prime_director-galador-rom1-seated-full PRIME DIRECTOR
of Galador

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Galadorian) technology-user;
    active circa the late 1700s through the modern era (see comments)

Occupation: Former ruler of Galador

Group Membership: Ruler of the Galadorians

Affiliations: Spaceknights (notably Astra, Hammerhand, Javelin/Darin, Rainbow, Rom, Screamer, Starshine/Landra, Terminator)

Enemies: Dire Wraiths, Galactus (Galan), Mentus;
    formerly Terminator

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed (his energies were incorporated into Galactus, but he has presumably spent them);
    presumably buried on Galador;
    imprisoned for 200 years within an unspecified building on Galador;
    formerly the Hall of Science, Galador,
third from the sun in the Taloman system, Milky Way Galaxy

First Appearance: Rom#1 (December, 1979)

Powers/Abilities: The Prime Director had access to the advanced technology of Galador. He either designed, helped design, or simply conceived of the idea of the cyborg Spaceknights.

    He is a capable strategic commander in times of war.

    He formerly wielded the Golden Globe of Power, which could channel the power of Galador's twin suns, generating vast heat able to instantly cremate even Spaceknights encased in Plandanium armor.

    Already apparently senior at the time of the first Wraithwar, he survived over 200 years thereafter, although in stasis. Although retaining a healthy physical frame, his advanced age limited his body's ability to tolerate exertion of his force of will. prime_director-galador-rom26-id-face

    He may or may not have had some power of prophecy.

    He could apparently project portions of his consciousness outside of his body -- perhaps via technology -- but he was unable to control this properly, and he unwittingly projected only his evil aspect. When he finally forced the re-absorption of his evil aspect, the effort was too much for his physical body, which perished.

    After his physical death, he continued to survive as a being of psychic/id-energy and manifested as a version of his face; he appreciated that he would only be able to survive in this form for a limited duration as he/it was drawn to become part of some greater cosmic intellect.. This form could travel through an atmosphere or into space, but it also could serve as a source of energy for Galactus...

Height: Unrevealed (approximately )
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Eyes: Dark (presumably brown)
Hair: White


prime_director-galador-rom1-seated-upper(Rom#22/2 (fb) - BTS) - Despite the peace of Galador, the Prime Director -- perhaps suspecting or prophesizing that strife would eventually come to his world -- ordered the genetic breeding of the of the home-guard known as the Angel Elite.

(Rom#1 (fb) - BTS) <Over 200 years ago (see comments)> - The Dire Wraiths of the Dark Nebula slaughtered the peaceful Galadorian armada when they entered the Dark Nebula, after which the Dire Wraith fleet targeted Galador.

(Rom#1 (fb)) - Having heard this news, the Prime Director considered that they had one chance left to save their world. Despite it being considered unthinkable by some, the Prime Director instructed his herald to ask the people for volunteers to sacrifice their "humanity" by being bonded into cyborg armor to become living weapons: The Spaceknights.

(Rom#1 (fb) - BTS) - After Rom was the first to volunteer, millions of Galadorians followed, but only around 1000 were initially found to be compatible. After completion of the painful process, the Spaceknights forming a defensive ring around Galador when the Wraiths invaded the home solar system, and after a long and arduous fight, the battle ended with the Deathwing destroyed and the Wraiths routed and fleeing.

     Dozens of Spaceknights perished in the fight.

(Rom Annual#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Prime Director's abiilty to command helped lead to the rout of Wraithkind.

(Rom Annual#2) <Allegedly a day after the battle that destroyed the Deathwing> - Rom pursued a group of Dire Wraiths back to Wraithworld where he slew many before being trapped in a spell that made him see an endless horde of Wraiths, causing to continue to fight, long after there were no other Wraiths around (they apparently abandoned their own planet).

(Rom Annual#2 (fb) - BTS) - The news that Rom had vanished after entering the Dark Nebula shook the Prime Director "unto his soul."

