
Real Name: Ultron

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-22925) robot (circa 2099 A.D.)

Occupation: Conqueror

Group Membership: The Deathloks (D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K., Jigsaw 2099, numerous other unidentified Deathlok cyborgs)

Affiliations: Deathloks; the Public Eye;
    formerly Stark-Fujikawa

Enemies: Doom 2099 (Victor von Doom), Punisher 2099 (Jake Gallows), Savage Avengers (of Earth-616) (Anti-Venom/"Flash" Thompson, Black Knight/Dane Whitman, Cloak/Tyrone Johnson, Dagger/Tandy Bowen, Daredevil/Elektra Natchios, Deathlok/Miles Morales of Earth-807128, Weapon H/Clayton Cortez)

Known Relatives: Unidentified creator (see comments)

Aliases: "Tin Man" (insult)

Base of Operations: Alchemax Tower, Nueva York, USA

First Appearance: Savage Avengers II#6 (December, 2022)

Powers/Abilities: The Prime Deathlok possessed superhuman strength and durability due to his metallic form, sufficient enough to hold down the superhumanly strong Deathlok of Earth-807128 and grab and the mystical Ebony Blade mid-swing using a single hand with no physical damage whatsoever.

    He was also capable of projecting concussive energy blasts from his hands and could project the coma-inducing "encephalo-ray" from his eyes.

    His mind was connected to a communication network of his own control, which allowed him instant mental access to the tactical satellites of Alchemax and the entirety of Alchemax Tower. The constant network connection also granted him the ability to project his consciousness into other physical bodies if needed at a moment's notice. He was also seen to be capable of implanting monitoring software into the circuits of other technology such as the mechanical armor of Doom 2099.

    As the ruler of the world, the Prime Deathlok had vast access to worldwide technological resources including the aforementioned Alchemax tactical satellites that could project massive beams of microwave energy directly onto a target of Ultron's choosing. He also had access to the Formula-D nanotech liquid that was capable of molecularly transforming organic matter, which he often used to transform human corpses into Deathlok soldiers under his complete control. Ultron could command the Deathlok soldiers from virtually anywhere and they would follow his orders blindly even to the point of sacrificing their newfound lives to serve him. He also controlled the Public Eye surveillance systems, able to access their video feeds at will.

    In battle, the Prime Deathlok occasionally used physical weapons such as a double-sided energy staff and an energy-charged spear capable of creating waves of energy to push back opponents. He also briefly possessed Doom 2099's Time-Array Gauntlet, which could open temporal portals into virtually any time period, although it took several hours to properly calibrate the device to a certain time period.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'0")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 535 lbs.)
Eyes: Glowing orange
Hair: None

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb) - BTS) - The robot Ultron was created by a human male (see comments).

(Savage Avengers II#6 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Ultron came to recognize the man named Whitman (see comments), the monstrous Hulk and the heroic Daredevil.

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb) - BTS) - Eventually, Ultron was deactivated and his villainy was written into the history books.

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb)) - In 2067 A.D., when the Alchemax corporation created cyborg Deathlok soldiers out of human corpses and began using them against their financial competition, the desperate Stark-Fujikawa corporation sought out alternate lines of research, ultimately reactivating the ancient artificial intelligence Ultron and immediately regretting the decision as Ultron went online and took control of the Deathloks.

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb) - BTS) - Hoping the Deathloks could bridge the gap between human and robotic life, Ultron unleashed the Deathloks upon humanity like a plague despite seeing the Deathloks as a gift, conquering the fallen parts of the world.

(Savage Avengers II#6 (fb) - BTS) - After taking over a majority of the world, Ultron, now dubbed the Prime Deathlok, established his rule as the Machine Empire.

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Prime Deathlok spread his Machine Empire across the planet, transforming it in his own horrible image. He eventually established a prison for those opposing his rule at the radioactive Hellrock and installed the transformed D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K. as its warden.

(Savage Avengers II#8 (fb) - BTS) - As many time travel technology was being destroyed by the Prime Deathlok, Latverian ruler Doom 2099 hid his Time-Array Gauntlet in the last place he thought Ultron would look: the tomb of Doom's foe Tiger Wylde.

