Official Name: "Planet X"
Nature: Alternate reality (Reality-59356) extraterrestrial planet, unidentified star system, unidentified galaxy
Environment: Life-sustaining biosphere
Gravity: Unrevealed (but apparently possessed a gravitational field in which it was
comfortable for humans to function, and which was not different enough for humans to comment upon it)
Atmosphere: An unspecified combination of gases (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) at least if it can be breathed by humans;
given the large number of plants and relatively few humanoids (or animals), it is likely very oxygen-rich.
Natural Satellites: There appeared to be three moons
Artificial Satellites: None known
Natives: Flora (flowers, bushes, trees, and presumably other plants)
Population: Unrevealed (if the whole planet was covered with plant life like the region that was shown, there are likely many billion
Capital City: None known
Government: The plants commanded beings who came to their world, but there was no other known system of government
Languages: The plants give telepathic commands;
Kluge and the people of Earth either spoke English or it was just translated as English;
Kluge and his people could understand the previous
humanoid race that had come to Planet X, so there was likely some sort
of translator program in effect
Monetary Unit: None
Planetary Defense: The plants used the fact
that they would be assumed to be harmless to lull visitors into
complacency while gradually taking command of their minds over
approximately three weeks
Major Resources: The plants' "neural scent"
Places of Interest: None specified; only one small village/region was seen
Prominent Residents: Various forms of plant-life
Visitors: Josef Kluge and his soldiers from Earth's People's Republic of Gdynia; Kjem and at least four other aliens from an unidentified world
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense I#2 (March, 1959)
(Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - The Flora of the world known only as "Planet X" exude a "neural scent" that slowly hypnotizes beings that arrive on their world (or otherwise forces them to serve the plants' needs).
(Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - An unidentified group of humanoid beings from an unidentified world came to "Planet X" to conquer that world. However, over about three weeks, the aliens fell under control of the plants, and they were forced to water and otherwise tend to the plants' needs.
(Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - Circa 2045 A.D., the astronomers of Earth's "People's Republic of Gdynia" learned of "Planet X," which was inhabited by a small and seemingly docile race of people. However there was cause to fear something about Planet X (see comments).
(Tales of Suspense I#2/4 - BTS) - Kirov of the People's
Republic of Gdynia informed the dictator, Josef Kluge, about Planet X.
However, when he tried to warn him that there was to cause to fear
Planet X, Kluge interrupted him and immediately began plans to travel
to and conquer Planet X.
(Tales of Suspense I#2/4) - Kluge's ship and his hand-picked soldiers arrived on Planet X, encountered the humanoids, and announced that they would serve him. The people willingly did whatever he told them without complaint, as long as they had enough time to take care of their flowers and trees.
After about 3 weeks, the humanoids
explained to Kluge how the plants' neural scent had been slowly
mesmerizing him and his people, as it had done to the people who had
arrived before him, and Kluge and his soldiers soon found themselves
powerless to resist the commands of dandelions, pussy willows, and
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, and Steve Ditko.
As you can see in the clarifications, there are three Planet X's apparently dominated by Flora, as well as the plant-like lizards from Journey into Mystery I#56. Is there some connection? Perhaps at least the three flora-dominated ones are alternate reality counterparts of the same world?
Given that Planet X was a world
spotted by astronomers on Earth, it would seem likely that it was
RELATIVELY close and in the Milky Way Galaxy, but perhap some sort of
wormhole existed that facilitated travel.
Kirov of Gdynia had learned,
presumably the astronomers that there was something to fear about
Planet X, but Kluge dismissed him before he could tell him. As Kluge's
ship left, Kirov noted, "I tried to warn him...but he wouldn't listen!"
I wonder if they knew about the plants' abilities, or what exactly why
there "was cause to fear that Planet X is..."
Josef Kluge and/or the People's
Republic of Gdynia could get their own profile(s). If you're
interested, please do that, rather than adding them as sub-profiles to
this profile.
Profile by Snood.
