
Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Pelagian) possible mutate vs. mutant;
    criminal record on Pelagia, or at least somewhere

Occupation: Warrior, enforcer

Group Membership: Praetorians (God-Killer, Hodinn, Pn’zo, Strontian/Xenith, Warwear, Zzxz; presumably others)

Affiliations: Vulcan (Gabriel Summers);
    loose affiliation with Gladiator (Kallark) and the rest of the Imperial Guard

Enemies: Nova Corps (specifically the 86th cohort)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Nonepelagian-praetorians-full-tiny

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    presumably at least formerly the planet Pelagia, unidentified star system, unidentified galaxy

First Appearance: Nova IV#24 (June, 2009)

Powers/Abilities: The Pelagian is superhumanly strong (and presumably durable) and amphibious.

    As he was not seen in action, the extent of his abilities is unrevealed.

    He apparently had no qualms about slaughtering defenseless troops.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'6" - 7')
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 300 lbs.)
Eyes: Solid yellow
Hair: Green beard (or similar structures on face)
Skin: Green


(X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook) - Super-strong and amphibious, the Pelagian known only as Pelagian had a criminal record, although his crimes were unrevealed.

(X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook) - Traditionally, the Praetorians were an honorable sub-cadre within the Imperial Guard for worthy veterans and old guardsmen. Emperor Vulcan used the name to legitimize his personal hit squad, a black ops team tasked with killing the Starjammers whose members would never have been accepted into the Imperial Guard due to their criminal histories.

    After the war against the Kree Empire started, Vulcan added new Praetorians including Warwear, a dangerous being wearing an Eidolon Warwear flight suit armed with various weapons and remote controlled drones; and...

(X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook / Nova IV#24 (fb) - BTS) - Pelagian, a super-strong, amphibious criminal from Pelagia was recruited into the Praetorians.pelagian-praetorians-upper-detail

(Nova IV#24 - BTS) - The Nova Corps 86th cohort were sent to attempt to defend the Kree world Nil-Rast as Shi'ar forces attempted to annex it.

    Gladiator and the Imperial Guard (notably Earthquake, Electron, Flashfire/Grannz, Impulse, Manta, Warstar) were transported via a mass teleport beam to Nil-Rast, and they captured the Nova Prime (the Shi'ar Malik Tarcel), forcing him to surrender.

(Nova IV#24 (fb) - BTS) - Emperor Vulcan sent the Strontian and her Praetorians to take command of the theater of operations on Nil-Rat.

(Nova IV#24) - Alongside Pelagian and Warwear, Strontian met with Gladiator, advising him that the emperor wanted her to take over there and wanted him back at the flagship without delay to be there when he greeted Lilandra Neramini. Gladiator instructed Strontian to secure the prisoners as he took Tarcel with him for interrogation.

    After Gladiator's departure, Pelagian stood by as Warwear asked Strontian what they should do with the prisoners. Strontian replied, "What prisoners? All I see are practice targets."

(Nova IV#24 (fb) - BTS) - Alongside Warwear and Strontian at least, Pelagian slaughtered Nova Corps 86th cohort.

(Nova IV#24 - BTS) - The Pelagian was not seen when Strontian led other Praetorians to Kree-Lar to support Blastaar’s troops against Ravenous, ruler of the ceded Kree territories since the Annihilation War, and his troops.

    The Pelagian's subsequent fate is unrevealed.

Comments: Created by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Andrea DiVito.

    Thanks to Markus Raymond for reminding me of this character

Profile by Snood.

The Pelagian
should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Nova IV#24, pg. 17, panel 5 (small full body image);
    pg. 18, panel 1 (upper, detail)

Nova IV#24 (June, 2009) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Andrea DiVito (artist), Michael Horowitz (assistant editor), Bill Rosemann (editor)

First posted: 02/02/2025
Last updated: 02/02/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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