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Real Name: Unrevealed, presumably Quietus

Identity/class: Alternate Earth (Earth-295), human mutant (see comments), citizen of the United States

Occupation: None, former high foreman at the Seattle Core

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Apocalypse, Seattle Core workers (Enrique, Hag, Malthus, Mat, Undercloaks and others), Sugar Man

Enemies: Generation Next (Chamber/Jonothon Starsmore, Colossus/Peter Rasputin, Husk/Paige Guthrie, Mondo, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde, Skin/Angelo Espinosa, Vincente Cimetta)

Known Relatives: Unrevealed

Aliases: "Genetrash" (nickname used by Husk)

Base of Operations: The Seattle Core, Seattle

First Appearance: Generation Next I#2 (March, 1995)

Powers/Abilities: Quietus is a mutant whose physical mutation made him a purple skinned giant with massive bulk and a sizeable nose. Quietus is a ruthless, trained security officer and proficient in the use of handguns.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 350 lbs.)
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black


(Generation Next I#2 (fb) - BTS) - After the rise of En Sabah Nur, Quietus was appointed high foreman of the Seattle Core, the main source of power for Apocalypse's empire. Quietus ruled the Core with an iron fist, assisted by his personal secretary Hag who helped him keep files on all the prisoners put to work at the plant.

(Generation Next I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Quietus was suspicious of assassins and preferred to surround himself with humans who he could easily handle given his massive size. He was particularly distrustful of "passing mutants", homo superior without any visible mutations. To detect them, he had a vaporizer installed in his office that spread a substance that would make most mutants violently ill upon prolonged exposure.

(Generation Next I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Quietus enjoyed being attended to by young human females who were forced to cater to his whims, including helping him bathe. Quietus had a coterie of favored girls who he asked for time and again.

(Generation Next I#2 - BTS) - On a mission to rescue Illyana Rasputin from the Core, the young mutants of Generation Next infiltrated the power plant. Shapeshifter Husk posed as a human girl new to Quietus' harem and was sent to service him.

(Generation Next I#2) - Quietus was surprised to see a new girl, but took a liking to her and allowed Husk to assist him during his bathing ritual. He then insisted she joined him for a drink after which he forced himself on her. However, after a kiss Husk fell ill due to the effects of the vaporizer. Realizing he was dealing with a mutant turncoat, he hit her in the face. Before continuing his brutal interrogation, Quietus decided to drink from the hip flask Husk had on her.

(Generation Next I#2 - BTS) - Quietus unknowingly swallowed Generation Next member Vincente in his liquid form. He had been hiding in the flask to serve as Husk's back-up.

(Generation Next I#2) - Quietus proceeded to torture Husk, slamming her against the wall while wondering who she was working for: Magneto, the Eurasian Human High Council or maybe Mikhail? Quietus was momentarily impressed when Husk admitted to being an X-Man. He pulled a gun on her to force her to reveal why Magneto would target one of Apocalypse's most heavily fortified operations. Moments later, Vincente began to solidify inside him, causing Quietus a brief moment of discomfort before he burst apart. Dripping wet with Quietus' blood and innards, Vincente ironically stated he shouldn't have bothered showering that morning.

(Generation Next I#2 - BTS) - After Quietus' death, Husk and Vincente accessed his files to discover where Illyana was being held. To escape unseen, they combined their powers to pose as the high foreman.

Comments: Created by Scott Lobdell, Chris Bachalo, Mark Buckingham

Quietus looks a lot like a demented Muppet version of Guns 'n Roses guitarist Slash, right down to the hair and pierced nose.

Quietus never uses his powers on panel, but his abilities must have been considerable given the fact he's ranked as an alpha level mutant. It seems likely he could control crowds (either psionically or through pheromones). After all, only a hours after his death major rioting broke out at the Core. In that light "Quietus" (or, rather, "quiet us") could also be a codename.

Earth-295's divergence point from Earth-616 is the death of Charles Xavier, this technically means that Earth-295's Quietus had the same past as his Earth-616 counterpart. However, since this has not (yet) been confirmed on panel, it's not included in the profile. There also hasn't been a 616-version of this character as of yet.

All locations mentioned are Earth-295, unless otherwise specified.

Profile by Norvo

Quietus has no known connections to


A diminutive, elderly mutant who worked at the Seattle Core as Quietus' personal secretary. Because of poor eyesight and no access to an optometrist, she had to rely on old pairs of glasses. As a result, she didn't recognize her boss had been replaced by two members of Generation Next. She also didn't recognize Sugar Man when he showed up to visit Quietus. She tried in vain to keep Sugar Man out of her boss' private quarters, almost getting eaten for her trouble,

--Generation Next I#3

Images: (without ads)
Generation Next I#2, p12, pan2 (main)
Generation Next I#2, p14. pan3 (closeup)
Generation Next I#2, p16, pans6,7,8 (death)
Generation Next I#3, p10, pan2 (Hag)

Generation Next I#3 (May, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (pencils), Mark Buckingham (inks), Bob Harras (editor)

First Posted: 03/21/2025
Last Updated: 03/21/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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