<under construction>

Classification: Extraterrestrial (Rigellian) androids

Location/Base of Operations: Mobile/stationed in various locations throughout the known universe

Known Members: Recorder 127, 211, 336, 403-405, 451, 501-507, 489, 901-E, Rigel Type Zeta-9;
    unidentified (agent of Kree Starstealth), unidentified (observed
Sundragon's battle with the Dance), unidentified (accompanied Thor on quest to prevent Thanos from obtaining the power of the Designate), unidentified (with Intergalactic Council), unidentified (present when Thanos attempted to do penance with Rigellians), unidentified (auctioned for knowledge), unidentified (stolen by Black Novas)


Affiliations: Rigellians


First Appearance: Thor I#132 (September, 1966)


As excerpted from the OHotMU DE Recorders entry...

  A Recorder is a humanoid-shaped android built by the Rigellian Colonizers (see Alien Races: Rigellians) for the purpose of information gathering and analysis. Each of the approximately 500 identical Recorder units were constructed on the manufacturing satellite orbiting Rigel-3, and were built of some extraterrestrial ferrous alloy. Their information gathering instrumentation is located in their head components, and is analogous to eye and ear placement on humanoid beings. The eyes of the Recorder takes in data across the whole electromagnetic spectrum (radio to gamma rays), not simply the visual portion of the spectrum. The ears can register sounds from .3 to 150 deciBel. The sampling rate for average events is every .01 seconds; for relatively more interesting events it is .001 seconds. The computer data-processing system fills the entire chest cavity and has 40 terabytes (trillions of bytes) of information storage capacity Recorder units are equipped with vocoders permitting them to communicate verbally, and are able to understand and speak over 11,000 languages spoken throughout the Milky Way galaxy and others explored by the Rigellians.


  Recorders are generally sent on exploratory missions to planets the Rigellians have under consideration for colonization. Their usual procedure is to land on a planet, record information about its atmosphere, habitat, gravity, inhabitants (if any) and so on. When the job is finished (it generally takes about one Earth-week to complete the survey of an Earth-sized planet), the Recorder reports back to the Rigellian command center and disgorges its information for analysis. After its databanks are fully processed, it is bulk erased of all information irrelevant to its next mission.


Type:  Bilaterally symmetric humanoid androids
: Two (on head; solid white color seen)
: Four (plus opposing thumb)
: Unrevealed (they may have five toes, or they may be wearing boots and their foot is spatulate/toeless like a boot)
Skin color: "Pink" (comparable to Caucasian humanity), at least
Average height: Approximately 5'10"?



  Among the most famous Recorder units are #211, who was assigned to accompany the Asgardian Thunder God Thor in his mission to Ego, the Living Planet. Recorder #211 performed so well, gathering such unprecedented amount of rare data, that the Rigellian Grand Commissioner permitted it to retain its artificial memories of its experiences upon the discharging of data rather than having it undergo the customary erasing procedure. It was later to record other exploits of Thor and one exploit of Adam Warlock. Another distinguished Recorder was #417, who accompanied the Olympian Hercules on his journeys in the Andromeda Galaxy in an alternate future corresponding to the early 22nd Century on Earth.

(Starmasters#3) - Prime Administrator Tana Nile led a group of three organic beings and 24 Recorders to the Hub to investigate the cause of the deaths of the Charter delegates. She ordered Recorders 501-507 to perform autopsies on seven delegates of different species and Recorders 403-405 to go to the life support generator and take a chromographic reading. When Recorder#901 reported that the Hub's telemetric system recorded a disturbance by Earth, Tana instructed 901 to contact Rigellian High Command and determine if any of their Planet-Lock devices had been reported stolen or missing.

    Receiving a summons from Trimeth at freight dock 149-Q, Tana Nile had Recorder 901-E accompany her to document the findings of the Mneena search party. Arriving at the freight dock, they found Trimeth and the other two organics in the custody of a group of Axi-Tun warriors led by Dampyre and Throk. When Dampyre ordered Tana to surrender or they would kill their captives, Tana told them there was no need for violence, and she surrendered.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4 (fb) - BTS) - During the ensuing confusion, 901-E was able to hide and transmit a hyperspatial recording to the Rigellian High Command detailing the slaughter at the Hub, the investigation parties' capture, and its detection of an "as yet unidentifiable chemical compound" within the ventilation system that it hypothesized to have something to do with the Charter members' deaths.

  First appearance: (Recorder #211) THOR #132, (Recorder #417) HERCULES #1.


NOTE: This sub-profile is essentially a stub, being only a copy of a half-page entry from page 6 of THE OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE Vol. 1, No. 9, September, 1983. Some of the "facts" presented in this sub-profile may be out of date.

Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby , and Vince Colletta.

and some alternate reality recorders, unique from ones known to exist in Reality-616

Profile by Snood.

