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Real Name: Julian Quintero

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Vlogger/influencer, amateur tailor, (student?)

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Ana, Hag of the Pits (Earth-78411), Iceman (loose), Osman, Reptil

Enemies: Elf With a Hrocket Launcher (Hrelf), homophobes, Megalith (Sarsen), Vimbat

Known Relatives: Eva Quintero (twin sister), Gloria (mother), Humberto Lopez (aka Reptil) (cousin), Jessica Lopez (aunt), Isaac Lopez (uncle), Vicente Lopez (grandfather)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Los Angeles, USA

First Appearance: Reptil I#1 (May, 2021)

Powers/Abilities: Julian Quintero is an accomplished private tailor and online vlogger, keeping up with current fashions and trends. He is mature for his young age and embraces his ethnic identity and sexuality. He is brave and particularly helpful toward his sibling and cousin. He is an accomplished fencer and briefly wielded a mystical macuahuitl (Aztec-type sword).

Height: 5'1"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black


(Reptil I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Julian Quintero and his cousin Humberto Lopez (later the adventurer Reptil) were childhood best friends, but Humberto's family moved away. As a young teenager, Julian Quintero came out as gay, but this was frowned upon in the underlying Mexican machista culture. His mother Gloria didn't accept his sexuality and instead put him through fencing and therapy; it all led to anxiety, sexual repression and depression.

(Reptil I#1&2 (fb) - BTS) - Julian became a vlogger, making videos about fashion and pop culture, and posting them online. He greatly admired Humberto when his dinosaur-changing powers manifested and positive representation of their ethnic minority, and put together a new uniform for Humberto in readiness for his visit with the upcoming Chicanx Pride Festival.

(Reptil I#1) - Julian, Eva and Gloria welcomed relatives Humberto and his grandfather Vincente, who had come to stay for a while. Sharing Julian's room, Julia emphasized that Humberto learn more dinosaur types to expand the range of dinosaurs he could change into, and sent him an online app that Humberto could study. Frustrated at the argument raised by Papa Vicente, the youths Eva, Julian and Humberto went outdoor shopping in Santee Alley, Julian picked up extra fabric to make Eva's dress, but the villainous Megalith attacked during their taco lunch. Julian filmed on his mobile phone as Humberto struggled against the villain and his golems while Eva fell after displaying newfound powers.

(Reptil I#2) - Julian helped his sister as the golems threatened but Megalith fled as the police arrived. Julian readied to upload his film footage online for viewership but also to reveal much about their foe; however, Humberto resisted. Julian chided him, stating that given his powers it was important to help others, even more so as he was part of a marginalized minority, and that visibility was important, also to inspire others. They discovered Megalith's identity as seemingly tech billionaire Henry Desjardin. Julian passed the new uniform to Humberto before they set out to investigate Desjardin. Eva's powers were amplified by the chest amulet embedded in Humberto's chest and she successfully opened a portal to the Dinosaur World dimension. The three found the Hag of the Pits, who revealed the secret behind the amulet wielded by Humberto and Megalith. The Hag passed the twins two stones to help amplify their magic. But dinosaurs attacked; Julian was cut, Eva struggled to open a new portal and Humberto was overwhelmed by a dinosaur transformation.

(Reptil I#3) - Eva maintained a small portal and the trio escaped as Humberto regained control. The next day, Julian completed Eva's dress for the Festival as Humberto recovered. Julian gave Humberto a pep talk about being in control and staying in the present, which is what he learned when he finally accepted himself. Later, the trio secretly broke into Desjardin's mansion where Julian discovered a wrist brace that made the wearer appear to be Desjardin. Megalith discovered them and attacked. Julian disabled Megalith's wrist brace disguise, revealed Megalith to be Sarsen, the Hag's power-hungry son. After a fierce fight, the trio escaped.

(Reptil I#4) - The trio analyzed the pictures they had taken inside the Desjardin mansion, including a portal gate. They put their investigation aside to get ready for the Chicanx Festival, all three wearing clothes Julian had designed and sewn. Eva passed one of the Hag's stone to Julian, empowering it for a one-time use, and they went to the festivities in MacArthur Park. But Megalith had followed them and attacked with his golems as he sought to rip out Humberto's chest amulet. An intense fight followed during which Julian activated his stone, which transformed into an energy macuahuitl (Aztec-type sword). Eva contained the fight within a giant protective dome. Empowered by the Latinx community rallying around him, Humberto had full control over his powers and cast Sarsen through a portal back to Dinosaur World after crushing the foe's crystal. Days later, inspired by Julian, Humberto set up his own online channel and revealed himself to the world as Reptil.

(Marvel's Voices: Community I#1) - Julian completed a new jacket for his sister to wear as a new student recruit to Strange Academy and cheerfully farewelled her as she portaled away.

(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic I#2) - At Los Angeles Griffith Observatory, Julian chanced upon gay super hero couple Iceman and Romeo. Julian stated that he was inspired by representative gay icons like them and hoped to some day become a super hero too.

(Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic I#37) - Julian enjoyed a friendly game of soccer(/football - depending where you're from) with Humberto, Eva and friends Ana and Osman before being happily surprised by tasty El Salvadoran pupusas. However, the diabolical mercenary Elf With a Hrocket Launcher (Hrelf) suddenly attacked followed by his demonic benefactor Vimbat, who felt defamed by Ana's claim of having the best kick in New Orleans. Instantly a match began with the humans' souls at stake. The humans rallied, with Humberto and Eva using their powers against the demonic forces, and achieved victory.

Comments: Created by Terry Blas, Enid Balam, Victor Olazaba.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Julian Quintero has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic I#2 (main image)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic I#37 (headshot)
Reptil I#4, p9, pan4 (wielding macuahuitl)

Reptil I#1 (July, 2021) - Terry Blas (writer), Enid Balam (pencils), Victor Olazaba (inks), Lauren Amaro (editor)
Reptil I#2 (August, 2021) - Terry Blas (writer), Enid Balam (pencils), Victor Olazaba (inks), Lauren Amaro (editor)
Reptil I#3 (September, 2021) - Terry Blas (writer), Enid Balam (pencils), Victor Olazaba (inks), Lauren Amaro (editor)
Reptil I#4 (November, 2021) - Terry Blas (writer), Enid Balam (pencils), Victor Olazaba (inks), Lauren Amaro (editor)
Marvel's Voices: Community I#1 (November, 2022) - (writer), (pencils), (inks), (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic I#2 (2022) - Luciano Vecchio (writer & artist), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic I#37 (2023) - Daniel Jose Older (writer), Michel Shelfer (artist), Lauren Amaro (editor)

First posted: 06/30/2024 - happy Pride Month!
Last updated: 06/30/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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