Planet X of Reality-59356 has no known connections to:
(Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - The Flora of the world known only as "Planet X" exude a "neural scent" that slowly hypnotizes beings that arrive on their world (or otherwise forces them to serve the plants' needs). (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - An unidentified group of humanoid beings from an unidentified world came to "Planet X" to conquer that world. However, over about three weeks, the aliens fell under control of the plants, and they were forced to water and otherwise tend to the plants' needs. (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - Circa 2045 A.D., the astronomers of Earth's "People's Republic of Gdynia" learned of "Planet X," which was inhabited by a small and seemingly docile race of people. However there was cause to fear that Planet X was... (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 - BTS) - Kirov of the People's Republic of Gdynia informed the dictator, Josef Kluge, about Planet X. However, when he tried to warn him that there was to cause to fear Planet X, Kluge cut him off and immediately began plans to travel to and conquer Planet X. (Tales of Suspense I#2/4) - Kluge's ship and his hand-picked soldiers arrived on Planet X, encountered the humanoids, and announced that they would serve him. The people willingly did whatever he told them without complaint, as long as they had enough time to take care of their flowers and trees. After about 3 weeks, the humanoids explained to Kluge how the plants' neural scent had been slowly mesmerizing him and his people, as it had done to the people who had arrived before him, and Kluge and his soldiers soon found themselves powerless to resist the commands of dandelions, pussy willows, and sycamores. --Tales of Suspense I#2/4Note: I would have made this a race profile and made the plants the focus, but there is not a name of the race. Maybe I should have done it under "Flora of Planet X"...oh well... This was only a 4-page story, and Kluge's ship arrived on Planet X on the 2nd to last panel on the 2nd there were relatively few good images of the world and its plant-life. The main image and the final image (both on the right) in the main profile are great images of the flora of Planet X. |
![]() ![]() (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb)) - An unidentified group of humanoid beings from an unidentified world came to "Planet X" to conquer that world. (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - However, over about three weeks, the aliens fell under control of the plants, and they were forced to water and otherwise tend to the plants' needs. (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (fb) - BTS) - Circa 2045 A.D., the astronomers of Earth's "People's Republic of Gdynia" learned of
"Planet X" and that it was inhabited by a small and seemingly docile race of
people. (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 - BTS) -
Dictator Josef Kluge's ship with hand-picked soldiers arrived on Planet X. (Tales of Suspense I#2/4) - Their
ship was spotted by the previous aliens, one of whom pointed it out to
another named Kjem. Kluge introduced himself and commanded the people
to obey him. Although many of Kluge soldiers hoped for resistance as they were looking for a fight, the
people willingly did whatever he told them without complaint, as long
as they had enough time to take care of their flowers and trees. Kluge considered that they must be mad, or at best, a very inferior race. After about 3 weeks, Kluge
yelled at the people, asking why they did not complain about his
oppression, but the humanoids explained to
Kluge how the plants' neural scent had been slowly mesmerizing him and
his people, as it had done to them when they had arrived there before. (Tales of Suspense I#2/4 - BTS) - Kluge and his people joined the previous aliens in serving the flora of Planet X. Note: Unfortunately, we don't know the name of the race or where they came from, only that they grossly humanoid, had a spaceship and came to Planet X with the intent to conquer it. Assuming they came from a different star system, they almost certainly had faster-than-light travel (hyperspace, accessing space warps, etc.) These aliens came in a single ship, and only like 5 of them were seen. We don't know if there were more on Planet X as well as what sort of population existed on their native world. It is not clear which guy is Kjem. The name is referenced once in the upper right image in this sub-profile. Kjem may or may not be one of the guys in the bottom right. |
images: (without ads)
Tales of Suspense I#2/4, pg. 2, panel 5 (POSSIBLY Planet X and a moon in the background as Kluge's ship approached Planet X);
panel 6 (previously-arrived aliens spotting Kluge's ship);
pg. 3, panel 8 (previous alien with flowers);
pg. 4, panel 1 (previous aliens explaining their fate);
panel 2 (previous aliens' ship);
panel 3 (main image);
panel 6 (Kluge watering his master)
Tales of Suspense I#2/4 (March, 1959) "Secret of Planet X" - Stan Lee (plot, editor), Larry Lieber (script), Steve Ditko (artist)
First posted: 09/23/2023
Last updated: 09/27/2023
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