Real Name: Unrevealed, presumably Rex
Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-295), human mutant, citizen of the United States
Occupation: None, formerly executive assistant to
En Sabah Nur
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), Apocalypse's Horsemen (Abyss/Nils Styger, Holocaust/Nemesis, Mikhail Rasputin, Mr. Sinister/Nathaniel Essex), Infinites, Madri (Jamie Madrox), Mudir Rictor (Julio Richter), Prelate Delgado, Prelate Alex Summers, Prelate Scott Summers, Shadow King, Sebastian Shaw
Enemies: Bishop, Human High Council, Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh), X-Man (Nate Grey), X-Men (Banshee/Sean Cassidy, Blink/Clarice Ferguson, Dazzler/Alison Blaire, Exodus/Bennett du Paris, Jean Grey, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Magneto/Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, Morph/Kevin Sydney, Nightcrawler/Kurt Darkholme, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Rogue/Anna Marie Lensherr, Sabretooth/Victor Creed, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida, Weapon X/Logan, Wild Child/Kyle Gibney)
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Aliases: "Whiny human jelly fish" (nickname used by
Base of Operations: Unrevealed, formerly Apocalypse's
Citadel, New York City, New York
First Appearance: Astonishing X-Men I#1 (March,
Powers/Abilities: Rex is a mutant whose powers have
yet to be revealed. He is a gifted organizer and a skilled planner who
is capable enough to survive as Apocalypse's personal aide (see
comments). Rex wore a headset over his left ear and a data device
on his wrist that helped him in his duties. Rex has a scar over his
right eye.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
(Astonishing X-Men I#1
(fb) - BTS) - At an unrevealed point in time after
Apocalypse's rise to power, the mutant known only as Rex
joined En Sabah Nur's organization. Rising through the
ranks, he eventually became the tyrant's right hand man.
Rex assisted his master in running his expanding empire,
not only keeping track of his many enemies but also his
various operatives and underlings, including the four
(Astonishing X-Men I#1 (fb) - BTS) - For years Magneto
and his X-Men were able to keep the location of their
headquarters hidden. Rex devised a plan to track his
master's enemies down. He reasoned that having an
operative follow the X-Men's teleporter Blink through
one of her portals would lead them to the base. With
Apocalypse's blessing, he selected prelate Delgado for
the task.
(Astonishing X-Men I#1 - BTS) - Delgado succeeded in
following Blink and Sunfire home from a mission to
Chicago, but he got stuck halfway through the portal.
Before Blink killed him, he managed to partially relay
his coordinates to Rex.
(Astonishing X-Men I#1) - Rex went down to Apocalypse's
throne room to report on Delgado's progress. As he made
his way through the blacked out hall, he tripped and
landed next to a pile of skulls. Apocalypse told him he
kept hundreds of thousands of human skulls next to him,
claiming he found the aroma to be soothing. He then
prompted the nervous, babbling Rex to get on with it.
After Rex told him of Delgado's success in narrowing
down the location of the X-Men's base, he was astounded
to see a disturbing look on his master's face.
Apocalypse assured him everything was fine: he was
simply smiling.
(Astonishing X-Men I#2) - Apocalypse was furious when he received
reports that Abyss had failed to stop the Human High Council's Sentinel
fleet from evacuating humans. He killed the people who brought him the
news, prompting Rex to stay hidden until Apocalypse called him out by
name. He wanted some good news and demanded to know if Rex knew where
the X-Men's base was yet. Fearing for his life, Rex was delighted when
he received a timely report that cited its location as the Xavier
Estate. He showed it to Apocalypse who ordered Rex to prepare his
entourage, for he would be dealing with them personally.
(Amazing X-Men I#2) - Hoping to gain additional intel on the X-Men's
base and its defenses, Rex interrogated the mutant operative Karma while
Apocalypse and Sebastian Shaw looked on. The young woman claimed she
knew nothing, but Rex was convinced she must have overheard things
during her time working in Warren Worthington's elite social club
Heaven. Rex even threatened to have the Shadow King ravage her mind to
look for the information, but by then the prospect of further torture no
longer amused Apocalypse. He announced they would be moving in on the
X-Men's base to take the fight to Magneto once and for all.
(Factor-X I#3) - When Apocalypse received word of Mr. Sinister's
defection, he angrily called for Rex. He told his underling to send a
message to the new commander of the Pens, prelate Alex Summers: the only
reason Apocalypse agreed to have breeding pens in the first place was to
indulge Sinister. With Essex gone, Apocalypse ordered their immediate
shutdown, he also wanted all the prisoners culled.
(Astonishing X-Men I#4) - Magneto was taken to Apocalypse's citadel.
There, with his assistant Rex looking on, En Sabah Nur began to torture
his opponent, showing him glimpses of his wife who was still on a
mission to stop Holocaust. Magneto proved defiant and tried to strangle
his foe, but Apocalypse happily reminded him of all his recent
victories: from capturing him and Bishop to crippling the Human High
Council's Eurasian resistance.
(X-Man I#4) - Apocalypse was furious when Shadow King reported that Nate
Grey was still alive. He vowed to deal with the young telepath himself,
but first he focused on personally overseeing the torture of Magneto.
