Official Name: Morrellian Offworld Industries
Location: Extraterrestrial space, unrevealed star system, unrevealed galaxy;
Membership: Unidentified green alien with antennae, unidentified orange-skinned patchy-haired alien, unidentified owl-woman, unidentified tusked alien, unidentified red-head/helmet alien, unidentified gray-head/helmet alien
Purpose: Apparently timeshare sales
Affiliations: Unidentified customers;
Venom (Eugene "Flash" Thompson) received some aid from them
Enemies: Had he survived, Kio would presumably have sought vengeance for their enabling Venom to catch up with his ship
Base of Operations: At least one base on an unidentified planet that Flash Thompson could not pronounce
The employees used these elliptical computers that had a circular to
elliptical opening at the top into which an external drive could be
First Appearance:
Venom: Space Knight#1 (January, 2016)
(Venom: Space Knight#1 (fb) - BTS) - An alien known as Gholar came into the possession of Cora and her three
children who were part of an extraterrestrial race from whose blood the
drug YT-19 was created.
(Venom: Space Knight#1 (fb) - BTS) -
As part of a plot to accumulate wealth and power to restore power to
the unstable planet Gramos and/or to build a conquering armada,
Mercurio's agents apparently employed Kio to purchase (from
Gholar on a planet whose name Flash Thompson could not pronounce) Cora
and her children.
(Venom: Space Knight#1 (fb) - BTS) -
In his new role as an Agent of the Cosmos, Venom/Flash Thompson learned
of the "shipment of YT-19" sold by Gholar. Venom traveled to the world
-- which he could not pronounce -- on which Gholar was based.
(Venom: Space Knight#1 - BTS) -
Venom stole a drive containing information on Gholar's
YT-19 sales (at least) and incapacitated Gholar.
Under fire from either local authorities or security
from Gholar's building (or otherwise), Venom headed back toward his
ship to read it, but the ship was destroyed by his pursuers.
(Venom: Space Knight#1) - Venom instead took Gholar's
drive to Morrellian
Offworld Industries, kicking through a plate glass window on level 023.
As the shocked workers stared, Venom asked the owl-woman if she minded
if he borrowed her computer. With the owl-woman, at least, speaking the
language, the employees did not clearly respond to Venom, but they did
not move to stop him, and so he used the computer and learned that
Gholar had sold the YT-19 to a pirate named Kio and that Kio's ship was
scheduled to depart the planet in 5 minutes.
(Venom: Space Knight#1 - BTS) - As Kio's ship took off, Venom latched onto it in the process of escaping pursuing thugs, and as the ship reached space, Venom entered via an airlock door.
Comments: Created by Robbie Thompson and Ariel Olivetti.
The name of the company is barely legible on the walls of the company.
If you check out the digital version on and check
panel-by-panel, you can pretty clearly see "--RRELLIAN
OFFWORLD INDUSTRIES" in the first panel and, the first three letters
are clear in the second panel, along with much of the first word, and "OFFWORLD INDUST" is seen clearly as well.
Actually, when I check out and you select
this panel, it crops the second word somewhere through the "L" (as you
see in the image to the left) but in the actual comic, you can clearly
see the all the way to "INDUST" and part of the "R" again.
Being a guy, I focused on the owl
woman and her notably non-strigine mammaries when I first looked at
these panels. I was going to write a profile on her, and then when I
looked at the digital images, I found the name of the business and
decided that was best as the main profile.
I initially suspected a connection to Earth's
Morelle Pharmaceuticals, but when I Googled that name for
clarifications, I found reference to a Star Wars race called the
Morellians, and then when I went back and looked at the other
characters, it occurred to me that some of them looked like they could
be homages to other Star Wars characters.
See the sub-profiles for more detail.
Regardless, we need to find out more about Morrellian Offworld Industries and their employees.
Profile by Snood.