(Rom Annual#2) - The Prime Director summoned the Spaceknight Squadron (Plor the Pulsar, Raak the Breaker, Skera the Scanner, Tarm the Seeker, Unam the Unseen, Vola the Trapper) to the Council Tower, informed them of Rom's disappearance, and expressed his fears that the Dire Wraiths had found some way to slay Galador's mightiest son. Regardless, he dispatched the Squadron to Wraithworld, instructing them to save Rom.

(Rom Annual#2  - BTS) - The Spaceknight Squadron discovered Rom under the influence of the spell, but Unam's illusion-casting ability allowed him to disrupt the spell's influence on Rom, restoring him to "normal."


prime_director-galador-rom13-globe(Rom#13/2) - After the citizens of Galador assembled, Rom announced the results of the Wraithwar to the Prime Director, adding that the dead awaited their last rites.

     Holding the glowing Globe of Power, the symbol of his office, the Prime Director addressed his people, stating that it was the living that needed to be comforted and confirming that the invaders had been defeated.

    He then addressed the passing of those who had sacrificed their humanity to become Spaceknights and who had perished in driving off the Dire Wraiths that Galador might live.

    After mourning families had placed flowers upon the crystal coffins, the Prime Director set his Globe of Power into the prepared chalice, and it channeled the power of Galador's suns to cremate the fallen Spaceknights.prime_director-galador-rom13-incineration

    After the surviving Spaceknights had been reunited with friends and family, the Prime Director reluctantly advised them that while Galador had been spared, the war was not over.

    At Rom's query, the Prime Director explained that the Dire Wraiths would go to other world in other galaxies, less advanced worlds, less able to defend themselves, and they would capitalize on those peoples' superstition. Eventually the Wraiths would make those worlds into Wraith strongholds that would eventually threaten Galador anew.

    While Rom initially expressed frustration at the Spaceknights not re-claiming their humanity, the Prime Director elaborated that they could never enter into treaty with the Wraiths and could only instead end their threat by destroying them all.

    The Prime Director advised Rom that he would not command that they carry on the fight, but he asked that they do so. He further told Rom that no one would fault him if he chose to return to human form and to his loved ones.

(Rom#1 (fb) - BTS / Rom#13/2) - Rom then led the other surviving Spaceknights in committing to scour the galaxy to hunt down and dispatch the remaining Dire Wraiths.


prime_director-galadorian-rom25-evilprojectionprime_director-galador-rom25-mentuscreated(Rom#25 (fb)) - After the Spaceknights had departed, the Prime Director felt ashamed that Galador's youth had sacrificed their humanity while he had retained his own.

     Resolving that he could not let them carry the burden alone, he devised a new suit of spaceknight armor but attempted to animate it with his spirit rather than with his living tissue.

     He hoped that if this method proved effective, no Galadorian would ever again have to sacrifice his or her humanity.

    However, it was the evil side of the Prime Director's persona that was unwittingly released into the spaceknight armor
; no longer bound by the restraints of conscience, this evil being became Mentus.


prime_director-galador-rom20-throne-globe(Rom#20/2) - On Galador, the Prime Director presided over the trial of Terminator, whom Starshine accused of having murdered the king of Thuvria. When Terminator noted that he had acted because the king had embodied his people's naivety, which had placed their world as well as Galador in jeopardy, the Prime Director confirmed that he had slain their king for this reason. 

     Rom subsequently pleaded for mercy for Terminator, noting how Terminator's mortal form had perished due to a Wraith plague, and the Prime Director was moved, further noting that the Wraith war had made all of them -- a once peaceful people -- other than what we were. Additionally, the Prime Director considered that while the Wraith war had made them cold and cruel, they would be no better than the Wraiths were they to judge without mercy. Noting Terminator's guilt, the Prime Director offered him the choice of death or banishment. After a long pause, Terminator chose death.

    Although Starshine was shocked, as she had expected rehabilitation, the Prime Director silenced her. Terminator had chosen to end his existence, and the Prime Director noted his own blame in the matter, as if he had let him die with his planet instead of imprinting his brain patterns upon spaceknight circuitry, this day would never have come to pass. The Prime Director then levitated the golden globe of power and, at his command, tongues of living fire entwined themselves around Terminator, seemingly consuming him in seconds.

