(Reality-8116; in progress)
Instigator: Vanth Dreadstar
Purpose: Bringing an end to the Instrumentality-Monarchy War
Allies: "Dreadstar and Company" (Syzygy Darklock, Oedi, Skeevo Phlatus, Willow), Max
Opposition: Instrumentality, Monarchy,
Location: Empirical Galaxy, Reality-8116
First Appearance: (Referenced) Epic Illustrated#15/4: Dreadstar (December, 1982)
(Marvel Graphic Novel#3: The Metamorphosis Odyssey Book Three: Dreadstar) - Vanth Dreadstar met with Syzygy Darklock, agreeing to join his crusade to end the war between the Monarchy and the Instrumentality but insisting that they would follow his lead. They also discussed that others would join their struggle.
(Epic Illustrated#15/4:
Dreadstar (fb) - BTS) - Amongst their plotting, Vanth and Syzygy put together what they
called "Plan M"; partly for his own protection, they kept their ally Oedi ignorant of this dangerous plot .
(Epic Illustrated#15/4:
Dreadstar (fb)) <A week before the main story> - Aboard the
Lightcutter II, Syzygy, Vanth and Oedi encountered the twisted shell of
a Monarchy space fortress, which had once been the realm's mightiest
weapon, and Syzygy concluded that
the Instrumentality had finally gained the upper hand in the war between the
two empires. At Vanth's query, Syzygy advised that they abandon the
Monarchy to its own resources and hope it survived long enough for them
to put Plan M into operation. When Oedi asked about this Plan M, Syzygy
instructed him that it was unspeakably dangerous and the less he knew
about it, the better, especially if captured.
When Vanth noted that Plan M required a lot of equipment, with the
first step alone requiring a giant cargo ship, Syzygy explained that he
knew that they could obtain such a ship from the Instrumentality on the
mining colony on Tortorelzor, aka the Rock.
(Epic Illustrated#15/4:
Dreadstar - BTS) - Infiltrating the mining colony, Vanth and Oedi ultimately stole Ship #Delta457
(or something like the delta symbol, with a small break in the center
of the bottom/horizontal portion of the triangle), which they renamed "Big Bundle," Vanth
and Oedi allowed Syzygy to dock the Lightcutter II within the cargo ship,
and they began making steps for the next step in Plan M: To rob a church.
They were unaware that a woman had followed them...
Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.
Dreadstar / Reality-8116 primer
Profile by Snood.
Plan M name has no known connections to
--firstap |
images: (without ads)
Epic Illustrated#15/4: Dreadstar (December, 1982) - Jim Starlin (writer, artist), Stan Lee
(editor/publisher), Archie Goodwin (editorial director), James Shooter (consulting editor), Jo Duffy (associate editor)
First started: 10/01/2024
First posted: 10/01/2024
Last updated: 11/01/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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