Real Name: Eleanor Peterson

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Unrevealed, if any

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Feedback (Albert Louis), Sophie Peterson

Enemies: Orchis

Known Relatives: Albert Louis (Feedback/Dr. Lucas Peterson, husband), Sophie Peterson (daughter)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Camarillo, California, USA

First Appearance: Alpha Flight V#1 (October, 2023)

Powers/Abilities: Eleanor Peterson has no superhuman powers but she was a caring wife and mother.

Height: Unrevealed (see comments)
Weight: Unrevealed (see comments)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

(Alpha Flight V#1 (fb) - BTS/Alpha Flight V#3 (fb) - BTS) - Years after changing his name to Lucas Peterson and moving to California in an effort to live a normal life apart from his mutant powers, Albert Louis (formerly codenamed Feedback) met a woman named Eleanor and the two eventually got married, Louis never telling Eleanor his real name or his nature as a mutant. The two eventually had a daughter, Sophie. After "Lucas Peterson" was outed as a mutant at his job at Somis BioTech in Camarillo, California, Eleanor Peterson was confronted by agents of the anti-mutant Orchis organization, who convinced Eleanor to allow them to tap her phone in hopes that Louis would check in on his family.

(Alpha Flight V#1) - As predicted, Al Louis made his way to Garberville and called his wife Eleanor to make sure Eleanor and his daughter Sophie were okay. The panicky Louis began trying to explain himself but a seemingly confused Eleanor asked what had happened, noting that she had seen on television the explosion at her husband's office and how people had died. When Eleanor expressed worry that Louis himself might have died in the explosion, Louis assured her he was okay and began ranting that he thought he had protected himself and how he couldn't believe "they" had found him. Eleanor, still feigning confusion, asked what Louis was talking about and asked him to come home but when Louis mentioned how he should've told her a long time ago, Eleanor questioned what Louis should have told her. With Sophie at her side, Eleanor then listened as Louis revealed his real name and status as a mutant, apologizing for having never told her before. Eleanor responded by assuring Louis that those things would not have made a difference in how she felt about him and Louis admitted that he wasn't sure what he needed to do now and that he needed time to figure things out. Eleanor then assured Louis that both she and Sophie were fine, other than wanting Louis to return home, and Louis replied that he would return as soon as it was safe to. Promising to call again soon, Louis expressed his love for Eleanor, who returned the sentiment before hanging up. Louis then fried his cellphone and tossed it the trash as a saddened Eleanor watched the Orchis members trace Louis' call to Garberville. A shameful Eleanor put her head down on the table and one of the Orchis agents told her she had done the right thing.

(Alpha Flight V#3 - BTS) - After Feedback was rescued from Department H Box Sentinels by former members of Alpha Flight, he explained to them how he had left Department H and settled into a new life in California under a different name, where he had met and married Eleanor. As he told the story about Eleanor and his daughter Sophie, Feedback became emotional and expressed worry about what Eleanor and Sophie must be going through with him gone. Northstar quickly reminded Feedback to take solace in the fact that both Eleanor and Sophie were still alive, unlike the clone of himself that Feedback had once allowed to die in his place in Santo Marco.

Comments: Created by Ed Brisson and Scott Godlewski.

    Eleanor Peterson was only ever seen sitting down and not next to any character whose height and weight had been officially determined, making it near impossible to approximate her height and weight.

    Eleanor seemed to genuinely care about her husband but she sure sold him out to Orchis fairly quickly, even if she did feel awful about doing so. Perhaps she felt it was the only to keep her daughter safe and parents will do just about anything for their children.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Eleanor Peterson
should be distinguished from:

Sophia Peterson

Sophia Peterson, nicknamed "Sophie" and "Soph," was the daughter of Dr. Lucas Peterson (secretly the mutant Feedback/Albert Louis) and Eleanor Peterson. After Orchis agents confronted Eleanor in her home to tap her phone in hopes of tracing the location of Feedback, Sophia sat next to Eleanor at the kitchen table as Louis phoned to check on his family.

--Alpha Flight V#1 (#3 (fb) - BTS, #1, #3 - BTS,

images: (without ads)
Alpha Flight V#1, p17, pan8 (Eleanor Peterson with her head down, main image)
Alpha Flight V#1, p17, pan3 (Eleanor Peterson, headshot)
Alpha Flight V#1, p17, pan1 (Sophia Peterson)

Alpha Flight V#1 (October, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)
Alpha Flight V#3 (December, 2023) - Ed Brisson (writer), Scott Godlewski (art), Mark Basso (editor)

First posted08/29/2024
Last updated: 08/29/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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