josef Rubinstein (inker), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Quasar I#50 (September, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Andy Smith (pencils), Ralph Cabrera (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Quasar I#51 (October, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), John Heebink (pencils), Ralph Cabrera, Jim Amash & Michael Oeming (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Quasar I#52-53 (November-December, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), John Heebink (pencils), Ralph Cabrera (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Starblast#1 (January, 1984) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler), Ralph Cabrera (inker), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Over the Edge#2 (December, 1955) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Robert Brown (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), James Felder (editor)
Avengers III#5 (June, 1988) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (penciler), Al Vey (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#6 (July, 1988) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (penciler), Al Vey, Bob Wiacek & Bruce Patterson (inker), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers/Squadron Supreme '98 (Annual 1998) - Kurt Busiek & Len Kaminski (writers), Carlos Pacheco (penciler), Matt Banning, Vince Russell, Bob Wiacek, Al Vey & Paul Neary (inkers), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Squadron Supreme: New World Order (September, 1998) - Len Kaminski (writer), Anthony Williams (pencils), Andy Lanning (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Ultimate Power#7 (October, 2007) - Jeph Loeb (writer), Greg Land (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Bill Rosemann & Ralph Macchio (editors)
Ultimate Power#8 (December, 2007) - Jeph Loeb (writer), Greg Land (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Lauren Sankovitch (assistant editor), Bill Rosemann & Ralph Macchio (editors)
Ultimate Power#9 (February, 2008) - Jeph Loeb (writer), Greg Land (penciler), Jay Leisten (inker), Lauren Sankovitch (assistant editor), Bill Rosemann & Ralph Macchio (editors)
Marvel Zombies Supreme#1 (May, 2011) - Frank Marraffino (writer), Fernando Blanco (penciler), Jason Paz (inker), John Denning (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia (senior editor)
Squadron Supreme IV#1 (February, 2016) - James Robinson (writer), Leonard Kirk (penciler), Paul Neary (inker), Chris Robinson (assistant editor), Mark Paniccia with Katie Kubert (editors), Tom Brevoort (executive editor)

First started09/02/2022
Last updated: 01/26/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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