(Savage Avengers II#8 (fb)) - The Prime Deathlok eventually led a siege on the nation of Latveria in 2091 A.D., battling Latverian ruler Doom in the process. Ultron quickly disabled the protocols in Doom's armor and demanded the codes to the Latverian missile silos. As Ultron reached to beat Doom down, Doom activated the Latverian defense grid, sending a small army of ancient Doombots and Sentinels against Ultron's Deathloks in a battle later known as the Iron Front.

(Savage Avengers II#8 (fb) - BTS) - The Prime Deathlok ultimately defeated Doom and imprisoned him in Hellrock, secretly placing tracers within the circuits of Doom's armor to monitor him.

(Savage Avengers II#6) - Years later in 2099 A.D., when the Public Eye picked up anomalous readings from the reality-displaced modern era Earth-616 heroes, the Savage Avengers, the Prime Deathlok reviewed the Public Eye's video footage and recognized the heroes from his own past including Dane Whitman and different incarnations of the heroes Daredevil and Hulk, in addition to a Deathlok acting independently. Deducing that they must be time-travelers, the Prime Deathlok ordered the Public Eye to dispatch a team of Deathloks to apprehend the Deathlok among the Savage Avengers and kill the others. The Deathloks soon located the Savage Avengers attempting to raid the remnants of Avengers Mansion and they proclaimed in the name of the Prime Deathlok that the Savage Avengers had been charged with crimes against Ultron's so-called Machine Empire and sentenced to erasure. During the battle, the vigilante Punisher 2099 joined in the fight against the Deathloks, noting that if the Prime Deathlok wanted them dead that badly, they might prove more useful to Punisher alive. When the Savage Avengers turned the tide using ancient superhero weapons acquired from Avengers Mansion, the Deathloks hailed the Prime Deathlok as they were destroyed. Savage Avengers member Deathlok-807128 questioned who this Prime Deathlok was that the enemy Deathloks kept mentioning and Punisher 2099 replied that Deathlok-807128 really must not be from around there, as everyone in Nueva York knew who Ultron was. The Deathloks who were not destroyed soon fled to report back to Ultron.

(Savage Avengers II#7) - When the Savage Avengers infiltrated the Prime Deathlok's defenses, the Prime Deathlok viciously interrogated one of his human agents, demanding to know how the Savage Avengers could have possibly gotten past his Public Eye surveillance systems. The human explained that the Savage Avengers had not attacked the Public Eye station in-person but rather, they had entered via cyberspace and defeated the Public Eye's  cybersecurity agent, Fever. Understanding the situation, Ultron thanked the agent for his comprehensive report before snapping the human's neck. He then reiterated his previous orders to apprehend the Savage Avengers, suggesting they utilize every single Deathlok if necessary. The Savage Avengers quickly returned to their physical bodies, having decrypted some of the Prime Deathlok's computer data and learned how Ultron had become the ruler of the world. The Savage Avengers also learned that the Prime Deathlok had established the Hellrock prison and that Doom 2099 was being held there.

(Savage Avengers II#8) - After the Savage Avengers freed Doom 2099 from Hellrock, Doom suggested the only way they could defeat the Prime Deathlok would be to travel back in time using his Time-Array Gauntlet in Latveria. The group was shot down as they entered Latverian airspace and, after downing Doom's defensive Ultimo robot, Doom revealed that he had hid the Time-Array Gauntlet in the tomb of Tiger Wylde, the last place he thought Ultron would look. However, when the Savage Avengers and their allies attempted to enter the tomb, Doom was knocked back with neural feedback and the Prime Deathlok announced his presence and how he had been monitoring Doom's activities via the tracers he had earlier placed within Doom's armor. Acquiring the Time-Array Gauntlet for himself, the Prime Deathlok exclaimed that he agreed with the heroes that the Time-Array Gauntlet had intriguing potential applications.

(Savage Avengers II#8/Savage Avengers II#9 (fb)) - Hoping to buy her allies time, Daredevil attacked the Prime Deathlok head-on but Ultron impaled Daredevil with his Gauntlet-wearing fist.