Morrellian Offworld Industries:
given the three "Star Wars" looking characters in the office is most likely an homage to the
and has no known connection to:
![]() ![]() (Venom: Space Knight#1) - He seemed to be seated back in his chair, not doing much, until Venom crashed through the window, after which he looked on in shock. --Venom: Space Knight#1 Note: This character does not match up with any known extraterrestrial race in the Marvel Multiverse of which I am aware. | ![]() Despite the lack of eyestalks in Rodians, the eye-stalk-extended image looks more like a Rodian than the other image. And, yes, not a match by any stretch of the imagination, just a similarity and perhaps an homage... |
![]() (Venom: Space Knight#1) - He seemed to be seated back in his chair, glancing off tot he side of his computer, perhaps deep in though or daydreaming, until Venom crashed through the window. He was not shown after Venom's entrance. --Venom: Space Knight#1 Note: This character does not match up with any known extraterrestrial race in the Marvel Multiverse of which I am aware. | ![]() In all honesty, he doesn't look that much like Bossk...probably more like Hans Moleman from the Simpsons. But, when I was looking for Star Wars references, Bossk came to mind. |
![]() She spoke the Fh'jhlij'9yho language. (Venom: Space Knight#1) - She appeared to be the most busy worker in her office, and she was on the phone with a client, advising him or her, "Don't think of it as a timeshare. Think of it as a funshare..." Her conversation was interrupted when Venom smashed through the window. When he asked if she minded if he borrowed her computer, she -- whether just too shocked to respond or just not understanding English -- exclaimed, "What in Blait'r's name?!" and then more quietly commented, "I should have studied accounting like my sister told me to." As he was not told that he could not do so and as no one moved to stop him, Venom used her computer to learn to whom Gholar had sold the YT-19. Venom thanked the owl-woman for her time and apologized for the mess. Whether she understood him or not, she replied in her own language, "Call me?" --Venom: Space Knight#1 If she spoke the Fh'jhlij'9yho language, does that mean she is Fh'jhlij'9yho? Not really, maybe that language was native to the world on which she was based, but she was not from that world. However, we really don't know. She was the only one in the office who was seen to speak, and she used the same language when she was on the phone, rambling to herself, and/or trying to communicate with the alien Venom. |
![]() ![]() He may have had long hair that extended above and behind his head vs. large ears constrained in that fashion vs. some sort of headdress or helmet. (Venom: Space Knight#1) - He was standing in the back of the room, doing who knows what, until Venom crashed through the window, after which he remained in the back of the room, doing who knows what. --Venom: Space Knight#1 | ![]() Due to the Morrellian connection, I considered that this character in a limited fashion has some resemblance to the Aqualish race, of which Ponda Baba, the guy who threatened Luke Skywalker at the Cantina," was a member. The more I look at the image of the character in the Morrellian office, the more I think his face looks more like a castorine (beaver) or lagamorph (rabbit) being. |
![]() (Venom: Space Knight#1) - He was apparently seated in his cubicle, either working or perhaps napping or in standby mode when Venom crashed through the window. He was not shown after Venom's arrival --Venom: Space Knight#1 |
![]() (Venom: Space Knight#1) - He(?) was apparently seated in his cubicle, either working or perhaps napping or in standby mode when Venom crashed through the window. He was not shown after Venom's arrival --Venom: Space Knight#1 |
After Venom crashed through the window, the owl woman exclaimed, "What in Blait'r's name?!" --Venom: Space Knight#1 Note: Blait'r may be a deity or a revered figure, as opposed to a location, a material, or just some expletive, vs. something else... |
images: (without ads)
Venom: Space Knight#1, p5, pan1 (main, sub-profile images)
Venom: Space Knight#1, p5, pan3 (owl-woman scared of Venom, green-skinned antennae alien)
Venom: Space Knight#1, p5, pan2 (Venom crashes through the window)
Venom: Space Knight#1, p5, pan4 (owl-woman)
Venom: Space Knight#1 (January, 2016) - Robbie Thompson
(writer), Ariel Olivetti (artist), Kathleen Wisneski (assistant
editor), Jake Thomas (editor)
First posted: 04/12/2023
Last updated: 04/12/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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