(Rom#20/2 - BTS) - Unbeknownst to the Prime Director or any of the spaceknights, Mentus instead transported Terminator into his base within cavern in a hidden corner of Galador. Mentus noted that Terminator would be useful to him, and when Terminator angrily charged him, Mentus rendered him unconscious simply by touching his head. As his consciousness faded, Terminator felt his brain patterns fleeing into a far corner of his mind -- leaving his cyborg brain a slate wiped clean, ready to receive Mentus' instruction.prime_director-galador-rom25-stasis

(Rom#20/2) - The Prime Director was present when Rom subsequently decided to depart Galador to protect more distant planets from the Dire Wraiths. His decision to leave Galador was, at least in part, inspired by Terminator's execution.

(Rom#21/2 - BTS) - Under Mentus' control, Terminator assaulted Galador's Hall of Science, defeating or slaying the Angel Elite who sought to bar his path and heading toward its inner chamber where the organic remains of the Spaceknights were stored. 

(Rom#21/2) - Alerted of the invasion, the Prime Director appeared on-screen to warn off the intruder and was shocked to see that Terminator still lived. Terminator advised him that he would soon deal death to those whose lives he held in his inadequate care.

(Rom#21/2 - BTS) - Terminator entered the inner chamber and threatened to destroy the Spaceknights' organic remains.

(Rom#22/2 - BTS) - Resisting Mentus' control, Terminator refused to destroy the other Spaceknights' remains. Instead, Terminator stole Rom's remains and fled into the subterranean sewers from which Mentus teleported him back to his base. Mentus began formulating a plan with what to do with Rom's remains.

(Rom#25 (fb)) - Mentus poisoned the Prime Director such that he appeared to have died. The Galadorians grieved his loss dearly. Mentus took the Prime Director's body and kept it in stasis.


prime_director-galador-rom25-dead(Rom#25 (fb) - BTS) - Mentus grafted Rom's organic remains into Terminator's armor, which he reforged into a mirror image duplicate of Rom. When Terminator, as Rom, seemingly returned from space to announce that the Wraith war had been won, the people welcomed "Rom" home and made him their new Prime Director.

(Rom#25 (fb) - BTS) - As other Spaceknights -- including Astra, Hammerhand, Javelin, Rainbow, Screamer and Starshine -- returned to Galador, they were met by fellow Spaceknight Terminator posing as Rom. They were presented to an adoring public as a conquering hero before being incapacitated (before they could reveal that the Wraith war still raged) and frozen in stasis by the Terminator.

    The Prime Director and the Spaceknights were contained within different sections of the same building. Mentus fitted the chamber containing the Spaceknights with a lock that only his thoughts could open.

    At some point, Mentus developed the technology to somehow move Galador through space toward the Dark Nebula, home system of the Dire Wraiths. Mentus planned to offer Galador to the Wraiths in exchange for Wraithkind's subservience to him.prime_director-galador-rom25-id-face-large

(Rom#25 - BTS) - Rom arrived on Galador and was assaulted and subdued by Terminator (in Rom's form) and the Angel Elite and placed into stasis, after which Mentus introduced himself and revealed his origins and machinations. 

(Rom#25 - BTS) - As Rom lamented his own lost humanity (with Terminator having claimed his organic remains) and was unable to move within the stasis fluid (although he could still speak), the Prime Director revealed his presence and similar entrapment, urging Rom to have courage because Mentus fed on despair. Realizing he could still summon his neutralizer from subspace without moving, Rom did so, shattering his tightly fitting containment tank; as the fluids ran off of him, Rom gained his mobility and then used his neutralizer to shatter the Prime Director's stasis tank. 

    Praising Rom as ever the greatest of the Spaceknights, the Prime Director noted that the Galadorian were still in chains, though the Galadorians were unaware of this, after which he showed Rom the chamber containing the Spaceknights. Rom shattered the locked door and then used his neutralizer to thaw the frozen Spaceknights within. The Prime Director then told Rom to lead the Spaceknights against Mentus' evil, as this was the task he was born to do. Although countering that he was born to more pleasant pursuits and had to be taught the ways of war, Rom led the Spaceknights indeed. 