(X-Man I#4 - BTS) - X-Man tried to reestablish his psi-link with
Magneto, which led to him having a vision about Magnus' torture at the
hands of Apocalypse. He immediately flew off to New York to free the
master of magnetism.
(Weapon X I#4) -
Apocalypse took a break from torturing Magneto, allowing Rex to update
him on the latest intelligence reports. Rex told him the Human High
Council's airship armada had left London, but bad weather events over
the Atlantic made it hard for the fleet of bombers to cross the ocean.
Rex followed his master down to the labs while he informed him about
Donald Pierce and Mikhail Rasputin's sketchy activities. He was
surprised to hear Apocalypse didn't care to take any precautions, En
Sabah Nur felt that all the players were in place for the endgame. He
then assured Rex that Pierce and his band of altered humans were more
adaptable than you might think. To prove his point, he showed his
startled assistant another experiment from the vats that birthed Pierce
and his ilk: a monstrous techno-organic hybrid of a two humans and a
plasma pistol trying to become a single being. The startled Rex
commented that ugliness was not a power.
(X-Men Omega I#1) - Apocalypse
and Rex watched Holocaust torture Magneto, noting that the master of
magnetism's resolve was weakening. Rex was then asked to confirm that
the trap had been set. Magneto boastfully proclaimed that the X-Men
would continue without him, but Apocalypse then calmly told him he was
aware of Magnus' masterplan because the Madri had read Bishop's mind. He
then presented him with the M'Kraan crystal that had recently been
delivered to him by Guido, his double agent within the X-Ternals. Before
knocking Magneto out, Apocalypse told him the X-Men would be coming for
the crystal in an attempt to wipe out this timeline and he was ready for
(X-Men Omega I#1 - BTS) - Warren Worthington sacrificed his life to blow
up the forcefield generator protecting Apocalypse's citadel. As a result
Nate Grey and the X-Men were free to enter the base while Prelate
Summers and Jean Grey had a chance to evacuate Sinister's test subjects
from the pens underneath En Sabah Nur's headquarters. Without the
forcefield, Apocalypse's citadel was vulnerable to the Human High
Council's impending bombing raid.
(X-Men Omega I#1) - Magneto regained consciousness in time to hear Rex
confirm the Shadow King's shocked announcement that the Human High
Council had managed to sneak their atomic bombs past the Atlantic
Defense wall. As a result, the entire midwest was now a radioactive
crater. Rex was ordered to expand
the Sea Wall defense grid across the Atlantic so it would become an
offensive weapon. Apocalypse would not hear his warnings about the
possible consequences.
(X-Men Omega I#1 - BTS) - Rex made himself scarce during the final
confrontation between the X-Men and Apocalypse and his forces which
ended in Magneto killing his master.
Comments: Created
by Scott Lobdell & Mark Waid, Roger Cruz,
Steve Epting, Tim Townsend & Dan Panosian.
"Rex" is Latin for "king" which is the perfect name for Apocalypse's
main lackey. He's still a lapdog, but at least he's the *king* of all
lapdogs. Although Apocalypse refers to him as a "human" jellyfish, it's
hard to believe he would give a non mutant that much responsibility in
his organization. Rex must be a mutant, yet we never see him actually
use his powers. His 616 counterpart had limited invulnerability and was
an exceptional tracker. It's not unreasonable to assume Earth-295's Rex
was similarly gifted.
In his role as Apocalypse's servant, Rex's affiliations and associations
must have been vast. This profile only lists the people he's interacted
with on panel.
By all accounts, Rex survived the downfall of Apocalypse and the
subsequent destruction of his Citadel. His fate post Apocalypse remains
unrevealed, though as En Sabah Nur's right hand man it seems likely Rex
was high on the wanted list of Magneto's Bureau for Mutant Affairs.
Earth-295's divergence point from Earth-616 is the death
of Charles Xavier, this technically means that Earth-295's Rex had the
same past as his Earth-616 counterpart. However, since this has not
(yet) been confirmed on panel, it's not included in the profile.
All locations mentioned are Earth-295, unless otherwise specified.
Profile by Norvo
Rex of Earth-295 should not be confused with
Images: (without ads)
Astonishing X-Men I#2, p11, pan5 (main image)
Astonishing X-Men I#1, p11,pans1&2 (trips over corpses)
Weapon X I#4, p6, pan3 (giving advice)
X-Men Omega I#1, p14, pan1 (confirms destruction of the Mid-West)
Astonishing X-Men I#1 (March, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Joe
Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras
Astonishing X-Men I#2 (April, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Joe
Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras
Amazing X-Men I#2 (April, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy
Kubert (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Factor-X I#3 (May, 1995) - John Francis Moore (writer), Steve Epting,
Terry Dodson (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Astonishing X-Men I#4 (June, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Joe
Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras
Weapon X I#4 (June, 1995) - Larry Hama (writer), Adam Kubert
(pencils), Dan Green (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men Omega I#1 (June, 1995) - Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid (writers),
Roger Cruz (pencils), Bud LaRosa, Tim Townsend, Karl Kesel, Harry
Candelario, Scott Hanna, Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
First Posted: 01/05/2025
Last Updated: 01/06/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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