(Savage Avengers II#8) - Deathlok-807128 and Punisher 2099 attempted to avenge Daredevil but the Prime Deathlok easily swatted them aside with his energy-charged spear. Anti-Venom and Weapon H followed suit but Ultron easily took control of the nanobots that empowered Weapon H, overloading them and forcing Weapon H to expel a blast a gamma radiation that incinerated Anti-Venom and killed Weapon H. Ultron then took advantage of Dagger's grief to hurl his spear at the distracted heroine but Cloak intercepted the spear, sacrificing his life to save hers. Anti-Venom's symbiote subsequently chose Dagger as its new host and Dagger downed most of the Deathloks, prompting the Prime Deathlok to admit being impressed at the fight in her. He then manipulated an Alchemax tactical satellites to fire a blast of microwave energy down to Earth, incinerating Dagger and the symbiote where they stood. Revealing that he had acquired Earth-22925's Ebony Blade from the raid on Avengers Mansion, Black Knight gave in to its bloodlust and savagely attacked Ultron in hopes of avenging his fallen teammates but the Prime Deathlok grabbed the Ebony Blade mid-swing and shattered it, killing Black Knight. Standing triumphant over his enemies, the Prime Deathlok soon realized Deathlok-807128 and Punisher 2099 had escaped during the battle.

    Unfazed since he prepared to use the Time-Array Gauntlet to make his rule eternal, the Prime Deathlok returned to his headquarters and placed the Savage Avengers' corpses into vats of Formula-D to transform them into Deathloks. When his computer asked why the Prime Deathlok chose the Savage Avengers to turn into Deathloks, Ultron gloated that he wished to send the others a message that it didn't matter what they sent against him, as all would be assimilated into his Machine Empire. As the Savage Avengers emerged from Formula-D as Deathloks under Ultron's control, the Prime Deathlok announced that it was time to assemble.

(Savage Avengers II#9) - As Deathlok-807128 and Punisher 2099 made their way towards the Prime Deathlok's base in Alchemax Tower to avenge the Savage Avengers, they were confronted by the Deathlok-transformed Savage Avengers, who proclaimed in the name of the Prime Deathlok that the two heroes had been sentenced to erasure due to crimes against the Machine Empire. Using the Time-Array Gauntlet to calibrating a temporal portal, the Prime Deathlok watched the attack over Public Eye monitors and announced through the Savage Avengers that he was fully aware of Deathlok-807128 and Punisher's plan to storm Alchemax Tower before ordering the Savage Avengers to kill their former allies. Doom 2099 came to their aid, holding off the Savage Avengers while Punisher and Deathlok-807128 ventured into Alchemax Tower, where Deathlok-807128 attempted to restore the Savage Avengers' original personalities from cyberspace imprints from their earlier trip into cyberspace. When the Prime Deathlok realized what Deathlok-807128 was attempting to do, he disconnected Deathlok-807128 from his network and confronted Deathlok-807128 personally within Alchemax Tower. As the two battled, Ultron realized Deathlok-807128 had succeeded in restoring the Savage Avengers' minds and, after they restored their original bodies using Formula-D, the restored Savage Avengers arrived to aid against the Prime Deathlok.