The Recorders should be distinguished from:



Recorders 403-405

recorders-rigellian-sm3-groupbehindtana(Starmasters#3) - Prime Administrator Tana Nile led a group of three other organic beings and 24 Recorders to the Hub to investigate the cause of the deaths of the Charter delegates. She ordered Recorders 403-405 to go to the life support generator and take a chromographic reading. When Recorder#901 reported that the Hub's telemetric system recorded a disturbance by Earth, Tana instructed 901 to contact Rigellian High Command and determine if any of their Planet-Lock devices had been reported stolen or missing.

     Alongside Recorder 901-E, Tana was subsequently taken captive by the Axi-Tun


Recorders 501-507

recorders-rigellian-sm3-examinechartercorpse1recorders-rigellian-sm3-901E-upper(Starmasters#3) - Prime Administrator Tana Nile led a group of three other organic beings and 24 Recorders to the Hub to investigate the cause of the deaths of the Charter delegates. She ordered Recorders 501-507 to perform autopsies on seven delegates of different species.

     Alongside Recorder 901-E, Tana was subsequently taken captive by the Axi-Tun


Note: In the image to the left, Recorder 901-E is at the forefront, while two of the 501-507 group are examining some alien.

Recorder 901-E

recorders-rigellian-901E-face.jpgrecorders-rigellian-901E-holo-full(Starmasters#3) - Prime Administrator Tana Nile led a group of three other organic beings and 24 Recorders to the Hub to investigate the cause of the deaths of the Charter delegates. Recorder 901-E reported the search parties' activities.

When 901-E reported that the Hub's telemetric system recorded a disturbance by Earth, a near collision with a planetoid originating outside of that planetary system, Tana questioned whether 901-E believed that this pertained to their investigation; 901-E replied that it made no such inference.

    Regardless, Tana instructed 901-E to contact Rigellian High Command and determine if any of their Planet-Lock devices had been reported stolen or missing, and 901-E reported its compliance.

    Receiving a summons from Trimeth at freight dock 149-Q, Tana Nile had 901-E accompany her to document the findings of the Mneena search party.

    Arriving at the freight dock, they found Trimeth and the other two organics in the custody of a group of Axi-Tun warriors led by Dampyre and Throk.

    When Dampyre ordered Tana to surrender or they would kill their captives, Tana readily complied.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4 (fb) - BTS) - During the ensuing confusion, 901-E was able to hide and transmit a hyperspatial recording to the Rigellian High Command detailing the slaughter at the Hub, the investigation parties' capture, and its detection of an "as yet unidentifiable chemical compound" within the ventilation system that it hypothesized to have something to do with the Charter members' deaths.

    Based on this information, the Rigellian High Command initiated investigations into the Axi-Tun.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4 (fb) - BTS) - Aboard the Axi-Tun starship, 901-E (presumably) was discovered by an unidentified Axi-Tun who at least believed that he had stopped the Recorder before he could transmit their position to the Rigellian High Command.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4) - The Axi-Tun soldier brought the Recorder to the starship bridge and reported what had happened to Aldebron.

    Sidereus was intrigued with the Recorder and approached him, possibly removing a chest plate, and preparing to examine him to learn what the Recorder knew that they might find useful.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4 - BTS) - After the Star Masters engaged the Axi-Tun ship, Aldebron detonated it at Lord Votan's command. The Recorder was not seen withn the Star Masters escaped the destruction.


Note: The full body image is from a holo-projection, so it is translucent.

     His upper body is also shown in the forefront of the image with pair of Recorders examining a Charter corpse.

     The appearance of human-looking irides and pupils shown in Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4 is atypical for a Recorder and in contrast to the typical solid white eyes he had in the images of Star Masters#3.

images: (without ads)
Starmasters#3, pg. 10, panel 2 (Tana and group of 24 Recorders, only some of which were seen);
          panel 3 (trio of Recorders between numbers 501-507 examining Charter corpse);
          panel 5 (901-E at forefront, while pair of
Recorders between numbers 501-507 examine another Charter corpse);
Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4, story pg. 2, panel 1 (depending on from where you start counting; 901-E face);
       pg. 3, panel 2 (holographic image)

Starmasters#3 (February, 1996) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Scot Eaton (penciler), Don Hudson (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Cosmic Powers Unlimited#4 (February, 1995) - Greg Wright (writer), Scot Eaton & Dave Hoover (pencilers), Pam Eklund, Don Hudson, & Dave Hoover (inkers), Jon Andreani (assistant editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon & Groot -- Steal the Galaxy prose novel (2017) - by Dan Abnett

First posted: (not published, but posted as its own profile "under construction" so that info could progressively to it and appropriate links made): 04/25/2024
Last updated: 04/26/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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