quickdeath-928-cover QUICKDEATH
(Earth-928 circa 2099-ish A.D.)

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-928) human cyborg;
    active circa sometime between 2094-2099 A.D. (at least)

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Group Membership: Possibly the Cybernostra

Affiliations: Presumably the Cybernostra;
    although he had no known affiliation with the Theatre of Pain, they used his likeness as part of a testing period for Xi'an (drawing on Xi'an memories and then projecting illusions)

Enemies: Xi'an Chi Xan, Jimmy
    presumably numerous other targets

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam, shortly before 2099 A.D. 

First Appearance: X-Men 2099#22 (July, 1995)

Powers/Abilities: Quickdeath apparently had superhuman speed and could manipulate some form of energy that could painfully affect people (with a Zzrak sound).quickdeath-928-fastpunch

    He also wielded a knife and could approach others silently.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'...he looked a little bigger than Xi'an, who was likely 5'8"-5'10"; see comments)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 190-200 lbs.; he seemed kind of bulky
; see comments)
Eyes: Unrevealed (his eyes were covered by his mask)
Hair: Green (the image on the cover had blond hair, but that was more symbolic, as all three foes did not engage Xi'an in the same place or time)

(X-Men 2099#22 (fb) - BTS) <Sometime presumably between 2094 and 2099 A.D.> -
Under unrevealed circumstances "the cartel" (presumably the Cybernostra) came to believe Xi'an Chi Xan had screwed them out of Stark-Fujikawa hardware.quickdeath-928-knifevoice

    To escape from the cartel, Xi'an fled to Saigon, Vietnam, and he met with his old friend Jimmy at an amusement park that had been closed for years.

    Xi'an related to Jimmy that he could not let the cartel find him, (presumably) reiterating the reason they were after him.

    Jimmy assured Xi'an that the Cybernostra had no jurisdiction in Vietnam and that he should not worry, as the park had been closed for years.

    Jimmy further advised Xi'an that he would be safe there while he (Jimmy) arranged a new identity for --

(X-Men 2099#22 (fb)) - Before Jimmy could say (presumably) "you," Quickdeath shoved or hurled a knife into his back.

    Xi'an called out for his friend, but Quickdeath advised him, "You don't have time to mourn for your friend, whelp. Your time is up."

(X-Men 2099#22 (fb) - BTS) - Either during this encounter or in a subsequent encounter, Xi'an at least believed he had slain Quickdeath.

quickdeath-928-zapxian(X-Men 2099#22 - BTS) <2099 A.D.> - As part of his efforts to conscript Xi'an into the Theatre of Pain, Brimstone Love had his controller prime, Charon, extract memories from Xan's mind and then create the illusions of returning Xan to the respective locations of those memories. Charon further used her powers to make Felicity, commander of the Theatre's Norns, appear to be foes from each of those previous memories.

    Seemingly transporting Xan to the amusement park in Saigon, Charon made Felicity appear to be Quickdeath. Having had similar encounters with Chainlink and Gearbox in other relevant locations, Xi'an appreciated whom he had encountered at that location, but he thought "No, he can't be here...I killed him."

    Seemingly striking Xi'an from behind at superhuman speed and perhaps with energy, "Quickdeath" told Xi''an "A little thing like a mortal wound couldn't keep my in the grave...Quickdeath came back from the dead just to make this rendezvous. Let me tell you, it's cold on the other side."

    While zapping Xi'an with some form of energy, "Quickdeath" continued, "Time drags when you're six feet under, Xi'an. So believe me, I've been able to plan this moment in detail. You won't go easy, Xi'an. The only thing that defines life is the pain."

    Brimstone then had Charon advance to the next illusionary scenario.

Comments: Created by John Francis Moore, Ron Lim and Harry Candelario.

    Quickdeath calling Xi'an "whelp," would presumably indicate that the was significantly older than Xi'an.

    When was Xi'an in Vietnam?

    The X-Men 2099 handbook profile notes:
"When Xi’an refused an offer to join the elite security forces of Noah Synge’s Las Vegas Casino, Synge pressured him into leaving the US. After an extended sojourn in Vietnam, Xi’an returned to the US in the year 2099..."

That entry places Xi'an's leaving the US after the break-up of the Lawless, which makes sense.

I believe the Lawless broke up in 2094, so sometime between 2094-2099, but do we know anything more specific than that?

    It would really be nice to have a Lawless 2099 limited series to flesh out the histories of the various characters, including Quickdeath.

    On that same note, the fully-colored images are either from the cover of X-Men 2099#22 or they were Felicity posing as Quickdeath.
    The flashback that was actually Quickdeath has him off-panel, only showing his voice and Jimmy collapsing with a knife in his back.
    So...we don't even know that Quickdeath looked just like the illusory form...for example, Chainlink looked significantly smaller and less dramatic in his actual flashback as opposed to the illusory form in which Felicity attacked Xi'an.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

X-Men 2099#22 cover;
        pg. 16, panel 2 (illusion of Quickdeath striking Xi'an from behind);
            panel 3 (illusion form zapping Xi'an);
            panel 4 (Jimmy falling with knife in his back)

X-Men 2099#22 (July, 1995) - John Francis Moore (writer), Ron Lim (penciler), Harry Candelario (inker), Joey Cavalieri (editor), Bobbi Chase (executive editor)

First posted: 10/03/2024
Last updated: 10/03/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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