Real Name: Teraphin Mox
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (unidentified race);
active circa 1943 A.D., at least
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None known
Affiliations: Limited affiliations with Dreel, Eben Stafford, Woodrow McCord, and presumably many others as fits his agenda
Enemies: Eben Stafford (readily betrayed him)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: He's called a snake, a liar, and a "groveling snot," but those are all descriptors, not nicknames
Base of Operations: Unidentified space station in an unidentified sector of space
First Appearance: Original Sin Annual#1 (December, 2014)
Powers/Abilities: Teraphin Mox is an informant, and he generally is aware of what is going on in intergalactic space.
Having no true alliances, he passes information on to whomever will pay him for it.
Mox is cowardly and does not appear to possess any particular combat skills
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 140 lbs.)
Eyes: Green (also shown as red in at least one image)
Hair: None
Skin: Red or dark pink
Other Distinguishing Features: Teraphin Mox has pointed ears and fanged teeth.
He has three fingers and a thumb, with webbing between the fingers (perhaps indicating his race is aquatic).
He appears to have feet shaped like flippers that people wear for swimming.
He apparently has some sort of crest running down the back of his head.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apparently
based out of an unidentified space station, Teraphin Mox had a
reputation as an untrustworthy informant, loyal to no one.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Man on the
Wall, Eben Stafford, who protected Earth from alien threats, apparently
seeking to provoke a confrontation with Dreel of the Entari (who had
slain Stafford's former teammates), met with Teraphin Mox and gained
information about the Entari.
As Stafford presumably intended,
Mox informed Dreel about Stafford's inquiries, leading her to send
Entari to Stafford's base on Earth.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb)) - As Stafford's protege, Woodrow McCord, apparently used shadow-cloaking technology taken from the
Entari and hung out by the door, Stafford entered some tavern in the
space station and confronted Teraphin Mox.

As the terrified Mox stammered out
his name, Stafford grabbed him by the neck, telling him he had broken
the rules by running his filthy mouth.
Mox desperately claimed he had not
and would never do so, but Stafford interrupted, asking who else could
warn the Entari and make them desperate enough to attack him on Earth
but the snake who had put him on their trail in the first place.
Flanked by a pair of Entari
Commandos, Dreel then confronted Stafford, mocking his seeming betrayal
and his seeming surprise at having been lied to be a liar.
Stafford dropped Mox, who fell to his knees, clutching his throat.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Dreel
subsequently blasted a hole through Stafford's gut, after which McCord
entered and slew to two Commandos, allowing Stafford to kill Dreel in
the distraction.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb)) - As Mox stared, jaws agape, Stafford told McCord that all of the other aliens present were a threat to Earth and that it was his job to finish them off.
After Stafford walked out, retiring and turning his
mantle over to McCord, Mox begged that he would do anything to live.
However, the other aliens denounced Mox as a coward,
noting that there was only one of him, and that they could silence him

Challenged by the other aliens, McCord mowed them all down with his blaster rifle.
After McCord put down his rifle, Mox was surprised
that he was alive and had been spared, and he thanked McCord, promising
him that no one would ever know what had happened there.
However, McCord instead instructed Mox to tell everyone he
met what McCord had done and that he was out there, among them in the
shadows, and that if they even thought of coming for Earth, the Man on
the Wall would come for them.
Comments: Created by Jason Latour and Enis Cisic
Mox was only in this one story, and so his fate is unrevealed, although
it would seem most likely that he pissed off the wrong alien who then
slew him.
Including this image to the right, as it is the only fully-body image of Mox
Profile by Snood.
Teraphin Mox should be distinguished from:
- MOXHAM - Warheads Kether Troop--Warheads#9/2
- other "Mox" or "Teraphin" characters, groups, items, events, races, or places
images: (without ads)
Original Sin Annual#1, pg. 20, panel 3 (from behind, stammering Stafford);
panel 4 (held by neck by Stafford);
pg. 21, panel 1 (choked; distant; full body);
panel 5 (clutching throat);
pg. 24, panel 4 (face, red eyes);
pg. 28, panel 2 (front; hips up)
Original Sin Annual#1 (December, 2014) - Jason Latour (writer), Enis Cisic (artist), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort & Wil Moss (editors)
First posted: 04/30/2023
Last updated: 04/30/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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