Real Name: Paul (last name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Truck driver for L&C Transportation Company

Group Membership: L&C Transportation Company

Affiliations: Captain America (Sam Wilson)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "Partner" (nickname from Captain America)

Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the USA

First Appearance: Avengers VIII#2 (August, 2023)

Powers/Abilities: Paul is a skilled "big rig" truck driver and has an inherent desire to help others, willing to force himself into pulling double work shifts if it means he can help others who depend on him.

    Paul is also a fan of Marvin Gaye music.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'1")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

(Avengers VIII#2 (fb) - BTS) - Wishing to help people and knowing people needed the medical supplies he transported for L&C Transportation Company, truck driver Paul began pulling double shifts in an effort to get the supplies where they needed to go.

(Avengers VIII#2) - On his way to Columbus to deliver urgently needed medical supplies, a tired Paul stopped in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to use the restroom and as he emerged a block away from Fabiano's restaurant, Paul monologued that he only had 180 miles to go and attempted to give himself a pep talk. Noting that people were counting on him, Paul took a bag of pills from his pocket and prepared to ingest them but he was stopped by Captain America (Sam Wilson), who urged Paul not to get on the road with the pills in his system. When Paul appeared shocked to see Captain America, Cap explained how he knew that Paul was destined to doze off around Zanesville and veer off the road, hitting a bus and killing himself and forty-three others. Cap then asked for Paul's keys and Paul replied by reminding Captain America that people were counting on him at the overwhelmed Columbus hospitals. Cap assured Paul that he knew how important those people in Columbus were and he announced his intentions to drive Paul's truck for him while Paul rested. As the two then walked towards Paul's truck, Paul asked if Captain America knew how to drive a big rig and Cap lightheartedly suggested Paul remind him to tell the story of how he got through college. Cap then joked that the driver picked the music and expressed hope that Paul liked Marvin Gaye. Paul replied "Who doesn't?"

Comments: Created by Jed MacKay and C.F. Villa.

    The reality in which Paul did fall asleep at the wheel and die hitting a bus, killing 43 people in the process, was diverged from Earth-616's timeline when Cap stopped Paul from driving. The divergent reality in which those events occurred would be Earth-23812.

Profile by Proto-Man.

should be distinguished from:


Earth-23812 was a reality in which the exhausted Paul decided to drive in hopes that the pills he took would keep him awake long enough to make it to Columbus for the delivery of medical supplies. Unfortunately, Paul fell asleep at the wheel partway to Zanesville and veered into oncoming traffic, hitting a bus and killing both himself and 43 bus passengers. This reality was later seen by the time-traveling Kang the Conqueror, who informed Earth-616's Avengers in an attempt to bribe them into helping with one of his revenge schemes. Captain America (Sam Wilson) confronted Paul and stopped him from driving, thereby diverging Earth-23812 from Earth-616.

--Avengers VIII#2 - BTS


Fabiano's was a restaurant in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania near where Paul stopped to use the restroom. Paul later emerged from the restroom a block away from Fabiano's around sunset.

--Avengers VIII#2

L&C Transportation Company

L&C Transportation Company was the trucking company that Paul worked for. Knowing that the medical supplies transported by L&C were urgently needed, Paul began taking double shifts in an effort to help those he felt were counting on him and during one trip to Columbus in a L&C truck, Paul was stopped just outside of Pittsburg by Captain America (Sam Wilson) who sought to stop a very tired Paul from getting back on the road and potentially killing himself and others.

--Avengers VIII#2 (L&C truck seen)

Paul (Earth-23812)

Earth-23812's Paul was exactly the same as his Earth-616 counterpart up until he decided to drive his truck while exhausted and under the influence of pills that he hoped would keep him awake for his delivery. The pills did not keep him alert, however, and he dozed off at the wheel partway to Zanesville, veering into oncoming traffic and hitting a bus. The accident cost Paul his life and the lives of 43 bus passengers.

--Avengers VIII#2 - BTS

images: (without ads)
Avengers VIII#2, p15, pan1 (Paul main image & Fabiano's)
Avengers VIII#2, p16, pan4 (Paul, headshot)
Avengers VIII#2, p16, pan1 (Paul looking shocked)
Avengers VIII#2, p17, splash page (L&C Transportation Company truck)

Avengers VIII#2 (August, 2023) - Jed MacKay (writer), C.F. Villa (art), Tom Brevoort  (editor)

First posted: 10/09/2024
Last updated: 10/09/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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