Real Name: Polly

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Unrevealed, if any

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Rick Jones

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Rick Jones (nephew), unidentified sibling (see comments)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: An unidentified city in New Mexico, USA

First Appearance: Incredible Hulk I#3 (September, 1962)

Powers/Abilities: Polly has no superhuman powers but is a caring aunt, if not a bit nosy.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'7")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 150 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (see comments)
Hair: White

(Incredible Hulk I#3/3 (fb) - BTS) - Polly was the aunt of youngster Rick Jones and over time recognized Rick's stubborn nature.

(Incredible Hulk I#3/3) - Ages after having last seen her teenage nephew Rick, Polly was visited by Rick Jones, who hoped to wash up and get some food at Polly's home not far from a ramshackle cabin Rick had been staying in near the Los Diablos Missile Base. Shocked to see Rick again after so long, Polly asked where Rick had been but the washing Rick just told Polly he had been busy and commented that she wouldn't be interested in the details. Light-heartedly telling Rick to move along, Polly insisted that she definitely was interested in the details but remarked on her knowledge that no one could get Rick to talk if he didn't want to. Rick then stayed to eat and chatted a bit with Polly before departing to take a walk through town in advance of his return to his secret ally, the incredible Hulk.15

Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers.

    Polly was never seen at a good enough distance and angle to determine her eye color. In her two panel appearance, she first appears at a distance, preventing her eye color from being determined, and in the second panel, she is only seen from the side, also preventing her eye color from being determined. See the two images in this profile to see what I'm talking about.

    While I could understand that Polly might not have appeared elsewhere following her only appearance in Incredible Hulk I#3, I'm really surprised she hasn't even been mentioned by Rick at some point after that appearance! If you know of an issue where Polly is mentioned again, please let me know so I can update the profile!
    She's [Polly] not visible in Incredible Hulk II#418, Rick's wedding. Doesn't mean she couldn't be there, off panel of course, but I'd have thought that if anyone would have remembered she existed, PAD would have, and if she was going to show up anywhere, then that would be the event. Also, no mention of her in any of the issues where Rick's parents are seen or mentioned...and one of those is very pertinent, as it's Incredible Hulk II#395, when Jackie Shorr turns up claiming that she's Rick's real mother & that the people he thought were his parents actually adopted him. You'd think Rick's first option to check that would be Aunt Polly, assuming she was a sibling to one of them. So maybe she's not really a relative (when I was growing up, my parents had friends whom I called Aunt or Uncle despite there being no actual relationship via blood or marriage), which might also explain why she didn't take him in when he was orphaned (he states outright that he ended up in an orphanage, so maybe she was one of the people who worked there). Or maybe she passed away between Incredible Hulk I#3 and Incredible Hulk II#395. --Loki
        Knowing how stubborn the young Rick was, I wouldn't be surprised if he was sent to stay with Polly for a short time but ran away and was ultimately sent to the Tempest Town facility.

    It was never mentioned which side of Rick Jones' family Polly was from. If she was the sister of Rick's as-yet-unidentified father, then Polly would have a brother. If she was the sister of Rick's mother then she would obviously have a sister. Since we don't know for sure, I just listed Polly as having an unidentified sibling.

Profile by Proto-Man.

should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Incredible Hulk I#3, p19, pan2 (Polly, main image)
Incredible Hulk I#3, p19, pan3 (Polly, headshot)

Incredible Hulk I#3 (September, 1962) - "The Ringmaster" story - Stan Lee (writer, editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Dick Ayers (inks)

First posted08/28/2024
Last updated: 08/28/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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