    The Prime Director then departed the chamber, preparing to confront Mentus directly.

(Rom#25) - Harmlessly subduing the Angel Elite guarding the Hall of Science, Rom and the other Spaceknights entered the Hall and confronted Mentus, Terminator and Mentus' Wraith allies. The Wraiths were furious to learn Rom had not been destroyed and though Mentus advised them that he had been imprisoned but that he would be destroyed now, the Wraiths decided that Mentus could not be trusted, and so they adopted the forms of "some of the most loathsomely lethal creatures in their own dreaded Dark Nebula" to deal with the Spaceknights.

    Instructing Terminator to fight beside the Wraiths and to delay the Spaceknights, Mentus fled, intending to hasten Galador's approach to the Dark Nebula.

(Rom#25 (fb) - BTS) - The Prime Director confronted Mentus within the chamber containing Mentus' planet-moving technology, reclaiming his lost humanity and reincorporating into himself both his good and evil sides of his persona. Per the Prime Director, "Mentus proved unequal to the struggle ," and the Prime Director re-absorbed his essence. 

    However, the task took so much of the Prime Director's strength of will that his frail physical form could no longer contain him, and he transcended into a psychic/id energy manifestation.prime_director-galador-rom26-galactus1

(Rom#25 - BTS) - Appealed to by Starshine, Terminator threw off Mentus' control and joined the other Spaceknights against the Wraiths, whom they swiftly dispatched.prime_director-galador-rom26-galactus-absorbed prime_director-galador-rom26-galactus-blasted

(Rom#25) - The group then flew to the chamber housing Mentus' planet-moving technology, only to find the Prime Director and Mentus on the floor, locked in death.

(Rom#25 - BTS) - The Prime Director's id energy form then spoke to the Spaceknights, revealing the resolution of his encounter with Mentus but noting that he could not remain among them for long as he already felt himself being drawn to become part of some greater cosmic intellect. Regardless, he informed them that he had sensed a grave danger to Galador as it was approached by Galactus.

(Rom#26 - BTS) - The Prime Director's id energy self confronted Galactus, hoping to drive him off or otherwise convince him to spare Galador. However, Galactus bombarded the Prime Director's id energy self, tearing it apart before Galactus absorbed his energies, ending his existence.

Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema.

"200 years ago"

    The flashback in Rom#1 took place "200 years ago," which would have been around 1780 A.D. when the story was published in 1979.

    The sliding timescale moves that date way forward, and it would be around 9 years before the stories currently being published in the Marvel Universe (so like 2015 at the time this profile was written in 2024 A.D.).

    However, I would think that the date of initial Galador-Dire Wraith conflict should stay fixed in time in the late 18th century A.D. rather than being moved forward into the 1800s.

    Or should it? Significant amounts of time have passed that having it stay fixed in time would make the initial conflict between the Wraiths and Galadorians 250 years ago, rather than 200 years ago...

    After Terminator subdued Rom, he instructed the Angel Elite to take Rom into the Hall of Science. The next panel showed Rom suspended in the tightly-conforming stasis tank in the same room in which he found the Prime Director to be present. After breaking free, they left walked to the sealed chamber that seemed to be contiguous with the room they were in. Entering that room, they freed the other Spaceknights, with whom Rom departed to challenge Mentus' evil. To do so, they flew to...the Hall of Science, and the Angel Elite believed they were impostors as the "real Rom" (Terminator) had not left that building?
    I'm not sure what happened here, but it seems to me that Rom was taken into the Hall of Science and by the Angel Elite and then taken to a containment facility elsewhere by parties unrevealed, as it would have been very problematic if the Angel Elite had seen the real Prime Director kept their in stasis.

    When Mentus was detailing his history, it initially seemed like he was showing Rom in the Prime Director in stasis, but as Rom was shocked to see the Prime Director with him a few panels later, the previous image has to be part of the flashback.