(Savage Avengers II#10) - Still attempting to strangle Deathlok-807128, the Prime Deathlok proclaimed humanity to be unworthy of his gift of robotic life and announced that the only way to move forward was through the past with his Deathloks marching over the graves of humanity rather than being transformed into more Deathloks. The Savage Avengers responded by attacking the Prime Deathlok and Daredevil rescued Deathlok-807128 from Ultron's grasp as the robot boasted that he could take down the Savage Avengers as easily as he had originally done so. Doom 2099 then arrived to both aid the Savage Avengers and retrieve the Time-Array Gauntlet. During the ensuing battle, Ultron successfully opened a portal to Earth-616's past, witnessing the severed arm of Deathlok-807128 that had been acquired by Earth-616's past era Alchemax. Before Doom could halt the Prime Deathlok, however, the Prime Deathlok unleashed a Deathlok-transformed Punisher 2099 that had been secretly captured and transformed earlier while Deathlok-807128 was restoring the Savage Avengers' minds. Ultron ultimately accessed new physical bodies for himself but Black Knight hit Ultron with a data spike that projected Ultron into cyberspace before he could jump into a new form. Within cyberspace, Black Knight revealed that Ultron's additional bodies had been firewalled to prevent Ultron from jumping into them, forcing Ultron to re-enter his Prime Deathlok body just in time to stop Deathlok-807128 from reaching into the temporal past to retrieve his severed arm in Earth-616's past. Proclaiming Deathlok-807128 a traitor to all synthetic life, the Prime Deathlok forced Deathlok-807128 to the ground and gloated that he would travel into the past and cleanse the failure of humanity from the planet over and over again but Deathlok-807128 used his Web-Shooters to pull the severed arm into the future of Earth-22925. Deathlok-807128 then destroyed his own severed arm, causing the original divergence that separated Earth-22925 from Earth-616 as the Prime Deathlok screamed in anger. The Savage Avengers were immediately returned to their proper time period on Earth-616 by the ensuing temporal forces while Deathlok-807128 was restored to his proper reality by Reality-616's Uatu the Watcher, leaving the restored Punisher 2099 to ensure the Prime Deathlok's destruction. In the aftermath of the battle, Nueva York finally found peace without the Prime Deathlok and Punisher 2099 tossed Ultron's severed head into his own empty grave to make sure Alchemax or Stark-Fujikawa could never bring Ultron back online.

Comments: Created by David Pepose and Carlos Magno.

    Ultron recognized the time and reality-traveling Black Knight of Earth-616 as "Whitman." Ultron only referred to the Earth-22925 Whitman by his last name but, given that Ultron recognized the Earth-616 Whitman in his full Black Knight, it seems extremely likely that the Earth-22925's Whitman was active at some point as Black Knight and that his first name was Dane, much like his Earth-616 counterpart, especially considering that Earth-22925 diverged from Earth-616. We don't know if this particular Ultron ever actually encountered Earth-22925's Whitman, Hulk or Daredevil in-person but he certainly knew enough about them to recognize Whitman's Earth-616 counterpart and Earth-616's Weapon H & Elektra Natchios as at least resembling Earth-22925's Hulk and Daredevil.

    While Ultron's creator was never identified by name, he did mention his "father" so we know for sure the creator was male. Given that Earth-22925 diverged from Earth-616, it's extremely likely his creator would be Hank Pym, much as it was on Earth-616. I suppose there's a slight possibility that this particular Ultron model could've been created by someone else at some point after the modern era and before 2067 A.D. when Earth-22925's Ultron was reactivated, but that's a bit of a stretch at best. I'd say it's much, much more likely it was Hank Pym.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-22925's Prime Deathlok
should be distinguished from:


Stark-Fujikawa was a corporation and financial competitor to the Alchemax corporation. When Alchemax CEO Tyler Stone unleashed Deathlok cyborgs created by his company's Formula-D nanotech compound, a fearful Stark-Fujikawa reactivated the long dormant artificial intelligence Ultron in response but Ultron quickly took over the world using Alchemax's Deathloks and proclaimed himself the Prime Deathlok. Stark-Fujikawa apparently remained a company during the Prime Deathlok's rule and following the Prime Deathlok's destruction, vigilante Punisher 2099 buried Ultron's severed head in his own empty grave to prevent Alchemax or Stark-Fujikawa from ever reactivating Ultron again.

--Savage Avengers II#7 (fb) (#10 - BTS,

images: (without ads)
Savage Avengers II#8, p12, pan1 (Prime Deathlok with staff, main image)
Savage Avengers II#8, p19, pan5 (Prime Deathlok, headshot)
Savage Avengers II#8, p1, pan2 (Prime Deathlok circa 2091 A.D.)
Savage Avengers II#6, p20, splash page (Prime Deathlok with double-sided laser staff, surrounded by Deathloks)
Savage Avengers II#7, p1, pan3 (Stark-Fujikawa)

Savage Avengers II#6 (December, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#7 (January, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#8 (February, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#9 (March, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#10 (April, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First posted08/28/2024
Last updated: 08/28/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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