Classification: Extraterrestrial (Shi'ar) technology
Creator: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Men Legacy#257 (December, 2011)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Null Cascade has been referred to as a factory for anti-matter, an anti-matter cascade, and an anti-matter particle gun.
It essentially projected anti-matter, which explosively destroyed all matter it contacted, and the wave was allegedly effective at any range, including interplanetary.
Once it was activated, its own operation would provide all the power it needed.
The more matter it encountered,
the faster it would propagate; by the time most targets saw it coming,
it would already be upon them.
The device was highly durable, intended to withstand earthquakes.
It moved on treads and had a "cockpit"/control section from which it could be presumably directed.
It required both voice recognition and retinal scans from an authorized person, such as Commander Gemet.
(X-Men Legacy#257 (fb) -
BTS) - The Null Cascade was developed by unidentified Shi'ar scientists.
Presumably due to its immense destructive power, it was locked in the Anathema Vault aboard the Gul Damar space station, where they stored the
weapons banned from use in normal conflicts but still available in
times of direst emergency.
The existence of the Null Cascade was unknown to anybody outside the Shi'ar Imperium.
(X-Men Legacy#257) - Aboard the Gul Damar, the Grad Nan Holt known as Friendless manipulated the Grad Nan Holt janissaries and Commander Gemet to unite against the Terrans. To that end, Gemet showed the Grad Nan Holt to the Anathema Vault.
(X-Men Legacy#257 -
BTS) - Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Magneto (Max Eisenhart), Starjammers members Havok/Alex Summers, Polaris/Lorna Dane, and Korvus Rookshir; and Sovel Redhand and his crew (Glitter, Horse, Jat-Vor-Thrul)
worked to build
a functional ship from the remains of the ships in the Gul Damar's
dockyard to escape the doomed vessel (whose gravity generators had been
destroyed and/or sabotaged, causing it to be pulled toward the sun it
Legacy#257) - Manipulated by Friendless, Commander Gemet and the
Janissaries located their enemies in the dockyard, and Gemet had the
Null Cascade set up and instructed the janissaries to set a three-quarter perimeter, and that no
one was to pass spinward of the machine.
After Gemet noted that the shipyards were 10 units spinward (see comments),
one of the janissaries questioned whether the weapon was effective at
such a range, and Gemet assured him that it was effective at any range, including interplanetary.
Gemet further detailed the assault's self-propagating nature and its swiftness.
Starjammer/X-Man Rachel Summers' astral self listened in on this
discussion, but she was discovered by Friendless, who unleashed his own
astral self to attack her.
Commander Gemet subsequently activated the Null Cascade, at
which point the pirate Sovel Redhand abandoned his crewmates and
transported 10,000 miles away to where Rogue (Anna Marie) and Frenzy (Joanna Cargill) were trying to repair the station's gravity generators.
Those left behind immediately saw and fled from the destroying effects of Null Cascade.
(X-Men Legacy#258) - Rachel helped Rogue recognize the nature of the teleport shunt, and she transported the rest of the X-Men, Starjammers, and Redhand's crew to the
generator alongside herself. Magneto subsequently placed his helmet on Rachel's head, and its
psi-resistance severed the contact between herself and Friendless.
Having absorbed the knowledge of Shi'ar technician B'ket Imstari and having been mentally linked with Rachel, Rogue sought the the Null Cascade to them so they could use the anti-matter to force the sun to fully collapse into a black hole.
Rachel warned that Friendless was
with the Null Cascade and could go with it to attack her again, but
Rogue nonetheless had Rogue had Magneto and
Polaris rip through "maybe a hundred bulkhead walls" to bring the
multi-ton device to the gravity array, with which Redhand had attempted
to abscond.
As the Null cascade approached
them, Rogue used Imstari's knowledge to push the system's sun all the
way to collapse.
While Rogue's mind
struggled to complete the equations from B'ket
Imstari's mind, Friendless - riding the Null Cascade -- fired on them.
Rachel shared her psychic powers with Rogue and then joined with her to
enslave Friendless' mind and
force his genius-level intelligence to solve her equations.
Using this, Rogue finished her adjustments of the sun via the gravity
generator, after which she had Magneto reposition the Null Cascade it
fired into the already-gravity-afflicted sun.
This caused the sun
to collapse into a wormhole with the far end pointed at Earth.
The entire Gul
Damar station was then transported to Earth orbit.
Comments: Created by Mike Cary, Khoi Pham, Tom Palmer
Spinward means moving in the same
direction of the space station's rotation...seems to be more of a
direction than a location, but it was used as a location
Profile by Snood.
The Null Cascade should be distinguished from:
(X-Men Legacy#257 (fb) - BTS) - The Anathema Vault, aboard the Gul Damar space station, was where the Shi'ar stored the weapons banned from use in normal conflicts but still available in times of direst emergency. The Null Cascade was developed by unidentified Shi'ar
scientists. Presumably due to its immense destructive power, it was
locked in the Anathema Vault. The existence of the Null Cascade was unknown to anybody outside the Shi'ar Imperium. (X-Men
Legacy#257) - Aboard the Gul Damar, the Grad Nan Holt known as Friendless manipulated the Grad Nan Holt janissaries and
Commander Gemet to unite against the Terrans. To that end, Gemet showed the Grad Nan Holt to the Anathema Vault. ---X-Men Legacy#257 |
images: (without ads):
X-Men Legacy#257, pg. 6, panel 1 (Anathema vault)
pg. 13, panel 1 (weapon being delivered);
pg. 14, panel 1 (close up of control section);
pg. 15, panel 2 (activating);
panel 3 (firing);
pg. 17 (destructive wave);
pg. 20, panel 2 (X-Men and Starjammers fleeing its energies)--->I ran out of space for this image in the main part of the profile, so I included it here-->
X-Men Legacy#258, pg. 10, panel 4 (erupting from space station);
pg. 12, panel 5 (Friendless firing at gravity array);
pg. 17, panel 1 (wormhole)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First posted: 05/23/2023
Last updated: 05/23/2023
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