    Mentus and the Prime Director are pictured in Rom#48 when Rom tells Brandy (now Starshine) that Galador was not as perfect as he may have presented it to be. No new data was provided. prime_director-galador-rom51-seated
    In Rom#51, the Prime Director is pictured in a flashback to when he conceived the Spaceknight plan. His posture is virtually identical to that shown in the flashback to the same time in Rom#1, although the people around him look differently. Perhaps he sat there for a prolonged period, ruminating and conceiving the plot, and people just circled around him soundlessly.

    Thanks to Donald Campbell for pointing out the Rom#22/2 behind-the-scenes history information that I had recently read but forgotten, and the Rom Annual#2 appearance, that I had completely forgotten about.
    Donald also added:

Also, I believe that there is a single reference (somewhere) to the "elders" who governed Galador. The reference was vague enough that I don't know if it was meant to be an actual organized governing body, like the "Elders of Galador."

Additionally, the fact that the Prime Director briefed the Spaceknight Squadron in "the Council tower" in Rom Annual#2 could imply the existence of a (ruling) council. Or not.

 "To Save a Spaceknight" is sort of an odd story since it seems to retcon how and why the Spaceknights decided that they had to continue the war by pursing the Dire Wraiths wherever they fled.

It seems that it must take place between Rom#1 (fb) and Rom#13/2, but that placement is a bit awkward because it means that Rom was committed to pursing the Wraiths at the end of Rom Annual#2 but then had to be convinced to do so by the Prime Director and Ray-Na after the funeral in Rom#13/2.

Until I read your profiles, I had never realized that Rom must have been transported to another location after Rom/Terminator had ordered the Angels to take the "foolish imposter" into the Hall of Science. However, it makes sense because that's the only way in which Rom could have been taken into that building but later return with a flight of Spaceknights to attack it from the outside. It also makes sense that Mentus would have a secret lair elsewhere since the Hall of Science seems to have been at least a semi-public area, one to which a lot more Galadorians had access and could potentially witness his covert activities.
    Also, a caption in Rom#25 does specifically state that Rom and the Prime Director were imprisoned "in a dungeon on the paradise-planet Galador," which would seem to confirm that it was not within the Hall of Science (unless it was a secret dungeon within that building).

I disagree with your opinion that Mentus, while revealing his origin and  history to Rom, didn't actually show him the Prime Director imprisoned in a nearby stasis-tube. While I agree that the scene is a bit awkwardly written and the artwork is bit off since the position of the Prime Director relative to Rom seems to shift between the two significant panels (ie., from being across the room to being nearly beside him), I think that the reason why the brooding Rom appeared to be surprised by the fact that he was "not alone in captivity" had more to do with his belief that the Prime Director was able to speak. I think it was meant to convey the idea that Rom had believed that the captive Prime Director was somehow insensate after being held captive for so long and that was why it was a surprise when he was able to speak to Rom.
--I can see how it could be interpretted either way--Snood

I really wish that Bill Mantlo had given the Prime Director a real name. It's tiring having to type out "Prime Director" every time I want to refer to that character.
--Yes, I almost made that comment, too...I considered even suggesting something using some combination of the letters from  "William  Timothy Mantlo," but then decided I'd rather just see him independently identified at some point.--Snood

    Decades ago, I somehow came to believe that the OHotMU had stated that Galadorians had lifespans that exceeded two centuries. Ever since then, I have believed that that false data was inspired by the fact that the already-elderly Prime Director was able to survive almost 200 years in captivity and that the human cells contained within the Spaceknights would also survive and be in a state which would enable them to be reunited with rest of their bodies that were cryogenically preserved back on Galador, and I had planned on mentioning that "false fact" in these comments. However, when I checked the quarter-page profile on the Galadorians from OHotMU II#15 while writing these comments, I was totally surprised to find that there is NO MENTION of their race having an extended lifespan. While I'm (reasonably) sure that I must have read it somewhere, it has left me left wondering how and why I ever got that idea in the first place. Weird. Another mini-Mandela effect.

Profile by Snood.

The Prime Director
should be distinguished from:

The Golden Globe of Power should be distinguished from:

Golden Globe of Power

prime_director-galador-rom13-globe(Rom#13/2) - After the citizens of Galador assembled, Rom announced the defeat of the Dire Wraiths to the Prime Director, adding that the dead awaited their last rites. 

     Holding the glowing Globe of Power, the symbol of his office, the Prime Director addressed his people, stating that it was the living that needed to be comforted and confirming that the invaders had been defeated. 

prime_director-galador-rom13-incineration    He then addressed the passing of those who had sacrificed their humanity to become Spaceknights and who had perished in driving off the Dire Wraiths that Galador might live.

     After mourning families had placed flowers upon the crystal coffins, the Prime Director set his Globe of Power into the prepared chalice, and it channeled the power of Galador's suns to cremate the fallen Spaceknights.

prime_director-galador-rom20-termseemincinerateprime_director-galador-rom20-levitate-globe(Rom#20/2) - On Galador, the Prime Director presided over the trial of Terminator, whom Starshine accused of having murdered the king of Thuvria.

     Given the choice of death or banishment,
Terminator had chosen to end his existence, and the Prime Director ultimately levitated the golden globe of power and, at his command, tongues of living fire entwined themselves around Terminator, seemingly consuming him in seconds.

(Rom#20/2 - BTS) - Unbeknownst to the Prime Director or any of the spaceknights, Mentus instead transported Terminator into his base within cavern in a hidden corner of Galador and enslaved him.

(Rom#25 (fb) - BTS) - After the Prime Director had been poisoned by Mentus and was believed to have perished, Mentus had Terminator -- whose armor he had transformed to mirror Rom's -- pretend to be a returning Rom, who announced that the Wraithwar had ended. The Galadorians quickly accepted "Rom" as their new Prime Director; as such, he became the holder of the Golden Globe of Power.

(Rom#25) - When the real Rom returned to Galador, Terminator confronted him in his own form, carrying the Golden Globe of Power as well as bolts of "living lightning."

     Denouncing Rom as a Wraith impostor, Terminator had the Angel Elite subdue him with weapons specifically designed to incapacitate his armor.

--Rom I#13/2

: (without ads)

Rom#1, pg. 11, panel 2 (seated, responding to the news of the armada's destruction);
          panel 3 (seated, but closer to frontal view, upper only);
    #13/2, pg. 1, panel 2 (addressing Galadorians with globe of power);
       pg. 2, panel 3-5 (cremation);
       pg. 4, panel 1-5 (prophecy of worlds affected by Dire Wraiths)---------------------------------------->
    #20/2, pg. 1 (seated in throne; presiding over Terminator's trial);
       pg. 4, panel 2 (best face);
          panel 5 (levitating Golden Globe of Power);
       pg. 5, panel 1 (Terminator in flames);
    #25, pg. 5, panel 6 (Terminator/Rom with Golden Globe of Power and the living lightning);
        pg. 8, panel 4 (Prime Director projecting evil side);
          panel 5 (Prime Director shocked at Mentus' development);
          panel 6 (Prime Director in stasis tank)
       pg. 21, panel 2 (Prime Director and Mentus' corpses, with Prime Director's id energy self hovering above);
          panel 4 (Prime director's id energy self; full and with Spaceknights);
    #26, pg. 3 (id energy self; best picture);
       pg. 5, panel 4 (confronting Galactus);
       pg. 6, panel 2 (blasted with anti-matter particles);
          panel 3 (absorbed into Galactus);

Rom#1 (December, 1979) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (artist), Jo Duffy (editor)
Rom#13/2 (December, 1980) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (artist), Jo Duffy (editor)
Rom#20/2 (July, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Jo Duffy (editor)
Rom#21/2-22/2 (August-September, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Rom#25 (December, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Sal Buscema (penciler), Joe Sinnott (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Rom#26 (January, 1982) - "Boisterous" Bill Mantlo (writer; peerless proser), "Our Pal" Sal Buscema (powerful penciler), "Joltin'" Joe Sinnott (inker; incredible embellisher), Al Milgrom (editor)
Rom Annual#2 (October, 1983) - Bill Mantlo (script), Sal Buscema (penciler), Ian Akin & Brian Garvey (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)

First posted: 09/02/2024
Last updated: 09/05/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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, third from the sun in the Taloman system, Milky Way Galaxy, third from the sun in the Taloman system, Milky Way Galaxy